

1771 Uppsatser om Security engineering - Sida 3 av 119

Säkerhetstänkande integrerat i systemdesign via formaliserade metoder

Systems development methods mirror different organizational perspectives, and not all methods are formalised, but what they have in common is the purpose of structuring and supporting systems development processes. Which method would be the most suitable may be determined by the systems development context at hand, because every systems development context is unique. Information is a valuable asset in today?s organizations, and it needs to be protected against both internal and external security threats. In our essay we aspired to find and present suggestions as to how systems developers can include security in the very design based on formalised systems development methods to create systems that are better prepared to meet the security challenges of today.

Klimatförändringar som ett säkerhetshot. En studie av internationella organisationers säkerhetisering av klimathoten

International organizations are important actors on the stage of world politics, and how these actors securitize the climate change issue is of importance for how it will be tackled by actors on global and national levels. The purpose of this study is to contribute to research on climate security discourses and how climate change is defined as a security concern amongst different actors. This study, in contrast to previous research, focuses on systematically mapping the definitions made by different international organizations by asking: whose security is at stake; who is responsible for responding to the threat; how is the nature of the threat defined; and what responses are suggested? By analyzing material consisting of a variety of documents and statements from five international organizations, I aim to identify differences between these actors ? in how the climate change issue is conceptualized from a security perspective. The result of the study shows that only one of the organizations shows clear elements of the national/geopolitical security discourse, while all of the other actors primarily use the human security discourse.

IT-säkerhetspolicy ? efterlevs den av anställda?

ABSTRACT The main purpose of IT security policies is to protect companies against intrusion and unwanted spread of information. Statistics show that IT related crimes tend to increase and because of that it is important, from the company?s side of view, to be well prepared. The IT security policy is an important part of that preparation. A lot of the crimes related to IT can be deduced indirectly to employees at the companies where the crime takes place.

En förändrad värld, en omdanad säkerhet? - En studie om klimatförändringars effekt på svensk säkerhetspolitik

The concept of national security has been a matter for debate during recent years, especially in academic fields. Criticism has surfaced since the end of the cold war, directed towards the traditional perspective's dogmatic focus on armed threats and interstate war. Questions concerning an oncoming paradigm shift have been raised, regarding a widening of the security agenda among national states to also include alternative threats, such as environmental hazards. In this thesis, the focus lies on the effects that climate changes have caused in the Swedish national security agenda during the last 15 years. Swedish policy documents show that there have been some major changes, not only the widening of the security agenda but the entire security domain seems to have changed.

Strategiska försvarsaktörer : En studie av NATO och EU:s kompatibilitet i rollen som säkerhetspolitiska aktörer

This essay conducts a descriptive analysis of the ideas expressed by NATO´s official security strategy "Strategic Concept" from 2010 and the European Union?s security strategy "A Secure Europe in a Better World" from 2003. The purpose of this analysis is to examine whether the ESDP and NATO are compatible with each other when it comes to the role of security policy actor. To do so, I´ve chosen to analyse the actors' security strategies based on three dimensions. These dimensions are: Their view of the international scene, their views on cooperation and their views on how to reach security.

EU:s grannskapspolitik i Medelhavsregionen : En säkerhetspolitisk analys av Medelhavssamarbetet

AbstractThe thesis investigates how the European Union promotes stability and security in the Mediterranean region. The aim is to analyse the European Union?s security ambitions with Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Barcelona Process. An analytical framework with five sectors (military, political, economic, environmental and societal), based on the Copenhagen School?s theories about security sectors and securitization, is used for the analysis.

Trådlösa nätverk i hemmet : Säkerhetsmedvetenhet och utbildningsbehov

Abstrakt Social Engineering är konsten att manipulera människor, för att på så sätt vinna deras förtroende. Med hjälp av detta förtroende kan attackeraren sedan kringgå säkerhetssystem och få tillgång till organisationers information. Vi har i denna uppsats genomfört elva intervjuer på tre stora organisationer med både IT-chefer och övrig personal. Med dessa intervjuer har vi sedan försökt få en bild av hur medvetenheten ser ut samt vilka åtgärder organisationerna tar för att förhindra Social Engineering. Med denna uppsats vill vi belysa den ovisshet som råder kring Social Engineering, men även farorna och hur effektiv en attack av denna typ kan vara.

Fo?rutsa?ttningar fo?r AU som sa?kerhetsgemenskap avseende inomstatliga konflikter med transnationell inblandning

The theory of ?security communities? is generally understood as ?dependable expectations of peaceful change? between groups and whether or not the African Union can be said to meet that criteria has been contested in the research community. One of the central disagreements lie in the nature of the region?s conflicts, of which a majority are intrastate but with tendencies of transnational involvement. This paper seeks to understand how extensive this involvement is and how it affects the possibility of classifying the African Union as a security community.

