

9084 Uppsatser om Service design - Sida 53 av 606

Design av whatismykidplaying.com : En fallstudie i användbarhet för webbplatser

Detta arbete består av designen av ett gränssnitt för webbplatsen whatismykidplaying.com. Designen var tänkt att ge hög användbarhet för målgruppen och testades av användare i ett think-aloud test. De fick testa och utvärdera hur väl gränssnittet fungerar och  deras feedback utvärderades och resultaten låg till grund för förslag på förändringar i gränssnittet, vissa som sedan blev implementerade. Studien har utgått från de olika stegen i en användarcentrerad utvecklingsmodell, analys - design - utvärdering - återkoppling, och en iteration har genomförts.Som utgångspunkt, för att öka användbarheten i webbplatsens gränssnitt, användes diverse regler och riktlinjer för hur användbarhet bäst kan uppnås, när designen gjordes. Hur väl dessa regler och riktlinjer fungerat tillsammans, i detta projekt och design, blev således en del i think-aloud testest utvärdering.

Konsten att planera kreativitet : En kvalitativ studie om ett antal utvalda grafiska formgivares a?sikter om strategiarbete i designprojekt samt om yrkesrollen grafisk formgivare.

The study addresses the field of design as a profession and examines the views on strategic management in a design project among nine selected graphic designers. The graphic designers who participate in the study are permanently employed at design companies in Stockholm. The study has a qualitative approach and the method is based on face-to-face interviews. We have chosen to examine this subject due to the opinion among professionals that strategic management in the design industry has increased during the last decades. There is a belief that strategic management in some cases are used too extensively as a way for design companies to make more money.

Rör inte mitt bibliotek! Om nedläggningshotade filialbibliotek i den lokala dagstidningsdebatten.

The aim with this Master's thesis is to study the debate that takes place in the local community when a public library branch is threatened by closedown through the local newspapers. Through this it is our aim to understand why the debate takes place, and why so many people gets concerned with it. By relating this debate to contemporary research of library- and information science, and the discussion in three major Swedish library journals, we have found the answers to these questions. By studying the debate, we found six subjects that where essential for this study. These were Politics and economics, Urban and rural districts, Democracy and accessibility, The service of the library, The meeting place and To replace a closed down library.

Mobiltelefonens grafiska gränssnitt : och dess betydelse för pensionärer

The Mobile phone has contributed to massive changes in the way that human beings communicate with each other and is a part of society?s globalization. Opinions differ in the area of user interface where some feel that mobile phones exclude users such as senior citizens or users with an intellectual or a physical disability.Universal Design ??design for all?, is a vision that intends to bring about settings, products and services that suits as many people as possible irrespective of an individual?s needs and prospects. The criteria for ?design for all? are among other things flexibility, user friendliness, comprehensibility and a high tolerance for mistakes.The purpose of this essay was to investigate the mobile phones graphic user-interface from the theory of a universal design.


The main objective of this thesis was to develop appropriate strategies and find factors that affect the usability of parameterized designs. This was accomplished by investigate the user-interface and how it is designed to meet the user's information needs. The thesis also embraces the basic theories in terms of investigation, cognitive design principles and human behavior patterns in the interaction with the machine. The approach has led to an explorative investigation in this subject area.The thesis also had the purpose to achieve more efficient ways for development of motor chainsaws at Husqvarna AB's department Global Cutting Equipment. That can be achieved through reduce costs of development per sold unit.

Ett specialbibliotek och dess relation till användarna, en studie av Goethe-institutets specialbibliotek i Stockholm.

In the master thesis the focus of the study has been on the special library of the Goethe-institute in Stockholm. A survey was made among the visitors coming to the library, to find out how they used the library and how they would judge the quality of service. To find out how the needs and the opinions of the users were meet by the library I also made an interview with the staff one librarian and the chief librarian. In the analysis I used the theory about service quality of Christian Grönroos as a framework. The theory distinguishes the service quality into technical resp.

Analys av QoS i mellanvaran Meteor

This thesis is closely related to the Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive System(DySCAS) project. DySCAS is a middleware for electronics in an automotive system. Thethesis work has been performed in cooperation with ENEA. Parts of the demonstrationplatform Self configurable High Availability and Policy based platform for Embeddedsystem (SHAPE) developed for the DySCAS project by ENEA have been used in theimplementation phase of this master thesis.The goal of this thesis was to evaluate how the Meteor MW, an offspring of the DySCASmiddleware, should handle QoS and to design a Quality of Service Manager (QoSM) for theMeteor MW that fulfilled hard real-time requirements. The thesis also had the objectiveof analysing and identifying the requirements on such a QoSM from a QoS perspective.Specifically the requirements to guarantee real-time support for applications running onthe MW.

Design av IT-stöd för rondmöten inom sjukvården : Vilken information är nödvändig för att stödja sjukvårdspersonal vid rondmöten i en intensivvårdssituation?

