

576 Uppsatser om Sexuall violence - Sida 11 av 39

Kvinnors våld mot kvinnor. En jämförande studie av könsmaktsanalysen och våld i lesbiska parrelationer.

AbstractFokus för denna uppsats är våld i lesbiska parrelationer och hur man teoretiskt kan konceptualisera detta våld. Mitt övergripande syfte har varit att öka förståelsen för denna form av våld och därmed bidra till ett relativt outvecklat forskningsfält. Ett ytterligare syfte har varit att undersöka om den könsmaktsanalys som haft stor betydelse för tolkningen och förståelsen av mäns våld mot kvinnor i heterosexuella relationer även kan förklara våldet i en lesbisk parrelation. Fokus för min analys har dels varit om och i så fall på vilket sätt kön är en faktor som kan förklara det lesbiska relationsvåldet, dels om en förståelse av våldet inom en könsbaserad teori kan innebära en viss problematik. Jag har även undersökt andra faktorer som heterosexism och homofobi och dess betydelse för våldets uppkomst och former samt mer individrelaterade förklaringsmodeller.

Våldsexponerade barn i behandling

This study demonstrates that there is variety of treatment interventions for children exposed to intimate violence. These interventions are differentiated in design but a common ground for them all is that they strive to provide a chance for children exposed to intimate violence, to be able to speak about and process their feelings and violent experiences. The study?s aim is to, with a qualitative approach, seek understanding for the different actors who practice social work, see upon their task in the treatment interventions that are provided for children exposed to intimate partner violence. The study is based on mapping the existing treatment interventions for previously mentioned target group, in Malmö.

I regnbågens skugga : En analys av kommuners diskurser kring våld inom hbt-relationer

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish municipal welfare system, in their capacity as discourse makers, construct Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the relationships of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. A discourse analysis of their official plans of action regarding IPV and the information directed towards their citizens through their webpages showed that the discourse surrounding IPV revealed a gender dichotomy, where the victim was mainly constructed as being female and the perpetrator as male. As a consequence of this, gay and bisexual men were rendered invisible from the discourse surrounding victims of IPV, although they could be included in the construction of perpetrators of it. Lesbian and bisexual women were often included in the understanding of victims of IPV, but in the discourse surrounding perpetrators of it they were made invisible. The discourse about IPV also excluded the experiences and vulnerability of people who identify as being transgendered.

Att arbeta med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - Socialsekreterares upplevelser

The purpose of this study was to examine how social services in Örebro working with young people vulnerable to honor- related violence and oppression. Further the purpose was to investigate recognition of guidelines that could act as support in the work with honor- related violence and oppression, and also however the work with these honor-related cases could have an emotional impact on the social worker. To answer these questions a qualitative study using interviews was performed with four social workers in Örebro. The results have been analyzed and interpreted in relation to previous research conducted in the field of honor research. Further three theoretical perspectives have been used in the interpretation of the results; implementation theory, sociology of emotion and coping.

"De har ingen självklar plats någonstans" : - En studie om socialarbetares erfarenheter av multiproblematiken kring insatser och insatsbehov till våldsutsatta kvinnor med missbruksproblematik

Previous research shows that women who are victims of intimate partner violence and also have asubstance abuse have difficulties getting access to services to aid with their experience of violence.This study has examined social workers experiences of working with women with these problems,what types of services are provided and how their service needs are assessed. The study has ahermeneutical approach and the data consists of interviews with nine social workers in lines ofwork that come into contact with women in the previously described client group. The data hasbeen analyzed using content analysis. The result of the study indicates that women who are victimsof intimate partner violence and also have a substance abuse do not get their needs provided forthrough the current services in the field of social work. These women are described as havingcomplex problems and are therefore in need of more and other services than those currentlyprovided.

Stockholms Lokaltrafik, SL : kundinvolvering i trygghetspolicyn

Society has seen a tremendous increase in threats, violence and especially unprovoked violence perpetrated by youths. Violence and more seriously unprovoked violence has become a major problem for many service corporations as it gives them bad image and reputation. Corporate Social Responsibility CSR encourages many companies to engage in social activities as they realize that the company is part of the society and the environment. What affects society may sooner or later affect the corporate. For any business to prosper and create a long-term relationship with its customers, it needs a safe environment both for the customers and staff.Feedback from customers and staff is survival and these two (customer and staff) are the most vital assets any firm could have.

