

3247 Uppsatser om Service och tjänster. - Sida 35 av 217

?Vi är inga maskiner? : En studie om P4-redaktionernas kommunikation via Facebook

The purpose of this study is to see how five different local radio stations, P4, within the public service organization Sveriges Radio communicate with their listeners through Facebook and how they differ from each other.We have also studied how the radio stations follow Sveriges Radios? policies for socialmedia usage and how the communication through Facebook can benefit thetraditional radio. Our study contains a combination of quantitative content analysis with qualitative interviews. We studied the five stations? Facebook pages from for the quantitative content analysis and interviewed those who were responsible for the social media pages, such as web editors and channel managers.Our conclusions are that the P4-stations communicate through Facebook to create a dialogue with the listeners and to reach two-way communication; the stations published mostly written updates that encouraged interactivity.

Krishantering vid brand i fastigheter

Den 6.e februari 2011 skedde en brand i Henry Ståhl Fastigheter AB:s fastighet i kvarteret Gripen på Skolgatan i Norrköping. Agerandet vid denna brand samt teori inom områdena kris och krishantering, kontinuitetsplanering och förebyggande åtgärders vid brand ligger till grund för följande examensarbete. Syftet med rapporten är att kartlägga förvaltarens/ägarens agerande och tillvägagångssätt vid krishantering i samband med brand i fastighet med fokus på service. Material till denna studie har inhämtats genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer. Gällande egenskaper en bra hjälpare i krissituation bör inneha, så som empati, kunskap och engagemang, kan dessa urskiljas hos kundansvariga på Ståhl.

Marketing tools in grocery retailing, do they affect store loyalty?

The purpose of this study is to provide a longitudinal examination, within grocery retailing, of four marketing tools and their impact on enhancing customer loyalty. The study examines whether the relationship between the four marketing tools and customer satisfaction has a positive effect on attitude and behavior loyalty. The findings from this study show that the marketing tools have not helped enhancing loyalty between 2004 and 2007. Between these years, service quality has the most affect on loyalty. Self-scanning as an effective marketing tool could be questioned, the relation in this study is not supported.

Biblioteksservice till barn med utländsk bakgrund - vilken service skulle kunna erbjudas på bibliotek i segregerade förorter

The aim of the paper is to examine how public libraries can develop their services for children with ethnic minority backgrounds as a user group. This is achieved through studying the conditions for library services provided for children aged 9-12 in this group by public libraries in suburbs densely populated with ethnic minorities. The paper uses both a literature review and empirical research on the community libraries in Rinkeby and Rosengård as well as the town library in Lund. Services potentially available to these groups are analysed and discussed in the later chapters. The overall conclusion is that those services provided for ethnic minority children are largely the same as those provided for in children library services in general.

Underhållskoncept : tillståndsbaserat underhåll på smörj- och hydrauloljesystem

AbstractThis report describes our ten week long thesis work which is the last task in our education in mechanical engineering at Linköpings University. The project has been performed at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB?s service department. The company which is located in Finspång produces, sells and provides service for steam and gas turbines around the world.The purpose of this project is to help Siemens develop their maintenance programs for two of the auxiliary systems which are a part of the complete steam turbine system. These are lube and control oil systems.The project is restricted to two of Siemens maintenance products, No Stop Check (NSC) and the annual Safety Inspection (SI).

Kundregisterbaserat kalkylprogram för lokal och serveransluten användning

Byggnadsautomation har i dagsläget ett kalkylprogram gjort i Excel som är helt fristående från deras kvalitetsprogram. Dom vill i och med detta få ett två delat system som användaren både ska kunna köra med eller utan anknytning till Internet. Programmet har tillgång till en befintlig kund och komponentregister som man kommer åt via en Web Service. Om det inte finns någon Internet uppkoppling så kommer dessa register att sparas lokalt för att sedan synkroniseras när det finns tillgång till Internet. En kalkyl ska kunna sparas och öppnas antingen på servern eller lokalt som i detta fall är en SQLite databas.

Fast etableringsställe : En skatteplanerares dröm?

This master?s thesis will examine the concept of ?fixed establishment? in VAT-law. The concept can be found in the new EC-directive on the common system of value added tax, however it has existed for thirty years in previous directives. Despite this, the legislator has never provided a proper definition of the concept. Its meaning has therefore evolved through the case-law of the ECJ.The Court has put forward a number of criteria which are all to be met if a fixed establishment is to be at hand.

Nya förutsättningar en jämförelse mellan traditionellt och elektroniskt referensarbete.

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the differences between the traditional way of conducting a reference interview and the electronic way. The main questions of this thesis are: How does the electronic reference interview appear in comparison to the traditional one? How do the librarians experience the differences? Is quality affected in the electronic reference interview? Examples from Fråga biblioteket Ask the Library have been used in this study. The method used in the investigation is based on qualitative interviews in combination with studies of relevant and recent literature. The librarians interviewed all have experience from both traditional and electronic reference work.

