

536 Uppsatser om Self-compacting concrete - Sida 14 av 36

Att komma hem : Coming home

In this essay I analyze the meaning of the concepts home and at home and the feeling of coming home. What is a home and what different interpretations are there regarding the concepts of home and being at home? What kinds of feelings are aroused by coming home? The world we live in offers great opportunities to travel, which in itself creates a perspective on the meanings of the concepts. The world we live in also forces people to move from their homes, families and countries due to various reasons, which creates various problems and a certain urgency concerning the concepts. I describe basic terms concerning the concepts, both regarding concrete definitions and more abstract notions, and then compare them with my own reflections.         Based on my writing project Coming home I discuss these questions in various ways.

Barns tolkning av en modell för vattnets kretslopp : -förståelse och tillämpning

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how pupils give expression of a water cycle model and if the model causes any misunderstanding. Two problems constitute the starting point for this investigation. The first question is: how do the pupils explain the water cycle with the help of the jar model (can of glass). The other question is: can the children see any similarities between the can of glass and our earth. Qualitative semi structured interviews with seven pupils in the ages of 8-9 have been used to show the pupils? own thoughts and how they express them.

Viktstudie av Analysinstrument : Konceptförslag för minskning av vikt

This thesis report describes the development of concepts regarding how weight can be reduced to the analytical instrument Biacore 4000. This thesis has resulted in five different concept proposals, all of which is solutions to reduce the instrument's weight.The thesis started with a pre-study where the instrument's structure and function were studied using both Solid Works, the opportunity to study the instrument in real life were also possible done. During this phase, a weight study was conducted as well, in which the instrument's weight distribution was studied and mapped.Following the initial phase, the work proceeded by developing concrete concepts to reduce the weight of the instrument where focus mainly was on the two cabinets. In addition, another two concepts were revealed, both with a more general approach.At the final phase of the thesis, the concepts were compiled and evaluated among themselves and the initial instrument.The thesis resulted in a study of the instrument's structure and weight distribution, with suggestions on how weight may be reduced for the instrument.The result factors such as materials, and manufacturing were aspects that were taken into consideration.At the final section of the report, suggestions for further work in which different aspects are discussed can be found..

FEM i praktiken : En studie i FEM-Designs användningsområden inom konstruktionsprojektering

This diploma work has been conducted for the consulting company Ramböll inUppsala, Sweden with the purpose to perform a study with the calculation programFEM Design 9.0 made by Strusoft. The aim has been to find out if it is possible to gainadvantage by utilizing more advanced 3D software for design calculations, instead ofthe traditional methods currently used in construction works.The method of approach has been to model an existing warehouse building with theprogram FEM Design, and then compare the results with those attained with FrameAnalysis and hand calculations. These results are then analyzed. An evaluation is maderegarding to what benefits can be achieved using a more advanced 3D-model.The results of the study show that the differences between the methods are not ofany significance with regard to the design of the steel frame. However in morecomplex materials such as reinforced concrete, the differences become more notable.The conclusions drawn by the authors of this study into FEM Design are that theeducation requirements of the program are higher than for simpler programs, whosepurpose are solving predetermined problems.

Laborativ matematik-Hur, när och varför används det?

AbstraktHeléne Ingvarsson och Lotta JigrotLaborativ matematik- Hur, när och varför används det?Concrete mathematics- How, when and why is it used?Antal sidor: 37Eftersom vi båda undervisar i ämnet matematik i årskurs 2, kände vi ett intresse för attundersöka hur matematikundervisningen är upplagd och genomförs i de lite äldreåldersgrupperna (årskurs 4-5). Under vår utbildning till lärare i matematik har vi förståttvikten av laborativt arbetssätt i matematik. Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att undersökaom pedagoger använder sig av laborativt arbetssätt i matematik och i så fall hur och hur ofta. Istudien ville vi även undersöka språkets betydelse för den laborativa matematiken.Vi använde oss av en litteraturstudie samt en kvalitativstudie, där vi intervjuade sex lärarefrån olika skolor belägna både på landet och i en mellanstor stad.

Turkiet : Att vara eller att inte vara - Medlem av den Europeiska Unionen

This thesis aims at studying the European Union?s actions against applicant states. In this case Turkey has been chosen as a variable, because of its unique applying accession.Turkey is a country which has been applying for a membership of the European Union since 1989 and Turkey is the only state which has been searching for membership for more than twenty years. Turkey has been given a lot of critic of not fulfilling the political criteria of the Copenhagen criteria?s.

Stabilisering av betongstommar : Beräkning av en ekvivalent beräkningsmodul med hänsyn till samverkande kort- och långtidslast

Vid stabilisering av betongstommar är det komplicerat att välja en korrekt elasticitetsmodul. Detta då stommens laster verkar under både kort och lång tid. I detta examensarbete utförs en noggrann kryptalsberäkning för varje plans vertikala element, där hänsyn tas till den varierande byggtiden. Utifrån det analyseras kort- och långtidslaster med respektive elasticitetsmodul för att erhålla en ekvivalent elasticitetsmodul som tar hänsyn till de olika belastningstiderna. Denna elasticitetsmodul bestäms efter förhållandet mellan stommens knäcksäkerhet, snedställning och den vindlast som verkar på byggnaden.Den ekvivalenta elasticitetsmodulen ligger till grund för mer noggrann indata än tidigare vid stabilitetsberäkningar och redovisas i diagram som sedan kan användas i det praktiska ingenjörsarbetet.Där inget annat anges utförs beräkningar enligt Eurokod 2.Där inget annat anges är figurerna ritade av författarna..

