

1766 Uppsatser om Scientific ground - Sida 3 av 118

Efficient treatment of adolescents with behavioural problems

The purpose of this essay is to investigate which components previous scientific studies suggest that an efficient treatment for adolescents with behavioural problems should contain. For this purpose, an extensive review of scientific research conducted in Scandinavia has been read and will be presented in this essay. This essay also present an introduction to residential care in Sweden as well as to an alternative form of treatment for adolescents with behavioural problems called Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC). The result of this essay suggest that treatment of adolescents with behavioural problems should be based on the emphasis of risk/resilience factors of the youth and that the treatment should be adapted to the youth?s individual personality and way of learning.

Användarorienterad förarsituation för bergavläsning vid fjärrstyrt skrotningsarbete

Mechanical scaling is one of the most complex operations of all in the mining process. The operators are using both hearing, sight and feel to read the rock and to know where to scale and where to leave. They say they go on gut feeling in great extent, something that comes with experience. The scaling machine is placed into the edge of unsecured and newly blasted rock to hammer off the blocks that has become loose after the blast, but not enough to fall down. It goes without sayingthat it is a risky job.

Vetenskaplig publicering ? om publiceringsstrategier under 1800-talet med fokus på historieämnet

The aim of this master thesis is to show how the dissemination of scientific information took place and developed during the 19th century. The main focus is Lund University. Therefore I have formulated two questions: How did the five heads of the history department at Lund University publish their research findings in the 19th century? What factors in society influenced the scientific spreading of results in the 19th century? To assess the scientific reliability of the sources I have used a method based on source criticism and hermeneutics. The thesis covers important concepts such as the exchange of publications between the universities, commercium litterarium and Akademischer Tauschverein and also the development of Lund University yearbook.

Träning och manuell behandling för att minska impingementliknande symptom i skuldran hos idrottare? : En systematisk litteraturstudie

AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is scientific evidence that exercise and/or manual therapy can improve function, in terms of increased mobility and strength on shoulder impingement-like symptoms among athletes. Another aim is to investigate whether these interventions can reduce shoulder pain.MethodA systematic review was conducted in the databases PubMed, CINAHL, PEDro and Amed. A total of thirteen articles were selected for further review and compilation. They were then graded for level of evidence according to the PEDro scale and the Swedish Council on Technology Assessment (SBU).ResultsThe systematic review shows that there is strong scientific evidence that acupuncture and heat can reduce pain in athletes diagnosed with supraspinatus-tendiopathy. There is limited scientific evidence that exercise increases strength, limited scientific evidence that stretching increases mobility and insufficient scientific evidence that a combination of treatments, with both exercise and stretching, reduces pain and increases function in overhead athletes.ConclusionsExercise and manual therapy can reduce pain and/or improve function in terms of increased mobility and strength in athletes with shoulder impingement-like symptoms.

Hälsofrämjande ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv : - en litteraturstudie

Today is one of the reasons that Sweden works for improved public health to reduce the incidence of the most common diseases. The eleven objectives are the key determinants of public health work and are thus assigned as the common positions for players to work towards the same goal. The purpose of this study was to examine which aspects of health promotion in Sweden examined in the scientific articles. The method is a literature review based on scientific articles. Searches have been conducted in the databases SAGE Journals Online, ASSIA and Cinahl.

Vetenskaplig kommunikation i förändring: en fallstudie av ett svenskt forskningsbiblioteks beståndsutveckling

For hundreds of years the scientific journals has been the foremost tool for scholarly communication. Publishing of research results is very important for scientists. Often the research is bound to the university and the research libraries supplies the scientist with all journals needed. The last decades the libraries have seen the costs for subscriptions to journals explode. Commercial publishers often lie behind the mostly unmotivated escalation in price.

Mumintrollet blir stor : En studie av Mumintrollets utveckling i Tove Janssons muminböcker

This essay aims to explore the philosophical meaning of the expression ?present and real? in Clara ? or, On Nature?s Connection to the Spirit World by F. W. J. Schelling.

Industriforskning och informationssökning: en användarstudie av en grupp forskare vid ABB Corporate Research

The thesis aims at, from a user perspective, examining how a group of industrial researchers understand the information seeking in their every day work. A qualitative method is employed. The empirical material consists of open-ended interviews with in all ten researchers. All of them work at the Swiss-Swedish Technology Company ABB's research laboratory in Västerås. The thesis is based on the opinion that the scientific knowledge production has become commercialised and that the scientific communication is going through certain changes.

