560 Uppsatser om Sexual desires - Sida 4 av 38
"Om jag får bestämma så bestämmer jag att inte bestämma" : En kvalitativ studie om varför vissa kvinnor väljer att vara sexuellt undergivna
Det är tänkt att man genom detta arbete ska kunna skapa sig en uppfattning om hur elever, vilka huvudsakligen går nionde klass, ser på matematikämnet i relation till sig själva, beroende på vilket kön och vilket betyg de har. Med en kombination av vår egen undersökning, som har gjorts på uteslutande elever som går i nionde klass, och andras undersökningar samt forskande litteratur är det meningen att just dessa mål skall uppnås. Förhoppningen är att detta arbete skall öppna vägar till framtida, djupare undersökningar som kommer att främja matematikundervisning i ett bredare perspektiv för såväl flickor som pojkar. Arbetet riktar sig såväl till lärare som lärarstuderande. Det kan även vara till nytta för alla med ett pedagogiskt intresse för matematik.
Hiv i Sverige - Prevention, sexuella attityder & beteenden
ABSTRACT. Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus which occurs worldwide and spreads between humans mainly through sex, from mother to child, blood and blood products and between injecting drug users. After been infected with HIV for a couple of years the final stage of the infection progress into Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and there is no cure or vaccine, only medication that delays the development of the disease. Objective: The aim of this thesis is to examine the preventive work against HIV in Sweden, the groups at risk for getting infected and to highlight sexual attitudes and behaviours among adolescents and young adults. Method: A literature based study method was used and the material is based on scientific articles and reports from active actors within the field of HIV prevention.
Trafficking i Norden : en komparativ studie av de nordiska ländernas handlingsplaner mot människohandel för sexuella ändamål
This essay focuses on how trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation is defined and dealt with in the Nordic countries. Agreements on how trafficking for sexual exploitations should be dealt with is presented in reports and Action plans from the European Union and United nations amongst others. In this essay we will compare four national Action plans made by governments by Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway between 2005- 2011 to each other. Mainly we have been looking at similarities and differences in the different Action plans. The essay is based on Discourse theory and discursive struggle and we have been looking at similarities and differences in how trafficking is dealt with through language.
Va inte så vrång : Temporala anspråk, ?verklighet?, aktualiserings- och realiseringsprocesser i två av Statens Offentliga Utredningar gällande våldtäkter och andra sexuella övergrepp
This essay examine how temporal claims (past, present and future) are used in two Official Government Reports (SOU) in Sweden considering rape and sexual assault. The Official Government Reports constitute an important and particular system for long-term planning, and the reports are used as an instrument to achieve desirable changes within the nation. The temporal pretensions in SOU 1976:9 Sexual offences: proposed new wording of Penal provisions against virtue, and SOU 1982:61 Rape and other sexual assaults, are analyzed in relation to the concepts realization of the possible and actualization of the virtual, in order to see how the concepts correspond to the process of desirable change in the reports. The temporal claims are used in a spatially sense where space is assimilated to the concept of time which in return create notions of spatio-temporal images of the past, the present and the future. This is partly a problem for the reports in their aspiration to transform old norms and create innovatory values and ideals..
Forget Prince Charming. I want a vampire in a shiny silver Volvo. : En studie av manlig sexualitet i två moderna vampyrromaner
The popularity of vampire novels has come and gone over the years. And the romantic novels seem more popular than ever before. The male vampire have taken the stereotyperole as a sexual object. But what is it that makes the male characters desirable?The vampire genre was developed from defining female vampires as sexual freeand liberal but with a punishment awaiting them.
När det rör det sexuella, så... en analys av hivpositivas sexualitet och hiv-prevention
The sexuality of hivinfected people is quite controversial but nevertheless important when speaking of hivprevention. The aim of this work was to survey and analyze support and counseling practices around sexual issues given to hivpositive people by their treating medical doctors. We wanted to bring the question of hivinfected peoples sexuality and sexual behavior sometimes unprotected and the Swedish legislation and hivprevention efforts under discussion. Based on the results of a questionnaire answered by the doctors, previous research and different social constructionistic and interactionistic theories about the nature of sexuality we made our analysis. We found that the Swedish legislation offers a positive basis for successful hivprevention, but that there are some important obstacles to be overcome in order to really succeed and further reduce the number of new hivinfected people in Sweden.
Sex på deltid : Deltidssexsäljares upplevelser av sexarbetet och sexköpslagen
The aim of this study in social work was to investigate Swedish part-time sex workers' experiences of selling sex, of the Swedish Prohibition of Purchase of Sexual Services Act, of people's attitudes toward selling and buying sexual services and the consequences thereof. In the analysis the Erving Goffman stigma theories were used.Three part-time sex workers described their day-to-day experiences of selling sex as well as holding an ordinary job. None of them experienced that the Prohibition of Purchase of Sexual Services Act had an immediate effect on them in their work, what bothered them most was the attitudes toward sex work from society, friends and relatives. The negative attitude forced them to live a double life. None of the sex workers had the impression that the legislation had any concrete effects on their customers.
