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?Education is for life, not just for school? : En jämförande studie om läs- och skrivutveckling i Gambia och Sverige

This report describes a comparative study about reading- and writing development in ?A-towns school? in The Gambia and in ?Villaskolan? in Sweden.The purpose of this study is to compare two teachers in Sweden with two teachers and two volunteers from the school in Gambia, with focus on their thoughts and methods on teaching reading and writing at each school and in their social context. The aim is also to observe and describe how classroom environment at both schools can encourage students to read and write.The theoretical base of this study is rooted in a sociocultural perspective but I have also chosen to illuminate behaviorism and cognitivism. The study is qualitative and the main research methods are interviews and observations of the classrooms.My conclusions are, even though considerable differences in approach and conditions, teachers in both schools work hard and show dedication towards their students.Another finding is that teachers use different techniques and working methods to achieve the same goal -to teach their students to read and write based on what is required of them in their cultural and social context. The different ways of teaching have been caused by the existence of different perceived needs based on culture and tradition.One conclusion is also that read and write requirements for students in the Gambia and Sweden are different from each other.

Slitundersökning för jordbearbetning och sådd :

In this study we try to focus on the costs for wear parts on different type of soil tillage machines and at Väderstad Rapid drilling machine. We have studied some of the leading types of cultivators and disk harrows. Among the cultivators we have investigated Väderstad Cultus, Dalbo Dinkomax, Horsch Tiger and Terrano. At disk harrow we have looked at Amazone Catros and Väderstad Carrier. We have made more detailed study on costs for wear parts, working depth, driving speed and diesel consumption.

Tillgång till skolbibliotek i glesbygd

This is a two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies, which purpose is to find out what ideas there are about school libraries and to get an idea of how informants interpret the new Education Act, which requires all students to have access to school libraries. Another intention of this paper is to highlight the potential rural-related attitudes of the responents. The study includes the sparsely populated municipality of Krokom and is based on interviews with librarians, the school director, principals and politicians who work there. The theoretical basis for this paper is Loertscher?s model för school libraries and a centerperiphery perspective.

Tjänsteorienterad arkitektur : Ett arkiv- och informationsvetenskapligt perspektiv på tjänsteorienterad arkitektur

The starting point of this paper has to do with rapid changes within the information technology and the need for agile and fast systems. The primary goal is to investigate what happens with recordkeeping practices in agile environments like service oriented architecture (SOA). It is in the possible transfer between IT architecture and digital archive the area of this paper resides. The paper relates to the Records Continuum model by which records will be considered historical and active at the time of creation. In the Records Continuum model recordkeeping practices and archival requirements will have to be taken into account at the time of creation.This paper concerns SOA from the perspective of Archival and Information science.

Äh! Vadå nervös? Kör nu bara! : En studie om hur lärare och elever kan arbeta i gymnasieskolan för att lära sig hantera rampfeber

The purpose of our study is to find out how teachers can help their students to learn how to managestage fright. By interviewing high school teachers and high school students and also observe one oftheir classes, we wanted to find out how they think about the causes of stage fright and what youcan do to relieve it. We also wanted to find out how teachers are working to teach students how todeal with stage fright, and how they think that you also could work. As a teacher of music, among other things, the task is to assess and rate the students performancesin music. Several components are based on the students' courage to play on his or her instrument infront of other people.

Regulatory approaches? influence on environmental agencies internal quality

The increasing public concern regarding the government?s priorities in spending public resources puts pressure on public organisations to address quality issues in their practice. In United Kingdom both BRTF (Better Regulation Task Force) (BIS, 2005b) and the Hampton report (BIS, 2005a) highlighted management and quality problems in public organisations in UK. These reports revealed obstacles within institutions? intent to offer recommendations and appropriate solutions for agencies working with legal enforcement and control.

Socialt stöd efter våldtäkt

The focus of this study is on the nature of social support from the rape survivor's perspective. Research has shown that social support is essential to the survivor's ability to recover from rape and that it acts as a powerful tool for the survivor to effectively deal with the PTSD symptoms that follow rape. The research also shows that survivors often receive or interpret reactions after a rape as negative. Hence, these reactions can be detrimental tothe healing process.Qualitative interviews with six women on their experience of social support after rape form the base of this study and Anthony Giddens terms ontological security, fateful moments and bodily self-management are a part of the analytical apparatus. Rape is commonly analyzed from a feminist perspective.

Barnbibliotekariers syn på arbetet med små barn en kvalitativ studie

The aim with this thesis, based on five childrens librarians statements, is to highlight their view of their work, and what they deem to be of importance when working with small children within the library sphere. My main question is as follows: What motive compels childrens librarians in their work with small children, and will Vygotskys theories be recognised in their statements. I have two questions as a base for this main question: How do childrens librarians work with small children, and do they utilise any special methods in their work? How do childrens librarians view their work tasks, and what do they deem to be of importance regarding small children and libraries? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews. As a theory I have decided to concentrate on Vygotskys thoughts on imagination and creativity, the Zone of Proximal Development, and childrens language development.

