

4107 Uppsatser om Service-Oriented Architecture - Sida 6 av 274

När visionen mötte verkligheten : en undersökning om hur arkitektur kan styra människors rörelser på studentbostadsområdet Vildanden

The essay treats how an architect can direct motions of humans with architecture. This is made through an investigation of how the architect Bengt Edman has treated accessibility and motions when creating the student housing complex Vildanden and how it has affected the motions of humans within the area. To visualize how Vildanden relates to the rest of Lund I have made a comparative study with the city planning ideals that prevailed in the period when the area was built.The essay is based on the author's own observations through a phenomenological perspective and a field study including observations and a literature study..

Toleranszon och kundtillfredsställelse i tjänsteföretag

The aim of this thesis is to describe how service companies through adjustment of the customer?s zone of tolerance can influence customer?s perception of the service during the processes of service delivery and create customer satisfaction. The method used was case study approach utilizing personal interviews, which were conducted at two service companies. The study showed that the aspects of the service that have greatest importance for the customer?s assessment of the service and customer satisfaction among others are personal treatment and that personel behave in the way that makes the customer feel itself taken good care of and unique.

Utredning och implementation av OPC-kommunikation med .NET

Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att utreda OPC-standarderna OPC Data Access och motsvarande del i OPC Unified Architecture, samt att implementera OPC-kommunikation i ett system.Behovet av en kommunikationsstandard föddes ur det interoperabilitetsproblem som fanns inom framförallt industriella produktionssystem. Med ett OPC-gränssnitt implementerat mellan en datakälla och applikation kan datautbytet ske på ett standardiserat sätt.OPC Foundation, som är en organisation som tillhandahåller olika OPC-standarder, har idag utvecklat två OPC-standarder, Classic OPC och OPC Unified Architecture. Classic OPC består av ett antal specifikationer som är baserade på COM- och DCOM-gränssnitten, vilket gör att dessa specifikationer är bundna till Windowsplattformen.  OPC Unified Architecture erbjuder ett säkrare och mer mångsidigt kommunikationsgränssnitt än vad Classic OPC-standarden ger, tack vare dess kommunikationsstack.Den praktiska biten i projektet bestod av att implementera OPC-kommunikation i ett system. Två delmoment som ingick i implementeringen var att skapa en testmiljö samt att utveckla en applikation ovanpå klassbibliotek som behandlade kommunikation mot OPC DA- respektive OPC UA-servrar.OPC Unified Architecture-standarden definierar endast formatet på meddelandet innan det kommer fram till kommunikationsstacken.

Göteborgs stadsmuseum mellan teori och praktik - En diskursanalytisk studie av museiverksamhet i en ökat marknadsorienterad omvärld

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to research how the Göteborg City Museum places their organization in a context of culture policies andmuseology.The discursive analysis constitutes the methodical frame for this thesis. According to the analysis of this thesis, since an increasing influence of a market-­oriented discourse, an antagonism between a sociological pathos and a market-­oriented instrumentality seems to be the major theoretical clash at the museum. Inside the organization though, the personnel lacks broader insights concerning these theoretical conflicts, but the stressed economic situation creates no room for further theorization. There is a risk to get caught in a market-oriented discourse where there is no time to reflect on the effects of the discourse because of the lack of time that the discourse itself generates.

Tjänstekvalitetens inverkan på kundlojalitet : när en tjänst går från att vara avgiftsfri till att bli avgiftsbelagd

Title: The impact of service quality on customer loyalty - when a service changes from being free to become surcharged Authors: Carl Johan Olsson, Marcus Johansson and Victor Carlsson Supervisor: Hans LundbergCourse: Bachelor thesis in business administration, 15 Credits (15 ECTS) Keywords: Service quality, customer loyalty, price movementPurposeThe purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding if the perceived quality by the service users correlates with a future loyalty to a service when it cease from being free, to become charged.? Does the perceived quality of a service by the service users affect a future loyalty to a service, when it cease from being free, to become charged?MethodIn this essay we have chosen to implement a quantitative research method based on a survey. This choice was made in order to reach a sufficient large amount of service users and empirical data to answer our problem.ConclusionsAccording to the theory, customer satisfaction can be expressed through a comparison between customer?s expectations and the experience of using a service, and there are also positive correlations between service quality and customer satisfaction. Additionally, loyalty is based on service quality and customer satisfaction.

Bedömning av anställda i professionella tjänsteföretag - ett kritiskt perspektiv

Human capital is professional service firms' most valuable resource and its quality is closely linked to the quality of its services. The purpose of this study is to investigate how professional service firms appraise their employees. A comparative study between an architecture firm and a management consulting firm is conducted with the aim to identify and explain similarities and differences in performance appraisal. Two qualitative case studies are performed and interviews as well as documents are used to explore the area. The thesis builds on a critical perspective and it has an explorative approach.

Lost in place : on place theory and landscape architecture

Place is on the one hand a commonsense everyday word with diversely connotative meanings, and on the other a contested concept with different interpretations across a broad range of academic disciplines and discourses. This thesis researches theories of place and their implications for the theory and design practice of landscape architecture. Responding to problems of insufficient theoretical grounding and inconsistent use of the concept of place within the discipline presently, it argues the need for a theory of place better articulated in relation to landscape architecture. It seeks to contribute to such theory formation by drawing on ideas from related disciplines ? tracing diverse understandings of place beyond the commonsense meanings of the word and into the deeper reaches of place theory as tools to explain physical, social and spiritual aspects of the environment, and human relationships with it.

