

576 Uppsatser om Sexuall violence - Sida 22 av 39

Plåt som plåt? : En studie om materialvalets inverkan på tillagningsprocessen

AbstractThis study focuses on three generations of Kurdish women's view on honor. The study is a qualitative research based on three individual interviews. The aim of this study is to examine how three generations of immigrant women from a culture of honor is influenced over time by the majority culture and its values together with how these women affect each other mutually both consciously and unconsciously within the family. The study is based on two questions: What does"honor" mean to the three generations of women who are Muslim and Kurdish? Did these three generations of women?s idea of honor change over time as they have lived in Sweden? Results of this study have shown that the concept of honor has its focus on the woman's body, sexuality and chastity.

Service-Profit Chain : En Human Resource-modell för tre hotell i Örebro

AbstractThis study focuses on three generations of Kurdish women's view on honor. The study is a qualitative research based on three individual interviews. The aim of this study is to examine how three generations of immigrant women from a culture of honor is influenced over time by the majority culture and its values together with how these women affect each other mutually both consciously and unconsciously within the family. The study is based on two questions: What does"honor" mean to the three generations of women who are Muslim and Kurdish? Did these three generations of women?s idea of honor change over time as they have lived in Sweden? Results of this study have shown that the concept of honor has its focus on the woman's body, sexuality and chastity.

"Dilemmat i tillämpningen av tvångsvård" : En kvalitativ studie utifrån åtta socialsekreterares perspektiv

The overall objective of our research is to understand  how social workers in social services protect the individual's autonomy, integrity and a coercive law which deprives the individual of his rights.In this study, we bring out social secretaries perspective on how they see the compulsory treatment and the problems that can arise in a detention. This study is based on the questions; How are power between social worker and client? What is the social secretary of the law on compulsory as a tool to help clients?We interviewed eight social workers who work specifically with compulsory treatment. We used the result to answer our questions. As a theoretical background, we chose to use the power perspective, the concepts of flexibility and freedom of action and categorizations.The results that emerged from our study are that compulsory treatment is considered to be a positive and negative thing.

?Men det är ju bara ett spel? : Samband mellan våldsamma tv- och datorspel och empati

Att spela tv- och datorspel är idag en stor del av många människors liv. Ioch med en förfinad teknik hos spelen, med bättre spelmiljö och artificiellintelligens skapas det en större realism och funderingar kan uppstå hur dettakan påverka en utövare. Den här undersökningen testade sambandet mellanempati och graden av våldsamhet i spelen hos en utövare. Det var 64gymnasieelever som deltog i en enkätundersökning, varav 16 var män. Föratt mäta empati användes Davis-IRI.

Att göra kön på ungdomsgårdar : en kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze how three leisure centers in Örebrocounty are working with gender issues. Our research questions are:What is Machofabriken? How do leisure centers in Örebro county work with equal treatment?In which way do leisure centers in Örebro county work with Machofabriken?s material? Howcome the recreation centers in Örebro don?t use Machofabriken?s material to any greaterextent?We have focused on masculinity oriented gender projects at three leisure centers. We didsemi-structured interviews with three recreation leaders who have all been educated inMachofabriken. The interviews were analyzed based on terms that are central in genderequality and masculinity research.

Det händer bara andra, det händer inte mig. Tre unga tjejers upplevelser av att ha levt i misshandelsförhållanden

Today several things point to the fact that many young women are being abused and sexual harassed. Despite that there is no knowledge about how the girls handle the violence or how the battering affects them. For that reason the purpose of this study is to describe and give a picture of some girl?s experiences of being battered of men they have or have had a relationship with. In focus is also how these girls identities are affected of the battering.

Sexuellt våld i krig: Fallet krigen i Jugoslavien och ICTY

ICTY bildades efter krigen i Jugoslavien. I uppsatsen beskrivs tribunalens bakgrund organisatoriskt och historiskt. Jag utreder även dels vad som faller under begreppet sexuellt våld enligt olika internationella organisationer som arbetar med internationella konflikter av olika slag, dels hur den jugoslaviska konflikten såg ut och hur sexuellt våld användes som del av krigföringen under konflikten jämfört med hur det har använts i andra fall. Jag beskriver slutligen de domar som ICTY har fällt angående sexuellt våld. Jag försöker således att utreda om ICTY har ökat juridisk rättvisa för kvinnor som har utsatts för sexuellt våld i krig.