Thomas Kuhn och paradigmteorin idag : Från normal till postnormal vetenskap

This essay describes the philosophy of science that Thomas Kuhn puts forth in his work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The question is, does his description of the scientific paradigm work as well today as in the examples he gave in the book?The conclusion is that there are certain factors that make for a number of differences between science today and, for example in the seventeenth century. There is also a growing theory or vision of a post normal science laid developed by among others Jerome Ravetz. This theory or vision is an idea of a science close to peer-communities and fast as well as critical decisions involving opposite values..

Särskild planering för elever med fallenhet för matematik? : Eller för alla elever?

A current issue today is to try to implement creative design as a way to solve wicked problems in scientific contexts such as HCI. Since the problems are wicked, they have no given solution which makes the traditional methods inadequate. In these cases, creative design can be an alternative. Creative design is not used in scientific contexts because it is viewed as something unaccountable.In this essay we argue that creative design not necessarily have to be unaccounted. We discuss various views of creative design and translate theory to a practical context.

Kreativ design som ett sätt att lösa komplexa problem : Ett snapshot av designprocessen vid utveckling av en trailer för ett fiktivt tv-spel

A current issue today is to try to implement creative design as a way to solve wicked problems in scientific contexts such as HCI. Since the problems are wicked, they have no given solution which makes the traditional methods inadequate. In these cases, creative design can be an alternative. Creative design is not used in scientific contexts because it is viewed as something unaccountable.In this essay we argue that creative design not necessarily have to be unaccounted. We discuss various views of creative design and translate theory to a practical context.

Från bild till ord: Hur bilders innehåll beskrivs skriftligt när bilder skall infogas i informationssystem.

This Master?s thesis presents a descriptive study of the intellectual process to describe images in such a way that they can be incorporated into written information systems. The purpose of the thesis is to concentrate on the scientific development for the last two decades, in the area concerning the description of images so that they can be organized and incorporated into information systems and possible to retrieve when searched for. Library and information science (LIS) has a strong tradition of turning to the iconographical theories of Erwin Panofsky and to semiotics according to Roland Barthes, for models and theories for the interpretation of images. The question for this thesis is whether LIS in this scientific field, has deviated from these models and theories, or are Panofsky and Barthes and their scientific work still providing for intellectual and practical guidance for LIS within this area..

Hänsyn till mark och vatten vid slutavverkning : en fältstudie på känsliga marker

The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is enough consideration taken to sensitive forest areas close to water or wetlands during clear cutting assignments, and to estimate the extent of damage made by forestry machines used at that time. A field and literature study is used to show how to improve and prevent the damage made in the wake of the machines. This study is made for Sydved, and shall culminate in a policy to prevent ground damage during their clear cutting assignments. The areas which were part of the field studies were clearcuttings on fine grained soil close to water and wetlands. The purpose was to find out if the water had been affected, what had been done to prevent ground damages and what more could have been done. The results of the field studies show that more work needs to be done to reach up to expectations. More information about the assignment area, better planning of sensitive regions, and strengthening of the main haul roads with brush are some of the improvements that can be done. There is also a need for more exact guidelines, follow-ups and education for everyone involved to have the same goals and understanding to prevent ground damage..

Androidvetenskapen och den kusliga dalen: Japanska robotar som forskningsplattformar och filosofiska leksaker

The primary aim of this essay is to analyse, contextualise and problematise the scientific and technological goals of android science. The starting point of this investigation is the history of automata and man?s attempts to recreate himself by technological means. Drawing on the no-tion of boundary work this essay also analyses the efforts of the proponents of android science to establish and demarcate a new interdisciplinary field. A secondary aim of the essay is to evaluate the scientific support for the uncanny valley hypothesis and to investigate how this hypothesis contributes to android science.

Kommunikation i Designer- Klientinteraktionen : Användning av objekt för att uppdatera Common Ground

En designers främsta uppgift är att hitta lösningar på problem som är svårformulerade vilket kräver full förståelse för designsituationen. Interaktionsdesignern fungerar dessutom som länk mellan olika aktörer i en beställarprocess med syfte att tillgodose slutanvändarens behov, som ofta faller mellan stolarna. Avsikten med denna rapport är att studera hur interaktionsdesignern kan vara den kommunikatör som krävs. Detta har gjorts genom att titta på hur objekt används i kommunikationen mellan designern och dess klient. Studien är gjord genom en videoanalys som tolkats utifrån Herbert H.

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