

412 Uppsatser om Senior citizen - Sida 2 av 28

Medborgardeltagande i stadsplanering - En fallstudie av Södra Gårda

This essay examines how public planners and the inhabitants of södra Gårda relate to the physical planning of the area and to the demolition versus the preservation of the quarters Eken and Cedern, and how the dialogue between planners and citizens appears to be. How do the planners and policymakers relate to citizen participation in urban planning, and how is participatory planning carried out in the legislation, rhetorically and in practice. Former research indicates a distinct gap between rhetorics, legislation and actions in practice regarding citizen participation in planning, which is why we find it an interesting topic for further research. The essay aims to highlight the different actors interests and visions of the development of the area. Which are the standpoints and arguments the different actors set out for the future visions of the area? The essay focuses on citizen participation in urban planning in the city of Gothenburg.

Till vilken nytta? : En fallstudie av medborgarforum i Uppsala kommun

This report is a case study of ?citizen forums? in the municipality of Uppsala. These forums are arranged to make people participate more in local politics. The aim of this study is to find out if the opinions and the wishes coming from the citizens are later involved in the planning process etc made by the authorities. The aim is also to explain why or why not the opinions from the citizens are of any importance.My empirical data come from interviews that I have made with seven different respondents, both politicians and civil servants.

Pojkar som inte lyckas i grundskolan

The purpose of this essay was to examine pupils who leave the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system without reaching the requirements for the Swedish senior high school, and then to compare with those who reach the requirements. I used the following questions to help me reach this purpose:- Where in life are those pupils who reached the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- Where in life are those pupils who did not reach the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- What differences are noticeable between these two groups?The method that I used to examine these questions was to send out a questionnaire to the pupils. I also tried to make an explanation to the results with the help of Erwin Goffmanns theories.The result of this essay shows that there is not a big difference between the two groups. They both did equally well after they finished the Swedish nine-year compulsory school..

Att undervisa i matematik : En komparativ studie angående pedagogiska metoder i Sverige och Kina

The Third International Assessment of Educational Progress (TIMMS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) during the last decades regarding the results of mathematics teaching shows that China have a better performance than Sweden?s.Swedish teacher-guidelines focus on developing student?s individual interest and confidence for mathematics. In the Chinese teaching-guidelines for Mathematics Curriculum Standards, Ordninary Senior Secondary, the focus is given on: Elevate their mathematics literacy necessary for future citizenship and Development of citizen´s qualities (s.3).Teachers are the primary factors that impact teaching and learning of mathematics. Two teachers from Sweden and two from China were interviewed and their methods were compared in my study. The aim of my study was to understand mathematics teaching in China and Sweden.

En strategisk planeringsmodell: Att införa medborgarkontor i ett folkbibliotek med hjälp av strategisk planering

This Masters thesis is concerned with the complex planning process of setting up a citizen bureau in a public library. The aim is to find out how citizen bureaux are designed and to suggest a simplified model of strategic planning. The planning process is studied from a business perspective in the library context, and this perspective is also used to study citizen bureaux and their written plans elsewhere. A combination of qualitative methods are used: observations, focus group discussions and interviews. Observations in the public library showed a great need for an environmental analysis as well as structure to the planning process.

Mobbning i skolan ? uppmärksamma, förebygga, motverkaBullying in school - to attend, prevent, counteract

Previous studies have shown that teachers in school are having an insufficientknowledge about the bullying at their own school. These studies are based from pupils point of view at the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. Based on this literature we became critical and wanted to examine this closer.The purpose of this essay was to find out and to examine how the staff in two different senior level of compulsory school notice, prevent and counteract bullying in their daily line of work. With this essay we hope to get the schools attention and understanding about this existing problem. We have done a qualitative study using qualitative method for collection of data.

Tillväxt Örebro & Örebro miljömål : - kan de kombineras med externhandel

This report is a case study of ?citizen forums? in the municipality of Uppsala. These forums are arranged to make people participate more in local politics. The aim of this study is to find out if the opinions and the wishes coming from the citizens are later involved in the planning process etc made by the authorities. The aim is also to explain why or why not the opinions from the citizens are of any importance.My empirical data come from interviews that I have made with seven different respondents, both politicians and civil servants.

Informationsfrihet och IT-användning i demokratifrämjande syfte

The potential of information technology as a means to invigorate democratic practise is constantly under discussion. Regardless of the differing opinions as to the most suitable way to utilise IT, there are certain democratic core values that have to be considered. One of these is freedom of information, defined by us as the right of every citizen to seek, obtain and express information. The aim of this study is to explore whether the use of IT as a means to enhance democracy can strengthen the citizens right to freedom of information. As an instrument for analysis we use an article by Jan van Dijk, professor of communication science.

Konsten att skapa goda matvanor i hemmiljö- en kvalitativ studie om småbarnsföräldrars upplevelser.

