

536 Uppsatser om Self-compacting concrete - Sida 33 av 36

Irlands ekonomiska uppgång och fall.

Titel: Human being and Christian ? creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren.Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor.Author: Tove Pilroth.The purpose of the essay is to analyse the meaning and the consequences, in a critical and constructive way, of an accentshift of interpretation and understanding of the gospel, from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. The purpose is presented in the frame of the creationtheology of Wingren. To be able to make the research and to answer the purpose of the essay, the following questions are essential:The human being is captive and redemption is liberation. If we are serious about that the gospel gives the human being rehabilitation, satisfaction, liberation and a life and a future with God, the essential question is which metaphor, a juridical or a biological, that speaks to the human being in the best way? What is the meaning of an accentshift from a juridical to a biological metaphor? How does the creationtheologhy of Wingren, from a biological metaphor, meets the situation of the existence for the human being, her longing for life, health and meaning? What kind of theological resources are present in the creationtheology of Wingren, in the confrontation with future theological challenges?The essay is stressing the need of pluralism in the interpretation of the gospel.

Deltidsarbete bland kvinnor i Sverige - vad påverkar val av arbetstid?

English title: Part-time work among women in Sweden ? what influences choice of working hours? In the 1960s and 70s a large growth in part-time work amongst women in the Swedish labour market took place. A net inflow of workers into the labour market has been suggested as the main source. However, part-time work is still a common phenomenon among Swedish women; in 2004 almost 40% of all women worked part-time, and women are clearly dominating the part-time sector. A gradual changeover from house work to market work is hardly a valid explanation anymore.

Förstärkning vid håltagning i betongbjälklag

Vad händer med en plattas momentfördelning vid håltagning? Vilka förstärkande åtgärder kan göras för att motverka dessa? Hur påverkar förstärkningsåtgärderna momentfördelningen jämfört med den ursprungliga fördelningen? Dessa är några av de frågor som har legat i fokus vid framtagande av denna rapport. Utifrån dessa tankar har en litteraturstudie av olika bjälklagtyper och förstärkningar genomförts. Detta har resulterat i en sammanfattning av de tre vanligaste bjälklagstyperna samt en rad olika förstärkningsmetoder. Dessa metoder är t.ex.

Tre Högars park - från idéer och önskemål till gestaltningsförslag ur ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv :

There are plenty of exciting changes being developed in Tre Högar´s Park, which is located in the district of Linero, eastern Lund. A project group representing Linero If, Lugi Tennis and Linero/Östra Torn Health centre, has been created and is responsible for managing a development project of the Park. Their main focus is to create sports, exercise, health-promotion, health-care, recreation and rehabilitation facilities. They view the park area as having great potential and will transform it into a purpose built park for Health and Exercise. There are various authorities involved with and engaged in the scheme; aside from the project group, the municipality of Lund, The sport association of the handicapped and local schools are being consulted.

Implementering av lean i ett gjuteri med låga volymer och hög variation

Valmets own foundry in Karlstad has during a long period of time had problems being profitable. The goal today is to turn this around. Today there are three different productionlines; engine blocks, Yankeecylinders and components for the wind turbine industry. This master thesis has focused on examining if value stream mapping is a useful tool to use in a foundry, and therefore outside the typical manufacturing industry. The target has also been to evaluate if there is a possibility to improve the flow in the foundry and also the results.During the 20 weeks this work has been done at the foundry data has been collected and analyzed.

I klass med vem? En studie om inkomstrepresentativitet i svensk politik.

Titel: Human being and Christian ? creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren.Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor.Author: Tove Pilroth.The purpose of the essay is to analyse the meaning and the consequences, in a critical and constructive way, of an accentshift of interpretation and understanding of the gospel, from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. The purpose is presented in the frame of the creationtheology of Wingren. To be able to make the research and to answer the purpose of the essay, the following questions are essential:The human being is captive and redemption is liberation. If we are serious about that the gospel gives the human being rehabilitation, satisfaction, liberation and a life and a future with God, the essential question is which metaphor, a juridical or a biological, that speaks to the human being in the best way? What is the meaning of an accentshift from a juridical to a biological metaphor? How does the creationtheologhy of Wingren, from a biological metaphor, meets the situation of the existence for the human being, her longing for life, health and meaning? What kind of theological resources are present in the creationtheology of Wingren, in the confrontation with future theological challenges?The essay is stressing the need of pluralism in the interpretation of the gospel.

Jämförelse mellan BKR/BSK och Eurokoders behandling av utmattning i traversbalkar med tillhörande svetsfogar

This report has been performed for WSP Construction Design located at Arenavägen 7 in Stockholm. WSP Construction Design is one of the leading departments in Sweden in construction solutions regarding everything from building construction to industrial building. Great competencies regarding steel, wood and concrete constructions are available within the department which is well sought.Crane girders used in the industry are exposed to large loads that vary over time that includes instantaneous lifts and the crane girders movement which lead to the phenomenon fatigue in the crane girder and its ingoing welds. A control of fatigue needs to be performed after a certain lifespan measured in time which in turn is converted to a number of loadcycles. When the number of loadcycles amounts to a greater number the input welds resistance will have been reduced and the rate of utilization thereby increased.

Blod, svett, tårar? och Word of Mouth? ? Att arbeta aktivt med Word of Mouth

Det blir allt svårare för företag att särskilja sig på marknaden. Traditionell marknadsföring är inte längre lika effektiv som förr, och idag finns flera olika strategier för att sticka ut i bruset. Kring varumärken och produkter skapas ofta ett rykte, som ibland antingen kan vara positivt eller negativt. Ibland har detta rykte uppkommit utan påverkan ifrån företaget, men det finns även strategier för att skapa och påverka sitt eget rykte. Ett positivt rykte kan leda till ökad försäljning och vinst.