Patientövervakning och rondmöten är centrala aktiviteter i all sjukvård. Teknik som tagits fram för patientövervakning och rondmöten är relativt underutvecklad vad gäller överblick och mötesstöd. En fallstudie genomfördes med två observationer och en fokusgruppintervju på intensivvårdskliniken vid Linköpings universitetssjukhus. Syftet med fallstudien var att ta fram grundläggande informationskrav för att stödja sjukvårdspersonal vid möten och ronder i en intensivvårdssituation. Målet var att utveckla en övergripande design för ett digitalt arbetsbord.

Tidiga skeden ? ett begrepp med flera olika tolkningar

This report describes how the process has evolved during the creation of a new web page forthe company Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC. The design methods that have been used aredescribed and also how parts of the webpage have been created by using the design methodresults. Our reflections around design and functionality are explained and how usability hasbeen our main focus during the master thesis. We also describe how it has been to work withan external costumer and how the tasks constantly have changed and been added as theprocess has continued.The background to this work is that AB Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC need to improve theircurrent web page. This to give the clients better needed information about destinations, butalso to stand out in the competitive travel business.

För naturens bästa : en studie av svensk kvalitetsmärkning av ekoturism

Nature?s Best is a quality-label for Swedish Eco-tourism. It is one of very few active ecotourism labels and the only one that claims quality as its main focus. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the certification scheme Nature?s Best with regards to the values the certification creates for the companies that certify their products.

Förstärkning av betongkonstruktioner med kolfiber med avseende på olika brottstyper

The purpose of this report is to simplify the process of designing carbon fiber strengthening for existing concrete constructions, specifically beams. The intention has been to establish a flow chart containing information on the necessary testing and calculations for the design, to as far degree it is possible satisfy the requirements stipulated by Swedish and by extension, European authorities.To do this the report will examine a parking garage situated underground by Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala. The parking garage was built in the mid-seventies, and has in recent years been subjected to a greater load than designed for by the construction of a road on top of it. FEM-Design has been used to obtain the internalforces of the beams and thereby determine whether they are in need of strengthening or not and thereafter design the strengthening according to Täljsten (2006) with some corrections from Täljsten (2011) due to new regulations.The result of this report is that the flow chart used is viable to design carbon fiber strengthening, atleast with the conditions met in our reference project.The conclusion drawn after working with this report is that there is a need for a clear standard for carbon fiber strengthening , preferably a standard that can be used throughout Europe..

By the Secret Fashion Concil. Project No 1 - jewellery collection

The Secret Fashion Council blends spirituality with fashion, art and design. This jewellery collection shows the connections between parapsychology and quantum physics, based on the study of matter and energy, that everything in the universe is built of vibrations. Many believe psychics have the ability to sense this. By using the skills of a psychic, the Secret Fashion Council invites the wearer to have the jewellery ?read? and evaluated in a most special way, tracing the wearer?s spiritual past, present and future.

Byggserverövervakning : Utveckling av ett system för att synliggöra integrationsproblem

Mjukvara i datorer styr många viktiga funktioner i dagens samhälle och används i stor utsträckning för att kommunicera men även för att styra utrustning. För att mjukvara ska fungera tillförlitligt behöver den byggas korrekt och testas utförligt. För att uppnå tillförlitlighet kan en byggserver används för att automatiskt bygga och testa mjukvaran. Den här rapporten beskriver hur en prototyp av ett övervakningssystem för byggservrar skapats. Systemet sköter övervakningen genom en övervakningstjänst som hämtar information från en byggserver av typen CruiseControl.NET [10] och presenterar informationen på en webbportal.

Kundens kund : En studie i användarcentrerad systemutveckling och designmetoder

This thesis investigates how web agencys in Stockholm use, value and incoroprate the terms usability, user experience and interaction design in their work process. The purpose of this study is to investigate how creative professionals works with the notions of usability, user experience and interaction design with focus on the end user. Our definition of creative professionals is every employee at a web agency involved in the work process of developing digital artefacts in any capacity. We wanted to investigate how these notions are considered, consciously or unconsciously, during the workprocess. Semi-structured interviews were conducted at three different web agencys with eight different employees.

Konstruktion av steghållare till brandbilar

High demands are set on all equipment used in emergency service work, where small margins can be the distinguishing factor between life and death during a rescue operation. It is important that tools such as ladders quickly and easily can be dismounted from a vehicle and still satisfy the regulatory requirements for securing loads during transport. The existing solution for getting ladders down from the roof of a fire engine requires a large manual effort from the user in an ergonomically unsound posture.In this degree project a new ladder holder is developed with focus on the user to solve the ergonomic problems and at the same time create a more compact design that can be adapted to several different types of ladders. After an initial pre-study with user-interviews and measurement of forces and distances a set of requirements was formulated that came to govern the project's direction. Creative methods were used to generate concepts that improved the function and through design solutions, calculations and testing in CAD a base for manufacturing of a new product was created.The result is a completely new type of ladder holder that minimizes the user's manual effort and simplifies the securing of ladders in the holder.

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