

9084 Uppsatser om Service design - Sida 14 av 606

Fichtelius-affären och public service-ideologin

With this master thesis I wanted to find out whether Erik Fichtelius, an SVT employee, interview project with prime minister Göran Persson is acceptable according to the public service ideology. In order to do that I used Swedish newspaper articles to analyse the so called Fichtelius affair. I also gathered material on SVT and the public service ideology. The master thesis is based on sociologist Manuel Castells theories on mass media and television as presented in the Information Age. Castells claims that in our time different areas, such as politics and television, are melting together.

Produktivitet inom public service - det traditionella måttets roll och funktion

Med den växande internet- och mobilmarknaden harpublic service bolagen inom media följt publiken till att erbjuda sina tjänster via både internet och mobil. För Sveriges Radio har de snabbt växande marknaderna inneburit en problematik för ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrningen. Problematiken härrör i produktivitetsmåttet, som tidigare tagit hänsyn till sändningstimmar. I och med att Sveriges Radio utöver radiosändningar idag erbjuder tjänster på internet och mobil är det svårt att beräkna företagets totala produktivitet på ett tillfredställande sätt. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att utreda den problematik som finns med att mäta produktivitet i public service sammanhang och att formulera nya mått för att mäta produktivitet i den internetbaserade verksamheten.

Hur skapar man en unik design?

Som mitt examens projekt har jag valt att forska kring frågan "Hur skapar man en unik design?" och använt det genom att skapa en grafisk profil till mig själv..

Personlig service i köp- och säljprocessen

Utöver de varor en modebutik erbjuder kunden är personlig service en viktig del av erbjudandet. En ökad konkurrens mellan företag kräver att de utvecklar sig inom personlig service för att kunna skilja sig från konkurrenterna. Butikens personal bör ha rätt kompetens och vara säljinriktade för att klara av uppgiften att svara på kundens förväntningar gällande personlig service. Genom att fokusera på att leverera rätt servicekvalitet i kundens köpprocess kan lojala kunder skapas. Det är viktigt att all personal är medvetna om företagets servicepolicy då det är en grund för att kunna upprätthålla och utveckla en god servicekvalitet.

Gränsöverskridande Ljuddesign

Transcending sound design is possible. There are unseen possibilities and a great potential for improvement and development in sound and music design ? but there is a great difficulty penetrating the obstacles that lies in the way for such development to take place and to exist. The difficulties in being negotiable and productive lies more within the limits of the audience it has to gain, than in itself. It is as though music and sound design has to evolve very slowly, in an almost evolutionary style; one step at a time, to be accepted.

?Design av en experts arbetsplattform

Hjälp snabbt och enkelt på distans..

Smart design för auktionsapplikationer på smartklockor : Att uppnå användbarhet på smartklockeapplikationer

This study concerns design thinking and how to achieve usability when designing applicationsfor smart watches. The study's focus is on interaction and design for online auctionapplications such as Ebay and Tradera. After studying usability and design for devices withsmall screens, guidelines and design principles for interactive systems, we developed apaperprototype for an auction application. The prototype was used for testing our intervieweeswhile observing and asking questions. After collecting the data we analyzed the responses andfeedback on our prototype and combined the results to previous studies.

Vägledning inom arbetsförmedlingen

The purpose of this study was to examine guidance activities in an employment office and to explain the significance these activities have for the job seekers' way towards an occupation. The method used was literature studies and qualitative interviews with respondents in three categories: a manager, two workingmediators and three job seekers, all at the same employment service office. The results that emerged was that there are different kinds of guidance in the employment service, both in the narrow sense and broad sense. The different categories of respondents describe and define the guidance activities in different ways and have different descriptions of how these activities can help job seekers into employment. The conclusions drawn where that the manager sees everything on the employment service as guidance, workingmediators differ in their roles as advisers and counselors.

