5950 Uppsatser om Science teaching - Sida 48 av 397
Det mörka hörnet? Ett förslag till en relativistisk postmodernism
abstractThe aim of this essay is to try to convince the reader that relativism and postmodernism (the latter implying the former, but not the other way around) can be reasonable methods for the social sciences, rather than the irresponsible play of ?extremes? theories of this kind sometimes are made out to be.The intention is to do this by way of the later Wittgenstein, the philosophy of whom is the foundation for what is termed relativism and postmodernism in this essay (definitions of a kind that are here claimed to be missing from the discourse of the social sciences). The essay also contains an empirical presentation/analysis, displaying the Wittgensteinian theory through an aspect of the American Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and -60s..
Spelar läraren någon roll? Instrumentallärares berättelser om sin musikundervisning
Title: Does the teacher play any role? Instrumental music teacher's stories about their music teaching.This paper focuses on how instrumental music teachers describe their own significance for- and relationship to the pupils and if the teacher-pupil relationship has any significance for the pupil's success in music learning. How important are the teachers? What kind of teaching behaviours do the teachers emphasize in their telling? The theoretical background is psychology and educational theory. My research method is qualitative, particularly interviews.
Textila Konstruktioner i Rymddimensioner
Mitt arbete handlar om mötet mellan rysk konstruktivism och science fiction. Detta har jag gestaltat i ett textilt rum inspirerad av science fictionkarraktären Doktorn ur Doctor Who. Doktorn är en utomjording av en långt mer utvecklad art och från en mer avancerad civilisation än människorna, som reser i tid och rum i sitt tids-och rymdskepp TARDIS. Jag har designat ett rum som är min textila tolkning av TARDIS innersta. Arbetet kretsar kring tankar om gestaltning av en flerdimensionalitet som bara kan anas, inte ses eller förstås.
Varför estetik?
The aim of my study is to investigate methods which class teachers implement concerning aesthetic subjects in elementary classes. It is a qualitative study about five teacher´s working in different elementary schools. This study investigates how and why teacher´s approaches when they integrate aesthetics in other subjects. It also investigates teacher´s attitude towards aesthetics. My study emphasizes on why they use asthetics and what the importance of aesthetics for children is.
Att göra affärer i Kina - rättsligt skydd i lagen och i verkligheten
This thesis looks at the difference between the legal protection in law and the legal protection in reality when a small company working with international trade comes in contact with seller's breach of contract. The thesis uses a case taken from a company with over 30 years experience trading with China and looks at the legal protection available along with the different possibilities of dispute resolution available to a company and then looks at the reasons why this legal protection never becomes a reality and the thesis also analyses some possible reasons for this gap between law in the books and law in reality..
Hur grundskollärare beskriver samarbete med ett science-center och vad det kan tillföra undervisningen i naturvetenskap
I denna studie har grundskollärare fått beskriva ett besök med sina elever vid ett science-center. Data är samlade via en enkät. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka på vilka sätt lärare engagerar en sådan informell lärandemiljö i sin undervisning och hur de får besöket att bli en del av arbetet i klassrummet. Detta har gjorts genom att ställa frågor om hur lärare planerat, genomfört och följt upp ett besök. Lärarna uttrycker att sciencecentret är en resurs för elever, men också för lärare.
Hon, han, den, det : En genusanalys av läromedel i ämnet svenska för grundskolans senare år
This study examines how gender is at work in four series of teaching material of Swedish in the years 7-9 of the Swedish primary school. Analyzing eight books in total, and also their respective teacher?s manuals, the study focuses on the following aspects in both texts and pictures within the books: heteronormativity, marginalization, stereotypes, equality, and also general gender related issues. Doing so, this study approaches the analyzed material with the eyes of a feminist critic. Moreover, this study applies both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis as its method of approach. Initially, the theoretical background and scientific method for this study is presented.
Marknadsundersökning - hur en Science Park-nod på glesbygden bör göras synlig
Examensarbetet besvarar hur en Science Park-nod bör göra sig synlig på glesbygden. Arbetet har uträttats för Näringlivsbolaget i Eksjö kommun under perioden mars 2009- september 2009. Det har besvarat frågor rörande marknadsföring av Science Park-noder med ett konkret exempel i samhället Mariannelund. Noden i Mariannelund har funnits sedan hösten 2008, men har ännu inte marknadsförts någonting. Rapporten påvisar hur marknadsföringen kan göras för att tjänsten ska efterfrågas av fler kunder.
ELF-EAR, Teknik i Levande Rollspel
Vårt mål är att förhöja deltagarnas upplevelse i levande rollspel (även kallat
lajv). Idag finns det inga möjligheter att visualisera övernaturliga förmågor.
I den här rapporten visar vi ett exempel på hur detta kan realiseras med hjälp
av teknik. Vi har inriktat oss på att simulera alvers övernaturliga hörsel.
