

423 Uppsatser om Seasoned Equity Offerings - Sida 13 av 29

Utvärdering av svenska aktie- och aktieindexfonder : En empirisk studie av Sharpekvot, Treynorkvot och M-kvadrat, år 1998-2008

My essay is on the subject of teachers work environment with focus on noise and communication. In the essay questions are raised on how a teacher can influence his or hers noisy work environment. A school is a large work place with many employees and is owned and administered by the county municipality which is an even bigger workplace. How big an acting space does a teacher have in such a large organization?My methods of research on these questions have been to conduct interviews and analyzing documentation from The Swedish Work Environment Authority.

Bio min bio: En fördjupning kring kunders reaktioner till ett erbjudande ur ett upplevelseperspektiv

In the end of the 20th century, there was an increased interest in creating customer experiences, especially in the service sector. At the same time, the number of visits to the Swedish cinemas is decreasing due to new distribution channels on the market. This study aims to deepen the knowledge of customer reactions towards offerings with an experience approach, by studying similar reactions in cinema visitors. Furthermore, the study examines the contagiousness of the emotions elicited by the experience. The study approaches the problem by using a quantitative method by conducting a survey of cinema visitors.

Vägen till en levande lanthandel

AbstractA general store is a grocery store that is located in the countryside. In today's modern society, it is difficult for general stores to compete with the supermarkets and discounters in terms of price and supply. The purpose of this thesis is to create an understanding of both the rural merchants and its customers? perspective on a well-­?functioning general store. We have conducted a case study of three general stores where we interviewed the merchants about how they do to please their customers? needs and identify key elements of a well-­?functioning general store.

Beskattning av carried interest : Riskkapitalbranschens ersättningsform och dess plats i gällande svensk skatterätt

In the future the Swedish pension system will face major problems. With an increasing aging population combined with a decreasing share of working population the financing of the pension system is becoming a bigger problem than previously predicted. This means the individual himself will have a bigger responsibility to invest money for their future retirement. It has been shown that a large proportion of the people who invests for their future pension have neither the interest nor the time to actively invest their pension capital. To make it easier for those who invest for their retirement, some Swedish banks have created so-called generation funds.

Förekommer nedskrivningar av goodwill på Stockholmsbörsen i större utsträckning vid sämre redovisade resultat?

Background: Goodwill has always been frequently discussed and a lot of scientific research has been done regarding factors that affect companies? impairment of goodwill. Previous research has concluded that companies reporting low results are more prone to do impairments of goodwill than companies reporting better results which possibly can be seen as a form of earnings management.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine if goodwill impairments occur to a greater extent among Swedish listed companies when the companies are reporting lower earnings. A subsidiary purpose is to see if there has been an improvement since 2008 regarding the size of reported goodwill in comparison to equity in the years 2009-2011. And to analyze the development of the companies goodwill impairments in relation to reported goodwill.Methodology: Three quantitative studies have been performed for the years 2009-2011 where all the listed companies on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm have been included.

Implikationer av tjänsteföretagets utfästelser för kunders reaktioner i felsituationen

The characteristic of services as an effort carried out in a "moment of truth" implies a risk for failures. This study sheds new light on how alternative offerings that customers are initially exposed to can affect satisfaction and loyalty in the service failure and recovery context. More specifically, two aspects of the initial offering are studied: promised general service quality and the presence of a promise about a specific product attribute. Based on a presentation of the main theoretical perspectives, hypotheses are formulated and a scenario-based experiment in a hotel setting is designed to explore these. The results indicate that a higher level of promised service quality can result in more positive evaluations of satisfaction and stronger word-of-mouth intentions than for a lower level of promised service quality.

Investeraravdraget : En ändamålsenlig lösning på den skattemässigt asymmetriska behandlingen av bolag finansierade genom eget kapital respektive lånat kapital?

Companies financed through borrowed capital are allowed a tax deduction for the costs re-lated to their borrowed capital. A similar tax relief for companies financed through share-holder?s equity does not exist, why these companies are taxed higher than companies fi-nanced by borrowed capital. The result is that there is an asymmetric tax treatment of companies depending on how they are financed.The autumn of 2012, the Swedish government presents a proposal for an investor deduc-tion which seeks to equalize the above mentioned asymmetry. The proposed investor de-duction is a tax relief for investments in shares in a startup- or small company equal to 50 percent of the acquisition cost of that investment.The venture capital deduction, which in this thesis is treated as an alternative to the inves-tor deduction, is an interest-free tax credit which significate that two-thirds of the acquisi-tion cost is deductible from taxation at the time of the acquisition.

Public Welfare vs Return on Shareholders´Equity -A Case Study of the Translation & Implementation of the Management Control Systems in Systembolaget

Background and problem: Higher and other demands are made on management control systems in organizations which have a superior non-financial objective. Systembolaget, a state-owned company with monopoly to sell alcoholic beverages in Sweden, combines two main objectives which can be considered as conflicting, one financial target and one superior non-financial public welfare target. The research questions are focused on the translation of information through the organization?s levels and if the management control system makes it possible to run the organization according to both of the two main conflicting objectives.Purpose and Delimitations: To describe, analyze and evaluate how management control can be used in an organization, which is not profit maximizing and has both non-financial and financial objectives. The essay does not try to describe or draw generalized conclusions regarding general perspectives on Systembolaget?s assignment and objectives.Method: A qualitative and evaluative case study based on interviews with five employees at different levels in Systembolaget has been carried through.

