

331 Uppsatser om Sediment sampling - Sida 7 av 23

Råttors sjukdomar :

This examination paper is about diseases of rats. The examination paper also includes sampling techniques, administration techniques and radiography. A detailed account of diseases of rats and their symptoms has been included. This examination paper is primarily written for veterinary technicians but also for others with interest in the subject. .

Anst?lldas attityder till chefers ledarskapsstilar inom fackliga organisationer - En kvantitativ studie om genusrelaterade attityder till ledarskap

This study was based on a quantitative method to examine gender-related attitudes towards leadership styles among employees in trade union organizations in Sweden. The aim of the research was to investigate and understand how gender relates to attitudes regarding leadership within these organizations. The study was based on research questions related to preferences for different leadership styles and the impact of gender on these attitudes. The study incorporated previous research and relevant theoretical frameworks such as leadership theories, gender theories, and theories on prejudice against female leaders to contextualize our findings. Data were collected through a survey using a convenience sampling method, targeting employees of trade union organizations in Sweden.

Inventering av förorenade områden enligt MIFO-fas 1 : Erasteel Kloster AB, Söderfors

Erasteel Kloster AB Söderfors have been commissioned by the county administrative board in Uppsala län to make an inventory of possible contaminations in theirs industrial- and landfill areas on the basis of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s; ?Method of Surveying Contaminated Sites-phase 1? (MIFO-fas 1). The inventory starts with maps and archive studies, place visits and interviews, and finally a risk classification is done. A risk classification is a compilation of four categories; pollutant toxicity, contamination level, possible spreading condition of the pollutant, sensitivity and protection value of the environment. In this paper five partial areas (Holmen- and Jörsöområdet, Järnsvampsområdet, Ingsådeponin, Östra verken and Myrområdet) have been described from a historical point of view. Only parts of four areas have been risk classified (Holmen- and Jörsöområdet, Järnsvampsområdet, Ingsådeponin and Östra verken), due to that the other areas isn?t own by Erasteel Kloster AB. Holmen- and Jörsöområdet Holmen- and Jörsöområdet have during the entire activity time been carried out as the production core in the company.

Kontrollerad gjutprocess för renare stål

In a multi-year project at Swerea Swecast AB studies on influence of dissolved gas on inclusions have been made. The knowledge about these parameters could be used to increase the quality of the final steel casting. The purpose of this thesis was to closer examine the impact of the oxygen level on inclusions.The questions asked were:? What was the amount of inclusions at different levels of oxygen?? What was the size of these inclusions at different levels of oxygen?? What does the inclusions consist of at different levels of oxygen?This was studied by measuring and sampling, sample preparation and microscopic analysis using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Measurements and sampling was performed at Smålands Stålgjuteri AB in Eksjö and at Swerea Swecast AB in Jönköping.

Analoga och digitala verktyg i svensk?mnets skrivundervisning

The purpose of this study is to investigate how twelve middle school teachers use educational tools and what influences their choice of educational tools in Swedish language writing instruction. To answer this purpose, three research questions were formulated: What does writing instruction look like for middle school students according to the teachers in the study? What influences teachers' choice and use of educational tools in writing instruction? What opportunities and challenges do teachers experience in Swedish language writing instruction when using different educational tools? Twelve teachers from variously sized municipalities and with different experiences participated in the study through purposive sampling and convenience sampling. The chosen method is qualitative semi-structured teacher interviews. To analyse the results, this study employs analytical tools from the sociocultural perspective, using concepts such as mediation, appropriation, the zone of proximal development, and scaffolding. The results show that both analogue and digital tools are used in the teachers' writing instruction. The choice of tools should be based on pedagogical considerations, with an emphasis on social interaction and collaboration during the learning process.

Webbsida och demo-EP

Syftet med detta kandidatarbete var att sätta samman ett promopaket bestående av en webbsida och en demo-EP med passande grafisk design. EP:n har tre spår elektroakustisk instrumentalmusik av skiftande karaktär, samt ett stilrent men ändå suggestivt omslag. Webbsidan är till för att presentera mig själv och mitt arbete (inte bara musik), och är byggd med hjälp av HTML, PHP, CSS och MySQL..

Inventering av vecklare i Svenska äppelodlingar

Over the last couple of years, growers, researchers, advisors and plant protection companies have noticed increasing problems with tortricids in Swedish apple orchards. Since the insecticide Gusathion (azinphosmethyl) has been banned (end of 2008; KemI 2008), a further increase of tortricid populations can be expected. In order to get a picture of species composition and population densities among the tortricids, an inventory of seven species, Adoxophyes orana, Archips podana, Archips rosana, Cydia pomonella, Hedya nubiferana, Pandemis heparana and Spilonota ocellana was made in 11 orchards in southern Sweden (Skåne) in 2008. Population densities were estimated by bud sampling (April 20-25), pheromone trapping (May 5-September 22) and assessment of fruit damage (September 9-12). In all orchards A.

Interkontextualitetens universella trådar : Strävan efter medvetenhet inför interkontextuella förhållanden, subjektiva normer & sociala mutationer inom nutida remixkulturer

I det rådande informationssamhället där utbytet av information och digitalt material har blivit mer framträdande än någonsin tidigare har även upphovsrättsfallen kring dess användande och återanvändande blivit allt mer aktualiserade.I denna uppsats har vi sökt att studera hur normer kring skapande och originalitet har påverkat kreativa aktörers syn på återanvändning och rekontextualisering under det senare 00-talet och tidiga 2010-talet.Genom att utveckla metoden interkontextualitet har vi studerat hur människan och hennes kognitiva processer influerar rättsfall som rör just deriverade verk och/eller rekontextualisering.Den digitala tekniken har fört med sig nya normer kring skapande tillika hur information förmedlas mellan människor, vilket resulterat i förändrade konsumtionsmönster och en remixkultur där individuella verk inte ses som statiska enheter utan som levande, sammanlänkade uttryck. Kognitiva processer kan ha bidragit till denna remixkultur och i sin tur mer generaliserade attityder från mediadistributionsbolag och myndighetsorganisationer.Med bakgrund av detta söker vi att förespråka en mer öppen syn på de interkontextuella samband som binder kreativa verk och deras bakomliggande kreatörer till varandra. Att se kreativa uttryck som en del i den globala meme-pool,där människor tillsammans bygger vidare på vårt kulturella arv, kan vara ett steg i att motverka skadlig egoism kring det egna skapandet..