Trycksår orsakar lidande för patienter och höga kostnader för sjukvården. För att förhindra uppkomst av trycksår är det viktigt att identifiera patienter med ökad risk för trycksår samt att aktivt arbeta med preventiva omvårdnadsåtgärder. Ett strukturerat arbetssätt kan göras utifrån kvalitetsregistret Senior Alerts rekommendationer. Senior Alert är inriktat på förebyggande vård av äldre över 65 år och i registret registreras bland annat risk för trycksår, planerade åtgärder samt sjuksköterskans utvärdering av de insatta åtgärderna. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga täckningsgrad, utförda riskbedömningar och planerade åtgärder avseende risk för trycksår i kvalitetsregistret Senior Alert.

Olikheter på arbetsplatsen. En studie om prioriteringar och marginaliseringar i svenska organisationers mångfaldsarbeten

Facilitated by the breakthrough of the internet, new ways of organizing internet-based projects that harness the power of the crowds are becoming increasingly common. Today there are ways of using the crowd as paid labour, as funders of your new project ventures and even for helping scientists doing science. Staying true to its traditional principles of objectivity and trustworthiness while asking the crowd to contribute, crowd generated ?Citizen Science? does not provide even the slightest amount of pay in exchange for the time and effort put in by their contributors. Surely there can not be many people willing to do such a thing voluntarily? Actually, practice is showing the exact opposite with contributions counted in their millions among the more popular Citizen Science projects.

Enhetschefens upplevelse av hälsofrämjande ledarskap - En kvalitativ studie inom primärvården/Landstinget i Mellansverige.

Trycksår orsakar lidande för patienter och höga kostnader för sjukvården. För att förhindra uppkomst av trycksår är det viktigt att identifiera patienter med ökad risk för trycksår samt att aktivt arbeta med preventiva omvårdnadsåtgärder. Ett strukturerat arbetssätt kan göras utifrån kvalitetsregistret Senior Alerts rekommendationer. Senior Alert är inriktat på förebyggande vård av äldre över 65 år och i registret registreras bland annat risk för trycksår, planerade åtgärder samt sjuksköterskans utvärdering av de insatta åtgärderna. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga täckningsgrad, utförda riskbedömningar och planerade åtgärder avseende risk för trycksår i kvalitetsregistret Senior Alert.

Vilka faktorer påverkar börsbolagens nedskrivningsbeslut?

By using univariate analysis, tobit and logit regressions, this thesis investigates determinants of asset writedowns. After controlling for variables indicating reductions in asset values, the results show that changes in senior management are significant in explaining the writedown decision and magnitude, which is in line with previous research. The explanatory power of changes in senior management has not increased with the transition to IFRS in 2005. No evidence is found supporting the hypothesis that the explanatory power of management incentives is higher for more discretionary types of asset writedowns..

Konsten att dansa tango En studie om relationen mellan förvaltningschefer och politiker i Bromölla kommun

This essay studies the relationship between politicians and municipal chief officers from the point of view of the bureaucracy and its role in democracy and the substance of the chief position. I conducted interviews and observations with politicians and senior officials from the local public administration in Bromölla. The roles of the chief officer and politicians have certain common characteristics which makes it difficult to separate them. Senior officials working full time in contrast to part time politicians give them an advantage in the political process. Budget cut backs both enhance the role of politicians and chief officers in the administrative organisation.

Bakom kulisserna på Migrationsverket : En kvalitativ studie om handläggarnas uppfattning av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön.

Due to stress, the workplace is a setting where actions of health promotion are of great importance in the perspective of public health. Stress is caused by heavy workload, low control of organizing their tasks and lack of support from colleagues and supervisors. This can lead to cardiovascular disease, depression and insomnia. Due to the health problems that this causes, it is important to examine how senior immigration offices perceive their psychosocial work environment.The aim of this thesis is to examine how the senior immigration offices at the Migration Board perceive their psychosocial work environment. The study is based on a qualitative approach with deductive content analysis and the data has therefore been collected through interviewing six people based on a semi-structured interview guide.The result has shown that the senior immigration offices are pleased with their work environment and that their workload is constantly changing.

Arbetsminnesträning och specialpedagogiskt stöd - en studie om elever med rörelsehinder

Huvudsyftet var att genom en fallstudie utvärdera om träningsprogrammet, Minneslek Senior, är ett användbart pedagogiskt verktyg, för att förbättra elevers förutsättningar för inlärning. Vidare var syftet att undersöka de stödinsatser som ges till elever, med rörelsehinder, i en inkluderande grundskoleverksamhet. I min studie använder jag mig av olika metoder för att belysa mitt fall. Tre elever fick genomföra ett arbetsminnesträningsprogram, Minneslek Senior. Med en av eleverna genomfördes observationer i olika lärandesituationer samt en djupare intervju för att få förståelse för elevens inre tankar om sin skol- och lärandesituation.

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