

8823 Uppsatser om Sensory analysis - Sida 2 av 589

Är du med eller inte? : Mattrender skapar tillhörighet och uttrycker en identitet

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Mat är i fokus ? på tallriken : Ett fotografiskt studium om hur matkommuniceras med visuella medel

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Konsten att visa god smak ? En studie i sensorisk marknadsföring av kött.

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Lakrits och vin : En sensorisk studie om hur lakrits påverkar utvalda egenskaper i vin

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Hotellutcheckningens inverkan på gästens helhetsupplevelse

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

Sensory studies of an energy dense drink for elderly people

The average length of life is increasing in the western world, hence the older population is growing. A common health problem among the elderly is malnutrition. Malnutrition causes decreased body strength and is associated with an amplified risk of infections, depression, fractures and increased mortality. The health care system is therefore faced with the challenge to prevent malnutrition among the growing population of elderly. This could be done by providing nutritious foods developed to meet the specific needs of elderly. The overall objective of this project was to test a healthy energy dense drink based on oats targeted for the elderly consumers as a strategy to prevent malnutrition among elderly.

KOM LOSS En studie av Läs- och skrivstugans verksamhet på tre bibliotek i Västra Götalandregionen

The purpose of this Master Thesis is to investigate whether the technical service available in the "Reading and Writing Corner" has an influence on the total quality of service in a public library. This service is intended to give sensory/print-handicapped persons access to information. The title KOM LOSS is a Swedish expression for "come on" and LOSS is short for reading and writing support. I have chosen to study three libraries in the region of Västra Götaland, Sweden. The thesis examines total quality from the aspects of goal steering, accessibility, education and marketing.

Kontorslandskap och sensory-processing sensitivitet : Vilken betydelse har de för välbefinnande, hälsa och arbetsvillkor hos designstudenter?

Kontorslandskap är en vanligt förekommande kontorsdesign och fördelar och nackdelar med att arbeta i sådan miljö är oklara. Syften med denna studie var att a) undersöka hur individer upplever att arbeta i kontorslandskap och vad det kan ha för konsekvenser för hälsa och arbetsvillkor, och b) undersöka deras grad av känslighet i förhållande till kontorslandskap, hälsa och arbetsvillkor. Studenter vid Beckmans designhögskola deltog i studien genom att fylla i en enkät. Resultaten visade att upplevelse av kontorslandskap var relaterat till anspänning av arbete och arbetstillfredsställelse men inte till sensory-processing sensitivitet vilket är delvis i linje med tidigare forskning. Att uppleva kontorslandskap som positivt kan kopplas till högre arbetstillfredsställelse och lägre anspänning av arbetet.

Utveckling av en fiberberikad probiotisk fruktdryck

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether resistant maltodextrin is suitable as a fiber source in the probiotic fruit drink ProViva Mango without affecting the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, viscosity or the sensory experience of the drink. Resistant maltodextrin is produced from hydrolyzed corn starch and is classified as a soluble dietary fiber. It is relatively resistant to digestion in the small intestine, where approximately 10% can be broken down, 50% can be fermented in the colon by the intestinal flora and 40 % is excreted in the faeces. Resistant maltodextrin has several important qualities when it comes to food processing. When added in a product, it does not affect the viscosity or taste and it is heat and acid stable.

Flavour improvement of water solutions comprising bitter amino acids

The aim of this project was to improve taste of a liquid food product, comprising extremelybitter and unpalatable amino acids and one unrevealed ingredient. The amino acids were Lleucine,L-isoleucine, L-valine, L-threonine and L-lysine monohydrochloride. Experimentaldesign was set up as a screening of water solutions comprising these ingredients (called BCAAsolutions) and added ingredients with potential to improve flavour. BCAA solution withingredients that were potential bitterness suppressors were evaluated in flavour, bitternessand/or palatability. Solutions of separate amino acids were also studied.

Från WOW till OH SHIT! : - En studie om värdeskapande i konsertsammanhang

Our purpose with this research is to highlight that there is a scope for increased value creation in the experience room during concerts, and how value-enhancing strategies can be a competitive advantage for different venues. In our investigation of this we have worded the following research question: How is the perceived customer value affected during a concert in the experience room and its physical environment? With the background in this question we have identified three key concepts that we believe are the influence of the total concert experience which are; sensory experiences, interaction and identity. From these concepts we have drafted a number of propositions to test the reality by our empirical data collection. .

Normering av test av intraoral stereognosi och tvåpunktsdiskrimination : Hos barn i åldrarna 5;6 - 7;0 år

The oral sensory ability in children can be assessed through test of intraoral stereognosis and two-point discrimination. Currently, these two tests are not frequently used in clinical settings, and normative data are not always available. The aim of this study was to establish normative data for these two tests in children aged 5;6 to 7;0 years. Further, intention was to compare the results with respect to age and gender. In total 103 children participated, 49 boys and 54 girls.

?Sense the band, Feel the artist? : En studie om differentiering av artister online med hjälp av sensory branding

SyfteUppsatsens syfte är att genom en analys av dagens digitala marknadsföring av artister i Sverige få fram olika strategier som kan leda till differentiering online, samt få vidare förståelse om hur artister aktivt kan arbeta med strategierna online för att förstärka helhetsupplevelsen av varumärket och hur fansen upplever det digitala arbetet.MetodDenna uppsats är genomförd utifrån en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod och har en abduktiv ansats. Vi har samlat in det empiriska materialet via kvalitativa intervjuer med utvalda personer från olika delar av musikbranschen för att få olika synvinklar. Samt gjort en enkätundersökning för att få in konsumenternas aspekt, som vi i uppsatsen benämner som fans. Dessa tillvägagångssätt har kompletterats med primär- och sekundärkällor inom branding, sensory branding och digital marknadsföring. SlutsatserVi har genom vår analys och slutdiskussion kommit fram till följande: genom att tillämpa de fyra strategier som vi har valt att kalla; branding-strategi, sensory branding-strategi, digital marknadsförings-strategi och storytelling-strategi, är artisten på god väg att utmärka sig för både fans och musikbransch. Fansen anser att man ska ha en bra story kombinerad med en röd tråd och ett helhetskoncept.

Design and performance of Small scale sensory consumer tests

Small scale internal consumer tests provide a company with a cheap way to get valuable information regarding their products advantages and flaws. Therefore the demand for possibilities to do this kind of test has increased. This report is part of a new sensory project at Unilever. It presents a method for sensory comparison of the company?s own products with the corresponding competitor products.

Quantitative thermal perception thresholds, comparison between methods

Skin temperature is detected through signals in unmyelinated C-fibers and thin myelinated A?-fibers in the peripheral and central nervous system. Disorders in thin nerve fibres are important and not rare but difficult to diagnose by the most common neurophysiological methods. In this pilot study different methods for quantitative sensory testing, QST, were compared to give some ideas about which method could be the most efficient to use in order to point out injuries of the sensory system in clinical practice. The comparison was made between Békésy (separate warmand cold thresholds) and Marstock test (combined warm and cold thresholds).

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