

640 Uppsatser om Second-parent adoption - Sida 6 av 43

Gränslandet mellan hem och förskola : en arena för gästfrihetens kommunikation

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine some pre-school teacher's and parent's perceptions about communication within the pre-school context and how this can be described in terms of conceptual dichotomy.The empirical investigation consists of a qualitative study, where data have been collected by interviewing two focus groups and one single parent.The main theoretical tools which the study uses as its premiss is Derridas' theory of hospitality and Habermas' theory of deliberative dialogues. The study also considers the conception of the intermediate domain as an arena for communication between parents and pre-school teachers, and further more the conception of stereotyping in social and cultural contexts.In order to explore these processes I have used the qualitative method of interpretation; Hermeneutic, also with a narrative approach to the analysis.The results and the analysis of the data show that the interviewed parent and pre-school teachers have a poor sense of knowing how much influence to give to each other. The parents were not satisfied with the level of open communication and how the pre-school teachers share information of the activities..

Ansvarsskyldighet för aktieägare : Personligt ansvar och skadestånd

Shareholder, who decides to continue with the company, can cause that they become per-sonally liable for its upcoming obligations. Creditors must lodge an appeal against the shareholder to get compensation for the harm they have suffered. The damage rules in Swedish company law are designed to utilize the company?s interest, that is, shareholders and other corporate members shall promote the interests of the company and not cause damage.The rules about compensation that shareholder obligates itself to are difficult to apply and are adapt to the specific cases. For a shareholder to be personally responsible in a real situation a company has to establish a subsidiary company, which is being driven undercapitalized, intended to benefit the shareholder.

När jämställdhet blir problemet : Adoptionshandläggning för samkönade par

This study shows how social workers reason about the concepts of gender, gender roles and equality and if these arguments reinforce heteronormativity that could affect the ability of same-sex couples to adopt children. The reasoning regarding equality indicates a difference between heterosexual couples and same-sex couples. What emerges in the study is that the social workers reasoning can be explained with that they have been imbued by heteronormativity. Heteronormativity becomes a contributing part of how same-sex couples are seen in the adoption process. Arguments for equality, which erase stereotypes, do not apply in the same way for same-sex couples as for heterosexual couples.

Förändring som väckte känslor, när olika världar möts : en essä om samverkan i förskolan

This essay deals with the complexity that I perceive in the collaboration processes between preschool and parents. In the essay I present my interpretation of two self-perceived situations where my experience has been that the cooperation has not worked satisfactorily for either part. As a basis for my conclusions I use different theories and studies within the domain. My own experiences - both from ten years of working in preschool as well as from an eight-year experience of being a parent also comes into use. The purpose of my essay is to investigate how different horizons of understanding can come into collision, and how limitations in our own understanding of the perspectives of others can complicate collaboration between educators and parents.In the first story I discuss a situation where, in my professional role, I go into a conflict with a parent about how we have chosen to implement some changes.

IAS/IFRS : ett regelverk för alla?

Background: In 2001 the European Commission presented legislation to require use of IASB standards named IAS/IFRS for all listed parent companies within the EU no later than 2005, to improve an internal market for financial services within the EU. This harmonisation of the accounting regulations answers to the social development of today with land-frontiers easier to cross, increased demands on an open financial market and the companies searching for risk capital outside the boundaries of the own country. International comparisons within accounting have consequently become more of current interest and necessary. When the requirement to use the IASB standards only is intended for the group accounting the remaining question is according to which regulations the parent companies will set up their annual financial reports. In Statens Offentliga Utredningar 2003:71(Swedish Government Official Reports) the parent companies are suggested to be given an opportunity to apply IAS/IFRS also in the annual financial report.

De osynliga barnen? : en studie om Kriminalvården och Socialtjänstens arbete med barn till frihetsberövade föräldrar

The purpose of this essay was to look at how the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and the Social Service work with children who have parents in prison and what they can do to ease the contact between the children and their parents. In our study we have used different questions regarding parent role, gender, child perspective, contact possibilities and collaboration. We have interviewed six prison officers and five social workers in Skåne. We have also used previously written reports. Our conclusions are that the parent role is affected by imprisonment and more amongst the women than the men.

Elever och lärare på yrkesförberedande program - deras tankar kring undervisningsmetoder i samhällskunskapämnet : Students and teachers in vocational programmes - their thoughts regarding teaching methods in social sciences

In this examination project I look into what ways upper secondary school students conceive themselves as politically influenced before they voted for the general election of 2010. The purpose is to examine which influences the upper secondary school surroundings and the classes of civic education are contributing with to students before they voted. As a method, I have used personal, semi-structural interviews on eight upper secondary school students who all voted for a party represented in the parliament. I have asked questions about how they believe their parents, the surroundings of their school and the classes of civic education have influenced them. To separate which influences primarily the upper secondary school and the classes of civic educations have had on the students, I have selected two comparison groups of four students in each.

"Jag brukade skoja och säga att de hade vuxit en skostorlek varje gång jag träffade barnen : " (Sagt av en pappa då han beskrev hur sällan han såg sina barn)- En studie kring frihetsberövade pappor och deras barn.- An essay about incarcerated fathers and

ABSTRACTTo be a incarcerated parent and separated from your children can awake difficult thoughts and feelings of being powerless and burdened with debt. When it gives possibilities to maintain connections between the parent and child it can make a feeling of belonging and security. Children and families have long struggled with the difficulties created when a parent goes to prison. The aim with this essay has been to look into how fathers in prison, professionals from correctional institutions and social workers experiences of the connections between children and their incarcerated fathers. We reached our aim through interviews with fathers who had been incarcerated, professionals from correctional institutions, social workers and by literature studies.

