

5122 Uppsatser om School satisfaction - Sida 26 av 342

Mobbning bland barn i skolan : Hur fyra F-6 skolors antimobbningsgrupper beskriver sitt arbete för att få nolltolerans mot mobbning

Bullying is today a major problem in schools worldwide. Far too many children are forced to undergo bullying day in and day out without anyone seeing or doing something. My purpose with this study is to find out how four F-6 schools in a municipality south of Stockholm are describes their work to get zero tolerance for bullying at their school.My questions are:How does the four F-6 schools' anti-bullying group in a municipality south of Stockholm describes their work to have zero tolerance for bullying?What do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups consider that bullying is?Why do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think bullying occurs?Who do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think are bullies or are being bullied?To get my results I have done four interviews with those in charge of the school's anti-bullying group. My theory is based on standards, what is acceptable behavior and normative theory, hypotheses, what is right and wrong as well as desirable or undesirable behavior.

Big Five dimensionerna möter arbetstillfredsställelse

Tidigare forskning har gett stöd för att personlighet påverkar arbetstillfredsställelse, och i denna studie undersöks om detta även gäller inom socialpsykiatrin i Eskilstuna. Syftet med studien var att undersöka samband och varians mellan olika personlighetsdimensioner och arbetstillfredsställelse. Big Five personlighetsdimensionerna mättes med Shafers personality scale och arbetstillfredsställelse med Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, och dessa mätningar skedde genom en enkätundersökning. De 78 deltagarna i denna studie var personal inom socialpsykiatrin, varav 23 var män. Resultaten redovisades genom Pearsons korrelationer och en hierarkisk regressionsanalys som visade att det fanns samband mellan vissa av Big Five dimensionerna och arbetstillfredsställelsefaktorerna.

Validering inom omvårdnadsprogrammet på tre vuxenutbildningar i Östergötland

This study investigates how social interaction affects newly arrived pupils? views on their study situation in the Swedish educational system. The aim is to give a contribution to the discussion on the notion of including ?the Other? in educational practice in multicultural schools. Semi-structured group interviews were conducted to explore how the intercultural perspective and the theory of inclusion can be used to explain the dynamics of social interaction.

Skolbiblioteket i lärarutbildningen

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine student secondaryteachers? perceptions of the role of the school library libraries aswell as compare results with an earlier study. The followingquestions were posed:1. How do student teachers view the school library?2.

Att datorisera ett bibliotek: datoriseringen av skolbiblioteket på Sunnerbogymnasiet i Ljungby

The purpose of this paper is to describe methods to computerize a library and to compare theory with a process in a school library. The case study is based on a school library called Sunnerbogymnasiet which is situated in Ljungby. My questions are;- Which methods are parts of the process to computerize a library?- Which methods are used in the process in Sunnerbogymnasiet?- What does the practical process look like compared to the methods described in theory?In the paper I present the methods in the process according to the studied literature and compare these with a process at Sunnerbogymnasiet. The most significant result is that cooperation between the school library and the community library was the most important reason for the choice of library computer system.

Skadeståndsrätt - kränkning : Om grundskolelärares möjlighet att erhålla kränkningsskadestånd

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if elementary school teachers are a vulnerable professional group and if elementary school teachers should be mentally prepared for abusive treatment. Thus determine whether the reduced possibility for certain professionals such as police officers and order guards to obtain compensation for abusive treatment also shall apply for elementary school teachers.To reach that purpose, first the concept of abusive treatment and how compensation for abusive behavior becomes topical have to be straighten out. Then follows an analysis of both the lower possibility to obtain compensation for abusive treatment, but also how elementary teachers can be mentally prepared abusive treatment.It turns out in the conclusion that elementary school teachers are considered vulnerable in relation to the specifications of their work environment and because of that elementary school teachers must be deemed to have knowledge of that they may be subject to abusive treatment. Therefore I believe that elementary school teachers as certain professionals like police officers and order guards may not be granted compensation for every situation of abusive treatment, a lower limit must apply..

Genus och förskola i bilderboken : En analys av hur förskola eller förskoleklass och pedagoger framställs i sex bilderböcker

The aim of this essay is to analyze six picture books from a gender perspective. Research and investigations shows that children's literature has a big influence on how young children understand norms and values related to gender identity. It is written in the Swedish curriculum for the non-compulsory school system that the pre-school should counteract traditional gender roles.In this essay, six picture books with stories that take place in a pre-school or a pre-school class are being analyzed. Two of them, according to their market strategy, challenges established gender norms. I have investigated if there are any differences between how the educator as a character and the pre-school are portrayed where a girl contra a boy has the leading role.

Pojkar som inte lyckas i grundskolan

The purpose of this essay was to examine pupils who leave the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system without reaching the requirements for the Swedish senior high school, and then to compare with those who reach the requirements. I used the following questions to help me reach this purpose:- Where in life are those pupils who reached the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- Where in life are those pupils who did not reach the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- What differences are noticeable between these two groups?The method that I used to examine these questions was to send out a questionnaire to the pupils. I also tried to make an explanation to the results with the help of Erwin Goffmanns theories.The result of this essay shows that there is not a big difference between the two groups. They both did equally well after they finished the Swedish nine-year compulsory school..