Reading the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in terms of the issue of Terrorism : An analysis on the evolution of the CFSP of the EU under the issue of Terrorism

In the post Cold-War era, world politics was transforming itself through its emerging complex issues such as terrorism and influential and interdependent actors such as the European Union. In this new era, the European Union was developing its Common Foreign and Security Policy pillar both to present a coherent and unified EU policy and to prove its political potent in order to become an influential actor on world politics. On the other side, security environment was also transforming its content through emerging actors and issues. As one of the most prominent actors of the world politics, the EU was influenced by the transformation of security environment, whose economic ?soft power? proved necessary but insufficient for being a global power in this emerging security environment.

Mänsklig säkerhet i Sudan- För vem och mot vad?

The concept of security is a contested one. The United Nations definition in UNDPs Development report of 1994 is the most authoritive and commonly cited. The civil war in Sudan has led to 2 million deaths and over 5.5 million refugees. In a resolution from 2005, the UN decided that the war in Sudan was a threat to international security and peace. The 10th of January UN decided that a peace commission ought to be send with 10 000 military and civil men including 700 policemen.The main purpose of this thesis is to improve our knowledge of those factors which can cause an increased risk of conflict within a state, and how that can affect the social conditions for individuals.

Riktlinjer för yttre hot - En inblick i riktlinjer angående yttre hot för Karlskrona kommun

Målet med detta arbete är att bättre förstå hur riktlinjer ska skapas och användas. Utgångspunkten har varit att media uppmärksammat ett flertal incidenter där främmande människor tog oönskad kontakt med olika förskolor i Karlskronaområdet. Författarna ville då se över hur kommunen arbetade med frågor om yttre hot vilket medförde att arbetet utmynnade i ett försök om att bättre försöka få förståelse för riktlinjer och dess användning då kommunen vid arbetets start saknade riktlinjer för yttre hot av denna typ. Metoden som använts är av kvalitativ art i form av intervjuer med några säkerhetsansvariga för förskolor i andra svenska kommuner. Resultatet av dessa intervjuer tillsammans med kompletterande material från generella tillvägagångssätt för identifikation och analys av säkerhetsproblem resulterade i ett förslag på arbetsmetoden vid skapandet av riktlinjer samt en påminnelse om att se över befintliga riktlinjer för yttre hot..

Mellan säkerhet och mänskliga rättigheter : en studie av den svenska officiella migrationsdiskursen

This paper focuses on the Swedish migration discourse and investigates if and to what extent it is dominated by a security perspective. Analysing a number of official texts and documents I want to show how the discourse describes migrants and what implications this carries with it for the migrants and for the Swedish migration politics. Through discourse analysis I have analysed whose security that is prioritised, the Swedish or the refugees, who is the refugee and the asylum seeker, and who is the illegal migrant in the Swedish official migration discourse. As a theoretical frame for the analysis I have used theories on migration and security. These include theories on the securitisation of politics, the globalisation and the creation of political identity from the nation state perspective and theories on the connection between migration and security.My results show that a security discourse is dominating the Swedish official migration discourse and is therefore defining our reality and the identities of refugees, asylum seekers and illegal migrants.

Reverse Engineering : En jämförelse mellan företag och forskare

Användning av mjukvaruverktyg när reverse engineering utförs är ett måste för att få ett användbart resultat enligt Hainaut (2002). Kudrass m fl (1997) visar på brister som kan uppstå när mjukvaruverktyg används. Gemensamt för de forskare som har studerats i detta arbete är att de hävdar att företag saknar kunskap för att utföra reverse engineering med mjukvaruverktyg. Har forskarna rätt i att det saknas kunskap eller har företagen mer kunskap än vad forskarna tror? Då dessa forskare har en klar koppling till tillverkning av mjukvaruverktyg så är eventuellt inte deras påstående opartiska och därför är det intressant att se om deras påstående stämmer med verkligheten.

Är handdatorer säkra nog för hälso- och sjukvården?

The aim of this report is to discuss computer security in handheld computers and to find out the appropriate security level that must be implemented to be able to use handheld computers within the Swedish healthcare system. Most healthcare centers are using some kind of electronic journals for their patient´s data today, but there are still a number of clinics that are usingthe old paper-system. On a few places in Sweden the use of handheld computers at the clinics has already started, but in the United States the use of handheld computers in the medical area is already widespread and from this we can see a lot of different situations where it is useful and effective to work with handheld computers. The security demands on patient´s journals are high and regulated in both Swedish law and regulations from the National Swedish Board of Health and Welfare. The law does not have any substantial demands, but states that there should be an adequate security level based on the nature of the information and the costs.

Säkerhetsutvärdering certifikatserver i stället för aktiva kort

Business and organizations use computer network in a greater extension than ever before, especially for business-critical use. That increase the demand of security for all systems, both against internal and external threats. The demand on the authentication method used today increases. Today they normally uses password or some kind of smart card. I will performa literature study that will investigate the possibility to increase the security in authentication of users without the use of extra hardware.

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