

5959 Uppsatser om School choice - Sida 33 av 398

ELEVINFLYTANDE ? Verklighet eller fiktion? - En studie om elevdemokrati

This paper examines the amount of influence that upper secondary school pupils of the Swedish voluntary school system. The curriculum clearly states that democratic values are to be instilled with the pupils at an early age, and that the pupils are to have a degree of democratic influence over their tutelage. This paper is based upon a survey, which involves one hundred and fourteen pupils at the Malmö Latin gymnasium. The hypothesis argues that upper secondary school pupils in Sweden have very little knowledge in this area and it contradicts much of the previous research done in this field. The pupils´ ages vary from fifteen to eighteen years of age.The survey shows that the pupils of this school have little or no knowledge of their democratic rights within the school boundaries.

Hur hanterar skolor hot och våld? : En fallstudie av ansvarsfördelning och implementering av riktlinjer på skolan

How schools handles threat and violence among pupils could have an effect on the surrounding world, since schools reflect society at large. This study attempts to explore how this is handled within two schools, one secondary school and one upper secondary school. How do the schools work with violence and threats amongst pupils? Who is responsible for what? Is this work based on school guidelines? Why/why not? The theoretical starting-points have been Lundquists implementation-based control-model and an organizational point-of-view using theories about open and closed systems, primarily Meyer and Rowans neo-institutionalism. To gain validity, the study has been carried out by way of triangulation, i.e.

Skolprestationer räknas! : Studie om hur ungdomars skolsituation verkar ha påverkats av multisystemisk terapi

The purpose of this study was to describe the school situation of adolescents who were subject to multisystemic therapy in Sweden, and also if a change could be measured after treatment. Factors that preceded the need for treament were also investigated. The sample consisted of 83 adolescents, boys (65 %) and girls (35 %), with an average age of 14 years. The method used was a secondary data analysis using pre-treatment- and post-treatment data collected from a 7-month follow-up conducted by Lunds Universitet. Results showed that the adolescents were low in school performance and high in truancy at pre-treatment.

Uppdraget - en skola för alla. Omöjligt eller möjligt? : En studie av fem lärare

This study is about what teachers in primary schools say that they are doing to create a school for all.The purpose of this study is to find out what teachers in primary schools say that they do on their mission to create a school for everyone and how they organize teaching to achieve this. The study was conducted as an interview of five teachers from elementary school of different gender and with a qualitative method because it provides a great opportunity to problematize, interpret and understand the responses of the interviewees.The results show that all the teachers think that their mission is to teach so that they can give each student what they need to achieve the goals. This may not be every day but over time, they hope that all students feel that they get so much of the teacher's time that they need..

100g glättat : En ideologikritisk analys av neoliberalismens inverkan på fristående gymnasieskolors marknadsföring

Swedish school system is today victim of facing competition. Today sees the school leadership the students like customers whom they depend to operate their school. But I have asked myself, what will be the new students see and how much this spectacle in both money and time that project will cost for the municipality and school teachers. The question is if whether the school will be better when the competition becomes school or just better marketed? I'm interested in how clearly ideologies emerge in schools brochures if we study them at critically and analytically way.

Gör skolbibliotekarien någon skillnad? En studie av skolbibliotekariens betydelse för unga elevers läs- och språkutveckling

The purpose of this study is to investigate? how a professional librarian can support the work with pupils, age six to twelve years, in their reading and linguistic development? how the conditions at the school have to be for this to become possible? what kind of attitudes the teachers have, and how they relate to the impact of a librarian for the pupils reading and linguistic development.The methods used are analyses of steering documents concerning school libraries and analyses of the means of the local school culture. The latter has been carried out by literature studies and through interviews of eight teachers and two school librarians. The result of the interviews showed a limited insight into how a professional librarian can support and assist teachers and pupils in the work with reading and linguistic development. They also showed the influence of existing traditions and local school culture for the use of a librarian?s services, and also how all the teachers, once they have become used to the services a librarian can provide, now find their support invaluable.

Slöjan och skolan : en studie av den svenska och franska debatten.

The aim of this essay is to examine how two different schools in Södertälje municipality are working to include and integrate newly arrived high school students in the subject Swedish as a second language. I will do a comparative study in which I study the teachers? completely opposite way of working to integrate newly arrived school students in the subject Swedish as a second language. I have used a qualitative method where I have conducted interviews. My main theory is Peder Haug's (1998) theory.

