

227 Uppsatser om Serious leisure - Sida 7 av 16

Emotionell intelligens : Social förmåga, ensamhet och balans mellan studier och fritid hos högskolestuderande

Emotionell intelligens (EI) handlar om förmågan att identifiera och hantera egna och andras emotioner. Forskning har visat att hög EI var relaterat till flera livsområden såsom hälsa i form av mindre stress och kvalité på sociala relationer. Studien syftade till att undersöka samband mellan EI och följande: social förmåga, ensamhet och balans mellan studier/fritid hos sammanlagt 141 högskolestuderande. Mätinstrumentet var kvantitativt bestående av Internetbaserade Big Five Plus (L. Sjöberg, 2007) samt en pappersenkät.

Skriftbruket hos två elever på yrkesförberedande program: En skriftetnografisk undersökning

This essay elucidates upper secondary students? literacy practices, (literacy events, literacy competencies and literacy culture) during a typical day, with focus on the daily literacy practices. A literacy ethnographic study conducted in the environment which participants naturally are, at home, at school and in leisure. The study is inspired of a project, Skriftbruk i arbetslivet, ´Literacy Practices in Working Life´, that conducted by Anna-Malin Karlsson, Per Ledin and Olle Josephson, in collaboration with Vetenskapsrådet ´Science Council´(2002-2004).The result of this study shows that students from professional preparing programs not use such literacy competencies that been tested in traditionally reading comprehension test, particularly much. However, do they read a lot during the literacy practices day by television, computer and mobile phone.

Rörelshinder och ämnet idrott och hälsa : en kvalitativ studie om hur elever med rörelsehinder upplever ämnet idrott och hälsa

The aim of this study was to investigate how disabled pupils feel about school lessons in physical education. Previous studies in the area show that many disabled pupils think that this is a problem. Drawing on data from one-to-one semi-structured interviews with six students in the age of 11-14 years, this study focused on how students with disability cope with their impairments and physical activity in school. The interviewees? background displays a wide range of sport related activities and besides school the interviewees seem to be engaged in different sports associations on their leisure time.

Arbeta och leva i Kina : Upplevda kulturella skillnader från ett svenskt perspektiv

En ökad handel med Kina har inneburit att fler svenskar arbetar och bor där tillfälligt. Det betyder att det finns intresse att undersöka kulturella skillnader för att underlätta anpassningar vid arbete och fritid. Åtta personer med erfarenhet av att arbeta och leva i Kina intervjuades. Resultatet visade på betydande skillnader i kommunikation, tidsuppfattning, organisation, relationer och socialt beteende. Kommunikationssvårigheter fanns både under arbete och vid fritid vilket berodde på språket i sig samt olika kommunikationsstilar.

Går det att säkerställa ljudmiljön i en träningslokal? - en studie om ljudnivåövervakare på träningslokaler i Göteborg

In Sweden, exercise takes a great part in people?s lives. Health and a good conditioned body go hand in hand. Many Swedes exercise in groups, with aerobics or a similar form of workout at a training facility. A regular workout lasts for about an hour and is accompanied by music.

Bygga broar mellan kulturer: En studie av skönlitteratur, identitet och integrationsprocess

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to explore the meaning of literature forliterate immigrants in regards to identity and integration. The study is based onqualitative interviews with eight Swedes of various backgrounds, but with thecommon experience of an immigration process. In addition to being migrants, therespondents are also public library users who have an interest in literature and whoread literature during their leisure time. To analyze the empirical material ananalytical framework, consisting of a number of analytical concepts from Libraryand Information Science, Literature Science, and Sociology, has been used.

Rätten att välja fel - Självbestämmande för personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar

The purpose of this paper was to look at the perception of self-determination for adults with intellectual disabilities from their perspective. We wanted to examine the experience of the space available for self-determination in some key areas of life, and how their own thoughts and ideas have been addressed by others. Through interviews with six people with intellectual disabilities, we have found that a single definition of self-determination is elusive. The key seems to be that you get the opportunity to do what you want, to have your voice heard and to receive and take responsibility. The space for self-determination is perceived by respondents as both large and small.

Vem blir programledare i Sverige? En studie med syftet att hitta den föredragna svenska programledartypen

Authors: Nanna Isaksson and Fredrik ÖstbergTitle: Who is the typical TV-host on Swedish television?Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 57TV-hosts have a pivotal role in television. They are the link between the content of the show and its viewers. We didn?t find any relevant studies about TV-hosts inSweden and decided to carry out a study that would tell us more about them as a group.

