

4107 Uppsatser om Service-Oriented Architecture - Sida 40 av 274

Att rekrytera till en skola där alla elever har en funktionsnedsättning

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Arkitekten Bernt Nyberg och modernismen : en studie av konst- och musikvetenskapsinstitutionens byggnad "Josephson" vid Lunds universitet

Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva en av arkitekten Bernt Nybergs byggnader. Han utbildades på KTH och examinerades år 1952. Den utbildning som bedrevs på KTH vid den tiden var präglad av modernismen. Bernt Nyberg visade redan under utbildningstiden ett stort intresse för tidigare arkitekturstilar och isynnerhet för klassicismen. Hans intresse för utpräglad ordning tog sig uttryck i byggnader som kan härledas till de geometriska grundformerna.I "Josephson" har han använt sig av kvadraten och kuben som utgångspunkt för rumsmodulens utformning.

Socialtjänstens arbete : Med kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld

The aim of the current study was to highlight the social service work with domestic violence against women. In this study, we examined whether there was a difference in the way the social service works and if their effort differ in terms of domestic violence. Moreover, this study investigated how social workers work to prevent future violence against victims also what method they use to find out the causes behind men?s violence against women.A total of four administrative officers were interviewed from two different municipalities. All four officers were actively working with questions concerning domestic violence against women.

Anpassat boende för funktionshindrade människor: tillämpning
av lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade

Hur en människa bor har stor betydelse för livskvaliteten och för möjligheterna att skapa goda levnadsvillkor. Detta är inte minst viktigt för personer med särskilda behov. Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade reglerar rätten till insatser och en av dessa insatser är särskilt boende med stöd och service. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur två kommuner möter ansökningar om särskilt boende för vuxna funktionshindrade. Genom att utföra kvalitativa intervjuer med kommunernas handikappchefer och LSS-handläggare, representanter för intresseorganisationer för utvecklingsstörda och psykiskt funktionshindrade ville vi få en uppfattning om personer som är insatsberättigade får sina behov tillgodosedda.

"Ingen tror på Åkesson" : En jämförande studie om kvällspressens och public service rapportering om Sverigedemokraterna inför valet 2014

No one believes in Åkesson - a comparative study on the evening press and the publicservice reporting on the Swedish Democrats before the 2014 election.The purpose of this essay was to study how Aftonbladet and Ekot reports about the SwedishDemocrats before the election 2014, as well as comparing the two medias and reasoningabout their agendas towards the party. The tabloid, Aftonbladet, is one of the biggestnewspapers in Sweden, which depends on counter sales and commercials. Ekot, which is apart of public service, is state-funded and regulated by certain guidelines. Using aquantitative method we studied 80 articles, and through a qualitative method, six of thearticles were analyzed to reach a deeper understanding. The theories primary used in thisstudy were agenda-setting and framing, to stress the power of media.

Titta! Jag gjorde typ guld! : En studie om formandet av identitetskänslan i estetiska lärprocesser i förskolan

The aim of this study is to obtain a deep knowledge about identity creation of preschool child-ren at the age of four to sex with creative pictures and its aesthetic learning processes with childrens perspective as a starting-point. The issues that I have used in this study are how childrens identity creation relates to the aesthetic learning processes in the preschool enviro-ment, how children experience the figuration of their own identity related to other individuals and the enviroment by taking different positions in aesthetic learning processes and how childrens identity creation becomes visible in preschool.In order to explore preschool childrens identity creation in aesthetic learning processes the qualitative research-oriented approach has been implemented with unstructured observations and the informal interview as the methods for data acquiring.This studys theoretical points are sociocultural perspective and symbolic interactionism. Both these theoretical perspectives emphasize the significance of communication, taking different perspectives and learning in an interaction between an individual and enviroment within given sociocultural frames of referens which results in an individuals identity development.Results from the study show that childrens painting is more than an occupation with a picture as a product. Childrens painting is rather a playfull aesthetic expression form and a relation-oriented, dynamic learning process which is related to the enriching of individual self, the consciousness and the creation of meaning within preschools frames of reference.My expectation is that my study will contribute to didactic discussions about childrens iden-tity creation while using aesthetic expression forms..

Medarbetarsamtal varför, vad och hur? : En analys av handböcker om medarbetarsamtal

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Foster owner factors influence temperament test results of military dogs and their suitability for service

Military dogs in Sweden spend their first 18 months after weaning with a foster owner that has volunteered to care for its upbringing. The foster owner is advised by a consultant and offered three opportunities to train the dog together with other foster owners. There is a positive correlation between the number of attended training opportunities with the consultant, or other professional dog trainers, and the results of the dog in the temperament test at the end of the 18 months. The test results are in turn positively correlated with the likelihood of the dog to enter service. This thesis aims to investigate why the number of training opportunities is important for the dog?s chance to enter service by identifying foster owner factors that influence the success of the dog and which temperament test items the factors have the strongest impact on.

Fantasy : genrens bildmässiga särdrag

Mitt examensarbete behandlar frågeställningen om hur synen på ett bra barnprogram skiljer sig åt hos public service kanalerna, TV4 och övriga kommersiella kanaler? Detta berör också frågor om vem som egentligen avgör vad som är bra barnprogram; är det producenterna eller mottagarna? Jag har valt den här frågeställningen där för att jag har en nyfikenhet på och ett intresse av hur barnprogrammen skiljer sig mellan kanalerna och hur de kommer att se ut i framtiden.Public Service syftar till att ge allmänheten en särskild sorts berikande programutbud inom radio- eller teveverksamhet. Termen public service har flera olika betydelser; Ofta används den för att beteckna de företag som finansieras av någon slags tv-avgift, har ingen eller begränsad reklam och/eller är statligt ägda/kontrollerade.  Det är idag ett turbulent läge för Public service och trycket från de kommersiella kanalerna har sannolikt en inverkan på programverksamheten. Under arbetets gång har det slagit mig vilken stor inverkan producenter och inköpare har på begreppet ?bra? underhållning. Jag har tittat på befintliga barnprogram och gjort en semiotisk analys av dem.

Interiör och exteriör som konkurrensmedel : Hur använder sig dagens köpcentrum av den interna och externa miljön samt service och underhållning för att differentiera sig och konkurera på marknaden?

Under den senaste tiden har antalet av de externa köpcentrumen ökat kraftigt. Människor har blivit mer villiga att åka längre sträckor för att handla. Detta har bidragit till att de externa köpcentrumen hela tiden måste finna nya sätt att konkurera på. Denna uppsats fokuserar på konkurrensmedlen intern och extern miljö samt service och underhållning, och hur de använder sig utav dessa för att konkurera på marknaden. Teorin har valts utifrån dessa konkurrensmedel och det har genomförts en kvalitativ undersökning genom intervjuer med centrumledare för olika köpcentrum.

En känsla av ljud : den subtila och platsanpassade ljudinstallationen som en del av uterummet

Our experience of the surrounding environment is affected by all of our senses, yet, in Landscape Architecture, by tradition, mostly the visual aspect has been the focal point. In this essay, however, the subject will be the auditory and its interaction with the visual..

LR:s inställning till kommunaliseringsreformen : En idé- och ideologianalys av "Skolvärlden" 1980-2010

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Varför berättade ni aldrig det? : Informationens betydelse för medarbetarnas välbefinnande

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Det ska inte vara lätt : En fallstudie om implementering av styrdokument i förskolan

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Frivilliga i Svenska kyrkan : Att ta vara på möjligheterna och att undvika irritation

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

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