1780 Uppsatser om Safety and welfare. - Sida 64 av 119
Hedersrelaterade problem i en mindre kommun
Our purpose was to investigate which readiness, different sectors in a minor city has to meet honour-related problems. We wanted to investigate how they manage honour-related problems and how the co-operation in these cases is between different authorities. Our questions at issue were: Which knowledge's, experiences there are about the culture of honour, which resources has the authorities and how is the co-operation between different organisations work?We have collected present documentation and research about the subject. We made eight quality interviews with different persons within professions, as we understood, came in contact with cultures of honour.
Skolsköterskors åtgärder för att förebygga och behandla skolbarn med stickrädsla vid vaccination
Att bli vaccinerad kan för skolbarnet vara en jobbig upplevelse. Om barnet dessutom ärstickrädd blir situationen ännu jobbigare. Skolsköterskan ger en del av vaccinationerna somingår i det nationella vaccinationsprogrammet som Socialstyrelsen (2004) tagit fram. I den härstudien belyses de åtgärder som skolsköterskan gör för att underlätta vaccinationssituationenså långt det är möjligt. Genom att genomföra intervjuer med sex skolsköterskor och därav fåfram ett datamaterial som sedan analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys, kunde dettaämne belysas.
Delar av Sverige ska leva! : En studie av legitimitetsfaktorerna för svenska regionsammanslagningar
The purpose of this study is to ? through a discourse analysis ? examine how the parliamentary committee ? Ansvarskommittén ? legitimizes the need for merging administrative regions. The committee?s investigation is what underlies the present debate on regionalisation and the merging of regions in Sweden. To carry out this discourse analysis, I have used ?What?s the problem represented to be??, by Carol Lee Bacchi as an analytical framework.
"A Pill for Every Ill?": Om kvinnors psykiska ohälsa och läkemedelsanvändande
According to several surveys, womens´ mental illness is increasing. Today the mental illness is the reason why a third of women are sick listed. Furthermore, these surveys also show an increase in the use of pharmaceuticals. For an example, has the use of antidepressant drugs multiplied by six times for the last 20 years.The aim of this paper is to examine experiences of womens´ mental illness and the use of pharmaceuticals. This is looked upon from two different perspectives: the treatment perspective as well as the perspective of female users.
Ekonomiskt bistånd - ett genusperspektiv på socialtjänstens bedömningar och beslut : En vinjettstudie i tre kommuner
Income support is often described as the community?s farthest protection, as a last economic way out. From the clients perspective it´s very important to get possibility to an equivalent and correct assessment. Even if it´s an individual assessment the individual social worker´s assessment should not be different than other social worker´s, this from two aspects ? quality and the rule of law.
Kontroll för ökad kvalitet - mallar för kontrollplan-PBL, egenkontroll samt riskanalys
There are problems with poor quality, poor scheduling and poor working climate in the Swedish construction industry. Many parts have been involved, trying to solve the problem.This spring a new planning and building-law becomes final. In this law, the requirements set on the controls are greater. Hopefully this will lead to fewer construction errors. The requirements set on the working environment have also increased, forcing consultants and contractors to focus on safe workplaces.For each project requiring a building permit, an inspection plan has to been drawn.
Sjöfartsmuseets tavelsamling Att flytta en samling och planera ett nytt magasin
This paper deals with the problems that can occur during the move of an entire collection. Thecollection discussed is located at the Gothenburg Maritime Museum and it has beenconsidered to move the collection to a storage where the other collections of the museum iskept. No decisions are taken but this is a suggestion of how it could be done. The collectionwhich is studied contains of different kinds of objects like for example paintings, work onpaper and photographs. The whole moving project is looked into and all the different parts areanalyzed.
Rekonstruktörens skadeståndsansvar
The thesis consists in two parts. The purpose of the first part is to analyse how the court may interpret rules, principles and legal cases to decide whether a reconstructor bears liability towards the debtor and the creditors. In the second part it is discussed and argued for how the reconstructor´s damage liability should be drawn up and applied so that it according to economic theories should be as efficient as possible. In the thesis it is shown that it is not a non-contractual liability or a liability based on authority mission. The reconstructor´s liability is instead based on a commission concerning an intellectual service.