Förskollärares syn på Kvalitet i Förskolan

My purpose with this work is to find out how it relates with pre-schoolteatchers view about a quality in comparasion to control document, Lpfö-98, and with factors pre-schoolteatchers consider effects quality in pre-school describe pre-schoolteatchers view on that high quality is in pre- school.The investigation has been done by quality interviews with five pre- schoolteatchers working in pre- school. The results show that they do not make a difference between what are high quality and the factors that affect the possibility of creating high quality. Most important is qualified and engaged educationalist in the pre- school who who shows a good attitude towards the children, and where development and learning is central. The most decisive to a pre- schools quality are the personell who work there. A conditon to achieve high quality in pre- school is a head who knows the pre- school activity and its curriculum, and who takes active part in the activity, invites to discussions and offers pertinent competence development.According to the leading document Lpfö-98 you will achieve high quality by offering children rear and care.

Bibliotekariestudenter - informationsnissar eller kultursnubbar: vem söker till bibliotekarieutbildningarna i Lund och Umeå, och varför?

This thesig will portray the different types of students at the programs of library studiesin Lund &d Umeå.The study is based upon quantitative information gathered from a survey, which wasdistributed to first-year students in Lund and Umeå. The survey was followed by qualitativeinterviews with four students, and with the director of studies from each school.The study shows that the programs, as we11 as the students, are very similar, althoughthere are some minor diferences. It seemed that the students at Umeå were moreinterested4n culture than those at Lund.A certain connection between the aim at information and the ownership of a computercould be detected. The sex of the students played a major part in their choice of education.The attractors and facilitators, used by Lortie in his study, could also be appliedto the students at the program of library studies in our thesis..

En enkätundersökning om kroppsideal bland elever i årskurs 9

According to the core contents in the curriculum for the compulsory school 2011 for the subject Physical Education grades 7-9, teachers of the subjects shall give their students knowledge about body ideals within sports, and the society as a whole. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the attitude toward body ideals of the students soon to leave secondary school. The study was based on a quantitative survey with 70 participating students from three different schools. The results show that the schools, according to the students, do not inform the students about body ideals. However, the result shows that the students consider body ideals as an important topic that needs to be dealt with in school, since they consider the adolescences of today are living with a pressure telling them what to look like.

Möjligheter till utveckling av en hälsofrämjande skola

School can be an effective environment for achieving a more equal health among children and adolescents, since many individuals can be reached by the health promoting work in the school. In the year of 2000 a project in Skåne was started for the development of health promoting schools. The health promoting projects however, have shown to be of short duration. So, as an alternative, the integration of the health in school ought to be tried. The aim of this study is to give examples how health promoting schools can strengthen their profile.

Webbpublicering av elevaktiviteter : en deskriptiv studie av gymnasieelevernas upplevelser

The aim of the present study is to describe the experiences of high school students as regards the effects of their activities, in and out of lessons, being published on the web. In addition, a further purpose is to acquire knowledge about whether a website could be used as means of increasing the students level of attention, and focus, to their activities in school; and, furthermore, how such a website should be designed to correspond with the students requests.The implemented methods are interviews with students, school administrators and teachers. A survey was conducted covering the student?s personal experiences and opinions. Furthermore, an interface test of the website was performed.

Fyra lärares tankar och syn kring arbetet med integration, mångfald och värdegrund på en mångkulturell skola

The purpose of this qualitative research study is to examine if and how the teachers from a multicultural International School work with intercultural pedagogy. The school in question isprofiled and consists of both Swedish- and English classes. The study examines if and how the teachers related to the great variety of cultures and created opportunities for integration between the students and handling with values at school. It is important to be aware as a teacher to be able to take an active part in working towards a school that gives possibilities for different cultures to meet. If this is neglected, it may increase the risk of problems and cultural clashes between the students.

Varför är Qatar inte en demokrati? En fallstudie med utgångspunkt i moderniseringsteorin

Qatar är ett ekonomiskt välmående land, med ett starkt auktoritärt politiskt system. Landet är därför ett avvikande fall ur moderniseringsteorin, som menar att ekonomiskt välmående leder till demokrati. Vi börjar med att förklara varför Qatar avviker från moderniseringsteorin, och fortsätter sedan med att pröva ett antal teorier och perspektiv, för att se om dessa bättre förklarar frånvaron av demokrati i landet. Följande teorier och ämnesområden diskuteras: politisk kultur och civilt samhälle, islams inverkan, sultanism, aktörsteoretiska perspektiv, rational choice, och slutligen oljans inverkan på Qatar. Två företeelser talar för demokratins frånvaro, islams starka närvaro i kulturen och politiken, samt landets ekonomiska beroende av oljeintäkter.

Lagval vid utomobligatoriskt skadestånd - Särskilt vid upphovsrättsintrång

This essay seeks to explore which country´s laws should be applied when a dispute concerning damages in non-contractual obligations arises från illegal copying. In Europe today we have merely a few documented laws regarding choice of law concerning illegal copying. Thus, a proposition regarding a regulation which shall control the choice of laws applied on disputes in non-contractual obligations has been prepared. Another main reason for the existence of such a regulation is the need for a united set of laws to enable recognition of other countries´ judgments in Europe. This proposal will be called the Rome II-regulation.

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