"...ännu en papperstiger?" : - en kvalitativ studie om inställning och förberedelser till Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning hos bolag noterade på NGM Equity och Stockholmsbörsens Small Cap-lista.

Bakgrund:Den 1 juli 2005 implementerade Stockholmsbörsen Svensk kod förbolagsstyrning för alla börsbolag på den dåvarande A-listan och för alla bolag på den dåvarande O-listan med ett marknadsvärde som överstiger 3 miljarder kronor. Tanken med att större börsnoterade bolag blev först att implementera Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning var att dessa företag skulle utveckla system och rutiner för ett implementerande av koden och att sedan efter några år bredda tillämpningen av koden till börsens alla bolag. I skrivande stundpågår ett arbete med att revidera den nuvarande svenska koden för bolagsstyrning. Tanken är att en ny version skall presenteras under våren 2008 och implementeras vid halvårskiftet 2008. Kraven på svensk bolagsstyrning kommer då att förändras.

Finansiell risk och lönsamhet i Svenska fastighetsbolag under 2008

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att analysera och undersöka om det finns något samband mellan den finansiella risken och lönsamheten. Det övergripande syftet är att se om valet av finansiell risk fungerar som finansieringsstrategi i verkligheten.Metod: Studien bygger på den deduktiva ansatsen där teorier kommer att testas och analyseras mot empiriska data tagna från årsredovisningar. Den kvantitativa metoden används då data från 305 stycken årsredovisningar ska användas för att finna om det finns samband och variation mellan finansiell risk och lönsamhet definierad som vinstmarginal, Rt och Re. Årsredovisningarna utgörs av sekundärdata som samlats in från databasen Retriever. De statistiska metoder som används är bland annat medelvärde, standardavvikelse, regressions- och korrelationsanalys, hypotesprövning och t-test.Resultat och slutsats: Såväl korrelation- och regressionsanalys som hypotesprövning och t-test visar att det finns samband mellan finansiell risk och lönsamhet definierad som Re.

"När vi väljer, så ska det vara för vår sons skull" : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar till barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder gör sina val av insatser enligt LSS

The purpose of this essay is to study how parents of children with disabilities young people make their choice of support and service LSS. The study takes its lead from questions designed to determine which interventions parents use for their children. What parents think about today's choice and if satisfactory, or if they have other wishes. It is also about how parents experience the freedom of choice and participation in the selection of interventions. Furthermore how the parent discuss the topic of choice from childhood and parental perspective.

Bubblor och kapitalstruktur : Förändringar i kapitalstruktur i samband med bubbelsituationer.

Financial bubbles are characterized by a large increase in the economic growth on the market as a whole or in specific industries. The change gives rise to an increase in the capital needed to finance this growth. Companies typically have a choice between equity and debt capital to finance its business and the mix of these types of capital is often referred to as the company?s capital structure. There has been a lot of research done in the field of financial bubbles and ofcapital structure, as of yet no studies seem to address these two areas in combination.The aim of this study is to examine if financial bubbles affect a company?s capital structure and through this also examine if the supposed changes in capital structure can be generalized.The study comprise of two identical time-series which examines the changes in leverage and the choice of financing during the Swedish real estate bubble in the early nineties and the IT-crash at the end of the 2000th century.

Förvärvskalkyler : Hur kan riskkapitalbolag bjuda högre än en strategisk köpare

Denna uppsats beskriver skillnader i förvärvskalkyler och hur olikheter i värdering därigenom uppkommer. Anledningen är att riskkapitalbolag verksamma inom private equity tycks vinna budstrider mot strategiska köpare, vilka har för avsikt att förvärva bolag för att skapa synergieffekter. Detta tycks ologiskt då riskkapitalbolagen snarare borde värdera förvärven lägre, till följd av att de inte kan inräkna synergieffekter. Studien utgår ifrån en jämförelse av ett riskkapitalbolag och en strategisk köpare, båda aktiva i Sverige. Vi undersöker deras värderingsmetodik och inställning till förvärvsfinansiering, samt påverkan av företagens verksamhetsinriktning.

Bubblor och kapitalstruktur : Förändringar i kapitalstruktur i samband med bubbelsituationer.

Financial bubbles are characterized by a large increase in the economic growth on the market as a whole or in specific industries. The change gives rise to an increase in the capital needed to finance this growth. Companies typically have a choice between equity and debt capital to finance its business and the mix of these types of capital is often referred to as the company?s capital structure. There has been a lot of research done in the field of financial bubbles and ofcapital structure, as of yet no studies seem to address these two areas in combination.The aim of this study is to examine if financial bubbles affect a company?s capital structure and through this also examine if the supposed changes in capital structure can be generalized.The study comprise of two identical time-series which examines the changes in leverage and the choice of financing during the Swedish real estate bubble in the early nineties and the IT-crash at the end of the 2000th century.

Preferensaktier och obligationer som fastighetsfinansiering

The recent turbulence in the financial markets has contributed to the banks becoming more restrictive to lend to real estate financing. Deleveraging in Europe's banking sector has also contributed to banks reducing their leverage and increasing capital adequacy to meet the new requirements. Loan-to-value ratios in real estate loans have fallen while banks' interest margins have increased, which has made property investors to look for alternative sources of funding in the capital markets. The two most interesting forms of financing for real estate right now is bonds and preferred shares as they fit property companies that generate stable and predictable cash flows. A bond is an interest-bearing debenture certifying that the purchaser has lent money to the company that issued the bond.

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