

890 Uppsatser om Server Message Block - Sida 25 av 60

Virtualiserat datacenter med heterogena kunder för moln eller network-as-a-service-miljö. : Analys resursanvändning vid delad virtualiserings värdmaskin för webbservrar samt videokonferensservrar.

Detta projekt undersöker en praktisk lösning av virtualisering i Ubuntu-server med kvm och virt-manager för användning i en moln- eller Network-as-a-service-miljö. Projektet inkluderar även en jämförelse mellan webbservermjukvaran NginX och Apache2 och en jämförelse mellan videokonferensmjukvaran BigBlueButton och OpenMeetings genom att mäta CPU, Minnes och Nätverksbelastning till de virtuella servrarna vid 1 till 20 uppkopplingar från en klientmaskin.Utifrån projektets resultat rekommenderas Apache2 som webbserver då installationen är enklare och skillnaden i resursanvädning är försummbar och Openmeetings som videokonferesserver då detta alternativ är det mer kompletta..

Metoder för motverkande av bruteforce-attacker mot Wi-Fi Protected Setup

Konfigurationsprotokollet Wi-Fi protected setup (WPS) har vissa brister idess design gällande hur autentiseringen av den PIN-kod som används för attansluta en enhet till ett trådlöst nätverk är implementerad. Dessa brister kanutnyttjas av en attackerare för att utföra en bruteforce-attack som på enrelativt kort tid kan identifiera den korrekta koden. Detta arbete har tagit frammetoder för att motverka eller fördröja attacker mot WPS-protokollet sommed relativt enkla medel kan implementeras i befintliga nätverk. Genomutförda praktiska experiment där en fristående server upptäckt en attack ochgenomfört olika försvarsmetoder har de mekanismer som presenterats utvärderats.Slutsatsen är att den effektivaste metoden för att avbryta en bruteforce-attackmot protokollet är att automatiskt byta ut PIN-koden då en attack upptäcks..

Ett rikare språk med bildmunta : Vad är ett rikt språk och kan bildskapande stimulera till ett rikare språk

A richer language when painting before speaking? ? What is a rich language and can painting stimulate towards a richer language?In this work I seek to answer two questions. What may a ?richer? language mean and does it become richer when the informants, as a preparation, paint what they are going to talk about in front of the class, than when they do not paint? This I try to do by studying earlyer research about how to measure the richness in languages and by analysing video recordings of speeches when the students in an sfi-class (Swedish for foreigners) painted or did not paint before the speech, and by analysing the richness in their language. The result is my own definition of what rich language is in this context, and a conclusion that painting stimulates the students to use more words and to use specific words that they need to bring the audience their message..

Metod för att identifiera redundant logik i en SQL Server-miljö

Detta examensarbete utfördes på avdelningsnivån CCS på avdelningen PDU Platforms på Ericsson. Avdelningen ville förändra sin nuvarande arbetsprocess genom att övergå från Daily Build, att bygga och testa en gång om dagen, till ett mer kontinuerligt byggande och testande. CCS hanterar och tillhandahåller kontrollsystemtjänster för RNC applikationer och äldre RBS. Målet med detta examensarbete var att automatisera testprocesser för att kunna utföra kontinuerliga tester. Första steget i arbetet var att ta fram ett specifikt användningsfall, ett use case, att arbeta mot. Detta skedde genom analys av felrapporter och detta ledde till att nodomstarter definierades som ett första användningsfall.

Den skapande gränsen - En analys av sömnmotivet i Daniil Charms prosatexter

The aim of this master thesis is to study the reliefs of a Romanesque tombstone from 1130 AD, with the intention to form a plausible understanding of their meaning. During the course of the investigation, my main focus will be on collecting materials of an iconographical and historiographical nature, as they appear in previous studies. I will also use performative analysis when examining the tombstone. Consequently this thesis can be seen as a survey of history and place; early Christian iconology as well as the experience of the viewer. As a result, the 900-year-old tombstone will not only be seen as a memorial in this text, but also as a performance of one man?s faith and as representing the core message of the early Christian church.The tombstone is a rarity in Swedish art history and well worth a closer examination.

Information från verksamhetssystem presenterat via intranät

Webbaserade tillämpningar och kopplingar mot olika programsystem har blivit allt vanligare i och med det så kallade IT-samhällets utbredning. Tidigare har de flesta webbsidor varit statiska sidor där information ej kunnat påverkas av användaren. Numera bygger webbtjänster allt mer på dynamiska lösningar där information genereras ur en databas vid det ögonblick den efterfrågas. Detta examensarbete har bestått i att hämta information från ett ekonomi/tidrapporteringssystem och dynamiskt skapa rapporter av denna information i ett webbaserat gränssnitt. Ett antal rapporter har fördefinierats och användaren kan styra vissa urvalsparametrar för att hämta informationen.

Livskvalitet i det dagliga livet efter pacemakerinsättning

BakgrundIdag lever cirka 44 000 personer med pacemaker i Sverige. Pacemakerbehandling kan vara indicerat vid atrioventrikulärt block (AV-block), grenblock, sick sinus syndrome, förmaksflimmer med ventrikulär bradykardi och rytmrubbningar efter hjärtinfarkt eller hjärtkirurgi. Dessa tillstånd kan leda till en för långsam puls eller för långa pauser mellan hjärtslagen. Vid en för långsam puls är vanliga symtom trötthet och nedsatt fysisk kapacitet. Vid långa pauser mellan hjärtslagen kan yrsel och återkommande svimningsanfall uppkomma.

