

31 Uppsatser om Semantics - Sida 2 av 3

Aspect Analyzer: Ett verktyg för automatiserad exekveringstidsanalys av komponenter och aspekter

The increasing complexity in the development of a configurable real-time system has emerged new principles of software techniques, such as aspect-oriented software development and component-based software development. These techniques allow encapsulation of the system's crosscutting concerns and increase the modularity of the software. The properties of a component that influences the systems performance or Semantics are specified separately in entities called aspects, while basic functionality of the property still remains in the component. When building a real-time system, different sets of configurations of aspects and components can be combined, resulting in different configurations of the system. The temporal behavior of the system changes and a way to ensure the predictability of the system is needed.

Passage Retrieval: en litteraturstudie av ett forskningsområde inom information retrieval

The aim of this thesis is to describe passage retrieval (PR), with basis in results from various empirical experiments, and to critically investigate different approaches in PR. The main questions to be answered in the thesis are: (1) What characterizes PR? (2) What approaches have been proposed? (3) How well do the approaches work in experimental information retrieval (IR)? PR is a research topic in information retrieval, which instead of retrieving the fulltext of documents, that can lead to information overload for the user, tries to retrieve the most relevant passages in the documents. This technique was investigated studying a number of central articles in the research field. PR can be divided into three different types of approaches based on the segmentation of the documents.

Konceptförslag till förarmiljö : Formspråk och utvalda reglage i estetisk och kognitiv ergonomisk tappning

Ett produktutvecklingsprojekt som behandlar hur problemen kring en förarmiljös formspråk, reglage och kombinationen av dessa i högre grad kan utformas på ett kognitivtergonomiskt och estetiskt vis med anknytning till varumärke.I projektet utfördes en omfattande studie över nutidens förarmiljöer där flera tydliga trender upptäcktes.  I parallellkurs utfördes ett kognitiv ergonomiskt praktikfall tillsammans med litteratur som förankrat arbetet i att forma tekniken efter människan.  Sedan har projektet fördjupat i estetiska principer och olika studier kring förarmiljöer behandlas. Konceptframtagningen bestod av tre faser. Där det initialt togs fram en mängd övergripande formspråk. Sedan lades de åt sidan för att utforma manöverdon.

Den entreprenöriella filosofin : Ideologi, kunskapssyn, betydelse och tendens i GY11 och filosofiämnets nya mål och kunskapskriterier

Den Entreprenöriella Filosofin är en studie av ideologi, kunskapssyn, betydelse och tendens i de nya kunskapskriterierna i gymnasieämnet filosofi sett i ljuset av Gymnasieskola 2011 (GY11). Uppsatsen inleds med en kort presentation av ämnet för att sedan redogöra för olika lingvistiska och semantiska tolkningsmodeller hämtade hos filosofer som Saussure, Russell och Wittgenstein vilka kommer att användas i själva analysen av de nya kunskapskriterierna. I syfte att sätta in undersökningen i en historisk kontext ges även en presentation av olika epistemologiska skolor och hur synen på kunskap i skolan har skiftat genom åren. Den efterföljande komparativa läsningen av de nya kunskapskriterierna gentemot de gamla betygskriterierna, där en rad nyintroducerade begrepp såsom entreprenör och entreprenöriellt lärande dessutom tolkas utifrån sin nya kontext visar att det har skett en förskjutning av vilka förmågor eller kunskaper som nu skall bedömas i gymnasieämnet filosofi. Textanalysen visar även att det har skett en förskjutning vad gäller kunskapssyn mot ett mer instrumentellt förhållningssätt och att detta bygger på ideologisk tendens snarare än vetenskaplig övertygelse..

Shooting Target - Design : Product Development

The project has involved the development of two kinds of shooting targets in partnership with Marcus Bergkvist and Christopher Åkerblom. The project from the client was divided into two parts. This thesis discusses solutions for hands-on transport, development of tripods and an overall design. The second thesis affect resetting systems for the products.The work was done with a process and methodology based on design perspectives. This process has involved the search of relevant data which has provided the platform and opportunity for appropriate and purposeful design work.Concept development has been done using hand sketches and Photoshop, where a simple visualization of different concepts for the tripods has been produced.

Ägglocksmaskin : Produktutveckling på en maskin som hanterar ägglocken

The project has involved the development of two kinds of shooting targets in partnership with Marcus Bergkvist and Christopher Åkerblom. The project from the client was divided into two parts. This thesis discusses solutions for hands-on transport, development of tripods and an overall design. The second thesis affect resetting systems for the products.The work was done with a process and methodology based on design perspectives. This process has involved the search of relevant data which has provided the platform and opportunity for appropriate and purposeful design work.Concept development has been done using hand sketches and Photoshop, where a simple visualization of different concepts for the tripods has been produced.

Talande ord : En jämförande studie av taggar och kontrollerade ämnesord för indexering av skönlitteratur

How do you summarize the content of a fictional work, let?s sayLord of the Rings, into a few "telling" words that may represent it? This master?s thesis is a comparative study of how library users? freely chosen tags/keywords deviate from controlled vocabulary made by professional indexers when representing fiction. The thesis answers four main questions:? Do the tags that the library users give fictional works correspond to the categories used in professional indexing in Sweden?? Do the tags follow the standards for vocabulary, Semantics and syntax used when indexing professionally?? Do the tags add something to document representations?? Are there differences between the tags used for adult fiction and the tags used for children?s literature?With a starting point in indexing theories of Frederick W. Lancaster, Annelise Pejtersen, and the semiotic theory of the indexing process of Jens-Erik Mai, 383 tags from totally 70 fictional works are analyzed.

