

5950 Uppsatser om Science teaching - Sida 16 av 397

Lärarens syn kring elevers motivation till matematiken

This survey is a case study with the purpose to find out the teacher´s perceptions about students´ motivation to mathematics. Further this study aims for the teacher´s vision on how they consider students´ motivation in mathematics in secondary school. To collect research data I have used semi structured interviews with four secondary school teachers. The result constructs according to categories that depict the purpose of the study. These categories define students? motivation like achieving different goals, students? basic knowledge, abilities and perceptions of mathematics and external factors that affect students? motivation.

Eldens hemlighet : om att arbeta med skönlitteratur i andraspråksundervisning

The purpose of this essay is to investigate Swedish as a second language acquisition in a group of students with diverse culturul backgrounds. my intension is to find out if a dialogical posture in teaching with focus on the students earlier knowledge,experianses, thoughts and feelings, will contribute to a teaching enviroment where the students can express them selves and listen to each other. the teachers task is to help the students to explore their own thinking.According to the theoretical base of the essay, sucessfull second language asquisition occours in a meaningsfull context through dialogue and interaction between students and teacher as well as between student and student.I have used a qualitative method consisting in participating as a teacher in this group of second language learners during four lessons, observing, taking notes and writing diary. The teaching material used during the lessons was a book (fiction but based on a true story) and the dialogue in the group proceeded from the story we read together..

En givande undervisning i problemlösning för andraspråkselever : En studie i årskurs 3 vid en mångkulturell skola i södra Stockholm

Thanks to I have got to explore different teaching ways around the problem solving in a year 3, in a multicultural school which is located south of Stockholm, I have been able to answer my question at issue in my degree work. My question at issue on this investigation and the purpose with my degree work was to explore different teaching ways that promotes pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish, to develop reading comprehension and to get a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks. On this investigation have I chosen to teach these pupils to explore, reach and gain a deeper understanding of what teaching about problem solving promotes these pupils. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews. I have in my investigation reached the conclusion that those pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish developed reading comprehension and got a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks by being taught in a creative and varied teaching. A creative and varied teaching as I taught those pupils in contained:the pupils had to work with living-related problem tasksthe pupils had to work in pairs to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in larger groups to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in a creative way, by writing and drawing pictures and do their own mathematical fairy tale in problem solvingthe pupils had to work with manipulatives to resolve problem solving in half classes..

Grammatik undervisning : Studie av grammatikens roll i den tidiga språkinlärningen

This essay aims to generate understanding for todays grammar teaching in the early grades.Through base in previous research, I intend in this work to seek understanding of what affects the grammar development and its impact on education. I investigate in this essay teacher's approach to grammar and how it affects the incidence of grammar teaching.Work empiricism consists of qualitative research interviews and a survey with the intention to present a broad picture of grammatical meaning. Regarding to the informants that are involved in the investigation, I have deliberately chosen teachers from different generations to find reflections of their own education and how itinfluenced their view of grammar. My study shows that teachers acquire greater part of teaching about languagefunctional side compared to the form of the language. The teachers who participated in the survey indicated that the language functional side priority by reason that the more responds to students' learning needs and promotes a desire to learn through meaningful for the student.

?Ett enormt resursslöseri? : En innehållslig idéanalys av debatten om förslaget att införa betyg från årskurs fyra

In the school political debate that is conducted in Sweden the question of grading is an ongoing topic of discussion. During the past year there has been a lively discussion about introducing grade from year four as suggested by the right wing parties. The purpose of this study is to set the teaching faculties? view and arguments in relation to the politicians' opinion in the ongoing debate about the proposal of introducing grades from year four. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate how central the didactic arguments are in relation to other arguments in the current debate.

Naturvetenskap i grundskolans lägre åldrar : Om lärares förhållningssätt gentemot ämnet

This investigation is about how teachers in school can motivate and create interest for science among younger children. Teachers were interviewed about attitudes to their subject and how this affects their lessons.I have also tried to find out, both by interviewes but also by studying litterature, what the most important thing is to teach in science, which knowledge is necessarry in the future and why.My result indicates that teachers find science both interesting and important but at the same time they also think it is a difficult subject to teach even if they are educated. Both the litterature and the teachers in my study agree that knowledge in science gives us a chance to ask questions, take stands and solve problems and that this knowledge is important for us in our future..

