

640 Uppsatser om Second-parent adoption - Sida 22 av 43

Motorikens betydelse för språkutvecklingen

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if the reading habits of teacher students are influenced by merit and descent. The empiric material consists of six questionnaires answered by students at the teacher training with Swedish at the upper secondary school as their first topic. The questionnaire comprised questions about reading habits in the childhood and today and information concerning merits and descent.Pierre Bourdieu?s sociological ideas about cultural capital transmitted from parent to child and the concept of habitus are used as a theoretical framework regarding descent.

Modet att samtala : en essä om när rädslan att tappa ansiktet blir ett hinder i samtalet

The problem, which I want to highlight in this essay, is about my fear of losing face in conversationwith the parents of my text. I'm going through different approaches to find out what is happening inmy meetings with parents. I will also see if the knowledge that I get will help me to get deeperunderstanding of my reactions in different situations and if this opens up new possible ways ofhandling them.In my text there will be two stories where the conversation with parents has been difficult. Theyboth illustrate my uncertainty concerning the unpredictability of conversations with distressed orstressed parents. I can prepare the environment, by cleaning and making it look nice before meetingwith the parents.

Från produkt till prenumerationstjänst

The use of subscription services directed towards customers has become a common phenomenon in a vast number of different industries. We have noticed a clear trend of new businesses emerging solely offering subscriptions, and existing companies altering sales of their products to become parts of subscriptions. But research has not caught up with this trend yet, especially regarding why it occurs and how it affects existing businesses internally. The purpose of this study is to examine the driving forces for change and examine how existing businesses have to change parts of their business models to offer subscription services. The premise of this study has been Vargo & Luschs (2004) Service Dominant Logic with their foundational premises and Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder et.

Barn i sorg, Hur barn upplever förlusten av en nära anhörig

SammanfattningVid en förlust av en nära anhörig kan ett barns livsvärld förändras, vilket kan innebära ett lidande för barnet. Beroende på barnets ålder, utvecklingsstadium och tidigare erfarenheter reagerar alla barn olika. Sjuksköterskan kan möta barn i sorg inom vården och därför behöver denne veta hur barnet reagerar på förlusten av en nära anhörig.Syftet med studien är att belysa hur barn upplever förlusten av en nära anhörig. Vi gjorde en litteraturstudie mellan årtalen 1999-2011, där vi använde oss av åtta artiklar i vårt resultat. Där framkom fyra ämnen: barnets sätt att hantera sorgen, omständigheter kring dödsfallet, förståelsen av döden utifrån ålder och utveckling och genusperspektiv.

Att ta till sig som sin egen : om den sociala födelsen vid internationella adoptioner

Inom alla verksamheter och organisationer finns det idag någon form av informationssystem. För att effektivisera, förändra och stödja verksamheten har allt fler företag valt att anskaffa ett standardsystem som hjälpmedel. Tyvärr innebär detta även att ett antal problem kan uppstå. Ett av de mest kritiska problemen som bör försöka undvikas är utebliven användaracceptans. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka vilka insatser som bör vidtas i arbetet med att anskaffa ett standardsystem, för att förbättra användaracceptansen.

Att övervinna ofrivillig barnlöshet : En åldersfråga?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka erfarenheter hundägare har upplevt av samvaro med hund. Femton individuella intervjuer genomfördes och alla respondenter var hundägare samt medlemmar av en brukshundklubb. Den insamlade datan analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Uppsatsen handlar generellt om de olika erfarenheterna hundägare har upplevt av att äga en hund, samt hur detta kan kopplas till tidigare forskning kring hälsa. Erfarenheter så som bidragande till bättre hälsa, kärlek till hunden, glädje och sällskap tas upp vid flera tillfällen i uppsatsen.

eWOM-kommunikation på Facebook & Prisjakt : En studie av skillnader i konsumenters uppfattning om eWOM

Purpose ? The purpose of this study is to identify and describe how consumer perceptions regarding information quality, sender credibility and effect of eWOM-communication differ between Facebook and Prisjakt.Approach ? Based on previous research an analytical model was designed. The parts in the model were the aspects of the problem which the present study aimed to examine. An experimental design was applied in which ten students at Örebro University were exposed to a scenario where they took part of eWOM-communication concerning a specific product on Facebook and Prisjakt and then had to answer questions in an interview. The analytical model formed the base of the interview guide used in the interview and the specific product was chosen with help from a focus group.Implication ? The study illustrates that consumers may perceive the quality higher on Prisjakt while the sender credibility can be perceived higher on Facebook.