Utvärdering av fjädrande statorfötter : Nytt koncept i vattenkraftgeneratorer

This thesis is an evaluation of a new design concept for statorfeets in Gallejaur hydro power plant. Founder of the work is Vattenfall AB Vattenkraft. During the 70- and 80´s nuclear power began to be phased in to the Swedish grid, which meant that hydropower became an important source of rules. The generators began running in so called intermittent operations instead of basic operations, which meant 300-600 start/stop per year instead of one-ten numbers start/stop per year. In order to deal with the thermal forces that arise at every start and stop suppliers began to mount so called sliding joints, which is to take advantage of these forces and maintain the stator shape.

2001: ett e-äventyr : Implementering av e-böcker i det digitala biblioteket

Rapid development in the realms of electronic publishing has had a profound impact on information services in general and the academic library in particular. Since mid 1990´s an increasingly number of scholarly journals and other information resources have been made available electronically. Electronic books are the newest electronic service in the hybrid library and can be seen as the third wave in the digital library. Although electronic books have for a long time existed as electronic texts such as digitalized classics or other texts in the public domain, it is not until recently that e-books have been distributed and packaged in a commercial form. As more e-book models are being developed, libraries are being forced to take e-books into consideration when planning their information services.The aim of this master thesis is to describe the first stage of implementation of the new electronic media, the electronic book or e-book, in Swedish academic libraries.

Mining for culture : performance arts center Ställberg?s Mine

This degree project summarizes five years of education at the landscape architecture program at the Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences, SLU, Alnarp and the School of architecture at Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm. The project has been carried out by Lovisa Berg and Per Crona in collaboration with DRIFT Scenkonst. This master project is based on the ongoing transformation of a former mining site in Ställberg, Bergslagen situated in central Sweden. The organization DRIFT is in the process of recreating to former industrial mining site as a green cultural center. Their field of artistic examination concerns existential questions connected to the site. The aim is to offer a place for both performing and experiencing contemporary performing arts in Bergslagen. Our objective is to contribute to the growth of the performing arts project and to demonstrate in concrete terms how a conversion of a mining area can be completed, while taking into account both its history and its new function.

Betongåtervinning En fallstudie av rivningsobjekt i betong

I takt med att besökare och patienter ökar måste kontinuerligt Östra sjukhuset verksamhet utvecklas. Detta medför omläggningar i trafiken och förflyttningar av verksamheter. Idag finns flertalet brister kring Östra sjukhusets fysiska planering som behöver ses över, dessa är bland annat trafikflöden, säkerhetsaspekter och parkeringsmöjligheter.Rapporten redogör för förändringar i den fysiska planeringen som förbättrar dess utformning. Genom studier av relevant litteratur och diskussioner med expertis har förslag av problemområden tagits fram. Dessa har sedan bedömts efter listor av deras respektive för- och nackdelar som kunnat urskiljas.Arbetet visar framtagandet av ett väl fungerande förslag som kan verka som en bas för idéer till nutida och framtida förändringar kring den fysiska planeringen.

MÄNNISKA OCH KRISTEN GUSTAF WINGRENS SKAPELSETEOLOGI Analys av en accentförskjutning från juridisk teologisk metaforik till biologisk teologisk metaforik

Titel: Human being and Christian ? creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren.Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor.Author: Tove Pilroth.The purpose of the essay is to analyse the meaning and the consequences, in a critical and constructive way, of an accentshift of interpretation and understanding of the gospel, from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. The purpose is presented in the frame of the creationtheology of Wingren. To be able to make the research and to answer the purpose of the essay, the following questions are essential:The human being is captive and redemption is liberation. If we are serious about that the gospel gives the human being rehabilitation, satisfaction, liberation and a life and a future with God, the essential question is which metaphor, a juridical or a biological, that speaks to the human being in the best way? What is the meaning of an accentshift from a juridical to a biological metaphor? How does the creationtheologhy of Wingren, from a biological metaphor, meets the situation of the existence for the human being, her longing for life, health and meaning? What kind of theological resources are present in the creationtheology of Wingren, in the confrontation with future theological challenges?The essay is stressing the need of pluralism in the interpretation of the gospel.

Internationella inköp av prefabricerade stomelement : En studie om möjligheterna och svårigheterna vid import

Byggmaterialmarknaden i Sverige uppfattas idag som oligopolisk där ett fåtal företag dominerar en stor del av marknaden. Nya inköpsvägar för material kan öka konkurrensen och förändra villkor för aktörer i branschen. Flera utredningar menar på att import är en sådan inköpsväg som kan förändra den nuvarande prisstrukturen. Men för företag som ser import som en möjlighet kommer även ny problematik som måste hanteras. Företaget Midroc har ett stort intresse i att utreda möjligheten för att köpa in färdiga betongstommar från andra sidan Östersjön.

En likvärdig skola? - Om läromedel och kursplaner i grundskolans musikundervisning

Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur musiklärare tolkar målen i kursplanen i musik och hur de applicerar dessa tolkningar på sin undervisning. Syftet är även att ta reda på hur musiklärare använder sig av läromedel för att nå dessa mål. Bakgrunden till ämnet är tankar som jag har haft angående musikundervisningen på grundskolans lägre stadier och huruvida denna undervisning är likvärdig över hela landet. Skulle det vara möjligt att ett läromedel i musik, skapat utifrån de nationella målen i kursplanen, åstadkommer en sådan likvärd utbildning? Mina forskningsfrågor syftar till att kartlägga användandet och behovet av läromedel i musik och dessutom till att förstå hur målen i kursplanen för musik kan tolkas av olika lärare.

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