

7319 Uppsatser om Sales management - Sida 2 av 488

Självscanning ? Ur butikens perspektiv

The underlying aim of this paper is to find out how the management and employees in a grocery store on a relatively small community in Sweden is experiencing Technology-Based Self-Service (TBSS), and self-scanning. And how store management and employees experience that the self-scanning ability is received by their respective consumers. Several open individual interviews were conducted with the administrative head of sales and various employees working at different departments at Coop Forum in Skara In offering self-scanning, we believe that the store provides consumers with an opportunity to perform their daily purchases by an easy and flexible approach, which we believe will have a positive impact on the entire store visit. A positive store visit, we believe play a major role in consumers choosing to do their shopping in the store.The issue to be elucidated in this paper is; How do management and employees in a grocery store perceive that self-scanning influence consumers' purchase and the service the shop offers? Why would a supermarket use self-scanning as part of the service they offer to their consumers? The report concludes the similarities and differences experienced by administrative sales manager and employees compared to previous research on the subject.

Att smöra för EMV kan smälta kategorin

Private labels have been increasing a lot during the last 30 years. The reason is great margins and it also works as an aid to build a store's brand. The problem is that private labels take market shares from national brands. Retailers need to have a good mix between these products and adopting category management without being influenced by opportunism, which can lower the profitability of a category. The purpose of this study is to examine and describe how private labels are prioritized in the category edible fat.

Prognostisering av slitdelar : hur ska Väderstad-Verken öka sin servicegrad?

The agricultural plantingmachines are used just a few weeks every year. That means that the supply of service and spare parts have to be good to make the timeliness costs low at the agricultural hard working periods. The machines wear down successivly when they are used. The wear is harder on some parts than the others on a machine. Spare parts can be dicided into consumables.

Nelson Garden AB : analys och förslag baserat på Service Management Systemet

Title: Nelson Garden AB ? Analysis and recommendations based upon the Service Management System Course: Business Leadership within horticulture and agriculture. Author: Annika Kirilov Tutor: Carl-Johan Asplund Examiner: Anders Kristoffersson, lecturer within business economics, LTJ- faculty, SLU Alnarp Keywords: Bröderna Nelson, Nelson Garden, Service Management System, marketing, customer service, retailer Aim: Explore how Nelson Garden AB manages to reach out to customers through positioning of their own labels, when they as a manufacturer are partly dependent on the competence and sales skill of retailers. Methodology: E-mails were sent out to 6 different companies with a proposition for participation. Of those companies that gave a positive answer the most suited company for the diploma work was selected. Thereafter, a contact was established through telephone with the CEO of the chosen company and relevant questions to him were formulated. The second time of contact the first interview was held and half of the questions were answered.

Säljare och sociala medier : Hur säljare använder sociala medier för kompetensutveckling

In this study I have explored the profession sales people and how they use social media. I have also studied their needs for further education and how it can be addressed in social media, in order to learn how a B2B-company that educates in sales training can meet sales people in social media. It?s an empirical study based on individual interviews with a semi-structured interview template. Respondents were of mixed age, both men and women.

Asymmetri - ett förräderi?

This study aims to disclose how an asymmetric planogram structure of the brand with the highest actual variety may come to affect the brand itself and its category as a whole. The authors of the study feel that there is a gap still unfilled amongst previous extensive research examining how differences in either space or price vary between categories, products or brands. An in-store experiment was conducted by collecting quantitative data from daily sales, observations of customers and questionnaires. The results show that an asymmetric structure leads to customers being more attentive towards the brand, and perceives it to be more dominant over its surrounding competitors. Furthermore, results indicate that the customer perceived variety increases and we see tendencies to changes in sales..

Butikschefens Egenskaper och Produktivitet i Butik - lokalt ledarskap och ekonomiskt resultat i butik

This thesis reports on the methodology and results of a study with one retailers 73 units to investigate factors of the store managers leadership that influence productivity performance in store. The study determine the impact of ten independent variables in terms of the store managers leadership on four performance measures: (3) three productivity measures: Sales Over Labor (SALOL), Sales Over Inventory (SALOI) and Sales Over Square-metre (SALOS) and (1) one profit measure: Contribution Income Over Square-metre (CIOS). The result shows that the leadership factors give no more explanation to the economic results after factors of local market condition and the store attributes are taking in to account. The store manager's leadership can though influence his or her decision-making in-store. The store manager's decision to staff the store more intense (higher service-intensity) can increase the level of contribution income over square metre in-store..