Terapiskolan för barn med psykosociala problem : En uppföljning på Liljanskolan om vad barnens vårdnadshavare tycker om barnens utveckling Södertörns högskola

A study by Gulistan Kavak has been done about the therapy school, Liljanschool. The school handles children between the ages seven and twelve who suffer from psychosocial problems. These psychosocial problems may be the children?s? experiences of psychological trauma, attachment-difficulties and anxiety. Therapists, teachers, educators and medical professionals work at Liljanschool. The purpose of this thesis is to see how parents see their children?s? development at the school from there very first day until there last. Three questions have been formulated: How do parents of the children understand the development of the therapy that Liljanschool contributes with? How do the parents think that the school situation has been for their children? Do the school staff´s views and the parent´s views differ regarding cooperation between staff, parents and children?I have done a qualitative study.  In-depth interviews were conducted with the staff of the school and the children?s parents. The results show that the majority of respondents were positive about the school. The analysis shows that through the extension-theory, the children and parents have developed together.

Inhiberat beteende hos prematura barn

Prematurfödda barn drabbas oftare av uppmärksamhetsstörningar, ångestproblem, isolering samt sociala problem och färdighetsbrister än fullgångna barn. Uppsatsens syfte är dels att undersöka om en grupp prematurafödda beter sig mer inhiberat än fullgångna, dels undersöka sambandet mellan inhibering och överbeskydd, då tidigare studier visat på en samvariation mellan ett överbeskyddande föräldraskap och beteendeinhibering. Gruppen på 20 prematurfödda barn (VLBW) och 20 kontroller bedömdes med sina mammor vid 3 och 24 månaders ålder med The Parent-Child Early Relational Assement. I 20-gruppen ingick 16 prematurfödda som även bedömdes i en större grupp (177 prematurfödda, 120 kontroller) vid 51/2 års ålder avseende självförtroende och blyghet. Resultaten visar på en signifikant huvudeffekt av prematurfödsel avseende inhiberat beteende vid 24 månader.

Att bli en riktig låtsasmamma : En kvalitativ studie av hur styvföräldraskapet kan upplevas.

This is a qualitative study aiming to study stepparents? view of the relationships within the stepfamily and their thoughts about what makes it work. It is based upon three stepmothers? life stories focusing on their relationships with their stepchildren. The study is based on a symbolic interactionistic theory and explores the experiences and unique perceptions of these women in their life as stepparents.

Barn till föräldrar med drogmissbruk: En litteraturstudie om vilka faktorer som påverkar barns förutsättning och möjligheter i en uppväxt med missbrukande förälder/föräldrar.

The aim of this essay was to examine the impact that parents drug abuse have on their children´s chances and possibilities while growing up. This study is done by investigating literature written by acknowledged authors and experts in this field. The following questions were asked:How does the literature describe the influence of parent´s drug abuse on their child´s ability to develop and learn?Which factors does the literature distinguish as determining factors on the child´s ability to resist and recover, from a childhood with drug abusing parents?The result of this essay showed that having drug abusing parents constitute different types of risks when it comes to the child´s ability to develop and learn. How the child is able to cope with it´s parents drug abuse is determined by several factors such as, the situation in the family, the child´s personality and how people in the child´s surrounding react on the child´s needs..

Ungdomsanpassad myndighetskommunikation. En jämförande textanalys av Kronofogdemyndighetens texter som riktar sig till allmänheten och ungdomar.

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of the FRA-law. The focus of the study is to examine how Swedish politicians relate to the new draft of this law on intelligence. Key themes in the study are security, threats, surveillance and privacy. The power relationship between the individual and the state is also examined. Empirical data used in this study consists of a spoken plenary debate in the House which was held in connection with the adoption of the FRA law in June 2008.

"När vi väljer, så ska det vara för vår sons skull" : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar till barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder gör sina val av insatser enligt LSS

The purpose of this essay is to study how parents of children with disabilities young people make their choice of support and service LSS. The study takes its lead from questions designed to determine which interventions parents use for their children. What parents think about today's choice and if satisfactory, or if they have other wishes. It is also about how parents experience the freedom of choice and participation in the selection of interventions. Furthermore how the parent discuss the topic of choice from childhood and parental perspective.

Barnsjuksköterskans upplevda erfarenheter av att samtala med föräldrar till överviktiga barn.

 Like adult obesity, childhood obesity prevalence is rising, especially in the Western World.As many as 20 ? 25 percent of the ten years old children are overweight in Sweden. It isimportant to early identify overweight, since overweight could lead into diabetes, mentalsuffering, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.The aim of this study was to describe how nurses experience and perceive the conversationwith parents of overweight children. A qualitative method with a content analysis has beenused. Six nurses working in child health centre have been interviewed.The result shows that the conversation between the nurse and the parents of an overweightchild can be very difficult.

Il Padrino - The Godfather : Etnicitet i anknytning till Gudfadern

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if the reading habits of teacher students are influenced by merit and descent. The empiric material consists of six questionnaires answered by students at the teacher training with Swedish at the upper secondary school as their first topic. The questionnaire comprised questions about reading habits in the childhood and today and information concerning merits and descent.Pierre Bourdieu?s sociological ideas about cultural capital transmitted from parent to child and the concept of habitus are used as a theoretical framework regarding descent.

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