Fokus på folkbibliotekarien ett arbetslivsperspektiv

The purpose of this Master thesis is to illustrate the public librarian. People in general, including library users and leading personalities in the field of culture in the communities do not know the tasks of the public librarian. We presume that the vague picture of duties of the public librarian might cause problems. In this dissertation we mean to examine only public librarians, hereby we exclude for example, university- and company librarians. The sentences of this thesis are: How are the public librarians viewed, in meaning of, tasks, role/-s, comptetence/-s, status and image? And can we call it a "profession" in the classical sense? We answer these questions by using relevant literature, interviews and conference paper.

Lunds Stadshall : en arkitekturanalys ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv

Inspirerad av den metod Åsa Dahlin använder för arkitekturanalys i "On Architecture, Aesthetic Experience and the Embodied Mind, Seven Essays" vill jag i min uppsats försöka mig på en analys av Lunds Stadshall, ritad av Klas Anshelm.Jag vill studera arkitekturen delvis ur det fenomenologiska perspektiv Maurice Merleau-Ponty presenterar i sin bok "Kroppens Fenomenologi" och lägga tyngdpunkten på själva upplevelsen av byggnaden snarare än den rent visuella aspekten av den.Jag söker även finna svar på hur modernismen i stort och Klas Anshelm specifikt förhåller sig till de fenomenologiska tankegångarna..

En Mobil Jukebox : Undersökning av Intresset För en Innovationsprodukt

The mobile jukebox is an idea for a new kind of smartphone application that would allow users to dictate the music playing at various establishments. The mobile nature of the innovation allows for the possibility of a more ubiquitous service. Conducting a quantitative as well a qualitative study, the authors have found significant interest in this innovation service among potential users and potential distributors of the service. Furthermore, it is shown what aspects are important for decision makers to make a decision on whether to integrate the service into the operation of potential distributors of the service.  .

Bokbussverksamhet. Effektiv decentralisering av svensk biblioteksservice?

The purpose of this masters thesis is to evaluate bookmobile service as a decentralised library service. I have made a qualitative interview survey, with seven Swedish municipalities participating, all providing bookmobile service in their rural parts. The purpose with the interviews is to examine their bookmobile service. I have also studied articles on bookmobile service, and decentralisation through small library units in library journals, to get an insight into how the work with decentralised library service is done in Swedish municipalities. In this thesis answer is sought to the following questions: - Which decentralised library services are suitable for inhabitants and institutions in sparsely populated areas, considering factors such as number of inhabitants, proportion of old people and children, demographic changes, economy, possibilities to cooperate with other municipalities? - What is the current bookmobile service situation in Sweden, taking seven municipalities in the region of Småland as a starting point? My conclusions are that each municipality must decide which decentralised library services that best suites their needs.

Utformning av konst- och musikhus med läge i unik miljö

Examensarbetets mål var att utforma två förslag på ett musik- och konsthus för placering i Växjösjön. Konstruktionen ämnas vara flytande och mobil.Gemensamt undersökte författarna byggnadens förutsättningar och möjligheter, i syfte att underlätta utformningsprocessen.Författarna utformade var sitt förslag. Det resulterade i två förslag med skilda arkitektoniska särdrag, skapade utifrån gemensamt stipulerade avgränsningar.Det ena förslaget är utformat med hjälp av geometriska former med raka sidor. Det kontrasterar mot det andra förslaget som har organiska och mjuka former..

Exekveringsmiljö för Plex-C på JVM

The Ericsson AXE-based systems are programmed using an internally developed language called Plex-C. Plex-C is normally compiled to execute on an Ericsson internal processor architecture. A transition to standard processors is currently in progress. This makes it interesting to examine if Plex-C can be compiled to execute on the JVM, which would make it processor independent. The purpose of the thesis is to examine if parts of the run-time environment of Plex-C can be translated to Java and if this can be done so that sufficient performance is obtained.

Bemötande sett ur sex bibliotekariers perspektiv. : Möjligheter och förutsättningar för personal och verksamhet att arbeta med bemötandefrågor på bibliotek.

AbstractAttitudes towards the reference situation and the meetings between library users and librarians have become the subject of much debate in the library setting today. The aim of this two years master´s thesis has been to examine six librarian?s attitudes and apprehensions concerning the interactions between the librarian and the users in the library setting. We were also interested in knowing how a library can work to become more service oriented and customer centred. We conducted six interviews with librarians located at three different libraries in Sweden.

Customer Perceived Service Quality

The purpose of this study is to develop a general understanding of the areas of alliances and service quality as well as their relation to each other, through a consumer perception. Further, to discover more detailed and close up knowledge of customer perceived service quality within airline alliances. This is done by identifying particularly significant dimensions in the service process that have an influence on the perceived service quality.The thesis is based on qualitative study using a critical incident technique to explore the issue of service quality. In the research of the material the iterative approach has been used. The primary information sources are the interviews with customers-members of airline alliance.

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