Jag vet inte, jag jobbar bara extra? - En studie av extrapersonalen i servicemötet

Det finns idag ett flertal teorier om vad som kännetecknar god service, hur god service presteras och vilka krav detta ställer på dagens serviceföretag. Dessa teorier förklarar dock inte hur man i praktiken ska gå tillväga för att uppnå det optimala servicemötet (Svingstedt 2005). Den kraftiga expansion av extraanställningar som nu äger rum inom detaljhandeln förändrar förutsättningarna för levererande av service ytterligare. De krav som ställs på service och flexibilitet inom detaljhandeln, i förhållande till extraanställningar, gör det således intressant att studera hur servicemötet skall fungera enligt teorin, hur det fungerar i praktiken och vilka problem man kan urskilja gällande extraanställningar i servicemötet. Vårt syfte är att belysa problematiken med extraanställda gällande servicemötet i detaljhandelsbranschen, dels ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv, dels ur ett empiriskt perspektiv.

Kvalitetssäkring av tjänsteföretag : en studie av utbildningsföretagens auktorisation

Denna uppsats är en fallstudie som går ut på att beskriva företaget Icehotel AB och hur de gått tillväga för att bli ett attraktivt turistmål och framgångsrikt företag.Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning där vi intervjuat företagets VD Yngve Bergqvist samt kunder som besökt Icehotel. I resultatet redovisas svaret från dessa intervjuer.Vi har valt att lägga tyngdpunkten på marknadsföringen av Icehotel och hur de lyckats nå ut till människor från hela världen. I teoridelen tar vi upp Turistmarknadsföringens 8 P och Attraktionsutveckling. I analysen tillämpar vi sedan dessa på företaget.I slutsatsen diskuterar vi kring hur Icehotel gått tillväga för att bli ett framgångsrikt företag. Vi tar upp promotion av företaget, samarbetspartners samt den professionella marknadssegmenteringen..

Kvalitetsutveckling på folkbibliotek. ? En fokusgruppsundersökning av vuxenstuderande som läser svenska som andra språk vid Komvux.

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine what needs and expectations the patrons have on the local public library services for adult students. With increased knowledge of these matters the library will be able to support and improve the service for users. The focus is on adult students with immigrant background who study Swedish as second language in a municipal adult education school. The main questions are: How do adult students use the library at present? What do they consider to be most important when using the public library for their studies? How do these expectations correspond to their experience of the library services? Two focusgroups and one in-depth interview were carried out.

Att möta det okända : Utmaningar vid implementering av ett processorienterat arbetssätt inom offentlig verksamhet

This paper aims to shine a light on the challenges connected to the implementation of a process focused way of thinking in a public service organization. To this we have conducted a series of qualitative interviews, primarily from participants of a university driven project. The project aims to teach decision making employees of public service organizations how to use process modeling techniques to increase their efficiency. We have also interviewed the teachers who have taught the courses included in the project. As a final point of view we have also interviewed a researcher and IT consultants to compare novice users with experienced users of process modeling techniques.

Referensarbete i Sverige och Tyskland ? en jämförelse

The purpose of this Master thesis is to compare the perception and significance of reference work in two countries, Sweden and Germany. This will be achieved by means of a literature review of previous research literature and public documents and a content analysis of articles from two library journals.A first step was to examine the historical development of reference work in the selected countries. In connection with this there proved to be distinct phases in the discussion regarding reference work. These phases with their specific discourses, themes and emphases reflected and thus later were confirmed in the second part of the study.The results show that despite some similarities there are also quite a few differences in how reference work is perceived in both countries. For Sweden, the idea of reference work was introduced relatively early.

Föräldrar till barn med funktionshinder : upplevelser av samhällets stöd

The aim of this essay is to study how parents to children with learning disability experences the support they get from society. My main question has been: what kind of support offer does society offer this parents? What is good and what is less satisfactory in this support? The study is based on a qualitative method. Five parents with children who has learning disabilities has been used as base. The material has been analysed with a narrative, hernmeneutic perspective.The study concludes that the parents, use in this case, find that society does not offer the necessary understanding for their problem of their family.

Hur hanterar institutioner en miljö med blandade Operativsystem?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are environments that use some kind of central authentication system within institutions/schools. The hypothesis is that an institution not using a form of central authentication service has more need for maintenance and as such is considered a higher cost for the organization. The gathering of data has been done through interviews with technical personal at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola and Linköpings Universitet. Based on the technical background of the authors, and the system limited to discussing Windows and UNIX operating systems, a discussion and analysis of the systems working today has been done, with emphasize on the hypothesis..

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