

536 Uppsatser om Self-compacting concrete - Sida 17 av 36

Min onkel : Film blir bok

The Sand Catcher                                                       The thesis project The Sand Catcher investigates the encounter between permanent structures and an ever-changing landscape. The migrating sand dune Råbjerg Mile in northern Denmark is 40 meters high and moves more than 15 meters every year. By introducing a solid structure on the site, the fast movement of the sand dune is emphasised and thereby our view of time and space.Through intuitively building models with varied openings and densities I investigated how architectural elements react with sand. From these experiments a series of spatial features and effects were found, generated from the meeting with the sand.The Sand Catcher is a solid and permanent structure. The sand is the liquid element that generates new spaces, circulations and experiences.

Intressemakt - Relationen mellan stat och intresseorganisationer i demokratiteoretisk belysning

Which general outlines are preferable in the relation between organizations and government? From normative theory and method I throw light upon this question by defining and comparing two different democratic standpoints. The substantial democratic standpoint focuses on political effectiveness and the procedural democratic standpoint focuses on equal representation. The normative discussion aims at comparing how well the different standpoints function in political praxis. Since the ambition is to discuss concrete praxis I have also chosen to analyse an extensive case of interest influence in Swedish politics empirically.

Hur pa?verkar ekonomistyrning de flo?desorienterade processerna? : EN SAMMANSTA?LLNING AV KUNSKAPEN I 35 LITTERA?RA KA?LLOR, FO?RANKRAT I PRAKTIKEN

This study concerns how Muslims are portrayed in a choice of twelve news articles from Swedish dailies and tabloid newspapers on the aftermath of the film Innocence of Muslims published on YouTube. All articles are distributed in the newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet in the period of September 11th, 2012 until September 30th, 2012.For this study, a qualitative text analysis has been embraced and focus has been on van Dijk?s Critical discourse analysis to the texts, with additional features from semiotics applied on the images.The theories consist of Critical discourse analysis, hegemony, ideology and power, postcolonialism and stereotyping.In the qualitative content analysis, concrete examples from the articles are retrieved and commented. These have been divided into various themes, which are trends that the authors have been able to distinguish in the analysis.The result shows that Muslims in the analyzed newspapers are portrayed as the others, unimportant and extremely religious, in a negative manner rather than a positive. Moreover the press has tendencies to generalize Muslims as a group.

Riksintressen för kulturmiljövården. Kritisk genomgång av fördjupade riksintressebeskrivningar

In Sweden, the main responsibility for urban planning lies with the municipalities. The county administrative boards are responsible for clarifying the governmental interests for the municipalities. The main purpose of this essay was to study documents with descriptions of national heritage areas in order to examine whether certain problems within these documents are still present in the most recent ones. This was done by comparing old documents with new ones. The problem with these kinds of documents has been the lack of clarification of cultural values in national heritage areas.

Organisering av ojämställdhet - En studie av kvinnors möjligheter att nå chefspositioner i Försvarsmaktens personalstab

This thesis aims to examine why women are prevented from attaining high positions in organizations. By executing a case study through qualitative interviews with employees from the Human Resource Department at the agency for Swedish Armed Forces, this study presents eight general and specific explanatory factors that hinder women from making a vertical career. The general factors include that women are discriminated against, women are perceived as less competent, men have created organizations and it is easier to recruit men. The specific factors include that a hierarchical organizational structure is correlated to inequality, that both the agency for Swedish Armed Forces and leadership are associated with masculinity and that women with civil competence face double misfortune. The division between general and specific factors indicate that the explanatory factors vary between organizations, which among other things implies that equality work should be tailored for the specific organization.

Informationssökning för barn och ungdomar politiska dokument och konkret verksamhet

The topic of this essay is information seeking for children and young people in municipal libraries. This is based in the growing need for information seeking skills in the Information Society. Policy documents on the topic are scrutinized and related to a concrete praxis. Data has been collected through two case studies; one carried out in Ronneby and one in Trandared, Borås. These cases where chosen because of the existence of a local policy for library skills and information search for 6 to 12-year-olds.

Brottsskeden kring infästning av stålpelare

En utfackningsvägg är en icke bärande väggkonstruktion, ofta av trä som har för syfte att minimera energiförbrukningen för byggnader i betong. Inuti konstruktionen används ibland stålpelare för att bära ovanliggande konstruktioner. Stålpelarna utsätts för laster som de måste dimensioneras för. Över och under pelarna svetsas plåtar fast för att öka den belastade arean och hindra brott i betongen.I detta examensarbete har därför en datormodell i programmet Excel framtagits. Modellen dimensionerar kantpelare i stål enligt Eurokoderna.

Den suveräna tjänstemannen. Anomin i förvaltningshandlandet och tjänstemannens suveränskap.

Uppsatsen behandlar frågan om vilken relation som finns mellan de handlingar statliga tjänstemän utför i sitt arbete (förvaltningshandlande) och de underliggande normer som skall styra detta handlande. Tesen som författaren driver är att denna relation präglas av en anomisk brist. Baserat på en genomgång av relevanta juridiska begrepp återges konkreta exempel på handlande av statliga tjäntsemän. En teoretisk genomgång av relevant teori hos Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt och Giorgio Agamben ligger till grund för en analys av anomin som en ofrånkomlig ontologisk aspekt av allt normbundet handlande. The thesis treats the question of what relation there is between action performed by public officials and the norms that supposedly directs these actions.

