

12566 Uppsatser om Second language students and ways and methods of working. - Sida 5 av 838

En-till-en på gymnasiet: En kvalitativ studie kring vad elever i behov av stöd anser att datorn har stöttat dem med i skolan angående språksvårigheter

The purpose of this study was to examine what students themselves think about using computers in school. The study was conducted in a school in central Sweden. The students in focus were students with reading and writing difficulties, dyslexia or language difficulties such as an other native language. A total of eight students were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis.

Matematik - Språk och kommunikation : En jämförande studie i en internationell skola

The purpose with this essay is to compare two classes in an international school during their mathematic lesson. The international school offers education to their pupils in two languages; in Swedish and in English. Through this study I want to find out how teachers are working with language and communication during school hours. I will compare the work of two teachers and two classes to find out the differences and similarities between their work methods concerning language and communication during mathematic lessons.The main questions for the essay:How do the teachers work with language and communication in this school during the mathematic lessons?What similarities and differences are there between the two teachers in matter of methods of working with language and communication during the mathematic lessons?The research is based on interviews with the teachers and also on observations in the classroom during mathematic lessons.

Språkutveckling i förskolan : -en intervjustudie om pedagogers arbete med språkutveckling för barn

AbstractIn my work on language development in preschool the purpose was to examine how and to what extent the pre-school supports children with special needs in their language development. Trough qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers, I wanted to see how they work with language development in preschool. In the study, Main questions asked in the inquiry :How do teachers and support children?s language development?What techniques, resources and tools available to facilitate language development? The conclusion that I made from my inquiry is that the primary language stimulation methods teachers use to encourage children?s language development are rhymes telling, books reading and song singing based on active selection of pieces that match the children?s maturity level.And how they are using different language stimulation techniques Karlstad model, TAKK (Signs of augmentative and alternative communication) and TRAS (Early registration of language development) to promote children?s language development. Keyword: Language development, language stimulation, treatment, communication, methods..

AFK : chatt- och SMS-språk på väg in i klassrummet?

The new technology brings new opportunities for the language. The language, which is used when chatting or messaging, is full of linguistic devices, which facilitates writing and saves time and space. The purpose of my investigation is to find out if the chat- and- messaging- language is affecting the students' way of writing in school.To find out about this I have examined 79 essays written by students in grade 9 during the national test 2006. I have also to found out if the occurrence of these features differed between boys and girls. In addition, I have let the same students who have written the essays answer questions regarding their chatting- and messaging- habits.The conclusions I have attained through my investigation shows that 58 % of the students are using features which are typical in chat and messaging language.

Boksamtal : En språkutvecklande metod för andraspråkstalare

The main purpose of this essay is to study how classroom interaction can take place in a class for Second Language Learners (SLL).1 I have applied a case study methodology on a linguistic method used by a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language working on a primary school situated in the Southern suburbs of Stockholm. The learning method is based on extensive reading of books which comprehend several learning techniques organized into a process that support the development of linguistic skills such as discussing in a group, writing, reading and thinking in a second language. The methodology applied is based on observations, on an interview with a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language and on a questionnaire answered by 11 students that participated on ?Boksamtal?.Based on a theoretical framework about socio cultural theories on learning and scaffolding,2 I attempt to integrate theory and practice to investigate how the Teacher succeed on applying effective methods for second language learning. Through the analyses of the data is also my intention to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of such a method.

Skillnaden mellan kursplanen i svenska och svenska som andraspråk - en kvalitativ studie utifrån lärares beskrivningar

The main goal of this study is to verify how teachers describe the differences between two school subjects Swedish as a first language and Swedish as a second language. Moreover, this investigation focuses on how the two curriculums differentiate from each other. The method that was chosen to carry out this qualitative  investigation was semi-structured interviews whith two teachers, who are presently teaching these two subjects.The results of this study conclude that there are no significant differences in the two curriculums. One of the most important difference that has been found was howewer that it is very important to continue improving the language, for example, conversation about different topics in the classroom, teaching the students in small groups and enhancing their vocabulary.  The findings and results of this study are in accordance with earlier research.Moreover, this study concludes, however, that the differences between the two curriculums of the two subjects named above are based on the methods that help students to improve their language development..

Flerspråkighet, språkutvecklande arbetssätt och interkulturalitet : En undersökning om pedagogers syn på flerspråkighet och huruvida deras förhållningssätt och språkutvecklande arbetssätt ligger inom ramen för interkulturell pedagogik

As Sweden has become a multicultural society the need for developing new educational approaches rises. The preschool is a crucial piece in this as it is the one of the first institutions where the children start to develop the language skills. The aim of this study is to investigate the language development approach as practiced by teachers, in their preschool programs, and determine if the teachers work methods can be considered intercultural. This is done to gain a deep understanding on several language development methods and analyze the teachers' approach within the framework of intercultural pedagogy perspective. The theoretical framework used in the study is the intercultural perspective.