Dåtidens betydelse för nuet och nuets betydelse för dåtiden : Skildringar av påskupproret på Irland 1916

In this essay, I compare ten different depictions of the Irish Easter Rising of 1916. These depictions are all from books published between 1924 and 2000, which deal with a wider context of the history of Ireland or Northern Ireland. I relate the depictions to the point in time when they were written, the geographic focus of the book, and the views that the author expresses about the present and the future, and about the significance of history. The main result of my essay is that the depictions differ in a way that seems connected to whether or not there was an ongoing violent conflict in Ireland at the time the books were written. Texts written when the political violence was present, or close, in time and location, are likely to be written either in a neutral tone with concern about objectivity, or incorporating the Easter Rising events in context of an ongoing socialist struggle.

Våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelser av bemötande inom vården

Våld mot kvinnor är ett omfattande och angeläget samhällsproblem. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen utgör en nyckelgrupp när det gäller att upptäcka och identifiera våldet. I mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan, likaväl som i mötet med andra patienter, är bemötandet och kommunikationen av stor betydelse. Syftet med studien var att belysa våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelse av hur de blivit bemötta i sin kontakt med olika sjukvårdsinstanser. Metoden har varit kvalitativ med en induktiv ansats där nio kvinnor har intervjuats.

"En Svensson orkar inte en hel arbetsdag" : En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsofrämjande arbete beskrivs i media

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you don´t know the city or have much money.

Vägen bort : En textanalytisk studie av rättsdomar

The intention with the study is to describe the home and life conditions for boys at the age range between 13 to 18 year, who has been under custody according to the § 2 LVU.The empiric is 21 real court cases, judged in Stockholm and to Stockholm counted surround-ings 2006, in which the range of the boys were representative.A text analyze method is used to execute the study. The study penetrates the life situation of the caregiver and how their situation affects the boy and the boys actions.The total conclusion of the study, based on an ecological evolution perspective, is that life-situation of the caregiver affects the boys and the boys actions.The boys are affected negatively by the situation of their caregivers, and according to the study, the boys have established own problems, like difficulties in school, criminality, or other psychological diagnoses. They are also often exposed to physical or psychological violence by the caregiver. Additionally the conclusion is that the caregiver neglect the boys in many other ways, prior themselves and their needs before the boys..

Den etiska byråkraten - Lojalitet och legitimitet i bemötandet av gömda människor

It is estimated that approximately 10 000 people are living in Sweden after having been rejected residence permit or asylum, meaning that they have to hide from the authorities while facing a risk of being deported by means of violence as they do not wish to leave voluntarily.For their existence, a vast number of people employed by the public administration can be expected to contribute to the wellbeing of the hidden people through their professions as bureaucrats.The bureaucrats can thereby be expected to be torn between different sets of value systems, roles and obligations towards the state and towards the hidden people.In this master thesis, I examine how five bureaucrats motivate their acting for the sake of the hidden people in terms of legitimacy, legality and morality in their administration, towards their ethic responsibilities and towards society as a whole.The results show that the bureaucrats see themselves as saviours of ethical values in an illegitimate administration where economic efficacy and arbitrary decision-making constantly transgresses The Human Rights, ratified by the Swedish Parliament..

Barnet i våldet : ? En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare beaktar barnperspektivet när barn upplever våld

AbstractUppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur de organiserade musikaktiviteterna på fyra förskoleavdelningar är uppbyggda samt vilket syfte dessa har. Data samlades in genom observationer på fyra förskoleavdelningar som följdes upp med en intervju med den aktiva förskolläraren. De två frågor som ligger till grund för vårt arbete är:Vilket innehåll har de organiserade musikaliska aktiviteterna i förskolan?Vilken uppfattning har förskollärare om betydelsen av organiserade musikaliska aktiviteter för barn i förskolan?Huvudresultatet i vårt examensarbete visar att förskollärarna använder sig av olika verktyg för att fånga barnen i de musikaliska aktiviteterna. Pedagogerna har olika syn på samlingarna vilket gör att innehållet i de musikaliska aktiviteterna varierar och kan bidra till god språkutveckling för barnen..

"Det finns ju ingen annan som skulle vilja anställa mig liksom..." : Om sex personers erfarenheter av arbetsintegrerande sociala företag

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you don´t know the city or have much money.

I am an invisible woman -A study about prostitution in Iran

The purpose of this study was to explore the state of female prostitution in the city of Tehran, and besides, analyze the elements that can lead women to harlotry in Iran. This research is based on three sources of information: firstly, interviews with three harlots in Tehran and I got help of a semi-structured interview guide. Secondly, I discussed prostitution with conscious resources that worked within the public services in Tehran and had experienced of working with female prostitutes. Thirdly I analyzed texts and reports about prostitution in Iran. The data from interviews are tied to two theories: symbolic interactionism and feminism.

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