

1771 Uppsatser om Security engineering - Sida 16 av 119

Tekniska system i förskolan : 3-5 åringars uppfattningar om mobiltelefoni

 This report will describe a project between two students from Karlstad University and Markus Norström from Hovercraft solutions. The project aim was to develop a cabin for the hovercraft 380TD. The project was divided into two sub parts; one concerning the design of the cabin and one concerning the engineering. Throughout this rapport you can follow the engineering part of the project. The project has followed a systematic product development process resulting in optimized results for material selection and engineering solutions.

Försäkringsbedrägerier : En studie av sambandet mellan självrisk och oberättigade ersättningskrav

The purpose of this essay is to investigate what kind of motives where behind the long term decisions for the Swedish military defense in 2000 and 2004. This leads to the questions that the essay is meant to answer; 1. Were the motives behind the two decisions for the Swedish military defense of economic character or an adjustment of security and defense policy? 2. Was the parliament united in the two decisions and if they were not, why? 3.

Säkerhetsstandard för ett mjukvarubaserat säkerhetselement

Researchers today anticipate that in the near future, the majority of the owners of a smartphone will use it as a wallet, i.e. for contactless payment. The technology that enables contactless payment today is ?Near Field Communication? (NFC), which is increasingly embedded in smartphones. Applications like mobile payment between a phone and a terminal use NFC.

Svävare : Utforming av hytt

The project in question is a joint effort between students at Karlstad University and Marcus Norström at the company Hovercraft solutions. The project is divided into two parts, one focusing on the purely technical aspects of engineering the product and one focusing on the design aspects of the product development. The project described in this report is the design of the product. The assignment from Hovercraft solutions is regarding design engineering of a cabin for the hovercraft 380TD from the manufacturer Griffon hovercraft. The product lacks a cabin and none is offered from Griffon at the time being. 380TD is a relatively small hovercraft with a length of 6.8 metres and a width of 3.8 metres.The surface available for the cabin is not much different from the body of a car.Because of this, research has been focused primarily on car bodies.The product development process used in the project is following a systematic approach.From a chosen concept, the project was finalized with a CAD-modell as well as a detailed prototype.The weight target of 80 kg was reached and the ergonomic aspects were considered developing the sight field, roof- and entrance height.    .

Osäkerheter vid brandteknisk dimensionering av ventilationssystem

This masters thesis deals with smoke spread via ventilation systems. One aim of the thesis is to investigate and explain the differences in efforts to prevent smoke spread via ventilation systems in different countries. A second aim of this thesis is to investigate how frequently occurring smoke spread via ventilation systems in Swedish buildings are. A third aim is to investigate how uncertainties in input variables to smoke spread calculations will affect the result of calculation. To be able to do this the most important input variables are identified and analysed.

Konsultföretags metodanvändande under Requirements Engineering Processen

Requirements Engineering processen, RE-processen, är den tidiga fasen i ett systemutvecklingsprojekt, där RE-processens syfte är att identifiera, verifiera, validera samt dokumentera en mängd krav som ett nytt eller utvidgat system skall konstrueras efter. RE-processen skall mynna ut i en kravspecifikation där de dokumenterade kraven finns samlade.Detta examensarbete behandlar ämnet systemutveckling och fokuserar på konsultföretags metodanvändande under RE-processen. Att fokus ligger på RE-processen beror på att denna fas är den mest kritiska delen i ett systemutvecklingsprojekt.För att få svar på vilka metoder som konsultföretag använder under RE-processen har en intervjundersökning gjorts.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att konsultföretag använder olika metoder under RE-processen. Sättet att använda dem fungerar på ungefär samma sätt med ett aktivt deltagande från kundernas sida. Systemutvecklingsmetoderna är också uppbyggda på liknande sätt med samma synsätt att arbeta efter..

Efter Energiutmaningen : Vad hände med undervisningen i fysik?

The purpose of this thesis is to try to find out what effect subject oriented projects like Energiutmaningen has on the teachers, with a focus on teachers? physics education. What was the experience for the teachers who participated and what effects did the project have on them. Four teachers were interviewed through qualitative interviews. From the result it showed that the most experienced teachers, who have been teaching physics for many years, gained a new perspective of their teaching, through their participation a development showed in their education.

VEMS SÄKERHET? VILKA RÄTTIGHETER? : Om diskursförändringen i svensk migrationspolitisk riksdagsdebatt 1975-2002

Human rights and solidarity, as well as moral and legal responsibilities to protect people in need of refuge, seem to be principles of secondary importance within international migratory policies today. Instead, the predominant view seems to focus more and more on the protection of territorial borders, the welfare state and national identity. This international change in discourse can also be seen in the political trends of individual states. There are reasons to believe that this is a development that is also perceptible in the political rhetoric that is used in parliamentary debates, which constitute the main focus of this thesis. The aim of this study has therefore been to increase the understanding of this change in migratory policies by analyzing Swedish parliamentary debates between 1975 and 2002, using a theoretical framework focused on two different perspectives on security: First, the Copenhagen School and securitization of migration, and second, human security and human rights.