Identifiering av områden med risk för fosforförluster genom ytavrinning : metodutveckling med GIS

The eutrophication of lakes and seas with the algal bloom and deficiency inoxygen that follow, has been given priority by the Swedish government as oneof 16 environmental objectives. The purpose of this project was to develop a toolbased on a simple model, limited amount of data and geographic informationsystem (GIS) to identify areas with risk for phosphorus losses due to surfacerunoff. This tool can act as a decision support to decide where appropriatemeasures should be applied with the aim of reducing phosphorus losses and bythat the eutrophication.The method that has been used is a combination of two models, one calculatingthe potential erosion while the other one identifies areas of erosion (net erosion)or deposition. This ability is of great importance because potential erosionshould be calculated on areas with net erosion. Areas with high potential erosionhave an increased risk for phosphorus losses due to surface runoff.The potential erosion was calculated based on factors which describe how topography(LS), land use (C), soil type (K) and precipitation (R) effect the erosion.All of them have been modified to a greater or lesser extent.

Växters förmåga att ackumulera metaller : Vass, bredkaveldun och gäddnate i Bergviks dagvattendamm

AbstractSurface-water includes different kinds of pollutants from traffic and roads. To prevent these pollutants to reach nearby lakes one can construct surface-water ponds on locations with heavy traffic. At Bergviks shopping centre in Karlstad, two ponds, one smaller and one bigger has been constructed in order to decrease the pollutant pressure from the receiving waters of Kattfjorden. Several heavy metals are essential for plants and animals in low concentration but when they occur in higher concentrations, they become toxic to the organism. The larger pond at Bergviks shopping centre has a sedimentation function so the heavy metals sink to the bottom thereby not releasing directly in to Kattfjorden.

Framtida användningsområden för materialadderande tillverkning : En studie i hur materialadderande tillverkning kan användas i rymden

In this paper we have studied possible future uses for Additive Manufacturing (commonly referred to as 3D-printing) in Space. More specifically we have sought to establish how Additive Manufacturing can be used to construct structures on the Moon. Our studies have shown that Additive Manufacturing has great potential for establishing colonies on not only the Moon, but perhaps even further away from our home planet. With Contour Crafting-technology in combination with ISRU (In Situ Resource Utilization) we could, with material already present in the sediment layers of the Moon, construct advanced structures without having to transfer any extra material from Earth. This would lower the costs of establishing a colony on the Moon to such extents that it could actually be fiscally possible..

Fastställande av referensintervall för fibrinogen i plasma hos friska föl :

Establishing a reference interval for plasma fibrinogen in foals Fibrinogen concentrations were analysed in EDTA preserved blood plasma samples from 34 thoroughbred foals born in 2001 and 2002 at one stud farm. The foals were between 0 and 240 days old at the time of the sampling, and there were 19 fillies and 12 stallions in the group. The foals were examined for clinical symptoms of disease and their body temperature was measured before blood was sampled from the jugular vein. From totally 156 blood samples, 31 were selected as originating from clinically healthy foals, and used to determine a reference range for thoroughbred foals. Samples originating from foals showing clinical symptoms of disease or an abnormal body temperature at the time of sampling, were classified as coming from unhealthy animals.

Jämförelse av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker i samband med muddringsaktiviteter

Stora volymer förorenade sediment kommer att behöva tas om hand under de kommande åren då bottensediment i svenska farleder, hamn- och kustområden under lång tid har konta?minerats av både tungmetaller och organiska föroreningar. I examensarbetet studeras fyra möjligheter för hantering av förorenade muddermassor. De tre traditionella metoderna är tippning till havs, utfyllnad i vik eller deponering på land. Stabilisering/solidifiering (s/s) är ytterligare ett alternativ som innebär att muddermassorna kan nyttiggöras i geokonstruktioner genom att massornas hållfasthet ökas.

Kronandelsrelaskopering, en ny metod för att fastställa gallringsbehov?

In today´s forestry, assessments of needs for thinning are based on basal area measurements. This is an indirect measurement. The approach and the developed assessment tables are based on an assumed production forest, which implies that management proposals in stands that deviate from the basic model may be misleading. Since Walter Bitterlich in 1948 launched the idea of the relascope, several modifications have been developed for different purposes. In common is that all are based on a certain angle measurement principle.

Förekomst av agens i kattsnuvekomplexet på ett svenskt katthem

Conjunctival swabs from 12 cats in a Swedish animal shelter were analyzed by real-time PCR for FHV-1, Mycoplasma felis and chlamydiae. The purpose of this study was to see whether and to what extent these agents can be detected and if they were detected from cats housed in quarantine or in the adoption department. Samples were first taken upon arrival at the quarantine and then a second sample was taken two weeks after moving to the adoption department, or upon presentation of signs of disease. The cats spent the quarantine period in two separate quarantines: five in a new quarantine (quarantine A) and seven in a room in the old shelter (quarantine B). The difference between these quarantines was that in B the cats were often mixed together ant the hygiene routines were not as good as in quarantine A.

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