Dikten i "den nya fredens värld" : Litteraturdebatt i tidskriften Samtid och Framtid 1944?1949

This thesis analyses the literature debate in the overlooked Swedish magazine Samtid och Framtid 1944?1949. The magazine was first published at the end of World War II on the initiative of publisher Johan Hansson. After an interesting start, the terms of the debate in the magazine were changed after a power struggle on the editorial level. Thus, the magazine never became the influential arena for literary discussions that it first had potential of becoming.

Strategisk marknadsföring av produkter av rapsolja :

The background to this study is to find alternative ways of size rationalization. My vision is to take the basic conditions and make the best and most profitable of them. I have chosen press of rape oil because it?s interesting and the investment to get started is relative small. The opportunity to use outmoded and unrational buildings which often are found at many farms to something that gives money instead of costs money is also an argument.

En longitudinell studie om lagervärdering : En studie ur ett samhällsperspektiv

This study concerns how Muslims are portrayed in a choice of twelve news articles from Swedish dailies and tabloid newspapers on the aftermath of the film Innocence of Muslims published on YouTube. All articles are distributed in the newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet in the period of September 11th, 2012 until September 30th, 2012.For this study, a qualitative text analysis has been embraced and focus has been on van Dijk?s Critical discourse analysis to the texts, with additional features from semiotics applied on the images.The theories consist of Critical discourse analysis, hegemony, ideology and power, postcolonialism and stereotyping.In the qualitative content analysis, concrete examples from the articles are retrieved and commented. These have been divided into various themes, which are trends that the authors have been able to distinguish in the analysis.The result shows that Muslims in the analyzed newspapers are portrayed as the others, unimportant and extremely religious, in a negative manner rather than a positive. Moreover the press has tendencies to generalize Muslims as a group.

?Tänd ett ljus?? : Klientens upplevelse av Marte meo behandling.

The purpose with this study was to investigate the client?s experience of Marte meo treatment and the procedure in the treatment from a responses and relational perspective, since the treatment occur within the social service frame. The theoretical framework consists of some central concepts. The concepts are experience of treatment, responses and relational perspective. The analysis of the empirical material has been carried out with the help of the concepts and earlier research.The method consisted of qualitative, semi-structured interviews with six informants.

?Lägg ner matteboken och använd varandra som stöd? : En intervjustudie av fem klasslärares syn på det laborativa arbetssättet i matematikundervisningen

The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of a working laboratory in mathematics education, how it influences students? learning and the confidence the teacher has in the laboratory component. Focus has been placed upon the advantages and disadvantages that could follow in the working method.The method used in this essay is qualitative in order to answer all the questions that arise along the way, and in order to use this method in interviews. The interviews that has taken place has been with five class teachers that are currently teaching at a elementary school between the years of 1-5. The purpose of this study has been answered by using its literature and the qualitative method with the class teachers.The results of the research show that teachers express gratitude towards the method in use for mathematics studies.

C# - Framtidens språk???

This paper is about the new programming language from Microsoft, C# (See Sharp) and the .NET Framework. They are still in beta-version, but will be released on the market in February 2002. This paper presents C#, not in detail but the characteristics that distinguish the language. A comparison is done with C++ and Java, since C# is most resembling to these languages. Both C# and Java have been developed from the mother- language C++.

Ett intressentperspektiv för hållbarhetsredovisningar : en analys av investerares åsikter och användning av hållbarhetsinformation

This study concerns how Muslims are portrayed in a choice of twelve news articles from Swedish dailies and tabloid newspapers on the aftermath of the film Innocence of Muslims published on YouTube. All articles are distributed in the newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet in the period of September 11th, 2012 until September 30th, 2012.For this study, a qualitative text analysis has been embraced and focus has been on van Dijk?s Critical discourse analysis to the texts, with additional features from semiotics applied on the images.The theories consist of Critical discourse analysis, hegemony, ideology and power, postcolonialism and stereotyping.In the qualitative content analysis, concrete examples from the articles are retrieved and commented. These have been divided into various themes, which are trends that the authors have been able to distinguish in the analysis.The result shows that Muslims in the analyzed newspapers are portrayed as the others, unimportant and extremely religious, in a negative manner rather than a positive. Moreover the press has tendencies to generalize Muslims as a group.

Hypotermibehandling av nyfödda barn vid Universitetssjukhuset Örebro

AimThe compulsory school attendance in Sweden means that all children are obligated to go to school. This makes great demands on those who work in the school, especially the teachers. Schools are complex units. In school, teachers face all kinds of ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The aim of the study is to enlighten how different teachers would act differently, if they were facing the same dilemma in the PE-lessons and why this knowledge is important to our profession.MethodThe data was collected through interviews to make a qualitative research.

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