

3247 Uppsatser om Service och tjänster. - Sida 41 av 217

Marknadsföringen biblioteket : En fallstudie av Broby bibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library?s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries? activities can appear in the light of marketing theory.

Den Digitala teknikens påverkan på resebranschen och dess marknadsföring

The intention of this essay has been to investigate how the new digital technology has affected the tourism industry and marketing, as well as how travel agents and tour operators adapt to this. We also aimed to get a broader view of how the future might look like when it comes to marketing and virtual service landscapes. We decided to base our research according to these following four questions:? What affect travel agents? way of adoption to the technical development?? What purposes do the travel agents have for building up their virtual service landscape?? How much does the travel agents emphasize on digital marketing?? What can travel agents do to better adapt to the technological development in the future?We have chosen to use a qualitative research for this essay. The reason for choosing a qualitative research was to gain a wider understanding that would represent a big part of the changes of technology development.

Familjehemsvård - En studie om kontakten mellan familjehem och handläggare på socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to understand the contact between foster homes and social workers, by doing a comparison of the social workers and the foster homes experiences of the cooperation that is between them. We started from three main questions to get an answer to our aim, how the foster homes and the social workers experience the organization of the foster care in the Social Service as an impact of the cooperation, what does the foster homes and the social workers experience as a important fact of a successful placement and finally, how does the foster homes and the social workers experience the supporting and controlling contact that is between them. To get our results we based our study on interviews whit four foster homes and whit four social workers. The analysis was based on one theoretical perspective, Skaus (2007) analytical approach for power and help. As a conclusion we have found out, that the organization of the Social Service has significance for the contact between social workers and foster homes.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenhet av ett klientcentrerat arbetsätt med personer som har afasi: en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Flickor och pojkar socialiseras in i skilda ko?nsroller och till en heterosexuell miljo?. Skolan a?r en plats som ska vila pa? demokratiska och inkluderande va?rderingar. Dock uppvisar forskningsresultat att skolan a?r en arena som tenderar att reproducera ora?ttvisor i samha?llet.

Resemagasinens paradoxala verklighet : En studie om webbaserade resemagasin

The purpose of this study has been to examine online travel magazines as an information source and as a virtual service scape. The traditional travel magazines are facing a change due to the technological development and the web has become an important platform for both customers and companies. The virtual service scape opens new opportunities for interaction and we found a great interest in examining which possibilities and limitations travel magazines are facing. This study is based on a qualitative approach because we wanted to gain a deeper understanding and a complete picture of our chosen subject. We have completed six interviews; three of them were consultants, one publishing director, one editor and a research student.

?Varför går man inte hårdare fram?? En studie i krigsorienterad journalistik inom svensk public service.

Title:?Varför går man inte hårdare fram? ? En studie i krigsorienterad journalistik av Public Service från Ukrainakonflikten?Authors:Cemil Arikan, Staffan Florén Sandberg and Karl Henrik OlssonSubject:Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism, media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg UniversityTerm:Spring 2014Supervisor:Mathias Färdigh, JMG, Gothenburg UniversityPages/words:48 pages/16701 wordsPurpose:The main purpose of the paper was to examine if and to what extent the conflict coverage of two Swedish public service news programmes from the ongoing Ukrainian conflict could be said to orientate towards either war or peace journalism.Method:Quantitative and qualitative content analysisProcedure:News broadcasts from Rapport 19:30 and Dagens Eko kvart-i-fem, covering the Ukrainian conflict, over a period of two months, were analyzed from the normative perspective of Johan Galtung?s peace journalism theory and Wilhelm Kempf?s theory of war and peace discourse.Results:Both Rapport and Dagens Eko were found orientating towards war journalism. Reports were given, in a great extent, to events of violence and verbal threats.

Språklig handledning i skolan : En kvalitativ studie i hur lärare i ett teoretiskt och ett praktiskt ämne använder språket för att handleda eleverna

This two years master?s thesis in Library and Information Sciences aims to investigate and put the services of 118100 Svar På Allt (SPA, an SMS mobile question and answer service) and Fråga biblioteket (FB, a library operated e-mail reference service) into the context of the reference encounter. Questions sent to SPA and their subsequent answers are analysed, and part of these questions are forwarded to FB for comparative studies. Both of the formats are compared to the reference encounter as a whole. The framing of the question originates in the assumption that there may be a need for further negotiation of the questions submitted to the aforementioned formats.

Kvinnor är tysta och män avbryter : En studie om hur män och kvinnor kommer till tals i SVT:s program Debatt

In this study we have examined how men and women are heard on Sveriges Televisions program Debatt. Debatt broadcast on Sveriges Televison which is a public service broadcaster. Through the use of a quantitative content analysis and a dialogical approach, we have documented how many men and women who speak, how they speak, how long they have the word and the subjects they will be heard in, in the program Debatt. We have investigated the ten last broadcast programs from the fallseason 2011. Every program is 45 minutes long and contains from two to three discussiontopics each time. By categorizing our survey and enter the result in four different tables, we found that the majority, 63%, of those that are heard are men.

