890 Uppsatser om Server Message Block - Sida 6 av 60
Utredning samt förslag på utveckling av IT-infrastruktur
Rapporten för examensarbetet beskriver olika områden inom en IT-infrastruktur.Rapporten presenterar ett antal förslag på lösningar för varje område som är inriktade mot att fungera för företaget Lundqvist Trävaru AB.Faktadelen i rapporten innehåller arbetsmetod samt introduktion till författaren.Rapporten innehåller förslag på lösningar i följande ämnen: inventering, datakap, IT-system, server, klient, backup, nätverksstruktur och VPN. Utöver förslagen tillkommer även kortare diskussioner kring varje ämnes för- och nackdelar..
Hur mycket naturbetesmarker har vi idag? : skattning av areal via nationella, stickprovsbaserade inventeringar samt jämförelse mot befintliga informationskällor
To reach objectives within EU?s Habitatdirective and the national environmental objectives, more information about semi-natural pastures is required. The expression semi-natural pasture is used for pastures that during the latest time are uncultivated and unfertilized. Semi-natural pastures are important in many respects for example to conserve the biodiversity and for our cultural history. The aim of my study was to compile and calculate the area of semi-natural pastures by use existing sources of information.
Hur kan Svenska kyrkan uppfylla barnens behov?
Jag har skrivit om barnen och deras situation i samhället. Min tanke är att barnen överöses av krav under hela sin uppväxt och att de sällan finner tid för att finna sig själv. Min tanke är att kyrkan skulle kunna hjälpa barnen att finna denna tid, men frågan kvarstår om ens de hinner med detta. I mitt första block tar jag upp dessa frågor i min inledning och har även en metoddel för att visa vilken litteratur jag tagit del av för att genomföra arbetet. Mitt andra block tar upp barnens situation idag, både inom den egna familjen och inom skolan samt det övriga samhället.
Demonstrator av vinkelgivare
Eskilstuna Elektronikpartner (EEPAB) är ett elektronikföretag som tillverkar vinkelgivare till bland annat kranar som är monterade på lastbilsflak.För att EEPAB på ett intressant sätt ska kunna demonstrera sin produkt på mässor har en demonstrator tagits fram. Denna demonstrator består av en fjärrstyrd grävmaskin och en elektronikenhet, som hanterar den analoga signalen från vinkelgivaren. Resultatet, som är vinkelgivarens lutning i grader, presenteras på två sjusegmentdisplayer som är placerade på grävmaskinens bägge sidor. Vinkeln skickas även trådlöst från elektronikenheten, via Bluetooth, till en PC. Grävmaskinens batteri (7,2V) strömförsörjer all hårdvara, vilket gör att demonstratorn är helt portabel.Denna rapport beskriver block för block de olika programfunktioner samt hårdvara, som behövs till en färdig och fungerande demonstrator..
Läsa, läsa, läsa ? skriva, skriva, skriva
The period of church awakening in Sweden during the first half of the nineteenth century, has had a great influence on the Swedish society. During that time certain persons are to be noticed. Peter Fjellstedt and Peter Wieselgren, priests in the Swedish Church, are among those who were of special importance. But even the British preacher George Scott and later the Swedish layman Carl-Olof Rosenius became aware of the importance of networking. They all felt a call from God to preach a message of redemption and restoration.
Modell och analysverktyg för beräkningav frekvensförlopp
The power system modelled in this thesis work has been developed for simulationwhen e.g. the production in some part of the power system is changed. The powersystem has been modelled according to the swing mass of the system, the frequencydependency of the load and the turbine governor. The model determines the systemfrequency, the period of regulation and the power exchange between the differentsubsystems in the Nordic synchronized system.In this model the system frequency is assumed to be the same in all different parts ofthe power system and the voltage conditions in the power system are neglected. Forthat reason power swings does not occur between different subsystems in the powersystem, which usually occur as a result of the swinging connection between thetransmissions line.
Synkronisering av lagrad kalenderdata
I det här arbetet har jag undersökt möjligheten att synkronisera lagrad kalenderdata mellan två olika system.Mitt arbete beskriver ett API, som i ena änden kommunicerar med Xcerion Baxide-Web Services, och i den andra änden med en mobil enhet med implementerat stöd för Exchange ActiveSync (t.ex. en iPhone eller Android).Med hjälp av Exchange ActiveSync-protokollet kan man synkronisera bland annat kalender, kontakter, e-post, anteckningar och påminnelser mellan flera klienter genom en Exchange Server. Dock hamnade all implementation utöver kalendersynkronisationen av Exchange ActiveSync redan från början utanför examensarbetets ramar.Microsoft tillhandahåller en mycket detaljerad dokumentation över Exchange ActiveSyncprotokollet. Dessutom, bland annat med hjälp av Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 och programmetWireShark kunde trafiken från en redan fungerande implementation av protokollet avlyssnas.Kommunikationen mellan en klient och en Exchange Server kan antingen ske över HTTP eller HTTPS där data transporteras kodat i WBXML. Av säkerhetsskäl är det dock rekommenderat att en Exchange Server inte tillåter trafik över HTTP.Innan själva implementationen analyserades protokollets struktur samt vilka nödvändiga metoder som behövdes för kalendersynkronisationen.
