

576 Uppsatser om Sexuall violence - Sida 24 av 39

Det första könet, dess ?Andra? och den tredje världen : västerländsk manlighet i reseskildringar

Travel literature and especially the ?adventure story? has excited young British boys for over two centuries. However, it has also been a vehicle for the assertion of male dominance and European supremacy. The story of a British man who goes to the colonies, performs some test which is essentially a test of his manliness, and whose compulsory victory marks the end of the book, has been a central myth in colonial masculinity.Through looking at three Anglo-Saxon male travel writers from the 20th century, this essay aims to study the different ways in which Western male identity is shaped against an Indian background. The novels analysed are Topee and Turban or Here and There in India by H.A.

Empati för personer som utsatts för våld inom förhållanden

Personens egen erfarenhet samt subjekts/objektssyn och ansvarsyn har visats vara viktiga förklaringsfaktorer till empati för en annan. Den här studien undersökte huruvida empati har samband med empatisörens egna erfarenheter, tillskrivet ansvar och subjekts/objektssyn samt hur en person som blir utsatt för våld i sitt förhållande upplevs av andra. En enkätundersökning utfördes på fyra gymnasieklasser där eleverna läste en fiktiv berättelse om en kvinna som blir utsatt för våld i sitt förhållande. De besvarade frågor om deras upplevelse av kvinnan samt deras erfarenhet av våld. Resultatet av studien behandlades främst kvalitativt, men också genom statistiska analyser.

Kriminaliserad kärlek : En studie av HBT-personers situation och rättigheter i Uganda utifrån ett heteronormativt perspektiv

LGBT people, in Uganda, have since the colonial time been in a vulnerable situation. When the President signed the ?Anti-Homosexuality Act? into law 2014 all forms of same-sex relationships became criminalized. The time after the law passed have been characterized by an increased homophobia and further violence against LGBT people. These are seen as deviants since they do not live according to the social norms, that the right thing to be is heterosexual.

Samverkansarbete och geografiska skillnader för kvinnofrid

Abstract:I studien undersöks hur myndighetspersoner upplever att samverkan fungerar, samt vad det finns för likheter samt skillnader på samverkan i Uppsala respektive Östersunds kommun. Dessa aktörer är betydelsefulla i arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor, därför är det en viktig förutsättning att ta tillvara varandras kompetenser för en god samverkan. Ämnet våld i nära relationer är fortfarande nytt för socialtjänsten, vilket gör att det finns bristande kunskap i arbetet för våldsutsatta kvinnor. Detta är en kvalitativ studie som är grundad på semistrukturerade intervjuer, respondenterna till undersökningen arbetar på socialtjänsten och kvinnofridsverksamheter. Resultatet i studien kan sammanfattas med att samverkan mellan verksamheterna och organisationerna är nödvändiga och att samarbetet leder till bättre insatser samt förutsättningar i arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor.

Smärtbedömning ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.

Veto: En motivanalys av FN:s säkerhetsråds fem permanenta medlemmars agerande i konflikten i Syrien.

Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the possible motives behind the actions of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council in relation to the conflict in Syria. The background of this aim is the Arab Spring and the protests and violence that have followed the uprising. While, in Libya, the UN Security Council adopted resolutions that allowed sanctions against the Libyan government, no such resolutions have been adopted yet in Syria.Theory: The principal theory of the analysis is Stephen D. Krasner´s theory on sovereignty.Method: I have researched various resolutions and statements done in the Security Council, together with official statements from the actors, through Hadenius´ motive analysis methodology and Gilje & Grimen and Ödmans theories on hermeneutics.Conclusion: The conclusion of the analysis is that there, in the case of Syria and Libya, are two different parties in the Security Council. One that stands for sovereignty and one that stands for intervention.

Vårdtyngdsmätning inom allmänkirurgisk vård

Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.

Hur arbetet inom socialtjänsten har förändrats efter lagändringen, där barn som bevittnat våld fått brottsofferstatus och rätt till stöd och hjälp

Att behärska två språk och två länders syn på pedagogik är en bra förutsättning om man vill undersöka och jämföra dessa två länders syn på barn med funktionsnedsättning. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är därmed att belysa hur skolans styrdokument i Sverige och i Ungern formulerar och beskriver barn med funktionsnedsättning. En del av syftet är också att finna likheter och skillnader mellan det svenska och det ungerska styrdokumentet.Som material till ändamålet används den nya svenska Skollagen (2010) och den ungerska Utbildningslagen (1993). Analysen genomfördes med analysverktyget diskursanalys där jag har analyserat språket som beskriver barn med funktionsnedsättning.Resultaten visar att båda skollagarna har en tydlig koppling till de gällande internationella dokumenten där allas lika värde poängteras. Den svenska Skollagen har dessutom en relationell och deltagande syn på funktionsnedsättning medan den ungerska Utbildningslagen, som är 17 år äldre än den svenska lagen, betonar en kompensatorisk och individinriktad syn..