The experience of MS-related fatigue

Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that mainly strikes young people in working age, twice as many women than men falls ill. Approximately 85 % suffers from MS-related fatigue that divides itself from common fatigue in that way that it is persistent and does not disappear in spite of sleep. This fatigue is experienced of many as one of the most difficult symptoms, which has considerable impact on the everyday life. Aim: The aim with the study was to elucidate how MS-related fatigue was experienced by persons with MS. Method: The study has been implemented as a literature study through systematic review of scientific articles.

Situationen för anhöriga till yngre personer med demenssjukdom

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur bra vi är på att bedöma ålder på omaskerade och maskerade ansikten. Syftet var även att undersöka om det fanns systematiska fel som är förknippade med åldersbedömning av maskerade ansikten.Totalt fick 60 försöksdeltagare, samtliga ungdomar, skatta åldern på 60 fotografier av 30 maskerade och 30 omaskerade män.  Fotografierna var indelade i två åldersgrupper, yngre och äldre, och samtliga stimulipersoner förekom i både den maskerade och den omaskerade varianten.Resultaten visade att försöksdeltagarna var bättre på att skatta åldern på omaskerade ansikten än på maskerade. Inga skillnader i systematiska fel fans mellan maskerade och omaskerade ansikten.Bilder av unga ansikten skattades med högre precision än bilder av äldre ansikten..

Ledarskap i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra lärare förhåller sig till pedagogiskt ledarskap

The purpose of this study is to analyse the attitude of four teachers to leadership in the classroom. The main research questions asked were:What are the teachers` views on leadership in the classroom?What does good versus  bad leadership mean to the teachers? What factors influence the teachers' leadership in the classroom, according to themselves?The method used is the qualitative method and interviews, which is my empirical material, I relate to different theories and previous research of leadership.The curriculum for the compulsory school system, the pre-school class and the leisure-time centre, Lpo 94, says a lot about how both the school and the teacher must pursue a democratic activity; the teacher must have a democratic leadership in the classroom (Lpo 94, s. 5). At school, the pupils should be met with respect, they should feel safe and be motivated to learn.

Varför gjorde de det? : En undersökning av ideella arbetskrafter som byggde Levene Arena.

Ideellt arbetande var en bidragande orsak till att Levene samhälle i Vara kommun kunde uppföra en evenemangshall. Denna studie syftar till att förklara varför invånarna i Levene ställde upp och arbetade med ett slitsamt bygge på sin fritid. Det görs genom att sätta fokus på vilka motivationsfaktorer som motiverade de ideella arbetskrafterna. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer samlades ett material in som sedan anlyserades. Det resultatet visar är att invånarna i Levene motiverades till att ställa upp var till en börja en starkt målbild och vision samt att många var med.

Ta rast! : En sociokulturell studie om rastverksamhet

The purpose of this study is to highlight play and learning in the lower school ages in organized and non-organized break actives. The premise is that the break is a part of the schoolday and that the school has responsibility to live up to the goals and guidelines of the curriculum even in recess. Leisuretime-pedagogy and the professional competence the pedagogs possess about games and the social relations of children are also in focus in this study. The study is a qualitative study where the empirical material consists of observations in a schoolyard environment during one week and interviews with children. The material has then been interpreted and analyzed using Lev S.

Fritidshemmet som matematisk lärandemiljö : - möjligheter och hinder

Syftet med min studie har varit att undersöka om fritidshemmet kan utgöra en matematisk lärandemiljö. Jag har studerat vilka aktiviteter som kan eller skulle kunna bidra till att barn utvecklar grundläggande matematiska kunskaper. Dessutom har jag försökt identifiera hinder för fritidshemmet som matematisk lärandemiljö. För att undersöka detta har jag använt mig av deltagande observation som metod samt intervjuer. Datamaterialet har samlats in på två fritidshem i två olika kommuner.

Elevers uppfattning och användning av sitt skolbibliotek i en invandrartät gymnasieskola

This thesis examines the perception and use of the school library for students at an Upper Secondary School. The school has a high frequent of immigrant students, and the students interviewed all have an immigrant background. The intention was to find out how the students used the school library and what perception they have of the school library. The method used was semi-structured interviews with eight students, both males and females, who studies different educational programs. The instrument of theory was that from Elisabeth Tallaksen Rafste?s theoretical framework.

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