

193 Uppsatser om Sensor lenses - Sida 2 av 13

User Interface Design for Analysis of Sensor Systems

In the future network-based Swedish Defence (NBD), attaining information superiority will be of great importance. This will be achieved by a network of networks where decision-makers, information- and weapon-systems are linked together. As a part of the development of NBD, we have performed a study of user interface design for a future network-based tool package for analysis of sensor systems, referred to as the C2SR-system. This thesis was performed at Ericsson Microwave Systems AB, Sensor and Information Networks, during the autumn 2002. A pre-study concerning the requirements of usability, trustworthiness and functionality of a user interface for the C2SR-system was performed.

Skydd av flygbas : En jämförelse mellan hund och LADAR som sensor

I en ambition att öka effekten och insatsberedskapen i den svenska försvarsmakten har stora omorganisationer skett efter det kalla krigets slut. Den senaste förändringen innebär att värnplikten läggs på is under fredstid och att kontraktsanställda soldater skall ingår i förbanden istället. Detta har medfört reduktioner i personalvolymer, troligtvis för att kunna bekosta löner för de kontraktsanställda soldaterna. Inom flygvapnets markförsvarsförband har reduceringen blivit så stor att vid en spriding av det svenska flygvapnet, finns inte tillräckligt med förband för att skydda samtliga baser effektivt. För närvarande används hundar som sensor för lokalisera fientliga spaning och sabotageförband vid och omkring svenska flygbasområden.

Hållbarhetscertifiering av stadsdelar : En jämförelse mellan existerande certifieringssystem

This bachelor thesis describes the process of developing a two wheeled robot with activebalancing. The robot is designed to go straight ahead until it reaches a finish line. Then it shallstop to stand still balancing. The workload in the group has been divided according to theprevious individual projects, which are attached. The design of the robot is inspired by theconcept of the Segway.

Timing Grey: En självbalanserande robot med ultraljud och egenutvecklad hastighetsmätare

This bachelor thesis describes the process of developing a two wheeled robot with activebalancing. The robot is designed to go straight ahead until it reaches a finish line. Then it shallstop to stand still balancing. The workload in the group has been divided according to theprevious individual projects, which are attached. The design of the robot is inspired by theconcept of the Segway.

Can increased activity recorded with help of activity monitoring sensor indicate an upcoming calving?

The purpose of this study was to find out if motion movements, e.g. number of lying bouts and lying time with a registered activity monitoring sensor can detect an impending calving and thereby be used as a measure and an indicator for an upcoming calving. For this, automatically step sensors were used and were attached to one of the cows? hind leg. The sensor registered the individual step and movement activity of the cow.


Huvuduppgiften i detta examensarbete har varit att programmera en Android smart-telefon så att den kan kommunicera med en bio-sensor med syfte att skapa automatiska larm vid till exempel hjärtproblem. Hur lösningen har vuxit fram har dokumenterats tillsammans med resultatet av den informationssökning som utförts parallellt inom angränsande ämnesområden.Vid programmeringen har en Service använts för att upprätthålla en prioriterad kommunikationsprocess mellan bio-sensor och telefon. Programprototypen använder även en Widget ? en mini applikation på skrivbordet - som är ett snyggt sätt att presentera mätdata.När denna produkt börjar säljas på marknaden kommer den vara klassificerad som en medicinteknisk produkt. Detta innebär att det finns ett speciellt regelverk för leverantören av produkten att följa.Applikationen är enkel att hantera för användarna men det innebär inte att den alltid är lämplig för alla.

Reaktionskrafter i dragarmarna på en traktors trepunktslyft : Teori och praktik

Tractors of today come equipped with a CAN-system. A CAN-system sends information from sensors to electronic control units who process the signals. The sensors measure several interesting parameters such as force, pressure and speed for various components of the tractor. This thesis discuss a force sensor which is placed in the pivot of the tractors three point linkage, the sensor measure the horizontal reaction force from the load that the tractor is exposed to. Signals from this sensor can be used to measure the force from any implement that the tractor is exposed to during an operation.

Analys och modifiering av digital filteralgoritm för gassensor

AbstractThis work was assigned by a technological company that manufactures gas detectors in which the sensor signal is processed using digital filters. These filters have been developed by a consultancy firm which converted previously used analog filters to digital filters. The purpose of this work has been to analyse inadequate, and sometimes erroneous, documentation from the project in order to provide the company with know-how and tools for further improvement of their products. The work has been done using the simulation software COMSOL which was bought solely for the project. Analysis showed serious flaws as well as pure errors in the consultant?s documentation.