Om att våga lyfta frågan : en kvalitativ studie om orsaker till hedersrelaterat förtryck och frivilligorganisationers attitydförändringsarbete

The purpose of this research has been to investigate possible reasons for why honour related oppression exist in Sweden as well as to find out how some voluntary organisations work to change honour oppression related attitudes. The questions that the reserachers were trying to answer were (1) What are the possible causes for honour related oppression in Sweden? (2) How can honour related oppression be identified? (3) What are the voluntary organisations doing to change these attitudes? To answer these questions a qualitative method was used. The reserachers examined what leading researchers in this area thought were the reasons to why honour related oppression exist and then carried out interviews with participants from four voluntary organisations. A social constructional approached were chosen as the theoretical framework for this research and the results were also analysed from several perspectives.

Hälsan i behåll? : en studie av sjukdomsbilden i det vikingatida Fröjel, Gotland

13 individuals from the Viking Age trading place in Fröjel, Gotland, were examined for this thesis. The aim was to gain a deeper knowledge about the individuals, and the main focus was to study their health. Three men, eight women and two children were examined. The age of the two children was estimated to around birth, and was no longer relevant for this thesis. The age distribution showed that two individuals were young (10-24 years), seven individuals were adults (18-44 years) and two individuals were middle-aged or older (35-79 years).

Psykometriska egenskaper och prediktiv validitet hos den svenska versionen av Reumatoid Arthritis ?Work Instability Scale (RA-WIS)

Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.

Bilden av den ostyrige ynglingen i media: en stereotyp?

The purpose of this study was to examine how a local newspaper, Landskrona Posten, describes the youth that commit crimes. More specifically the aim was to see what kind of discourse the newspaper had about the young criminal and to see if that picture could create and confirm stereotypes. The theory and method used in the study is a discourse analysis. The study was based on nearly seventy articles that were published in Landskrona Posten in 2006. Three items were identified in the newspaper's description of the youth.

Skolor i förändringsarbete - en enkätstudie genomförd på två skolor med fokus på känslan av sammanhang hos de anställda

Background: Daily news reports of school violence, bullying and harassment are common. The school has developed into an arena which has been exposed into a growing unhealthyness. Paradoxically, financial resources decreases while demands on school staff increases. How does school staff and personal cope with these demands? Aim: We sought to study sense of coherence among school employees in two schools; a comparison between one health promotional school and one school in the process of working with health promotion.

Jesu mor var där : En studie om barnbiblar, Maria och hennes relation till Jesus i Joh 2:1-12.

For centuries Islam and Muslims have been subject to islamophobic attitudes in the west. The purpose with this study was to see into the making of open and closed attitudes against Islam and Muslims from a conflict in southern Thailand, and also to so see if Muslims are portrayed as more violent than the Buddhist groups in the conflict. The aim of the study is also to see if Muslims fall into a violent stereotype. This was studied by looking at five Swedish newspapers coverage of the conflict, during a given time. To be able to look into this, two theories will be used, the first one is the Runnymede Trust theory, which is about open and closed attitudes against Islam and Muslims.

Våldsamma, sexistiska och rasistiska tv-spel på folkbiblioteket ? en undersökning om bibliotekariers syn på och hantering av kontroversiella tv-spel

The aim of this thesis is to study the views of public librarians on the subject of controversial video games and how they work with them at the library. The purpose of the study is to answer these questions: What content is controversial in video games according to the librarians? How do the librarians handle the controversial games at the library? Does it exist a conflict between the users and the librarians about the controversial video games? Is it possible to see any underlying reasons or tendencies in the librarians answers? Five qualitative interviews were performed to answer these questions and the collected data was analyzed using the terms, value rationality and instrumental rationality which were collected from a theory by Geir Vestheim. The results showed that the librarians see violence, sexism and racism as controversial content in video games. They handle the games at the library by limiting the access for children with age limits and by not buying the most controversial games in some cases.

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