

331 Uppsatser om Sediment sampling - Sida 4 av 23

Genomgång av kemikalieförteckning som exempel på uppströmsarbete : en identifiering av utfasningsämnen i spillvattnet

Benthic invertebrates play important roles as feeding resources for many organisms in different food webs. Shifts in predation of these organisms can generate cascading effects and potentially lead to the disappearance of one or more species from a site. Cascading effects can bring impacts to organisms who aren?t even directly involved, why studies in this field are important for understanding sudden changes in ecosystems. I examined the predation from fish and waterfowl on benthic invertebrates in the shallow and eutrophic Lake Tåkern in the plains of Östergötland County, southern Sweden.

Utveckling av ett provtagningssystem för alkohol och aldehyder i fordonsemissioner.

A system for sampling of alcohol and aldehyde from diluted exhaust gases from vehicles powered by ethanol has been developed and tested. The major part of the work has been research of earlier work in the field and the construction of the sampling system.The part of the system constructed for the measurement of alcohol has been shown to work, however, more test should be performed. The part of the system constructed for the measurement of aldehyde was tested parallel to a commercially available system, based on the same principle of measurement, and has been shown to work well.Determination of the concentration of gaseous ethanol using a FID has shown the since earlier known fact that a FID is not able to measure a correct concentration of ethanol. Furthermore it has been shown that high concentrations of gaseous ethanol can not be kept in a bag more than a few minutes without a substantial decrease of the measured concentration..

Evaluation of lithium-heparintube analyses performance

Today, some kind of laboratory results is required for around 70% of the diagnostics and follow-ups for diseases. In many of the cases the time from sampling to a result is very critical. Therefore the discussion of how to improve this situation has begun. For many analyses serum has been the routine choice for a long time but now it is disputed. After blood collection in a serum tube it is essential to wait 30-60 minutes before centrifugation and analysis of the sample, a long time for someone in an acute state.

Metodutveckling för analys av PBDE och HBCD i sediment

Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) has for many years been used in products to reduce their flammability, mainly in electronic products, textiles and construction materials. In 2003, Sweden imported 300 tons of brominated flame retardants. Leakage of these compounds has polluted natural environments. Fishes has shown increased contents of these substances, especially fat fish, since brominated flame retardants tends to accumulate in fatty tissues. They are also regarded as persistent and that gives them the ability to travel long distances. What also is really scary is that increased levels of brominated flame retardants have been detected in human breast milk. The knowledge of the brominated flame retardants is limited and not so much research has been done in this field. There are many reasons though, to keep the research going. Partly their structural resemblance to well-known toxics as PCB, but also their ability to accumulate in biological systems and enrich in food chains. In which way they affect humans we really don?t know yet.


Hematology-instruments that analyze blood cells can at specific cases be followed by manual counting with a hemocytometer. The plastic hemocytometer which has a fixed coverslip and is assigned for disposable use, appears to reduce the problems arising from the use of the traditional glass hemocytometer, for instance coverslip-application difficulty and dust particles. Capillary whole blood sampling may be useful for patients at the emergency department and in addition, a smaller volume of blood is taken compared to venous blood sampling. This study will focus on the platelet- and leukocyte count (PLT and WBC) in venous and capillary blood, in order to compare the plastic- and glass hemocytometers with Sysmex XN-2000 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan), and verify if capillary whole blood sampling can be used for the measurement of these hematological parameters. 30 subjects donated both capillary- and venous blood samples and these blood samples were analyzed with glass- and plastic hemocytometers with Sysmex XN-2000 as the reference method.

Identifiering av åtgärder som kan bidra till att förbättra analysen av miljökemiska sedimentundersökningar : En studie på provtagningsdata från Kalmarsund och Oskarshamns hamn.

Föroreningar av metaller är ett problem längs med kusterna, vilket har en negativ inverkan på vattenlevande organismer och miljön. Orsaken till detta beror till stor del på pågående utsläpp från tätorter, hamnar, industrier och på ?gamla synder (då det inte fanns några detaljerade miljölagar som reglerade spridningen av föroreningar från exempelvis industriprocesser)?. Utsläpp av föroreningar behöver inte bara komma lokalt utan kan också transporteras via avrinningsområdena och via atmosfäriskt nedfall. Idag arbetar länsstyrelsen med att invertera och sanera förorenade områden, men för att kunna ta reda på hur det ligger till med kusterna och hamnarna är sedimentprovtagningar ett måste.

Försök till tefrokronologisk datering av sediment från övergången yngre dryas-preboreal genom korrelation med en tidigare studie

Syftet med denna studie var att försöka datera en sedimentstratigrafi genom att undersöka möjligheten till korrelation med resultaten från en tidigare studie via tefrokronologiska metoder. Tefrokronologi är studierna och metoderna där man identifierar och daterar tefra (vulkanaska) i lagerföljder för att användas som ett synkroniseringsverktyg mellan olika sedimentstratigrafier. I denna studie genomfördes analys av organiskt kol, XRF-scanning, extrahering och mikroskopering av tefra samt försök till kemisk analys genom elektronmikroskopering av en borrkärna från Fågelmossen i södra Sverige. Tefra hittades i botten av borrkärnan och med hjälp detta fynd i kombination med främst analys av organiskt kol kunde borrkärnans stratigrafi korreleras med resultaten från den tidigare studien..

