

1386 Uppsatser om Secure base - Sida 7 av 93

Ett kvalitativt arbete på väg : - En kvalitativ undersökning för att öka kunskapen gällande systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete inom en organisation som arbetar med vägservice.

The purose of the study is to increase knowledge regarding systematic enviromentarl work in an organization that works with road services. Work on the road is done in a hazardous environment with constant danger regarding the life of the individual. The site of the work varies in accordance with where the needs ae . This requires skilled workers capable of working independently and that they are experienced din doing their own risk assessments in accordance with the individual believes that the situation calls for work to be performed safely. The study was conducted with a qualitative research approach in which four employees of different positions, knowledge, experience and vision to work in a hazardous environment were interviewed. The focus rests on the organization, management, and individual aspirations for a safe and secure working environment. The study adds weight to the relationship between the purchaser of the work and the organization as a prime contractor due to the compexity of the organization.

Betydelsen av kolkälla och mikrobiell fysiologisk status för temperaturresponsen (Q10) vid nedbrytning av organiskt material :

The increasing threat of climate change has led to a increased need for models to predict future climat. In these models the changes in the soil carbon pools due to changes in microbiel degradation of the organic matter can lead to both positive and negative feedback-effects. There is however a lack of consensues on the temperature respons on degradation soil organic matter. This paper aim to give a better understanding on the factors controlling the temperature respons. The factors studied were the carbon substrate qualitity and the physiological status of the microorganisms.

Forskningsfronten och forskningsbasen inom informationsvetenskap ? en bibliometrisk undersökning

The purpose with this study is to map the research front and the research base in information science, by using the bibliometric methods bibliographic coupling and author-co citation analysis. The research questions are: 1. What is the nature of the research front in information science, regarding which areas that are being studied? 2. What is the nature of the research base in information science, regarding which authors who are most cited, and how they can be grouped? The data used in the study were gathered from articles published in the journal Journal of the American society for information science and technology, published between 2004-2006, respectively 1986-2006.

Jakten på de optimala lösningarna : En vetenskaplig essä om förskollärarens ansvar och yrkesetik

Swedish childcare has undergone radical changes in the last 15 to 20 years. It has evolved from kindergarten to pre-school, in other words, gone from simple childcare to an active learning environment with the child as the center. Official documents, such as the pre-school curriculum and other guide documents, define the role and work ethics of the pre-school teacher. In my thesis I argue that it is essential to have an ongoing and continuous discussion at pre-schools on the practical applications of these frameworks and ambitious goals.What do you do when you simply cannot give every child the individual time they should have according to rules and regulations? How do you stay an active and present pedagogue in today?s pre-school with large classes and heavy workloads? How do you establish a common professional work ethics within a pre-school so that all children are treated equally? In my scientific essay, I examine these issues based on a real-life situation: Ellen in the hallway.A pedagogue must continuously make balanced decisions based on rules and regulations, on life- and work experience which, in many cases, contradict each other.

Ränteavdragsbegränsningar : En analys av nuvarande ränteavdragsbegränsningar och  alternativa metoder

Interest deduction limitation rules have an important function as the regulations prevent the Swedish tax base to decrease. However, the restrictions must not be at the expense of the business environment. Interest deduction limitation rules that do not work in a satisfactory manner are likely to make Sweden a less favourable country to establish in. The first Swedish rules which were aimed to restrict interest deduction threaded into force in 2009. The rules were applicable to intercompany loans related to acquisitions of part ownership rights and the aim was to reduce tax avoidance through corporate group-loans. The rules proved to be ineffective since the avoidance continued and the Swedish rules could not tackle the problem.

Biblioteket i terrorns tid : en studie av hur the USA Patriot act har påverkat tre amerikanska bibliotek

The aim of this thesis is to study what impact the USA Patriot act has had on American libraries. The authors intent has been to see what changes have occurred in the librarians work-routines and to study their attitudes toward the Patriot act. The authors have also intended to find out what the consequences would be for the libraries. The findings are related to Swedish circumstances. The material used in this thesis consists of six interviews conducted at three libraries in the Bay Area in California.

En färdig trädgård : enkätundersökning om gruppbebyggda småhusträdgårdar

The main purpose with this master's thesis was to develop a survey with the intention to examine what expectations the JM AB:s customer had on a future garden and also to discuss if the lawn has a symbolic meaning in gardens. The lion's share of the thesis is based on a survey, aimed at people in the company's customer database. The intention was to examine what expectations they had on their future garden and if their expectations were met when they later bought a house from the company. The work also consists of interviews and visits to areas with newly built homes. I interpreted the result from my surveys as the lawn on its own being is a strong symbol for a garden and also signals a social status of the owner. To the company the pre made lawn on a role is a way of saving time and easily achieve what the customer request. The company wants to create a concept of a "preset-garden" that meets the company's vision as well as the expectations of the customer.