Organisera mera : En studie i att utforma riktlinjer fo?r organisering av information i ett specialutformat anva?ndargra?nssnitt

I have in this thesis studied how guidelines for organizing information in a custom- made user interface could be made. Teletal is service with a special designed user interface were information is stored. The purpose of this study is to encourage a consistent organization, and management of information in a user interface. The methods used in this study are as follows ? qualitative interviews and two card-sorting tests, of which one was closed and the other open.

Hur skapar man ett leende? : En uppsats om personalmotivation

Our purpose with this paper has been to analyse and discuss how motivation of the personnel affects the service quality in service companies. This has been done through two studies; a literature study with existing theories and an empirical study on the divisions of Lyckohjul and Shopping at Liseberg. In the introduction of this paper we put the question of research; why is there a need for work of motivation in service companies. When collecting information we used literature briefing, a questionnaire study and depth interviews. The literature briefing focused on the well-tried and most dominating theories on the subject motivation.

Att utveckla en modern webbplats : A?r responsiv design framtiden?

The IT industry is constantly evolving and it's more or less a requirement today for web developers to be familiar with and to be able to develop for all platforms. A technique that has taken hold and is now widely used is responsive design. Developing responsive design means adapting the layout to the viewing environment; the screen size. Another useful method when developing for different devices is the mobile first theory, which means developing for the mobile screen first. This is done to scale down the site and to clear unnecessary information in order to provide a better user experience.

Motiverande samtal Inom Kriminalvården MIK : En kvalitativ studie om frivårdsinspektörers upplevelser av MIK

The purpose of this essay is to describe how probation service officers regard their professional role and their liberty of action within the motivational treatment program, MIK, and the probation organization. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: 1) Does the probation service organization affect the individual discretion for the probation service officers, and in that case how? 2) Does the motivational treatment program, MIK, influence the probation officers? professionalism and their professional role? 3) What advantages and disadvantages do the probation service officers consider MIK being related to? The method conducted in the study was interviews with five probation service officers in Stockholm. The interviews were combined with a theoretical framework based on themes as organization, professional role, professionalism and motivation. The result showed that probation officers consider themselves to have a relatively high discretion within their work.

Tilltro vid nyttjande av e-tjänster

Background: Trust has been a foundation of commerce since the very beginning. Trust can in the traditional commerce be built by face-to-face meetings, this is not possible at the Internet. Although, trust ought to be important even for the commercial business relation at the Internet and crucial for the consumer to use this communication channel. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is, from a consumer point of view, to study and analyse the importance of trust using e-services. Demarcation: The thesis is focusing trust using e-services, from a consumer point of view.

Empirisk studie av Indiens tjänstesektor - Vad händer med jobben?

The fast growing economy of India has experienced fundamental structural changes in recentyears. The share of the service sectors output has more than doubled since 1950 and is todayestimated to make up almost 60 percent of India?s total output. In terms of total employmentwe have not yet seen a similar transformation. The observed discrepancy between sectorialshares of employment and output in the service sector raises questions about sustainability.This report aims to investigate the capacity of the Indian service sector in terms ofemployment creation in order to answer the question whether the recent GDP growth withinthe service sector can be considered as ?jobless? or not.

Re-design of Toledo Riverfront : from industrial past to sustainable biodiverse future

Effects of climate change, urbanization and global homogenization are resulted in the degradation of land and losses of natural habitats. Ecological design integrates nature into urban environment by respecting natural ecological principles and processes and creating resilient urban biotopes which also can be used by local urban communities. The aim of the thesis is to answer the research questions: How ecological design principles can be applied for re-design of Toledo Riverfront (with requirements of the design competition)? and What is the ecological design in landscape architecture? I participated in the USA design competition with the aim to create a vision and redesign of Toledo Riverfront in Ohio State, USA. The site is located in the south point of Lake Erie. As a result of a long industrial activity, riverfront of Toledo had been transformed into inaccessible and abandoned brownfields. In my proposal I applied ecological design principles on three scales: the city of Toledo by reinforcing of ecological connection and creating green corridors along the river; the intermediate scale by suggesting public parks along the river front and on the fine level by proposing detailed design including remediation of the site and use of dredged material.

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