Mikrosensorer i nätverk

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibility to make small, cheap and ultra low power sensor platforms, connected in wireless networks for monitoring of home and industrial environments. The concept is based on ideas from our supervisor, Jerry Lindblom. The developed system consists of a generic platform for different sensors, a receiver and software. A GPRS module from RO Rollytech AB and a database from Gema Industri AB have been modified and used to demonstrate an example of a complete system. To the platform, it is possible to connect any resistive sensor and any sensor that can act as a switch.

Filter och kapsling för IR-givare

This paper describes the work done trying to diminish the noise present in the signal from an IR-detector. The project was aiming towards two different kinds of applications; heat protection and presence detection. The hypothesis was that the signal-noise ratio would decrease if a filter and a proper installation were used for the detector. Some experiments were executed to determine what kind of filter were the most suitable for each application and how these could be installed. After executing the experiments and evaluate the results we recommend to use a specific filter for each application.

Balanserande robot

Denna rapport behandlar utveckling av en tvåhjulig balanserande robot. En PID-regulator är implementerad i en mikrokontroller, som även AD-omvandlar en sensorsignal, samt styr motorer via H-bryggor med pulsbreddsmodulering. I rapporten förklaras framtagning av diskret PID-regulator, processorkort, motorkort, val av komponenter och sensor för att mäta robotens vinkel mot ett vertikalplan.Roboten kan balansera stillastående, men behöver kompletteras ytterligare med hjulåterkoppling för att kunna balansera medan den kör. Roboten balanserar med mätdata från en mekanisk golvavkännare (potentiometer). Andra sorters sensorer diskuteras också, t ex accelerometer, gyro och optisk sensor..

Värmestyrning I Handske

This rapport is result of a project. The purpose of which was to design a circuit that is used in a heat glove. The heat glove is the technical aid which provides heat inside a glove.It is specially suited for old people who have problems with cold hands because of decreased blood circulation.There already was an old circuit in the glove that gives a constant current which develops heat from battery to glove through a circuit. The temperature is between 32 and 34 degrees.The problem with the existing circuit was to regulate the temperature. There is only on/off switch and there is no way to adjust desirable value of the temperature.In order to solve the problem the old circuit was investigated.

Bredbandig Lobbildning : Bestämning av bredbandiga signalers infallsvinklar med hjälp av en sensor-array

Denna rapport presenterar en metod som möjliggör bestämning av bredbandiga signalers infallsvinklar. Studien är gjord i Matlab där infallande signaler samplades med ett antal sensorer utplacerade ekvidistant på en rätlinje. Den samplade informationen viktades sedan med konstanter framtagna med en konvex optimeringsrutin för att bilda en vinkelberoende utsignal.Rutinerna testades för insignaler med ett få antal frekvenser och gav för alla testade insgnaler en mycket bra bestämmning av infallsvinklen. Studien visar även att det är möjligt att göra systemet mer robust mot störningar i sensorernas positioner genom att ställa kriterier på den konvexa optimerings rutinen..

Olika metoder och tekniska hjälpmedel för att bestämma bevattningstidpunkt :

This examination work on studies and research in articles is mostly from other countries. The purpose of the examination work have been to find out if there are any means you can work with to find out when its time to start irrigation, how they works and if they are credible. In Sweden there is not many means for decide when it?s time to irrigate and how much water you should appear. Swedish farmers think they have so much experience that they don?t need techniques like this.

Utveckling av en ytmonterad fördelningsmätare som underlag för individuell debitering av vattenförbrukning i fastigheter

The master thesis, conducted at Metrima AB, concerns the development of a non-intrusivedistribution meter as a basis for individual tap water billing in apartments.The project is conducted in response to the market interest in individual tap water billing inapartments as an answer to environmental concerns regarding water consumption. Due to thehigh installation cost of traditional water meters, a new method of determining waterconsumption, without having to cut water pipes, is proposed.The proposed method distributes the total water consumption for an apartment complex toindividual apartments according to distribution meters, measuring water run-time, in eachapartment. The water run-time is estimated by measuring the water pipe?s outward vibrationsand temperature changes.A test environment was established and a prototype built, using a tilt- and vibration sensor forvibration sensing and a precision temperature sensor to measure temperature changes. As bothsensors work well in the test environment, further testing was done in 3 apartments for aduration of 5 days.

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