Predation på evertebrater under tidig vår i sjön Tåkern

Benthic invertebrates play important roles as feeding resources for many organisms in different food webs. Shifts in predation of these organisms can generate cascading effects and potentially lead to the disappearance of one or more species from a site. Cascading effects can bring impacts to organisms who aren?t even directly involved, why studies in this field are important for understanding sudden changes in ecosystems. I examined the predation from fish and waterfowl on benthic invertebrates in the shallow and eutrophic Lake Tåkern in the plains of Östergötland County, southern Sweden.

Konstruktion och utvärdering av diplexer

The report descripbs how a diplexer for a hybrid analog/digital filterbank has been constructed and tested. A diplexer divides the frequency band into two different bands that do not who doesn't overlapp each other. The sampling rate for the two ADC:s is 80 Msps, and therefore it is advantage to have zero at 80 MHz. The reason for this is that a proposed class of hybrid filterbanks with very good quality requires a zero at or close the sampling frequency to work well. The diplexer was made in three versions.

Skaftslamkrypa (Elatine hexandra) i Bolmen, utbredning, tillväxt, reproduktion och styrande faktorer

The plants in the genus Elatine are characteristic for oligo and mesotrophic lakes. This study focuses on Elatine hexandra one of the four species in Sweden. It is stated as vulnerable by the National Environment Agency and a conservation plan with guidelines to preserve the plant in Sweden is under preparation. There have been a few previous studies investigating this plant in other countries but this is the first one for Sweden. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution, growth and reproduction of E.

Miljöteknisk undersökning enligt MIFO : en studie på fastigheten Bodsjölandet 1:14 avseende den nedlagda tjärfabriken i Grötingen

During 40 years of industrial production, from the end of the 1890?s until the end of 1930?s, coal and wood distillation products were manufactured in AB Carbo?s tar factory along the River Gimån in Grötingen, in the county of Jämtland, Sweden. In accordance with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s Methods for Inventories of contaminated sites, MIFO, the site in Grötingen has been identified as a potentially contaminated site. In order to determine whether toxic substances pose a threat to human health and ecological systems in the area, there was a need to investigate the presence of contaminants, their levels and potential for migration.

Lättlösliga kolhydrater i vallfoder och i hästens grovtarm :

The purpose of this study was to investigate how the content of glucose, fructose, sucrose and fructan (WSC) varied in silage, haylage and hay harvested from the same field and at the same time of harvest. The study also investigated if differences in the WSC-fraction in the forages caused differences in composition of WSC in the colon of horses fed the forages. Hay, haylage and silage were harvested in the first week of June 2005 and stored for about nine months before feeding. Horses that were fistulated in right ventral colon and caecum were used, but only the colon fistula was used for sampling. The fresh crop and the conserved hay, haylage and silage were analyzed for chemical composition and WSC-fraction.

Riskbedömning vid Saltvikens kopparverk

AbstractAt Saltvikens copperindustry, which is located in the municipality of Oskarshamn, copper was refined from sulphiteore some hundred years ago. The ore underwent several steps in the process before the final product was received. These steps all had an influence on the environment through discharge of heavy metals. The area where the copper industry was located is today considered to be of specific national interest due to its valuable nature and cultural values, as well as its value for recreational outdoor activities. Therefore, it is important to determine the present level of contamination and if any transport of contaminants have occurred, and to identify the risks that are associated with the site both at present and in a longer time perspective.Thirtynine soil samples and 16 sediment samples have been analyzed.

Cross-sectional study of bovine anaplamosis in South-western Uganda : the impact of wildlife-livestock interface

The tick-borne disease bovine anaplasmosis is primarily caused by Anaplasma marginale. A variety of wild animals act as reservoirs for A. marginale, but the understanding of their role in the epidemiology of A. marginale is yet poor. This cross-sectional study was conducted to establish if proximity of wildlife affect the prevalence of bovine anaplasmosis in cattle.

Rimbo våtmark : en förstudie på förväntad kväveavskiljning och lämplig växtlighet

This study was made as a part of a feasibility study on a polishing wetland at Rimbo wastewater plant (wwp) in Norrtälje municipality. The wwp had to decrease the nitrogen discharge to reach the limit 15 mg tot-N/l. The nitrogen in the outlet was mainly in the form of nitrate, hence the wetland mainly ought to support denitrification. The proposed area for the wetland was situated right next to the wwp and was already in the municipalitys posession. One aim of this study was to examine what spieces of plants needed to achieve highest possible denitrification.

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