

598 Uppsatser om Sexual dominance - Sida 2 av 40

Påverkar musik i butiksmiljö kunders emotioner och beteende? : Ett fältexperiment

            Syftet med denna uppsats bestod dels i att undersöka hur musik och dess tempo påverkar kunders emotioner, beteende och upplevelse i butik, men syftade även till att undersöka i vilken omfattning pleasure, arousal och dominance predicerar tillfredsställelse, närmande- undvikande sökbeteende, generell närmande- undvikande beteende samt upplevelse av servicescape. Undersökningen genomfördes som ett fältexperiment i butiksmiljö (N= 431), utifrån en oberoende mellan-individ-design. Musik användes som oberoende variabel (högt tempo, lågt tempo och frånvaro av musik). De beroende variablerna var pleasure, arousal och dominance, tillfredsställelse samt närmande- undvikande beteende vari även köp och spenderad tid i butik inkluderades. Datainsamlingsmetod utgjordes av en enkät.

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual harassment.Sexual harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another.

Sexuella funktioner hos män med förvärvad ryggmärgsskada. En studie baserad på The Nordic Spinal Cord Injury Registry under åren 2005-2010.

Sexual function in men with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is usually affected to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the type of injury and physiological prerequisites. Social contexts and psychological factors are other aspects that affect sexual function. Sexual dysfunction can lead to an impaired quality of life, depression and other illnesses. Aim: To study reported experiences of sexual function in men with SCI who have participated in The Nordic Spinal Injury Registry (NSCIR) five years follow-up. Design: Quantitative method consisting of a register study based on secondary data.

Hur könsroller skapas och reproduceras i läromedel : En undersökning av bilder i läroböcker för matematik för de yngre åldrarna

The purpose with this essay was to see how the mathematic books showed sexual roles in pictures and if they confirm or deny the traditional sexual roles that school shall counteract according to the curriculum, Lgr11. The questions I focused on were this:How sexual roles are introduced on the pictures in the chosen mathematic books?What are the similarities and differences between the presentations of the gender in the chosen education materials?I used a semiotic method to analyze my pictures. The central parts of my theories were how we think that gender is created using characteristics and attribute. In my analyze I found out that the pictures in one of the book series showed more stereotypic sexual roles than the other book series did..

Sexmissbruk eller diagnosmissbruk? En diskursanalys av begreppet sexmissbruk

Sexmissbruk eller diagnosmissbruk? ? En diskursanalys av begreppet sexmissbruk Jakobsson, R. Key words: diagnoses, hypersexuality, medicalization, nymphomania, sexual addiction, sexual behavior, sexual compulsivity, sexual deviation, shame, social construction. Background: Sexual addiction has been given a dominant discoursive power in Sweden which (re)inforces the idea that sexuality is essentially a dangerous and lethal force. Methods: The thesis consists of two sub studies. Firstly, a critical discourse analysis is conducted over scientifical articles of sexual addiction and sexual compulsivity. Secondly, a critical discourse analysis of the concept of sexual addiction in newspapers in Sweden?s largest newspaper, DN, and an evening paper, Aftonbladet.

Det här är pinsamt - En studie om sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv

In this study we aim to research teacher opinions on sexual education and how it is conducted within schools in Sweden. From their view of the education we want to elucidate the different factors of success and tribulation that the sexual education contains. The teacher opinions, which are collected through semi-structured interviews, reflect many different aspects of the sexual education. Though the informants possess different positions within schools they all seem to have some what the same idea of what successes and tribulations the sexual education contains. Furthermore all of them agree on one thing, the students want more sexual education.

Sexuella dysfunktioner hos kvinnliga patienter med multipel skleros. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors delaktighet i sexuell information och rådgivning till kvinnor med multipel skleros

Sexual dysfunctions concerning women with multiple sclerosis (MS) are common. Since the disease preferably affects young individuals when establishment of family occurs, the result of these problems have a great impact on the individual and her family. The purpose of this literature review is to throw light upon these problems and respond the questions if the nurse may be the right person to give sexual counselling and in which way this may be done. The theoretical framework was Antonovsky´s concept "sense of coherence". The result is presented in four themes: bodily aspects, social aspects, information/counselling, and practical implications for nurses.

Queer = Avvikande eller Queer = Inkluderande? : En queerteoretisk studie på några 9:ors syn på sin sex- och samlevnadsundervisning med fokus på genus och sexuell identitet

This paper describes what some 9th grade students think of their sex education in school, especially when it comes to gender, sexual identity, norms and deviation. I have been using group interviews in two different schools, two groups per school. The result of the students' answers have been analysed on the basis of queer theory focusing on gender and sexual identity. The result of the study shows that the students consider their sexual education to be lacking, especially when it comes to gender, sexual identity, norms and deviation. Another conclusion of the analysis is that a sex education grounded in queer theory would be more inclusive..