Staden - fara eller frihet för kvinnor?
This report studies how the divergence between men and women is manifested in the physical space and how the representation of room recreates this divergence. Spaces are coded and women have traditionally been associated with private space and men with public space, leading to that the home is encoded as female space and public squares as male space. Thereby women lack a natural place in public space. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) wants to change this situation by enforcing safety-creating measures based on gender equality theories.I have studied what potential risks the project initiated by Boverket as well as discuss the potential problems with representation. Can representation be used without freezing the space? I also search for methods for working with a gender perspective without reproducing gender stereotypes and roles and avoiding encoding the private as female and public as male? Also I use a public seminar with urban planners, artists and architects to retrieve how we work with these issues today.I conclude that city planning needs to incorporate new strategies of thought that does not divide space, e.g.
Jag styrs av pengarna -som jag inte har : En litteraturstudie om hur personer med psykiskt funktionshinder upplever att ekonomin inverkar på deras vardag.
Background:Persons living with a mental illness often have to put up with a financial disadvantage. Their ability to work is often limited and because of that they have to rely on the welfare reform to get an income. This income is often low compared to other citizens which by itself is something strongly associated with mental illness. Purpose: The purpose in this study was to describe how people living with a mental illness experience that their economic situation has an impact on their daily life. Method: This study is a literature review containing nine scientific articles from previous research.
Människovana grävlingar som testdjur för grythundar. En studie om hur grävlingars beteende och fysiologi påverkas av hundars aggressivitet
In Sweden live badgers are used in tests in order to train and prepare earth dogs for hunting underneath ground. This has for several years causeddebate concerning the welfare of the badgers. It is questioned whether the purpose of the dog training, i.e. to reduce injuries in both dogs and prey, is worth the suffering that is reflected on the badgers. The aim of this investigation was to study 1) stress levels in badgers when used in earth dog training, 2) if the stress load differs when the badgers are exposed to dogs with varying aggression levels (low, moderate, high).
Personligheter hos mjölkkor
Research where personality in animals is studied is becoming more and more common. In this area there are different concepts like behavioural syndrome and animal personality and they usually talk about consistency in behaviour over time and situations. This consistent individual behaviour can be used as an indicator of how individuals can handle and adjust to new situations in the environment. Because of this, personality studies in animals are very important in animal welfare. In this study personality in dairy cattle in lose housing were studied.
Samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst : en studie av hur skolpersonal ser på samverkan med socialtjänsten
The purpose of this report was to increase knowledge regarding the co-operation between social services from the perspective of employees at a school. The focus was on the question: ?In the schools view, what is the relevance of co-operating with social services?? The problem was divided into three categories; the value of the co-operation, the schools discourse on co-operation and the balance of power in the co-operation. The scientific topic was addressed using a qualitative survey method at a school. Four people were interview; the principal, the welfare officer, and two teachers.
En förändring : Nordeas anpassning och påverkan av Basel II
Problem: How has Nordea been adapted and influenced by the change of Basel II and how have the employees reacted on the new change?Purpose: This essay has a purpose to study how Basel II has influenced the credit rating at Nordea. We also want to study how the employees have reacted to the new change.Method: To receive the information that was necessary for this study interviews were performed with the employees at Nordea. The interviews were an effective way to start a discussion and by that we received important information.Basel II is new capital cover rules that the Swedish banks have introduced. These new rules mean that it will become more important with safety when it comes to risk management and credit giving.
Svansbitning hos grisar, arv eller miljö?
Tail-biting in pigs is an animal welfare issue and in Sweden during 2002 the producers lost tree million Swedish crowns because of tail biting. This economic loss depends on the pigs which are discarded at slaughter because of tail biting. Tail biting can be separated into two stages, "pre-injury" and "injury". The aim of this study is to investigate if tail biting depends on environment or genetic background.A lot of research on the environments effects on the behaviour of pigs but not so much on the genetic effects has been performed. The frequency of tail biting in pig farms influence among others of environment enrichment, ventilation, gender and breed of the pig.