"Vi" och "Dem" -en studie beträffande identitetskonstruktionsprocesser hos invandrade män i samband med integration i Helsingborg

To create fair conditions between majority and minority in Sweden is a challeging project. Male immigrants usually do not get same opportunities for a success identity structure and integration into Swedish society as women and children. The aim of this thesis is therefore to critically examine and analyse the processes regarding identity structure and integration for male immigrants with a specific focus on Helsingborg. The object of this study is Mansgrupp, a project which helps men to build up a secure ground for identity structure and which further helps them to integrate into the society. To be able to reach the results I have made a literature study as well as a minor field study in Helsingborg, where I conducted interviews with men from the above mentioned project.

Omvårdnadspersonalens beskrivning av sina upplevelser av möter med utåtagerande personer med demenssjukdom och betydelsen av bemötandet

The purpose of the study was to describe how care givers experience working with people who suffer from dementia and acting out behaviour and to illustrate the importance of the care givers approach. Sixteen caregivers were interviewed from different nursing homes in the middle of Sweden. The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The result is divided into two content areas. The analysis of the first content area, care givers experiences of meeting people with dementia and acting out behaviour, resulted in three categories, which deals with the approach.

Business Intelligence inom humanitära organisationer

Several studies has identified the locker room experience as a potential deterrent for participation in physical education. Both psychological and physical issues arise due to several factors. Psychological issues include different kinds of verbal and physical violations, comparisons between pupils, feeling of vulnerability along with a stressful schedule. The physical environment can contribute to negative experience for pupils in terms of filthy premises and cold showers. These factors may contribute to higher absentee rates in physical education.

Värdegrunden : vilken betydelse har den i mötet med brukaren inom kommunal hemtjänst.

Abstract  Title:The national values ? which significance does the meeting with the   caretaker have in municipal eldercare. Authors:Ida Lilja & Evelina   Andersson  Date:2014-10-21National values.   You probably wonder what it is, and that is what we intend to give you an   answer to in the following pages. We will try to depict what a statutory, national   value can represent for a difference in the work with elderly people in   municipal eldercare within the own home.

Hyperton vätskebehandling av kor med högersidig löpmagsdislokation :

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of an infusion of hypertonic saline solution (HSS) in combination with an oral waterload on cows suffering from rightsided displacement of the abomasum (RDA). Six dairy cows were treated with 7,2% HSS in a dosis of 5 ml per kg bodyweight. They also received an oral waterload of approximately 15 liters. To monitor changes in fluid-, acid-base- and electrolyte-balance, bloodsamples were collected during the next 24 hours. During this period, the cows also underwent surgery to empty and correct the position of the abomasum.

Unga truppgymnasters rörelsekontroll beskrivet med ett screeningtest ? Performance Base Matrix : En pilotstudie

Bakgrund: Truppgymnastik är en relativt ung tävlingsgren inom gymnastik med ursprung från de Nordiska länderna. I Sverige är det den mest utövade formen av tävlingsgymnastik med flest rapporterade  skador i nedre extremiteten samt återkommande besvär i ryggen. Tester i syfte att förebygga skador är efterfrågade och få studier har utvärderat tester för idrottande barn och ungdomar.Syftet med studien var att beskriva en grupp unga truppgymnaster utifrån bakgrundsvariabler, och rörelsekontroll med screeningtestet Performance Base Matrix samt att mäta förekomst av muskuloskelettala skador under en period på sju månader. Metod: Nitton unga truppgymnaster (flickor,7-9 år) genomförde screeningtestet Base Matrix i syfte att bedöma deras rörelsekontroll vid låg respektive/ low threshold och hög belastning/ high threshold. Testerna analyserades visuellt och genom videoupptagning. Resultatet av testerna dokumenterades i ett protokoll som bearbetades on-line samt för beräkning av procentuell förekomst av sämre utförd test i form av svaga länkar.

Livskvalitet hos personer med Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Background:Incoming medical alarm is a common routine for emergency nurses. Working in these situations may represent a major burden on the individual nurse. Purpose: To investigate emergency room nurses' experiences in receiving medical alerts focused on education, safety, security, skills and experience, and andherence to guidelines. The purpose was also to investigate whether there were any differences in action between the emergency room nurses who had worked longer or shorter period than two years with this.Method:The design was quantitative, comparative and descriptive. Surveys were distributed to 30 nurses who worked in the emergency room at a Swedish hospital.

RO hantering på ABB, TPE

Arbetet har utförts på ABB i Ludvika med avsikt att förbättra revisionsprocessenför kontroll och skydd. En revision är en ändring på ett godkänt och klarmarkeratobjekt. Då objektet i fråga redan kan vara levererat till kund och man behöver göraen ändring krävs en strukturerad process för att utföra denna ändring. Processen föratt göra detta är i dagsläget komplicerad och kräver en hel del administrativt arbete.Processen använder sig utav ett antal program för lagring och databaser så som,Lotus Notes, HiDraw Studio, och HiDra32.Avdelningen för kontroll och skydd är i fasen att övergå till ett annat elCADsystem, Engineering Base. Detta är också en av anledningarna att man önskar en nyprocess för revisionshantering.Arbetet bestod till en början av inlärning av den dåvarande processen.

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