DU#kulturskolan : En kvantitativ studie om hur elever ser på sitt engagemang då de musicerar och undervisas på kulturskolan.

The Sand Catcher                                                       The thesis project The Sand Catcher investigates the encounter between permanent structures and an ever-changing landscape. The migrating sand dune Råbjerg Mile in northern Denmark is 40 meters high and moves more than 15 meters every year. By introducing a solid structure on the site, the fast movement of the sand dune is emphasised and thereby our view of time and space.Through intuitively building models with varied openings and densities I investigated how architectural elements react with sand. From these experiments a series of spatial features and effects were found, generated from the meeting with the sand.The Sand Catcher is a solid and permanent structure. The sand is the liquid element that generates new spaces, circulations and experiences.

Baltic 21 kontra Helcom : Hållbarhet eller Modernisering

The purpose with the essay is to point out how the main differences of the Helsinkicommission, Helcom and Baltic 21 can be explained from a general perspective and with a specific focus on two of their ongoing projects: Baltic 21 Lighthouse projects and The Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Plan. And to investigate how the organisations them selves formulates the purpose of the two projects. This will be an indication on why environmental problems are handled with in a traditional matter although the rhetoric of the environmental politics is permeated by the concept of Sustainable Development.This dilemma is being treated from the theoretical approaches of Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Development and linked to how these organisations actually carried out their work and how the historical heritage have a role to play in this complex of problems. The results of the essay shows that concrete differences exists in the way that the two organisations are constructed and how their ongoing projects are designed and formulated. These differences can be derived to the theoretical platforms Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Development and be explained by in witch political context the organisations were created.

Afasi-vänlig information : inför funktionell undersökning av språk med magnetresonanstomografi (fMRI)

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI, can be used for analyzing brain activity in subjects performing language tasks. The purpose of this study was to develop aphasia-friendly information adjusted to aphasic subjects participating in fMRI studies. The objectives were to investigate if adjusted information was important for the ability to perform language tasks and if the information could be used for different types of aphasia.Sixteen aphasic subjects participated in the study, six of these underwent fMRI. The participants varied in grade and type of aphasia. They had Swedish as their native language and were aged between 26 and 89, mean 57.

Att fånga en föränderlig värld : En utredning av omvärldsanalysens nuläge och utvecklingspotential inom Regionförbundet Örebro

The first aim of this thesis is to descriptively identify and chart the activities of the strategic intelligence and environmental scanning that take place at the regional collaboration network Regionförbundet Örebro. This identification is essential in reaching the comprehensive and primary aim of the thesis: to discuss, through normative discourse, what the options of improvement are and in which ways systematic operations can be integrating parts in the organization. In order to offer guidance of development from the perspectives of environmental scanning, the question at issue has emanated from activities concerning the present methods of working at Regionförbundet Örebro.During the creation of this thesis, several interviews have been made with people who are regarded to be key roles within the regional collaboration network. An analysis has been made, based on governing documents and answers from the interviews, where possible improvements of the business have been identified. The inferences become parts of a greater potential of amelioration since they are presented as active solutions and proposals that can be directly adaptable to the organization.Our proposals of improvements/ameliorations are constituted by a number of concrete/explicit points such as: a wider public information supply and an introduction of several annual routines and methods..

Uppgradering av stabilitetsberäkningsprogrammet NYSTAB

This is a report founded on a project by Atlas Copco called NYSTAB.  The application Nystab is a calculation program that can calculate the stability of the rockdrill-rigs made by Atlas Copco. The original version of Nystab is stored in a database from 1997 and the code is made in an old version of Visual Basic. My assignment was to develop the application in to a newer programming environment and make it last better in the upcoming years. The software I decided to use to accomplish this project is C# .NET in Visual Studio and Microsoft Access 2010. All the code is written in C# with some insertions from ADO.NET which helped me to easier connect the code with the database.The coding part was split into two pieces; the first was to develop the application scale done with Windows Forms, the second was to write the code for calculations in the application.

Datorisering av släktforskarens källor : vad släktforskarföreningar gör och hur de ser på fenomenet

The purpose of this MA thesis is to examine the computerisation of sources that are of interest to genealogists. The primary focus of the thesis is an empirical study, by using a questionnaire addressed to 118 genealogical societies in Sweden, in order to find out what kind of computerisation is being performed by these genealogical societies and what their opinion is of the computerisation of sources of interest to genealogists. The result of this questionnaire has shown, together with printed and electronic material, that there is a good deal of interest from genealogical societies in the computerisation of sources. About half of the genealogical societies who answered the questionnaire are computerising sources themselves and the societies have a positive view in general of the computerisation that is being done and of the increased usage of modern information technology in genealogy. There are on the other hand certain issues that are being discussed such as the important question of the quality of the computerised material.

Att misstänka är tillräckligt : En intervjustudie om hur grundskollärare upptäcker och går till väga från misstanke till anmälan av barnmisshandel.

The aim of this study is to investigate how Swedish elementary school teachers proceed in cases of suspected child abuse, what knowledge teachers have in order to identify signs of child abuse and to make a report to social services, and also the obstacles teachers face during a report to social services. We used qualitative interviews with five practicing teachers; three was conducted at the teachers´ workplaces and the other two with the help of telephones. We used the role theory to analyze our results. We have concluded that teachers request more knowledge of signs of maltreatment and that they find their skills in discovering child abuse lacking. As obstacles to reporting, teachers identify their doubts and worries together with the difficulties that the often concealed child abuse brings.

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