"Man måste erövra begreppen" : En studie av undervisande gymnasielärares attityder gentemot språkets roll i historieundervisningen

This study is about how teachers of history at different upper secondary schools in Uppsala think and talk about the role language plays in the classroom and in education in general. In order to find this out, interviews were carried out with five teachers of history at four different upper secondary schools in Uppsala. This study has an analysis of the statements by and interviews with the teachers in a wide context by using a previous study carried out in Uppsala, which categorizes the upper secondary schools of Uppsala into a social field based upon what assets their students have. These assets are estimated by using Bourdieu?s theory of symbolic, social and cultural capital.

Spelets språk : Hur används det engelska språket i onlinespel?

This study aims to research how upper secondary pupils interact while playing online games, how the English language is used within each game and what attitudes these pupils have towards language in school and online gaming respectively. Online gaming sessions have been recorded to analyze the methods of interaction by which people communicate with each other while playing online games. Furthermore, the text-based communication occuring in online gaming is analyzed on a lexical level to find words not defined in legitimate English dictionaries. Interviews with students have been conducted to understand the attitudes held by students towards language in school and online games..

Matematik, ett tråkigt ämne! Kan laborativt/praktiskt arbetssätt ändra elevers attityder till matematik?

The aim of the study was to investigate the students´ attitudes towards mathematics, their knowledge in the subject area they find the least interesting and whether laborative/practical working methods could awaken their interest and curiosity. During our work, we have looked into previous studies regarding girls´ and boys´ attitude and performance in mathematics. We handed out surveys to students in grade 9 at a School with many people from other cultures and nationalities in Malmö in order to find the answers to our questions. The result showed that most of the students thought that the subject area "scaling" was the least interesting. The implemented action program was a laborative/practical task within the "scaling" area.

Språkutveckling och matematiska kunskaper hos andra språkiga elever i ett IV program.

Our work is based on a mathematics test which the students accomplished, interviews with student and teachers who are working on this program and the current literatures. The purposes of this work are to search the importance and the effect of the languages understanding in students learning of mathematic in the Individual high school curriculum. In total, sex students and three teachers took part in our study. Tow of the students is mother tongue language student and the remains are second language student. Our study should answer tow important questions:? Do the student in the Individual high school curriculum have the fundamental knowledge in mathematic?? How does the understanding of Swedish language effect in the understanding of the mathematic problems and in the students results in mathematic test?In order to answer those questions, the students have to complete a mathematic test that consists of four parts.

Hemma i det främmande : En studie av migranters upplevelser av livet i en främmande kultur

The main purpose of this essay is to study how classroom interaction can take place in a class for Second Language Learners (SLL).1 I have applied a case study methodology on a linguistic method used by a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language working on a primary school situated in the Southern suburbs of Stockholm. The learning method is based on extensive reading of books which comprehend several learning techniques organized into a process that support the development of linguistic skills such as discussing in a group, writing, reading and thinking in a second language. The methodology applied is based on observations, on an interview with a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language and on a questionnaire answered by 11 students that participated on ?Boksamtal?.Based on a theoretical framework about socio cultural theories on learning and scaffolding,2 I attempt to integrate theory and practice to investigate how the Teacher succeed on applying effective methods for second language learning. Through the analyses of the data is also my intention to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of such a method.

Engelskämnet i grundskolans tidigare år

The intention of this study is to find out how the English subject takes form and develops in the early years in school related to the curriculum, teachers, teaching material, students and parents. The methods of the survey have been classroom observations, teacher interviews, textbook analysis and a parents´ questionnaire. The findings of this study are that the knowledge of the teacher in and about the English subject can have effect on how the English subject will be presented to the students during the English lessons and the amount of the students oral production of the target language seem to depended on how much the teacher uses the target language in the classroom. The contents of the English lessons was overall structured by the curriculum. The parents and their interest in their children´s education seem to have had an impact on how much focus the English language get.

?Det är sådant de behöver nöta, nöta, nöta?? : En intervjustudie med sex högstadielärare i engelska om deras arbete med grammatik och deras attityder till grammatikundervisning

Grammar is one of the most problematic areas when it comes to teaching a language; to know if or when, and how grammar should be taught, are relevant questions to all language teachers. The aim of the study was to investigate teachers? attitudes towards teaching grammar, and how much, how and why they use the methods that they do. Therefore semi-structured interviews were undertaken with six 9th grade English teachers. The main results showed that all six teachers were positive to formal instruction, and they considered implicit knowledge of grammar superior to explicit knowledge.

Språkutveckling i en förberedelseklass : En studie gjord i en förberedelseklass i Södertälje

I have chosen to write this essay on language development in a preparatory class due to the fact that I live in a city where diversity is big and newly arrived students from different countries are constantly increasing in schools. My study has been made in a preparatory class in Södertälje. The National Agency for Education highlights the deficiencies in preparatory classes and believes that education is not adapted to each student's knowledge and maturity and it is therefore difficult for students to reach the goals in school. According to studies by the National Agency for Education, it appears that many newly arrived students do not recieve study guide in their native language, a resource that they are entitled to. Teachers and principals do not take charge of  students knowledge from previous school attendance in their home countries such as mathematics, history and other subjects.

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