Wine Tasting and Sales

De tillverkar våra favoritviner. Mer mat på bordet och makt att bestämma över sina egna liv. Det önskar arbetare som gör Sveriges mest sålda viner. För första gången inför Systembolaget en uppförandekod bland sina leverantörer men den missar det viktigaste: kräva en lön som arbetarna kan leva på..

Specialexponering är ett värdefullt verktyg, En studie om Specialexponerings påverkan på försäljningen av snus.

The current legislation on marketing of tobacco products creates problems for Swedish Match, and obstruct its marketing communications. The purpose of this paper is to investigate Swedish Match's marketing strategy of product category snuff, through a special exposure. In store placement has a great affects on customer buying behavior and studies have shown that 70-80 percent of all purchasing decisions are made in the store, which in turn provides great opportunity for retailers to use their marketing tools for influencing customer buying decisions.Our thesis study is to test a double exposure of snuff with the help of three special exposure. These three special exposures are fridge, fridge with a sign and sign. The purpose of the study is to test which of these three special exposures that have the greatest impact on sales.

Ledningsprognosers egenskaper - Hur påverkar de mängden Earnings Management

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between Earnings Management (EM) and certain characteristics of management forecasts, among a sample of Swedish listed companies. The forecast characteristics studied are: 1) Forecast venue: How explicitly is the forecast presented? 2) Forecast precision: How detailed is the estimated number? 3) Forecast measure: Which measure(s) are forecasted? We use a sample of 68 annual management forecasts, obtained from year-end reports between the years 2007-2011. EM during the forecasted year (2008-2012) is estimated using the cross-sectional modified-Jones model. The forecast characteristics are then related to the degree of EM during the forecasted period.

Vad krävs för en lyckad försäljning inom B2B?

Aim: The reason we made this report were to investigate what companies in Gävle implied was the most important factor for successful sales. The various questions to be answered are: 1. How important is the relationship in B2B? (Business to business) 2. Will VRM change the work with relationships within B2B? 3.

I mötet mellan två världar: En studie om förändrade chefsroller i sjukvården

Swedish healthcare has experienced increased economic pressure during the last decades and organizations have faced many changes. Managers and their roles in organizations have also been affected by the changes. Traditionally, managers in the healthcare sector are highly specialized doctors with a strong medical background. In the thesis, we study a big private healthcare company with an ambition to lead the development in the sector. In order to accomplish its goal, the company is trying to change the organization of managers.

Provisionsbaserad lön och prisskillnader mellan kanaler ? en källa till kanalkonflikter? : En fallstudie bland företag i Sundsvall

Today?s companies offer their products and services through multiple distribution channels in an increasing extent, in order to reach bigger markets and more customers. Multiple channels result in an increased risk for channel conflict.This essay is an exploratory and descriptive study with the purpose to explore some companies? channel conflicts on the basis of sales commission and price differences. A case study has been made at two different companies and the empirical material has been collected with qualitative interviews.We found more channel conflicts in the company that uses sales commissions than in the company that doesn?t.

Hur säkerställs effekten av marknadsföring när den outsourcas?

Outsourcing is today a common phenomenon among businesses in most industries. The term outsourcing means transferring the responsibility of performing a certain function to an external supplier. There are usually certain methods to investigate the effects and the outcome of a function that is performed by the company itself. When this function is performed by an external party, the complexity of the function will increase.This leads us to our purpose: Based on different theories clarify how a company ensures a desired effect out of marketing when this function is outsourced to a certain retail- and advertising agency.In this essay we have defined us to study one of Sweden´s leading mobile operators who have outsourced their Sales management to a retail- and advertising agency. To get an additional point of view, we have included one of the mobile operator´s intermediates, which is a selling agent whose sales function is led by the retail- and advertising agency..

Säljorganisationer: en enkätundersökning i
villatillverkningsbranschen i Sverige

This master thesis was made to describe how sales organisations are constructed in Sweden within an industry with almost every sales situation as a new task selling, and where almost every selling is over one million Skr. One of these industries is the homebuilding industry with companies that manufacturers prefabricated houses and semi-fixed manufactured homes in Sweden. The pre-studies where made by using the Internet, intervjues and theory studies to construct a conceptual framework. The sales organisation was conceptualized to be able to measure: salesman, sales leader, improved skills, communication, reported information, compensation and company targets. This conceptualisation and operationalisation lead to a survey that captured organisations within the homebuilding industry in Sweden.

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