Levande rollspel är mycket känsligt för störningar från ?världen utanför?,
exempelvis modern teknik och språk.
Kan man erfara historia? : Elevers syn på museet som lärandemiljö - om historieundervisning och historiemedvetande
This essay is a case study based on two sources of empirical data, qualitative interviews and responses from a questionnaire, which examines upper secondary school students? attitudes to history teaching in a museum context. The students? answers are further analyzed in relation to the concept of historical consciousness. Thus, history teaching in the museum, from a student perspective, and the students? capacity of expressing a historical consciousness in their answers, constitute the core of this essay.
Datalagring - Ett växande problem?
Information storage - A growing problem?
Göran Svanhall
Pär Truedsson
Erik Ponnert
Bengt Carlsson
Every day companies, regardless of size, produces new information that needs to
be stored. In the information society of today, the characteristics of the
information changes both in size and complexity. This results in higher demands
on which storage solution that suits the company and their field of business.
New and more innovating storage solutions enters the market, but are they
necessary to smaller companies of development active in the IT society?
Questions to Answer:
Is data storage a growing problem for companies of development active in the IT
How do traditional storage solutions manage the information growth of today?
How urgent is the need of a new storage solution?
Which features are prioritized in the future storage solution?
By performing a quantitative survey we delivered an inquiry to several
companies, which answers will help us answering our above mentioned questions.
The consulted companies experience no growing problems what so ever regarding
their existing storage solution..
?Jag är ingen pojke, jag är en flicka!? : en studie om hur pedagoger beskriver könsnormer, könsnormkritiskt arbete och barn som bryter mot könsnormer
The subject of this study is gender norms in the preschool and children who oppose those norms. The aim is to investigate how the discourses are linked with the way in which preschool teachers and teaching assistants talk about children?s gender identity. This study is founded in feminist post-structuralist discourse analysis, which was a basis for the interpretation of the results. My research questions are:? How do educators express themselves concerning gender norms?? What do educators need to work with a gender critical agenda?? How do the educators describe their work concerning gender, gender norms and children who oppose those norms?? For educators who have experience with children who do not identify with the gender they was given at birth, how do educators describe their own treatment of said children, and how would they describe the treatment from the other members of the teaching team?The study consists of qualitative interviews with five educators who were asked questions relevant to: norms, gender, gender criticism and how they work with those topics.I found both positive and negative aspects of gender work in preschool.
Matteklipp på nätet : Ett stöd i matematikundervisningen
ABSTRACTThis master thesis defines a new concept ? Math Videos on the Net. The term refers to short,educational videos of mathematics that are freely available on the internet. The videos aredesigned to offer a complement to other course material for a specific element of a specific mathcourse and are directed to the target group of students studying the latter. Within this work, MathVideos on the Net have been created for the Swedish upper secondary school courses Matematik1b and 1c.The study aims to describe, analyze and interpret whether, and if so, how Math Videos on theNet can help support the work of teachers and students? development of knowledge in the firstmathematics course of the Swedish upper secondary school.
Hur påverkas elevens utveckling genom dans?
The purpose of my work is to find out if and in which way dance in school teaching can contribute to a positive development of the pupil and also if the dance can give the pupil a better self-confidence. It?s important and useful to know, how dance will influence the pupil from a physical, psychological and social point of view.The study of litterature describes opinions and theories based on the issue and emanate from the three classifications applicable to the pupil development through dance: physically, psychologically and socially. With help of theories from different experts investigates, if a continuous dance teaching in the subject Athletics and Health can contribute to a positive development of the pupil these different aspects.As the empiric study I chose to interview pupils both from the ordinary comprehensive school classes and the aesthetical gymnasium line, in order to find out what they really think about dance and what they wish should be included of dance in the subject Athletics and Health.The interest of dance can be strongly connected to different music stiles, in this connection one can for sure get more pupils and especially boys to dare to try dance and through this improve their self-confidence.In my discussion and conclusion I bring up how important it is, that the pupil in dance get to learn how to work with it´s body as means of expression and the importance that the school gives priority to other than intellectual qualities and gives the pupil a chance to be able to develop and learn how to use it?s body language by dance.I also touch thoughts of future research..
Rättfärdighetsbegreppet i Matteusevangeliet Språkliga betydelser och teologiska funktioner av 'rättfärdighet' och 'rättfärdig'
This thesis examines the concept of righteousness in the Gospel of Matthew. The research explores the literal meanings and theological functions of the noun ?righteousness? and the adjective ?righteous? through a descriptiveand comparative study of all the pericopes which include these words. The research also includes relevant information about the historical context of the text as well as the central theological themes which relate to the subject.In the research on the literal meanings, it seems that both words primarily occur in ethical teaching and that the concept of righteousness in Matthew is closely related to humanconduct (e.g. Matt 5:20; 6:1).