

331 Uppsatser om Sediment sampling - Sida 17 av 23

Snöupplag av urban snö : hur påverkar föroreningar i snöupplag omgivande natur

Snö transporteras till en snödeponi för att inte hindra framkomlighet eller skymma sikt för trafikanter i staden. Snödeponin kan vara placerade på land eller i vatten. När snön smälter vid en deponi frigörs föroreningarna och hamnar på marken som sediment eller rinner med smältvattnet till ett vattendrag eller infiltrerar i marken. Föroreningarna i snö kommer främst från avgaser och slitage av väg och däck från biltrafiken, föroreningarna som är i luften och salt och sand från halkbekämpning. Hur stora mängder det är beror på trafikintensitet och hur länge snö ligger på marken.

Sand pits as habitat for ground beetles (Carabidae) : does the area affect species number and composition?

Sand pits are a valuable habitat which can hold many sand living species including several endangered ones. As many sand habitats with exposed sand are declining, sand pits have a potential as a substitute habitat. This study was conducted to see what effect the area of a sand pit has on species number and composition of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Also, the effects of other environmental variables were tested, for example the proportion open sand, vegetation cover, sun exposure and tree cover. The study was conducted in the county of Uppsala in 2008 and included 13 sand pits with areas between 200 and 180,000 m2.

Nötkreaturens val av betesvegetation på naturliga betesmarker :

This study concerns the type of vegetation selected by cattle grazing on semi-natural pastures, and whether the selection depends on the nutrient content of the vegetation or on other factors. The study was carried out in three different semi-natural pastures in the Uppsala area during June, July and August in 2006. The three pastures were first surveyed, mapped out and divided into sub-areas with regard to the type of dominating vegetation. The vegetation types identified were: wet, mesic, dry, wooded, pasture with signs of former cultivation (arable). Within each vegetation type three 1x1 m sampling plots were laid out. The grazing behaviour of the cows was recorded in a behaviour study.

Selektion av resistenta Escherichia coli vid låga antibiotikakoncentrationer i en gräsandsmodell

Enligt en erkänd hypotes, mutant selection window hypothesis, uppstår och upprätthålls antibiotikaresistens hos bakterier endast då antibiotikakoncentrationerna ligger över minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)-värdet för en känslig, omuterad population. Det här skulle innebära att de låga antibiotikakoncentrationer man finner i miljön inte borde bidra till att upprätthålla resistens. Redan subinhibitoriska antibiotikakoncentrationer har dock visat sig ha effekt på bakterier genom att t.ex. öka mutationsfrekvensen hos bakterier, selektera för resistenta mutanter och ge upphov till nya sådana. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om en selektion vid låga antibiotikakoncentrationer sker också in vivo.

Exokrin pancreasinsufficiens hos schäfer :

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is a hereditary disease that in Sweden is especially common in German shepherds. The Swedish German shepherd club has currently no plan of action for decreasing disease prevalence in the breed. The purpose of this study was to review existing literature about the disease and also to perform an inventory of the disease in the Swedish dog population. Special focus was laid on the German shepherd breed. The inventory was later compared to an unpublished inventory of the disease with data from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences from 1997. During the period 2002-06-01 to 2007-09-26 (ca 64 months) 2961 blood samples were analyzed for cTLI. 274 samples were positive (cTLI .

Cooking banana farming system in rural Uganda : a comparison between agroforestry systems and non agroforestry systems

The demand for food, feed, fibre and fuel has increased in Uganda over the past 50 years due to population growth. Recurring extreme climate events such as drought and flooding, in combination with large-scale land degradation, have led to declining crop yields. Lack of equipment, money and socio-economic issues has contributed to low yields. However, the soils in Uganda have the potential to produce much higher yields than they do today. This study, which was carried out in April-June 2013 in Kkingo District, south-east Uganda, examined the effects of agroforestry on yield of cooking bananas in small-holder farming systems. Six farms practising agroforestry and six farms with no agroforestry, which were chosen in cooperation with the NGO Vi Agroforestry, were compared.

Foraging and anti-predation behavior of Thomson?s gazelles (Gazella thomsoni) and Grant?s gazelles (Gazella granti) at a waterhole

Prey species make behavioral decisions to reduce the perceived risk of predation and the time spent vulnerable to predation. Behavioral responses to predators are for example selection of specific habitat types and the presence of predators influence individual vigilance. Furthermore, there is a variation in feeding niches with different herbivores focusing their foraging effort on different vegetation types which is also expected to affect the choice of habitat. Behavioral data on anti-predation and foraging behavior at on waterhole is collected from Thomson?s and Grant?s gazelles at Ol Pejeta Conservancy (0°00?N, 36°56?E) located in semiarid bushed grassland in Laikipia district of central Kenya.

Får elever bättre uppmärksamhetsförmåga efter fysisk aktivitet? : En experimentell studie om fysisk aktivitets påverkan på uppmärksamhet

The aim of this study is to find out whether there is any difference to be found in the attention ability before and after physical activity. The method used in this study was made of an experimental design. The participants were chosen through a cluster sampling and thereafter divided into a control group and an experimental group. A total of 64 pupils from upper secondary school participated in the study, 25 of them in the experimental group and 39 of them in the control group. Since the measure was repeated, both in respect of time and the comparison between the groups, a mixed design was used.