Någon måste göra något! Institutionsplacering: en konkret och för-givet-tagen åtgärd för att hantera ungdomar med beteendeproblem

The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the phenomenon that there are so many young people placed in institutions in Sweden despite the valuable knowledge regarding the problems and risks of doing so. The questions that follow in the essay were what guided the social workers to choose institutional placement for youngsters. It went on to also ask if this knowledge could contribute to an increased understanding of why there were so many young people placed in institutions despite the criticism from scientists. To accomplish the goal of the essay, former science in the subject was reported and six social workers within social services were interviewed. The material of the interviews was analyzed with help from the theory of human service organizations, street-level bureaucrats work situation and the new institutionalism.The result of the investigation showed that the social workers choices to place young people in institutions is guided by specific work and organizational factors connected with a belief in the helping function of the surroundings.

Rapportering eller kopiering : En kvantitativ studie av inkomna pressmeddelanden till P4 Kalmar

The aim with this study is to investigate how Swedish public service local radio uses information subsides in the form of press releases. In terms of which entrants gain entrance to the news feed, in which forms and in which subjects. Also we wanted to study how the journalist uses the content in the press releases. To do this we cooperated with the public service radio channel Sveriges radio P4 Kalmar. For 28 days, four weeks, we collected all incoming press releases to the newsroom of P4 Kalmar.

Vad är konsumtion? Service Management studenters föreställningar i relation till forskningsperspektiv

Problem: Konsumtionsforskningen har gått ifrån fokusering på människans fysiologiska behov och synen på människan som en enskild individ till fokus på de psykologiska och sociala behoven där människan sätts in i ett socialt sammanhang. Vilka föreställningar har studenter vid Service Management programmet, Campus Helsingborg, Lunds Universitet, om konsumtion? Hur kan dessa föreställningar relateras till befintliga forskningsperspektiv?Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka de föreställningar som Service Management studenter har om konsumtion.Metod: För att undersöka de föreställningar som studenter har kring konsumtion genomfördes gruppdiskussioner. Materialet som samlades in analyserades med utgångspunkt i en modell av Per Østergaard och Christian Jantzen. Modellen utgörs av fyra olika perspektiv inom konsumtionsforskning; köpbeteende, konsumentbeteende, konsumentforskning och konsumtionsstudier.Slutsatser: I beskrivningen av studenternas föreställningar om konsumtion går det inte att utesluta något av modellens olika perspektiv.

Försvarsmakten idag, Redo för förändring?

The Swedish armed forces are facing a change, a change in both organization and profession. From a conscript military service system, the Swedish Armed Forces has changed to having full-time contracted soldiers. Conscript military service has a history of over a hundred years; it was introduced in 1901 and has survived two world wars and the Cold War.The Swedish armed forces have changed to have contracted soldiers. My reflection is whether the armed forces really have had time for this changes that the new professionalization has meant. Today the Swedish armed forces consists of contracted soldiers, soldiers who are employed full time and costs the armed forces a lot of money.

Vad tycker ICA-Stig om service management? En kartläggning av detaljhandelns förhållningssätt gentemot tjänstevetenskap och branschens professionalisering.

En upprörd patient sitter i väntrummet på en akutmottagning. Patienten har väntat på vård i flera timmar och äntligen kommer en sjuksköterska in. Patienten reser sig upp och bereder sig på att följa med. Tyvärr utropar sjuksköterskan någon annans namn och den väntande patienten frågar undrande: ?Ursäkta, när är det min tur?? Problem:Vi anser att det finns problem i arbetsprocessen på akutmottagningen som orsakar att patienten får vänta onödigt länge.

PeopleFinder - En Silverlight webbapplikation

Arbetet är ett examensarbete i högskoleingenjörsutbildningen, inriktning datateknik, på Linnéuniversitet. Växjö kommun är just nu mitt i ett nytt projekt för att sammanställa hela IT-organisationen för att göra servicen för anställda och medborgare bättre. Detta projekt kallas ?Ett IT? och ska sammaställa IT-organisationen till fyra huvudavdelningar. Dessa avdelningar är Servicedesk, Service, System och Utveckling.I samband med dessa förändringar har önskemålet om ett enklare sätt att söka efter personer inom IT-organisationen kommit upp.

Formerandet av folkviljans förverkligande : En metodologisk uppsats om sociala handlingar i politisk nyhetsrapportering

Den fo?religgande uppsatsen syftar till att utforma kontextspecifika idealtyper av socialt handlande i politisk nyhetsrapportering. Fo?r att a?stadkomma detta fo?renas teori och empiri vid utformningen av det metodologiska verktyget. Den teoretiska utga?ngspunkten fo?r uppsatsen a?r Habermas kritik mot teknokratisering av politik i nyhetsrapportering.

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