?Känsliga tittare varnas? : En uppsats om medier, makt och moralpanik

Sweden. 1980. The term ?video violence? becomes public through the debates show Studio S. The show urges and obligates politicians to stop, regulate and ban video films with violent content from the market.

I skuggan av våldet : En kvalitativ studie om stödet till barn som bevittnat våld i nära relationer

The aim of this study is to examine which support the communities in Kalmar have to offer children who have witnessed domestic violence. The study also includes how social services justify this actions based on the childs needs. The study includes six respondents; four socialworkers, one head of unit at ?Alternativ till våld? and one manager at ?Barnahuset? in Kalmar. The method used in this study is a qualitative research approach with semi-structured interviews. The study concludes that children who have witnessed domestic violence seldom are known by social services, but when a child is recognized the social service use ?Alternativ Till Våld? or a general support. It also reveals that those children often have a lower priority when weighed against children who has been abused..

?Vi har haft tur här på Gotland?? : en studie om socialsekreterares psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The exposed position of a social worker entails serious demands to their working environment. The experience of the working environment is coherent with various circumstances such as physical, technical and psychosocial factors. The aim of this study is to investigate how social workers in Gotland experience their psychosocial working environment. As a theoretical ground we describe the working environment regulations and it´s framework. Previous national and international research enlighten issues such as definitions of threat and violence, the significance of education and policys within social work, social support and riskfactors.

Att förebygga hot och våld mot socialsekreterare

The aim of the study was to examine if and how the social service and the social welfare secretary provides against threat and violence in the encounter with clients. The study is qualitative and carried out with six semi-structured interviews with social welfare secretaries and participation observations at the social welfare offices in three municipalities. The theoretical starting points used were symbolic interactionism and strange loops. The result shows that social service and social welfare secretaries both use measures to prevent threat and violence to occur. The precautionary measures mainly used by social services are ; looked doors, alarm device, loose objects removes and interview rooms are furnish in purpose for the social welfare secretary to flee the room at urgent need.

Före och efter Trappan-modellen : En pilotstudie om psykiska, emotionella och beteendemässiga förändringar hos barn som upplevt pappas våld mot mamma

The Trappan Model is one of the most implemented treatment programs for children who have experienced domestic violence. This study undertakes a wider evaluation of the model through a pilot study. The approach is both quantitive and qualitative. Theory as well as the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire have been used to fulfil the aim. The design is pre-post.

Pedagogiskt arbete mot våld

Hur arbetar pedagoger på olika skolor mot våld..

Hur fattas specifika utrikespolitiska beslut? : Externa hot och idéer i Clintons och Bushs Irakpolitik

The aim of this paper is to try to explain how specific, foreign policy decisions are made, and why one state decides to use violence against another state. A qualitative method is used, and text and documents are analysed. The two theoretical points of departure are central within foreign policy analysis: realism´s theories on external threats and constructivism´s theories on ideas´ policy influence. The empirical case chosen is the US decision to use military violence against Iraq. The paper investigates whether the real threat from Saddam Hussein´s Iraq was the cause of the American military attacks, or whether the ideas of leading politicians in the USA were decisive for the decision to invade the country.

"Dock benådades de till svärdet" : En glömd historia om det legaliserade blodbadet i Kalmar 1525.

The study examines the massacre of the garrison of the castle of Kalmar in 1525 and its causes. The goal of the investigation has been on the one hand to elucidate the most probable sequence of events, and on the other to identify as many different plausible explanations to the massacre as possible. For this end, four contemporary sources have been examined and compared in their details. To enable a broad basis for interpretation, the author has consulted various works on the themes of warfare, soldiers and violence in the late middle ages and the sixteenth century. Apart from political aspects, the study highlights social and cultural conditions as important factors in explaining how the massacre could be carried out without provoking any single part of society.

Krissamtal för barn som bevittnat våld i familjen

Denna studie syftar till att fördjupa kunskapen om hur rekonstruktionen i Trappan-modellen tillämpas i praktiken. Modellen är en av de största interventionerna som brukas i Sverige för barn som bevittnat våld i hemmet. Barn som lever i förhållanden där våld är ett ofta återkommande inslag löper stor risk att utveckla problem som kan påverka deras beteende och hälsa negativt. Dessa barn är därför i behov av hjälp för att bearbeta det trauma det kan innebära. Studien baseras dels på Trappan-modellens handbok samt inhämtad data från ett nätverk som arbetar enligt modellen.

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