

6 Uppsatser om Seclusion - Sida 1 av 1

Bibeln är vårt rättesnöre : Religion, företagsamhet och entreprenörskap bland Plymouthbröderna i Småland

The aim of this study is to examine the Christian community called Plymouth Brethren and how they interpret religion in relation to their entrepreneurship and business practices. The community has a strong faith in God, uses the Bible as the guiding principle in everyday life, and also has the ambition to live together within the group in Seclusion from the rest of society.Based on interviews with Plymouth Brethren in the county of Småland, the study describes how they perceive the relationship between the Christian faith and entrepreneurship and practice religion in the context of their family business. As the study illustrates the Christian faith is significantly motivating their enterprises of business and the Bible is their guiding principle even when it comes to how they should run their businesses..

Barns lek och autonomi i förskolan : En filosofisk granskning av barnets och lekens etiska ställning i den svenska förskolan

This essay is a philosophical investigation of the relation between children and their play. My aim is to see if children are autonomous when it comes to their play. Is there a moral boundary between those who take part in the play and those who do not? This topic is especially important when it comes to the moral status of a child in the Swedish pre-school. How should educationists act when it comes to children?s play?  Through an analysis of the notions of play and autonomy I show that play can be understood as something of a moral value to the child and if children should be seen as autonomous when it comes to their play.

Jehovas vittnen i Sverige i ljuset av sekularisering : Deras metoder för att motverka sekulariseringens effekter

The reason behind this essay has been to study if previous research is relevant for Jehovah?s Witnesses in Sweden and see if secularization has affected the organization or not. The empirical material is made from two qualitative group- interviews and open observations during two meetings in the Kingdom Hall. These studies were performed in Oskarshamn and Mönsterås during the month of February. The reason that these studies have been limited to Oskarshamn and Mönsterås is mainly because they were the only ones willing to do an interview.  According to previous research by James A.

Ensam är stark!?

I am interested in humans, bodies, movements, directions and how they affect each other. How we move towards each other or away from each other, inside a home or outside. How we relate to each other and to what people say and do. Co-operations between people that occasionally, possibly, do not work; how certain relationships, like certain materials, can have various breaking-points; that materials can be laden with numerous preconceptions, for instance what they should be used for.Beginning from the perspective of a feminist commune, I have explored the concepts of family, belonging, and loneliness. I have interviewed, observed, photographed, and through living in the commune during shorter periods of time, I have taken part in their every-day life.

Vårdpersonals upplevelser och erfarenheter av att utföra tvångsåtgärder inom sluten psykiatrisk tvångsvård : En litteraturstudie

Background:The adult inpatient psychiatric care is regulated by law and allows certain amount of coercion, most commonly restraint, forced medication and Seclusion. To be treated according to this law you need to suffer from a serious mental disorder, oppose to the care and have an indispensable need of care. Many studies describe patients experiences to be treated with coercion but few about health care workers experiences.Aim:To describe health care workers experiences of performing coercion in psychiatric compulsory care.Method:A literature review was made and eight articles is the basis for the result.Results:From the articles used inthis study four themes were created. These are coercions impact on relations, health care workers feelings during coercion, coercion as a necessary evil and health care workers need for reflection. The themes are presented as headlines in the result.Conclusion:To use coercive measures brings out many different feelings among health care workers.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av tvångsvårdsåtgärder på patienter med psykisk ohälsa ? en litteraturstudie

Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att utföra tvångsvårdsåtgärder av patienter med psykisk ohälsa samt att granska de valdaartiklarnas urvalsmetod.Metod: Föreliggande litteraturstudie har en deskriptiv design som inkluderar artiklar av bådekvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats, litteraturstudien innefattar totalt tolv artiklar.Resultat: Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av utförande av tvångsvårdsåtgärder inkluderar ett brett spektrum av känslor som engagerar bland annat enmotstridighet av känslor då patientens autonomi fråntogs. Resultatet visade skilda erfarenheter hos sjuksköterskor gällande uppfattning om tvångsvårdsåtgärder gynnade patienten i fråga eller inte. Majoriteten av sjuksköterskorna upplevde att utförandet av tvångsåtgärder används för lättvindigt samt att de äventyrar den terapeutiska alliansen med patienten. Sjuksköterskor gemensamma åsikt var att det fanns behov för att få möjlighet att ventilera åtgärdsförfarandet.Slutsats: Resultatet visade att majoriteten av sjuksköterskor ansåg att tvångsvårdsåtgärder medförde negativa erfarenheter. Ett återkommande utslag i samband med tvångsvårdsåtgärder var motstridighet av känslor hos sjuksköterskorna till följd av det etiska dilemmat som uppstod.