Samverkan- den vite riddaren? : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om myndighetssamverkan mot trafficking

The purpose of this study was to examine how the authorities in Sweden collaborate when it comes to discourage trafficking for sexual purposes. More specifically the aim was to find which directives and problems the work of the individual authorities constitute in and how does it affect collaboration with other authorities. The study was based on interviews with six respondents, which have experience working within this field. Three themes were identified: what is collaboration, different perspectives, regulatory frameworks and different fundamental values within the organisations. The study concluded that collaboration is affected by several factors such as the absence of knowledge about trafficking for sexual purposes and the laws which regulate confidentiality, difficulties in defining collaboration as a concept and the authorities different ideas about what have to be done in the context of discouraging trafficking for sexual purposes.

Debatten om sexköpslagen : - en studie med fokus på argumenten

The purpose of this study was to investigate which kind of arguments that were used during the debate before the law of sexual services was introduced in Sweden. The study refers to the debate which was in the Swedish parliament The study has been structured the arguments in different categories.  The study has not found other researchers about the debate in the Swedish parliament. The study has just found several studies about the prostitution problem in general. The method for this study has been idea centered content analysis.

Irakkriget 2003 : En studie om tillämpningen av Rapid Dominance

Uppsatsen avhandlar Rapid Dominance genom Shock and Awe. En teori utvecklad av författarna Ullman och Wade som publicerades i ett paper 1996. Papret vid namn Shock and Awe, Achieving Rapid Dominance var ämnat att utveckla ett nytt sätt för den amerikanska militären att planera och genomföra operationer på. Efter det kalla krigets slut skulle oundvikliga förändringar av den amerikanska militärens resurser ske. För att hantera denna förändring ville författarna utveckla ett koncept som skulle kunna fungera som en doktrin i framtiden.

Att tala med barn om sexuella övergrepp : En kvalitativ studie om att förebygga sexuella övergrepp mot barn

The purpose of this thesis has been to examine preventing child sexual abuse in four elementary schools in Stockholm, Sweden. The study is based on qualitative interviews with school counselors. The aim of this thesis was to find out how and if elementary schools in Sweden work with preventing child sexual abuse. The aim was also to examine how the school counselors reason about the schools efforts to prevent child sexual abuse. Their statements was analysed with Foucault?s theory about sexual history to get a deeper understanding for why people reason the way they do when it comes to issues like this.

Värdet bakom våldtäkten : En diskursanalys av fyra rättsfall

This paper seeks to explore how victims of crime and defendants are portrayed in sexual assault cases. Lately, more and more voices have been raised in appal against values demonstrated in court decisions and we?ve seen the implementation of a new sexual assault legislation in attempt to increase people?s sexual integrity. Yet, at the same time, there is still a tremendously low amount of reported sexual assaults that go to trial and even fewer result in conviction. This paper is not an attempt to scrutinize the legal system, but to draw attention to what values are portrayed in sexual assault cases.

Sexköparen - en kvalitativ studie om varför nän köper sexuella tjänster

The purpose of this study is to explore professionals? view on why men purchase sexual services with a focus on heterosexual prostitution where the man is the buyer and the woman is the seller. To achieve the studys? purposes and to be able to examine professionals? views a qualitative approach is taken with semi-structured interviews. Six professionals who work or have been working in the organisation KAST (Buyers of sexual services, own translation), who are situated in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm, have been interviewed.

Shock & Awe, en modernare typ av manöverkrigföring? : En jämförande studie av två teorier

Det pågår en ständig utveckling av normativa teorier om krig för att kunna anpassa sig till nutida konflikter. Nya teorier utvecklas i takt med ny teknologi och nya motståndare. De teorier som utvecklats på senare tid har föranlett till denna jämförelse mellan manöverkrigföring och Shock and Awe, Achieving Rapid Dominance.Uppsatsen syftar till att studera huruvida Shock and Awe, Achieving Rapid Dominance är en egen teori och i vilken utsträckning den grundar sig i manöverkrigföring.Genom en kvalitativ metod där textanalyser har legat till fokus, skapas idealtyper av manöverkrigföringens grundläggande element. Dessa verkar sedan som indikatorer för att urskilja likheter och skillnader med Shock and Awe. Resultatet visar på ett flertal likheter och skillnader som leder till slutsatsen att Shock and Awe inte kan definieras som en originell teori, då likheterna med manöverkrigföringen är allt för stora..

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