Parasite detection in extensively hold Gotland ponies

Horses are herbivores that spend almost all day grazing. While grazing they are infected by different endoparasites through ingestion of infective eggs or larvae on pasture. The most significant equine endoparasites in Sweden are the equine roundworm Parascaris equorum, small (Cyathostominae) and large strongyles (Strongylus spp), the tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata and the pinworm Oxyuris equi. For many years have horses been dewormed on regularly basis, which has resulted in the development of resistance to many anthelmintic classes. Because of the problems with resistance it is since 2007 necessary to have a prescription on anthelmintics and faecal sampling is also recommended.

Vattenkvalitén i Fredstorpsbäcken - dikad bäck på fastigheten Rämningstorp i Skara kommun :

The estate of Rämningstorp in the region of Västergötland in southern Sweden is administered by the holding trust company Skogssällskapet i Skövde. In 1999 measures were taken by Skogssällskapet to drain the stream Fredstorpsbäcken as a means to increase the forest productivity of the surrounding lands, which are situated on the estate of Rämningstorp. Almost immediately after the drainage, the streamwater turned turbid and a landowner downstream reported the issue to the county administrative board of the region. The aim of this thesis was firstly to analyse the suspended matter that appeared during summer/autumn and secondly to explain why it came to be. Initial hypotheses for the explanation to the greyish turbid water were that it was either 1) a chemical/biochemical precipitate, or 2) an bacterial/algal blooming.

Sediment- och strömningsförhållanden i två avloppsledningar i Göteborg

Inledning: Idag krävs det att alla aktiebolag i Sverige får sina räkenskaper granskade av en kvalificerad revisor. Det har länge varit på tal om att avskaffa revisionsplikten i landet och följa utvecklingen inom EU. Olika förslag på gränsvärden har tagits fram under åren och det senaste presenterades av Näringsminister Maud Olofsson den 25 mars 2010 vilket avser bli gällande i november 2010. Förslaget gäller för de aktiebolag som underskrider två av följande kriterier: 3 miljoner kronor i nettoomsättning, 1,5 miljoner kronor i balansomslutning och 3 anställda. Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten ses som ett viktigt steg i den svenska regelförenklingen för företag.Problemformulering: Revisionsarbetet har hittills nästan enbart behandlat de delar som är lagstadgade och andra delar har kommit i skymundan.

A serological study of Rift Valley Fever virus in two regions in Tanzania

Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a disease caused by Rift Valley Fever virus (RVFV), which is an arbovirus. An arbovirus is a virus that is transmitted by an arthropod vector, in this case a mosquito. The virus is a member of the Phlebovirus genus in the family Bunyaviridae. It was first identified in the Rift Valley in Kenya in 1930. The disease is a zoonosis but mainly affects domestic ruminants inducing massive abortions and a high mortality among young animals.

Du ger mig fjärrkontrollen! En studie av samband mellan musik, målgrupp och budskap i TV-reklam.

Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för hur musik används i TV-reklam för att förstärka ett budskap och tala till ett visst segment. De teoretiska perspektiv som använts har hämtats från ett antal skilda områden då ämnet i sin helhet är relativt outforskat: Företagsekonomiska perspektiv: Segmenteringsteori och kommunikationsmodellen. Reklamfilmsteori: Om budskap och genre. Filmmusikalisk teori. Psykologisk teori: Hur hanterar hjärnan musik? Musikvetenskaplig teori: Musikens funktioner i TV-reklam.

Tre metoder för diagnos av mastit i fält :

The objective of this work was to evaluate and compare three field methods for detection of mastitis, California Mastits Test (CMT), DeLaval cell counter DCC (DCC) and FMA2001 Farm Milk Analyzer (FMA2001). Furthermore, to investigate at what cell count level clinical symptoms of mastitis are seen, and finally to check if the clinical findings and cell counts could be related to bacteriological findings. DCC and FMA2001 are new analytic instruments to be used on dairy farms for detection of mastitis. CMT has been a widely used cow-side-test of milk quality in mastitis control efforts, but it cannot be used for estimating cell counts in scientific studies or investigations. Two hundred and eight quarter milk samples from 52 cows were analysed with DCC and CMT, and 168 of these samples with FMA2001. Microbiological examination was done on 38 milk samples with CMT scores of 4 and 5.

H?RNERVMOSSA I SANDSJ?BACKA NATURRESERVAT: Analys av h?rnervmossans invasivitet p? ljunghedens vegetationstyper

Heath star moss (Campylopus introflexus) is an alien species in Sweden and is currently classified as composing a "very high risk? of becoming invasive in the country according to SLU, and has in several parts of the world taken over large areas in a short time. The moss is characterized by its preference for disturbed and burned land, something that occurs on the heathland in the Sandsj?backa nature reserve, when burning for nature conservation purposes is carried out annually. Sandsj?backa's heathland is a valuable ecosystem and is one of the few heathlands in a favorable condition that remains in Sweden after strong reforms in modern agriculture in the last century, which led to forest succession of these cultural environments.

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