Oskar Bergman : En översikt över hans mest produktiva år som landskapsmålare

Shakespeare- Dead or alive in school?The purpose with our degree project is to examine if Shakespeare still is alive in school and in what way he is being used. Our study is based on these following questions:Does Shakespeare exist in school today?How are the other classic books being used?Which teaching methods are used?How is Shakespeare received by the pupils?The methods used to be able to answer the questions are interviews with teachers and focus groups with the pupils. We carried out the interviews with six Swedish teachers and four focus groups in four different upper secondary schools.The main result of this study shows that teachers and pupils still think that Shakespeare is an important author.

Brasslärares tankar om, och inställning till, att undervisa på olika instrument

This study is based on discussions among Swedish brass teachers about teaching other brass instruments than their main instrument. Why do some choose to teach only with the help of their main instrument while others use their secondary instruments as well? What are the advantages and disadvantages and how do they look upon other ways of thinking in this matter?In addition, the study examines brass teachers? views on the balance between pedagogical and instrumental skill, as well as their views on teaching sound, technique and expression in relation to the age of the student.A questionnaire was used and anwered by 24 teachers with teaching experience in municipal music schools ranging from 7 months to 35 years. The results indicate that pedagogical skill is always important, whereas the importance of instrumental skill increases as the student gets older and more experienced. The advantage of teaching with the help of the main instrument is that one always keeps a high musical and technical level.

Alla ska lyckas i klassrummet : En bild av en inkluderande matematikundervisning

The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how teachers and other people working with mathematics in a school context perceive inclusion in terms of education. In addition,the purpose is to describe their experiences of inclusive education in mathematics and to identify factors of importance for an inclusive approach to teaching mathematics. The starting point was the significance of inclusive education as regards the education system and research on the implementation of inclusive education internationally and in Sweden. The theoretical approach is founded in a special education perspective on teaching and the theory of optimal experience. The people interviewed for this study are directly or indirectly involved in the teaching of mathematicsat a school that explicitly works from an inclusive perspective.

Preparera prepositioner - Sång och musik som didaktiskt hjälpmedel för prepositionskunskap i spanska

Abstract A central problem in all language teaching is to teach the correct use of prepositions. There are grammar rules, but also a lot of exceptions and idiomatic expressions that often have to be learnt by examples or by heart. A trick for learning might be to use a mnemonic method with songs and music to memorize a correct use of prepositions. The purpose of this study is to test a language teaching didactic exercise for knowledge of preposition in Spanish with songs and music. Grammatical aspects, rules and exceptions when studying prepositions in Spanish are presented.

Alternativ religionsundervisning: : En studie om IE- metoden

This essay is about Abrahams children and its teaching method  the IE- method. The purpose of this essay is to see what four teachers who use the method in their teaching think about it. To get an idea of how these teachers are working with the IE- method, I interviewed them. What are the pros and cons, is it a good way to teach religion? In addition, I look at how the IE- method follows the Lpo94 values and goals.

Skola för en hållbar framtid : En kvalitativ undersökning om lärare och elevers tankar om hållbar utveckling

The purpose of this study is to find out teachers and students thoughts about sustainable development. Research shows that sustainable development should be a part of all education. When this is the case, the student´s will develop a competence to act in this matter. This is important so student´s encourages to act and make decisions based on knowledge about sustainable development. This field investigation is based on four interviews with teachers and eleven interviews with student´s. The result shows that the teachers has learned a lot about the concept, and in different ways realizated this in their teaching.

Shakespeare : Levande eller död i skolan?

Shakespeare- Dead or alive in school?The purpose with our degree project is to examine if Shakespeare still is alive in school and in what way he is being used. Our study is based on these following questions:Does Shakespeare exist in school today?How are the other classic books being used?Which teaching methods are used?How is Shakespeare received by the pupils?The methods used to be able to answer the questions are interviews with teachers and focus groups with the pupils. We carried out the interviews with six Swedish teachers and four focus groups in four different upper secondary schools.The main result of this study shows that teachers and pupils still think that Shakespeare is an important author.

Police Science - expansionen av ett kunskapsfält : En studie om vetenskapligt gränsdragningsarbete i 1930-talets Chicago

In 1929, the Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory was established in Chicago?the first of its kind in the United States. The purpose was to engage in practical use of scientific methods in the detection of crime. In 1930, the institute published its own periodical called The American Journal of Police Science. Applying the theory of boundary-work, this essay analyses how the novelty institute argued its legitimacy as a scientific establishment through the expansion of Police Science as a collective field of knowledge.

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