Cloud Computing - A Study of Performance and Security
Cloud Computing är det stora modeordet i IT-världen just nu. Det har blivit mer och mer populärt på senare år men frågor har uppstått om dess prestanda och säkerhet. Hur säkert är det egentligen och är det någon större skillnad i prestanda mellan en lokal server och en molnbaserad server? Detta examensarbete tar upp dessa frågor. En serie prestandatester kombinerat med en litteraturstudie genomfördes för att få fram ett resultatet för detta examensarbete.
Denna rapport kan komma att vara till nytta för de som har ett intresse av Cloud Computing men som saknar någon större kunskap om ämnet.
Interaktionsloggning i Scania Interactor
Scania provides a fleet management system for hauliers who want to control their fleets in anefficient way. The system includes an onboard computer with touch screen called ScaniaInteractor where the driver can access GPS navigation, order support, message service and otherfunctionalities. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a concept for logging the user interactionon the Interactor and analyze the result which enables further development and optimization ofthe interface.A demonstration application is designed, implemented and tested for the purpose of showing thepossibilities and difficulties with logging of interaction. The result shows that logging is quiteeasy to implement and that the amount of produced data is small and therefore not expensive totransfer via GPRS to a central server where searching and analysis can be done. On the otherhand, the biggest challenge lies in the analysis and interpretation of the logged data and to applyit to the development of the interface.
Redesign of an existing apartment block in Kv Preussen to passive house
Passive houses are a relatively new concept in Sweden and by that it is meant a house without a traditional heating system. The most acknowledged passive house project is the terrace houses in Lindås, Gothenburg, which we have used as a reference. This project concerns a square apartment block. So far, no square apartment block has been built as a passive house in Sweden.The common opinion in the construction industry is that it is not economical to build extremely energy efficient houses. With Peab as commissioner our task was to investigate if that is true, if regarding the construction of a multi storey house as a passive houseMidroc, now owned by Peab, constructed in the block of Preussen in Jönköping during 2004-2005 four houses, with 132 apartments distributed on seven floors.
Läran tidsandan och nätverken : En litteraturstudie av kyrkan i samhället 1800-1870
The period of church awakening in Sweden during the first half of the nineteenth century, has had a great influence on the Swedish society. During that time certain persons are to be noticed. Peter Fjellstedt and Peter Wieselgren, priests in the Swedish Church, are among those who were of special importance. But even the British preacher George Scott and later the Swedish layman Carl-Olof Rosenius became aware of the importance of networking. They all felt a call from God to preach a message of redemption and restoration.
Fattigvården i Eskilstuna 1883-1913 : en undersökning av fattigpenningen 1883-1913
In this essay I will analyze how the poor relief was used in Eskilstuna during the years of 1883 to 1913. In the records over who took allowance from the authorities it will also be mention the year of birth, which block the person lived in, sometimes if that person had any children, and if the person was a women it was often written down what profession the (often dead) husband have had when he was alive, or as an alternative what the fathers profession had been and finally its notified how much the person had every month in allowance.I want to see how the poor relief changed over time. I will do four close checkups, i choose the years 1883, 1893, 1903 and 1913. I will read in the records and compare how many it was that needed the poor relief for that year and further on I will mark out where these people was living in Eskilstuna city. For that propose I will use a map from 1890 and mark out every block in town that received the allowance.
Karakterisering av bioslam för modellering av biogasproduktion
The report aims to investigate how well a certain type of affordable embedded single board computer can hold up against today's more expensive computers in a computer system by doing various tests on a system with the specified requirements. The system has a Raspberry Pi as the single board computer which task is to control a camera based on coordinates obtained from a server as well as capture and stream a video signal on a network.The researches were conducted to check how much network traffic a single-chip computer sent in different video formats and how much CPU utilization was required. Studies were also made to ensure the accuracy of the camera control. The researches have been experimental, where several tests have been performed and analyzed.The results show that a sufficiently good accuracy can be obtained from the camera steering unit, in which two different servos have been investigated. When the video format MJPEG and H.264 are used, the single-chip computer is able to transmit a video signal up to 1280x720 at 15 fps.
Skapandet av en snackis : En studie av marknadsförares väg för att nå ut i reklambruset
Today there is something called clutter. Marketers are trying to communicate so many messages to consumers that it makes it difficult for consumers to take in the different market messages that exist.In this paper the authors study how marketers can reach out with a message in today's clutter. They are doing a case study of a marketing campaign which tried to solve the communication problems that clutter is causing. The goal of this campaign was to create a snackis, a Swedish word for a current topic, to reach out with their message. The campaign attracted attention from the media.
Mikrosensorer i nätverk
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibility to make small, cheap and ultra low power sensor platforms, connected in wireless networks for monitoring of home and industrial environments. The concept is based on ideas from our supervisor, Jerry Lindblom. The developed system consists of a generic platform for different sensors, a receiver and software. A GPRS module from RO Rollytech AB and a database from Gema Industri AB have been modified and used to demonstrate an example of a complete system. To the platform, it is possible to connect any resistive sensor and any sensor that can act as a switch.