Dystopi och jordens undergång : En genreanalys av dystopiska inslag i fiktiv film

This study is a research on how dystopian features are expressed within different genres. The purpose is to discuss films that contain dystopian features in relation to genre and to examine if there are shared conventions in the films that can make dystopia a film genre on its own. The theoretical base includes genre theory and Rick Altman?s semantic/syntactic approach to film genre. Five films from different genres, all produced within the time period of 2000-2010, are analyzed with a semantic/syntactic approach to genre and then discussed in relation to dystopia and prior research.

Ledföljdsvariation i svenska : Verb, semantik och syntax i samband med lång objektsflytt

The term ?Object Shift? means that a weak object pronoun has been raised to a position to the left of a sentence adverbial. Primarily, there are two positions to which a weak object pronoun can be raised; one of them is called Long Object Shift.In this paper, I primarily deal with finite verb frequencies in sentences with Long Object Shift in Swedish. Also, in order to further define the verbs in these sentences I discuss verb semantic and syntactic valence in relation to the shifted object. Furthermore, I discuss the search methods which have generated sentences with Long Object Shift in written sources in Swedish; an equivalent study has never been done before.

Framtagandet av ett företags visuella produktidentitet

Aqeri has since the past year a new profile with name and logotype, which has createda need for an updated visual product identity. The company is a leading developer,producer and distributer of IT products suitable for extreme environments in industry,defense and vehicles. This new profile with the different segments has together with aproduct identity from two companies resulted in that they have no clear designidentity on their products. From this background the aim of this research is todetermine how a development of a design identity is done to implement it to Aqeri.The design identity can be defined as a product?s identity visualized through its formor appearance which defines what the product is.

Är svenskan på väg mot könsneutralitet?

Genom att undersöka aspekterna kongruensböjning av adjektiv efter naturligt genus, yrkestitlar och generisk användning av han vill jag med denna uppsats utreda om svenskan är på väg mot könsneutralitet under en tidsperiod på cirka 40 år. Mer specifikt kan sägas att jag med mina undersökningar ville kontrollera om kongruensböjning av adjektiv efter naturligt genus verkar avta, om yrkestitlar i mindre omfattning än tidigare inkluderar kön och om generisk användning av han ser ut att ersättas av den i svenska lagtexter.Jag har använt mig av korpusar som finns att tillgå på Språkbanken på Göteborgs universitets hemsida för mina undersökningar, där materialet i den äldsta korpusen är från 1965.Min hypotes är att svenskan är på väg mot könsneutralitet, vilket i stort sett verkar stämma överrens med mina resultat. Det jag har fått fram för kongruensböjning av adjektiv efter naturligt genus är ändelsen ?a används allt oftare, även i kombination med maskulinum, medan bruket av ändelsen ?e verkar minska. För yrkestitlar visar mina undersökningar att det ursprungligen "inbyggda" könet i stort sett blir mindre betydande.

Måltext i Midgård : Ohlmarks Härskarringen och översättandets normer

This study considers Härskarringen (1959?61), a Swedish translation of J. R. R. Tolkien?s The Lord of the Rings (1954?55), within the framework of translation studies and the description of norms within different fields of translation.

Semantiska webben och sökmotorer

Den ha?r semantiska webben. Syftet a?r att underso?ka hur den semantiska webben pa?verkar so?kmotorer pa? webben. Detta sker genom en underso?kning av tio olika so?kmotorer da?r nio a?r semantiskt sa?dana och den tionde a?r den mest anva?nda so?kmotorn idag.

Musik och Film : Ett möte mellan två konstformer i Stanley Kubricks ?2001 ? a Space Odyssey? och Woody Allens ?Manhattan?

Filmmusic is often composed specially for a film. When analyzing film-music it seems very common to study the function of the music in a narrative context in order to see how it cooperates or relates to this narration. In the present thesis I am investigating the interaction between film and music as two ingredients on an equal level. In short: what happens when a filmmaker chooses music that has already been composed for another occasion, even in another time and a different cultural context? My aim is twofold: first to examine current film analytic strategies, secondly to find new ways of comprehend pre-composed music in relation to its new setting in a film.

Syntaktisk komplexitet hos ungdomar och vuxna med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are any differences regarding syntactic complexity in written language between persons with (phonologically based) reading and writing difficulties and a control group. Earlier research has pointed to such a difference, indicating that texts written by subjects with reading and writing difficulties display a lower grade of syntactic complexity than text written by control groups.Two texts each from 48 subjects (24 from each category) were collected. The subjects were divided in two age groups, one consisting of 15-year-olds and the other of university students (adults in various ages). The subjects were selected through a word decoding test and a spelling test, where the lowest performing formed the group of reading and writing difficulties and the highest performing formed the control groups. All subjects had Swedish as their mother tongue.The syntactic aspects studied were number of words per syntactic sentence (Sw.

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