Det är tuffa tider, En kvalitativ studie om sexuellt riskbeteende bland ungdomar
Sexual risk-taking among teenagers has rapidly increased and only during the last decade the existence of Chlamydia has more than tripled. The future is facing big challenges to cope with the problem. Though the big efforts made on preventive work, Chlamydia continues to spread.
The study aims to examine the existing attitudes towards sexual risk-taking among teenagers. The central mode of procedure is to use qualitative focus group interviews, and is complemented with a quantitative survey. A total of 30 teenagers, 15 boys and 15 girls, age 16-20, are participating from three different high schools in Gothenburg.
Skeva begär : En queerstudie av Karin Boyes lyrik
This essay examines the way the recurring motifs in Karin Boye's poetry might be read as expressions of queer or subversive desire. The fact that the lyrical I is not gendered in the poems opens up for a queer reading. In adherence to Sara Ahmed's notion of desire lines and sexual orientation I discuss the spatial aspects of desire, and explore the positions and movements of the lyrical I in Boye's poetic landscape as deviations from the concept of the straight and marked path, into the queer and unknown.I trace desire in Boye's poetry mainly through the themes of nature and night, and the ways in which these phenomena deviate from the normative structures laid out by the poems. Usually the motifs of night (such as fog, shadows and darkness) are associated with the fading of the senses. The night obscures the vision of the lyrical I and wraps them in heavy silence, making them experience and desire in new ways. Through motifs related to nature Boye formulates a feminine, matriarchal myth.
"Det är kränkande men jag behöver göra det" : En kvalitativ studie om personals syn på missbrukares integritet och autonomi vid LVM
The purpose of this study was to examine in which way personnel who work with LVM approach their client?s integrity, autonomy and their participation in decision making. We used a semistructured interview when we interviewed three social workers, one placement secretary and four care personnel who work at institutions for LVM. In the theoretical approach of this study we used the total institutions and the user influence by clients. The study has shown that personnel?s considerations to their client?s integrity, autonomy and participation in decisions are a convoluted problem.
Gymnasieungdomars identifiering med den egna sexuella läggningen : Självkänsla, nära socialt stöd, ifrågasättande
Under ungdomsåren sker stora förändringar, både fysiskt och psykiskt. Utforskandet av sexualiteten blir mer aktuell och den sexuella identiteten och den sexuella läggningen kan genomgå förändringar. Viktiga aspekter för att identifiera sig med den sexuella läggningen anses av vissa forskare vara självkänsla, nära socialt stöd och ifrågasättande. Syftet med denna studie är att finna svar på hur mönster av dessa faktorer kan påverka den sexuella identiteten bland gymnasieungdomar. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ ansats.
Background: Throughout life, sexuality is a central aspect of being human and to experience a full and healthy. Several diseases and treatments can cause problems related to sexuality and sexual health. Despite this, research has shown that nurses, for various reasons choose not to take up the subject with their patients. Aim: The aim of this literature-based study was to illuminate nurses' experiences of talking with patients about sexuality and sexual health. Method: A literature-based study where both qualitative and quantitative studies, have been used.
Ålder vid sexual debut i Rwanda : En kvantitativ studie om sexuellt beteende bland kvinnor i Rwanda
SammanfattningDenna studie ämnar till att bredda kunskap kring sexual debut i Rwanda, där forskning i en afrikansk kontext kopplar tidig ålder vid sexual debut samt föräktenskapligt sex till ett riskfyllt sexuellt beteende. Eftersom att risken för ökat antal sex partners samt oskyddat sex stiger, vilket kan leda till oönskade effekter så som sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar och oönskade graviditeter. Rwanda är ett land som drabbats hårt av HIV spridning framförallt som en konsekvens av oskyddat samlag. Därför anser vi att en studie kring sexuellt beteende är ett viktigt område att belysa. Uppsatsen avser att studera vilka faktorer som kan tänkas ha ett samband med ålder vid sexual debut, kontrollerat för om första samlaget skedde innan äktenskapet eller efter.
Wilde ? Mannen som föll offer för den hegemoniska maskuliniteten : En begreppshistorisk analys av fem författares framställning av Wildes homosexualitet
The aim of this study has been to examine six books about Oscar Wilde?s homosexuality during the years 1906 ? 2003. I have been analyzing their descriptions about his sexual orientation and compared them to each other to see the changes through time. In order to see some clear changes the main focus was to choose time differences between the books. It was clear that the earlier writers had negative opinions and thoughts about his sexual deviation the way they described it.
"Det är inget fel på dig!" - en kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av stöd hos kvinnor med diagnosen vestibulit
Background: Documents and legislation inform us that parts of the public health service of Sweden, at a political level, aim to support people?s sexual health. Statistics show there has been an increase among young woman, seeking help for sexual pain during intercourse. The diagnosis that the media has come to observe lately is vulvar vestibulitis. In general there is a lack of knowledge about the existence of this state of pain and its causes, which impacts woman to get appropriate help and support in time.