MAGISKA RUM : om scenografins roll i scenkonstverk för barn och unga

This thesis investigates the communicative role of scenography in the performing arts for children, with an aim to make the readers understand the ways in which a set design can be optimized so that a young audience can be able to interpret the play and its message.The art of scenography is complex and includes many elements. The research questions can therefore be grouped into three clusters: one artistic oriented (How does the scenographic process work and what is its relation to the scenic piece at large? In which ways may scenography be used to support the desiderate interpretation?), one audience oriented (Which work processes enhances the chances of creating dramatic art that is perceived as meaningful to the audience? On what premises can the semiotics of theatre be used in the performing arts for a young audience?) and last a cluster that focuses on Den magiska cirkeln (The Magic Circle) by ung scen/öst (What is told in the show and how is this portrayed in the scenography? Who is in the target group, and does the audience get the feeling of the performance as intended?).Den magiska cirkeln is used as a case study in the thesis in order to reflect the theoretical material. Methods in the case study includes performance analysis, a survey completed by 178 people in the audience and an interview with scenographer Anna Dolata. 14 performing analyzes of Swedish children?s theatre shows have been made in addition to the case study.The thesis analyses and compares two work logics; the internal logic and the external logic, and it is shown that meaningful interpretations are likelier to happen with an external logical point of view.

Offer eller förövare? : En analys av Dagens Nyheters rapportering om mäns våld mot kvinnor under perioden 1994-2009.

The purpose of the study was to analyze how media, in this case, the daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, produces the men and women in men's violence against women in close relationships in news articles and if there has been a change over time in this production. It is a qualitative study in which 40 news articles from DN were analyzed. The starting point in the tanks around the analysis is from a social constructive perspective. Critical discourse analysis is the method I chose to use in the processing of news stories. The result is divided into four different blocks where each block presents the results and the analysis for the following years: 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009.

Modellering av indunstning på Södra Cell Mönsterås

Evaporation is a part of the chemical recovery department at wood pulping mills. The purpose of evaporation is to remove water from the black liquor, which makes the liquor combustible. The process is very energy demanding, and having a well-functioning model of the system is of greatest interest. The model can then be used to study energy consumption and to test different control strategies. Two models have been developed during the master thesis.

Utveckling och design av WiGID

The Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics (CGB) is an academic department at Karolinska Institute. Generally stated, the CGB department is committed to the generation and management of genetic information by approaches aiming at elucidating the connection between genes, protein and function.WiGID is a genome information database that is available through WAP (Wireless Application Protocol).Our version of WiGID is based on WML, PHP and PostgreSQL as a database server.One of the changes on the old WiGID application was the creation of a relational database with seven tables and one view, instead of the file that represented the database on the old version. We also changed the script language from python to PHP.The search engine ability has been extended with three new search alternatives for a user to choose from. Each choice leads to other, sometimes multiple choices.A GUI has been created for the administrator, to be able to insert information into the database.The structure of the search engine is primarily for narrowing down the search result on the phone display, thereby making the search efficient..

Frånluftsvärmepumpens möjligheter i flerbostadshus

If a building is heated by a heat pump, it is of high importance that the heat pump has a high coefficient of performance. An exhaust air heat pump extracts heat from the building?s exhaust air. The air has a relatively high and constant temperature all year around, leading to a high seasonal coefficient of performance. This thesis examines whether it is profitable to complement an exhaust ventilation system with an exhaust air heat pump in an apartment block that already has geothermal heat pump, district heating, oil- or biofuel heated system.


The aim of this master thesis is to study the reliefs of a Romanesque tombstone from 1130 AD, with the intention to form a plausible understanding of their meaning. During the course of the investigation, my main focus will be on collecting materials of an iconographical and historiographical nature, as they appear in previous studies. I will also use performative analysis when examining the tombstone. Consequently this thesis can be seen as a survey of history and place; early Christian iconology as well as the experience of the viewer. As a result, the 900-year-old tombstone will not only be seen as a memorial in this text, but also as a performance of one man?s faith and as representing the core message of the early Christian church.The tombstone is a rarity in Swedish art history and well worth a closer examination.

Utveckling av Andersson Qwick Mobil för iOS

This thesis has been performed for the company System Andersson as a part of the bachelors degree in information technology at the School of Engineering in Jönköping. The thesis is based on the development of an iPhone application.System Andersson has an application for Android that is being used for their MPS system (material and production control system). Their customers, however, have also showed interest in being able to use this application for iPhone.The students handle the subject of iOS developing, including the design of the application, the use of the development language Objective-C, the use of the scripting language of Json used for server connections and SQL.The primary goal with this thesis has been to improve the students knowledge in such subjects as application development for mobile platforms, in such areas as Xcode, which is the development platform that Apple uses and Objective-C, which is the development language being used. The result of this thesis is an almost fully functional iOS application, similar to the Android application with some functionality missing..

Rekommendationer eller konversationer - Effekten av innehållet i word of mouth på mottagarens inställning till det omtalade företaget

We investigate the effects of various types of word-of-mouth (WOM) messages on consumer bahavior. The message is varied along two dimensions where one is valence and the other is whether or not it contains an explicit call for certain behavior or attitude change. We use an experiment in the form of a web-based survey. Five different scenarios were designed to represent neutral, positive, and negative WOM. The latter two came in two different versions - one with a recommendation and one without.

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