Intelligenta Switchar

This master thesis has been carried out on behalf of Stoneridge Electronics AB and is an investigation ofhow intelligent switches can replace the traditionally used direct controlled switches. The concept ofintelligent switches is that the switches contain electronic identification components which, by connectingthem to a network, give the same function independent of the location of the switch. This infers anincreased flexibility and configurability which can be a great advantage in development, production andcustomization in the commercial vehicle industry. Especially in the current situation when commercialvehicle manufacturers provides more and more functions and dashboard configurations.LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a network protocol introduced in 1999. It is a simpler and lower costcomplement to CAN (Controller Area Network) and is adapted for applications where the demands forbandwidth are lower, for example reading sensors and switchers.

Från papper till pixel : Kvarnholmen studerad utifrån historiska kartor med stöd av GIS

Sweden has a long tradition as a mapmaking nation. Tens of thousands of historical maps,dating from the sixteenth century and onwards are still preserved in archives today, providinga rich resource for studies of city growth and changes in the landscape through time. For morethan ten years an effort has been made by public authorities to transfer this material frompaper onto digital media. Due to modern technology, as for example GeographicalInformation Systems (GIS), researchers have been given improved possibilities to study andanalyze this material. This study uses a qualitative approach, based on both literature studiesas well as map studies.

Att vända en dålig trend

There is an irregularity in the interregional migration in Sweden. An increasing proportion ofthe population is drawn to the metropolitan areas, which creates problems for the smallermunicipalities and towns when their population declines. At the same time, our whole societyis faced with a great challenge: we need to redirect towards a sustainable development, wherethe environmental issues are discussed and dealt with to secure that all present and futuregenerations are given equal opportunities to live a good life.The aim of this study is to, focusing mainly on the environmental dimension of thesustainability concept, examine the attractivity of housing with sustainability claims. Toanswer this, three research questions were used:? Was the migration motive to reduce their environmental impact a part of the decision tomove, among migrants who had moved to housing with sustainability claims?? If the motive was a part of the decision, how much impact did it have compared to othermigration motives?? Which factors in housing aiming at sustainability are considered important by peopleliving in housing with sustainability claims?The research questions have been answered using quantitative data, gained in the form of selfadministeredquestionnaires which were distributed in four different residential areas withsustainability claims in the county of Västra Götaland, Sweden.

IUP- Ett verktyg för elevens lärande : En kvaliatativ intervjustudie om lärares arbete med individuella utvecklingsplaner

Each student in elementary school will under current policy documents have an individual development plan (IEP) from 1 January 2006. The plan should primarily aim for a higher goal achievement, but also to the student to gain a greater understanding of their own learning process and knowledge. My experience is that some students, despite efforts IUP have difficulty seeing their own learning process and it has been the starting point of my study. The aim of the study has been to investigate and analyze teachers work with individual development plans from the first grade to the sixth grade from a teacher's perspective. The goal was to identify strategies and techniques that could help develop IUP as a tool for the student's learning and understanding of their own learning process.

Ett sannolikhetsbaserat kvalitetsmått förbättrar klassificeringen av oförväntade sekvenser i in situ sekvensering

In situ sekvensering är en metod som kan användas för att lokalisera differentiellt uttryck av mRNA direkt i vävnadssnitt, vilket kan ge viktiga ledtrådar om många sjukdomstillstånd. Idag förloras många av sekvenserna från in situ sekvensering på grund av det kvalitetsmått man använder för att säkerställa att sekvenser är korrekta. Det finns troligtvis möjlighet att förbättra prestandan av den nuvarande base calling-metoden eftersom att metoden är i ett tidigt utvecklingsskede. Vi har genomfört explorativ dataanalys för att undersöka förekomst av systematiska fel och korrigerat för dessa med hjälp av statistiska metoder. Vi har framförallt undersökt tre metoder för att korrigera för systematiska fel:I) Korrektion av överblödning som sker på grund avöverlappande emissionsspektra mellan fluorescenta prober.II) En sannolikhetsbaserad tolkningav intensitetsdata som resulterar i ett nytt kvalitetsmått och en alternativ klassificerare baseradpå övervakad inlärning.III) En utredning om förekomst av cykelberoende effekter, exempelvisofullständig dehybridisering av fluorescenta prober.Vi föreslår att man gör följande saker:Implementerar och utvärderar det sannolikhetsbaserade kvalitetsmåttetUtvecklar och implementerar den föreslagna klassificerarenGenomför ytterligare experiment för att påvisa eller bestrida förekomst av ofullständigdehybridisering.

Den Digitala teknikens påverkan på resebranschen och dess marknadsföring

The intention of this essay has been to investigate how the new digital technology has affected the tourism industry and marketing, as well as how travel agents and tour operators adapt to this. We also aimed to get a broader view of how the future might look like when it comes to marketing and virtual service landscapes. We decided to base our research according to these following four questions:? What affect travel agents? way of adoption to the technical development?? What purposes do the travel agents have for building up their virtual service landscape?? How much does the travel agents emphasize on digital marketing?? What can travel agents do to better adapt to the technological development in the future?We have chosen to use a qualitative research for this essay. The reason for choosing a qualitative research was to gain a wider understanding that would represent a big part of the changes of technology development.

Att säkerställa rätten att nyttja utrymme/anläggning i annans fasta egendom - exemplet Trafikverket

A property is owned with ownership which in turn may be granted limited rights to acquire the use of land or space in another's property. Tenancies and easements are the most common limited rights. Trafikverket has a range of different rights that are linked to its properties. There are rights that work in favour of Trafikverket?s property as well as against them.

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