Matematik och ingenjören : Utveckling av en aktivitet för att öka elevers motivation för matematik

This thesis primarily includes a study on whether companies can develop a mathematical activity that supports students' motivation in mathematics. The work was done together with Midroc Electro, a company that pays attention to the difficulty of recruiting and therefore was interested in investigating how the business world would be able to contribute.The thesis can be divided into three stages. The first part comprised by a exploration into research on student motivation regarding mathematics as well as numerous interviews with engineers to see how the research findings did fit with Midroc Electros reality. In these studies it became clear that the student who aims for a profession whose education or work requires math belongs to the group of students who primarily manage their studies in mathematics, that is, those that have the greatest motivation to work hard and complete their studies.Research information and interviews were compared and resulted in the thesis second part, Midroc Challenge. An activity where students primarily came to learn about the engineering profession and secondly how mathematics can be used in the engineering profession.

Utredning av integrationsaspekter vid Rule Based Engineering (RBE)

Vid produktutveckling inom industriföretag finns idag luckor vad gäller IT-stöd i arbetets olika faser. Införandet av s.k. RBE-system (Rule Based Engineering) är ett steg på vägen mot att försöka fylla dessa luckor. Meningen med ett RBE-system kan sägas vara att ersätta traditionella konstruktionshandböcker med motsvarande konstruktionsanvisningar i digital form. Detta ger möjligheter till automatisering av processer som är tidskrävande, monotona och ofta förekommande, t.ex.

DISPUTERAD OCH KLAR- ÄNDÅ INTE ANSTÄLLNINGSBAR. Personalens upplevelser av anställningstrygghet och karriärmöjligheter vid ett svenskt universitet

This study examines university employees? perception of their employment situation and career opportunities. By tradition, fixed term contracts are used in the Swedish research community due to dependency on insecure funding. There is a current debate that questions this use of insecure employments. The employments are said to negatively affect the university?s societal role and international competitiveness.

Miljödiplomering av HV71

This report is a degree paper made for the Engineering program in Technical Chemistry at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University.The intention of the project which is described, is to answer whether HV71 might become environmentally certified according to the criteria of "miljödiplomering". The project also included an investigation of which further steps and measures must be undertaken by the enterprise in order to achieve the certificate. The final part was to implement the necessary requirements for the certification.The report starts with a short background where the origin and function of environmental management is briefly explained.The report continues with how the practical work with the environmental certification was done according to requirements of Jönköping municipality. Motivations behind each part of the process are given as well as explanations of how each part of the process was carried out.The final result of the project was that HV71 took the measures needed to live up to the required demands. After a revision made by Miljöstrategen i Jönköping AB, HV71 passed the demands and became thereby an environmentally certified business..


Detta arbete är sekretess belagt under de närmaste två åren och därför kommer bara sammanfattningen att publiceras för tillfället..

Sveriges hantering i praktik av EU:s regelverk om samordningen av medlemsländernas sociala trygghetssystem : En fallstudie av svenska offentliga instansers implementering och uppföljning

This essay analyses how Swedish authorities implement the EU regulations on the application of social security schemes and, more specifically, when it comes to health care and sickness benefits. The research is based on a survey and several interviews and aims to answer how the lower echelons of the hierarchy work towards the implementation, what are their working conditions and how the authorities evaluate and optimize the implementation process.The general conclusion of the study is that there are several flaws in the implementation process. The results have shown that there is a lack of resources as well as of tutoring and education amongst the actors. The complexity of the regulations does also seem to have influenced the process. Finally the results have shown that the public instances do not proceed to a systematic evaluation of the implementation process which has led to a bad communication between the different actors as well as to difficulties in improving the flaws in the implementation process..

Från diskurs till praktik? En studie om säkerhetiseringen av irreguljär migration och dess konsekvenser

This thesis discusses the theory of securitization in relation to the issue of irregularmigration, from EU level to national level. By using discourse analysis, the purpose isto explore whether the discourse leads to practice when it comes to nationalimplementation of EU debates on return policy. The material used in this workconsists of policy documents regarding the Return Directive from the EuropeanCommission as well as the Reva Project in Swedish migration policy. The mainobjective of the Reva Project is to make the process of returning irregular immigrantsmore effective and it has been strongly criticized, both by media and public opinion.The conclusion of this case study is that even if the security rhetoric may appearstronger on the EU level, the main elements of the security discourse are stillportrayed in the implementation on the national level. Based on this analysis we canmake the presumption that discourse develops into practice in the case of returnpolicy in the EU-member state relation..

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