Musik och språk i samspel på förskolan : Musik för att främja den språkliga medvetenheten hos barn i förskolan

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to find out how the after-school teachers can work with children diagnosed with ADHD on the after-school center, study the given conditions as well as the links between the two earlier mentioned. Four interviews, with four different after-school teachers, from four after-school centers in one municipality was made. The interviews consisted of seven questions, six of the questions gave the respondents the opportunity to own interpretation of the question and thereby answer the question after what they considered as correct.The result shows that work with ADHD diagnosed children can differ widely based on the conditions the after-school teachers have. Examples of conditions are knowledge and education on the subject, the after-school center environment, the number of teachers in the business and more. Based on the four interviewed response, and the information that previous research shows about the subject, the work with ADHD diagnosed children at the four different after-schools is not good enough.

Fristående gymnasieskolor och skolbibliotek : En kvalitativ studie av fristående gymnasieskolors inställning till skolbiblioteksservice och undervisning i informationssökning

The purpose with this study is to examine what kind of support there is for school libraries at the selected independent upper secondary schools and how these schools ensure that libraryservices is available to their students and their teachers. The purpose is also to examine what attitudes the administrators of the schools have to school libraries and teaching in information seeking. A qualitative method with interviews was used to fulfil the purpose. As a theoretical basis of the study Loertschers taxonomies of the school library media program and Limbergs three levels of pedagogic research were used and the interviews were analysed with these two theoretical frameworks as a background. The result of the study showed that neither one of the three examinated schools has a school library which means that they use the public library instead.

Fristående gymnasieskolor och skolbibliotek. En kvalitativ studie av fristående gymnasieskolors inställning till skolbiblioteksservice och undervisning i informationssökning.

The purpose with this study is to examine what kind of support there is for school libraries at the selected independent upper secondary schools and how these schools ensure that libraryservices is available to their students and their teachers. The purpose is also to examine what attitudes the administrators of the schools have to school libraries and teaching in information seeking. A qualitative method with interviews was used to fulfil the purpose. As a theoretical basis of the study Loertschers taxonomies of the school library media program and Limbergs three levels of pedagogic research were used and the interviews were analysed with these two theoretical frameworks as a background. The result of the study showed that neither one of the three examinated schools has a school library which means that they use the public library instead.

Utbildning är gratis här i Sverige,men det är en sanning med modifikation. : En kvalitativ studie om barnfattigdom i skolmiljö

This is a qualitative study about child poverty within the school environment. The purpose is to examine how financial resources can affect the social standings of teenagers and how that affects them in school; how the school system view and work with child poverty as well as how they act within the legal framework that requires the school to be free of charge. This was done through analyzing earlier research and conducting five interviews with personnel at three schools for children ages 13-15. Our results show that social standing can be affected by a lack of financial resources, partially due to not having certain mobile phones or brand clothing, partially because they cannot afford to join in on social activities. Furthermore, teenagers view child poverty as shameful and a risk factor for social exclusion.

Har dagens gymnasieelever nytta av sina datakunskaper på högskolenivå. : Får dagens elever arbete på sina gymnasiebetyg inom de nya Data/IT programmen

The purpose is to analyze if the students have any use of their computer education at a senior high school level or if there is a demand for them to proceed studying. Does the students background have any importance or is it their own motivation that makes the student advance to higher education.In this report we ask ourselves the question, if the students have any use of the knowledge gained at senior high school in computer studies at a higher level. Do the students have any chance for employment based on their senior high school grades in computer studies after graduation?  Do the schools that follow the senior high school guidelines within programming and databases give these students an advantage towards those that have not received the same fundamental education?The method used for the survey is a group questionnaire.  The questionnaire was distributed at one and the same time and then collected to examine the results. The survey results showed that students who seek work based only on their senior high school grades, received only a temporary position for different lengths of time.

Klassblogg : En studie av lärares användning av klassblogg i grundskolans tidigare år

The purpose of this study was to explore the use of a blog in the classroom. This paper describes why the teacher created the blog and how the blog is used by teachers and pupils in and outside the classroom. The study also describes teachers? thoughts regarding future use of the blog. Seven primary school teachers were interviewed and the material was analysed using a multimodal design theoretical perspective on learning (Selander & Kress 2010).The conclusion of the study was that the teachers created and designed blogs to give parents, pupils, relatives and others an opportunity to have an insight into the pupils? school day.

Kommunalisering, yay or nay? En j?mf?relse mellan riksdagspartiernas st?llningstaganden ang?ende kommunaliseringen av skolan 1988?1991

During the later parts of the 20th century there occurred several changes to the Swedish public sector. These changes aimed to effectivize and decentralize the governance model in the public sector. One of these changes was the municipalization of the school system, put forward and proposed by the social democratic government in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This study aims to examine and compare that times different parliamentary parties' opinions on the municipalization of the school system. The source material consists of government bills, and in direct relation to the municipalization of the school system.

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