Hur tolkar 5 grundskolelärare styrdokumenten i religionskunskap : En kvalitativ studie av SO ? lärare i grundskolan

År 1961 publicerades en notis i tidningen DN, där Medicinalstyrelsen avrådde från internationell adoption i större omfattning. I synnerhet om det gällde från adoptivföräldrarna starkt skilda rasgrupper. Detta uttalande väckte stark mediedebatt i Sverige under de följande åren. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur de olika tidningsdebattörerna ställde sig i adoptionsfrågan när det gällde utländska barn med annan ras eller etnicitet,samt få en ökad förståelse för varifrån dessa åsikter kan ha fått sin grund.Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av artiklar som berör internationell adoption från 1961-1964. Syfte och frågeställningar diskuteras utifrån olika perspektiv på ras- och etnicitet, som kopplas till en socialkonstruvistisk bakgrund.Resultatet av studien visar att de parter som uttalade sig i artiklarna representerades av människor med olika förhållande till internationell adoption men att det ändå var journalisterna som dominerade antalet uttalande.

Att leva som barn till förälder med psykisk sjukdom

The aim of this descriptive review was to elucidate how the literature describes how children of parents with mental illness experience and have knowledge about their parent?s illness. The aim was furthermore to describe how the children?s existence is affected, can be improved and why the children so often are invisible. Search through Medline (through PubMed) database and additional manual search was conducted.

Unga som begår sexuella övergrepp utifrån ett professionellt personalperspektiv

Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet adoption utifrån etnicitet, identitet och anknytning ur ett livsbiografiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur internationellt adopterade vuxna upplever sin livssituation samt hur livssituationen påverkas i relation till etnisk bakgrund, identitetskapande och anknytningsmönster. Forskning visar att adopterades livssituation kan påverkas negativt av adoptionen. Vårt empiriska material är insamlat genom fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer, som analyserats med inspiration från en tematisk analysmetod. I vårt resultat uppger ingen av våra respondenter att de själva upplevt några problem med sin adoption.

"...kommer bara nån seende fräsare och liksom bara fixar det på ett kick." : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar med synnedsättning upplever och hanterar mötet med omvärlden.

The aim with this study was to gain knowledge about how parents who are visual impaired experience and manage the meeting with the world around them. To have children and to be visual impaired creates a complex situation. There is not only the problem how to manage the parenting in technical terms. The disability is also filled with stigma because it diverges from the norms of society. There is not only demands from society about how the parent should behave, the parent also create demands of themselves.

Sexualitet och föräldraskap : En litteraturstudie om homosexuellas möjligheter att bli adoptivföräldrar

I denna uppsats sammanställs och granskas forskning som handlar om sexualitet och föräldraskap. Metoden som använts är systematisk litteraturstudie. Teoretisk ansats är intersektionalitet med fokus på maktdimensioner som klass, genus och sexualitet. Resultatet visar att den granskade forskningen ofta utgår från heteronormativa föreställningar och sociala konstruktioner som referensramar. Bedömningar som socialarbetare gör kring homosexuella par som ansöker om adoption utgår från heteronormativa och socialt konstruerade föreställningar om homosexualitet och föräldraskap.

I väntan på vårt barn - En studie kring kraven och förväntningarna på blivande adoptivföräldrar : Expect an addition to family - A study about the demands and expectations on the future adoptive parents.

To be able to adopt, the future adoptive parents must participate in parental education and have a home investigation done. The home investigation is extensive and great demands are made on the parents. The purpose with this study was to get an insight and understanding in the parents? thoughts and feelings about the demands and expectations that are made on them during an international adoption. To answer this, we used these questions: Which demands and expectations are made on the future adoptive parents by the home investigator and the parental educator? How do the future adoptive parents experience the demands and expectations that are made on them before an adoption? Does the apprehension about the demands and expectations differ between the future adoptive parents and the home investigator contrary the parental educator? We used a qualitative method, interviewing four couples of parents, one home investigator and one parental educator.

Pappa, pappa, barn ? en kvalitativ studie om mäns upplevelser kring adoptionsprocessen och deras längtan efter barn

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur män som lever i en samkönad relation och som ansökt om adoption upplevde adoptionsprocessen, samt hur deras längtan efter barn såg ut.Metod: Utifrån en kvalitativ analysmetod och en abduktiv strategi för att nå kunskap, genomfördes studien med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi har använt oss av en halvstrukturerad intervjuguide och intervjuat fem homosexuella män som ansökt om adoption. Deras deltagande gav detaljerade beskrivningar av upplevelserna och erfarenheterna kring adoptionsprocessen, vilka vi senare kategoriserade i huvud- och underteman. Resultatet analyserades utifrån valda teoretiska perspektiv och tidigare forskning, som vi ansåg relevanta för det studerade fenomenet.Huvudresultat: Längtan efter barn hade alltid funnits hos informanterna. Många olika familjebildningsformer hade diskuterats, men centralt var att alla ville ha sitt eget barn på heltid, vilket medförde att adoption blev det överordnade alternativet.

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