

1771 Uppsatser om Security engineering - Sida 9 av 119

Säkerhetshot och lösningar för privatpersoner med bredband

As more and more people gain access to broadband in their properties, the security threats get bigger. A lot more people also have computers that they carry home from work where they store important information concerning the company. The information stored on theese computers can be very easy to retrieve if you have the will and the skill to do it. Very few people have any knowledge how to protect themselves from theese threats..

Privilegierad mobilitet? : Flygplatser, resande och säkerhet

Never before have so many moved so frequently as now. Mobility lies at the centre for the concern ofstates, business and technological development. Some even claim that we are witnessing a mobility turn inthe social sciences. However, as the capacity to move has increased so too has the control and surveillanceof mobility become more extensive. Since September 11, 2001 security has been the defining paradigm fora variety for actors.

Säkerhetsarbete inom ungdomsvård - ett underlag till förbättring av samverkan

The aim of this project is to study the work that has been done by the youth welfare to prevent accidents and to increase the preparedness in case of fire. Further the aim is to develop a basis to improve the interaction between the fire services and the youth welfare. The conclusions that were made during the project can be used to increase the safety of the environment that estates by the youth welfare..

TAT Tutorials - En färg-kodande editor och hemsida för ett interaktivt läromedel till de xml-baserade programmeringsspråken Cascades och Kastor.

TAT?s Cascades and Kastor are programming languages used to create graphical user interfaces (GUI) for mobile phones. TAT Tutorials is a dynamic, interactive tutorial site for these xml-based programming languages. An editor will be available for download to enhance the learning process..

En jämförelse av krypteringsalgoritmer

Today the Internet is used more and more as a transportation for information. Much of the information is confidential and should not be read by those not privileged. To protect the information from unauthorized access cryptography can be applied. The cryptography algorithms in use today all have their pros and cons. They are therefore suited for different applications.

Säkerhet i öppna WiFi-nätverk. En studie om hur användares medvetenhet om säkerhetsrisker vid interaktion med öppna WiFi-nätverk kan ökas

Public WiFi networks is one of the dominant technologies for users to get public internet access. The problem is that the networks are designed for accessability rather than security ? a problem users seldom are aware of. Users who carelessly access WiFi networks may reveal sensitive information which, among other things, can lead to an identity theft. Previous research suggests that users must be educated and informed about the risks they incur, but not how this should be done.

NATO 1989-2015 : NATO:s säkerhetpolitiska arbetsprocessfrån 1989 till 2015 sett utifrån Berlinmurensfall och konflikten i Afghanistan

The main purpose with the essay is to look into NATO and annalise how the organisation haschanged it´s security policy work process today 2015, seen from two different world eventsduring the period 1989-2015, the collapse of the Berlin wall and war in Afghanistan. Purposeand issuses also apply based on two theories Anarchymodel and World society model. In orderto highlight two different ways to see NATO:s security policy work process over time untilthe present day.Issues:? How did the fall of Berlin wall in 1989 change NATO:s security policy work process?? How did the war in Afghanistan in 2001 change NATO:s security policy work process?The essay is a qualitative method literature review describing NATO as an organisation andworld events that had impact on NATO over time.The result show that NATO has shifled it´s borders further fast because ?new? membercountries from the former Soviet Union are party members. NATO has moved closer toRussia, and increased in momentum.

Tekniker i Requirements Engineering med inriktning på Use Case-modellering

Detta examensarbete innehåller en introduktion till informationssystemutveckling och Requirements Engineering (RE). Vikten av att utföra RE på ett effektivt sätt är stor. Hela informationssystemet blir lidande om denna del inte utförs på ett tillfredställande sätt. För att utföra RE finns en rad tekniker och verktyg. Detta arbete behandlar en teknik i RE, nämligen Use Case-modellering.

Säkerheten i trådlösa nätverk

The number of wireless networks has increased rapidly among both home users and companies in just a few years. That has brought a lot of good things with it, for example the possibility to connect wireless equipment to the network or Internet from an arbitrary position within range of the accesspoint. But since the transmissions take place through the air some new security risks appear. It?s difficult to restrict the signals to a specific space and thereby a lot easier for unauthorized to eavesdrop or disturb the signals compared to a traditional wired network.

USA:s officiella säkerhetsstrategi : Vad ligger bakom?

The purpose of this study is twofold: First, to inquire how the George W. Bush administration plans to keep America safe from external threats and second ? based on the assumption that neoconservatives have influenced the Bush administration ? examine how neoconservative ideas have influenced this strategy to protect America. The research questions are as follows:What is the content of the Bush administration?s security strategy?How are neoconservative ideas reflected in this security strategy?To answer the first question, the main points of two studied documents were summarized.

Ukraina: Realismens återkomst? : En kvalitativ textanalys om hur fred och säkerhet bör skapas i Europa utifrån teorierna realism och liberalism

Ukraine shares a long history with Russia. In the early 21th century, Ukrainians wanted a freer Ukraine. Therefore the orange revolution started in 2004 by the Ukrainians and had a positive outcome. The situation later became worse because of the economic crisis in 2008 and a corrupt president. The pro-western politician Petro Poroshenko was elected to become president in 2014.

Svenskt utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande : Flernivåanalys av Sveriges beslut att bli en del av den europeiska säkerhets- och försvarspolitiken (ESFP).

In 1998 Sweden accepted the Treaty of Amsterdam which contained a development of the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) towards a European security and defense policy (ESDP). This thesis aims at studying the decision making process behind the Swedish foreign policy decision to further develop its security policy within the European Union. The purpose is to explain which factors and conditions that did affect and influence the Swedish foreign policy decision. The research applies foreign policy analysis, a theoretical perspective that analyzes both domestic and international conditions using different levels of analysis. The research methods being used has been qualitative as well as quantitative, complemented by interviews, since the research is a process tracing case study.The thesis conclusion is that the Swedish decision is explained by several factors.

Risk- och sårbarhetsanalys för den kommersiella sjöfarten i Kattegatt

This report is a risk- and vulnerability analysis of how the commercial ship and its goods can be a threat to the environement and to human health in case of a discharge. It present the most common dangerous goods that are transported with ship through Kattegat in the Baltic Sea..

DDoS : -Vad är det och går det att skydda sig?

This paper will expose the serious phenonomen Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). Businesses without a good security policy are easy targets for attackers. We will cover why its hard to protect yourself, present previous attacks and ways for individuals and businesses to secure themselves. We have based our paper on previous cases and done intervjues with companies who specialize in dealing with these kind of threats. Then come up with guidelines wich will be helpful for businesses when they want to strengthen there security against Distributed Denial of Service-attacks..

Informationssäkerhet i en mediekoncern : Ett penetrationstest med inriktning på datautvinning och social-engineering

Målet med denna rapport är att studera informationssäkerheten på ett företag i den svenska mediebranschen. Att upprätthålla en bra informationssäkerhet är särskilt viktigt för ett medieföretag, då de dagligen hanterar källskyddat material. För att komma över känslig information utfördes penetrationstester genom social-engineering och datautvinning. Resultaten av dessa tester visade att det var relativt enkelt för en angripare att få de anställda att ge ifrån sig lösenord till företagets interna nätverk och VPN-klienter. Datautvinningen visade även att i princip all information gick att utvinna eller återskapa från företagets datorer eftersom man inte använde någon form av kryptering.

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