1780 Uppsatser om Safety and welfare. - Sida 48 av 119
Tillämpningen av 13 § LVM : erfarenheter och uppfattningar bland yrkesverksamma
The aim of this essay was to look into and compare the experiences and opinions about the practice of 13 § LVM among persons that, through their profession, use the law.The questions we have been asking were; what experiences and opinions the individuals have about the paragraph in general, what they think about the cases when no application for LVM is made after a client has been taken in charge as directed by 13 § LVM, and of the fact that the majority of cases of LVM are initiated by the same paragraph. Another question was how the individuals think about the legal security in connection to 13 § LVM.The methods used are qualitative and we have interviewed individuals from different fields of social work that comes in contact with drug abusers.The findings from these studies include that care made out of the clients' free will is the main reason why an application is not made. It is also the reason to why many LVM initiates as directed by 13 § LVM for the reason that the districts above all try to help the clients without force. The economical aspects are repeatedly mentioned as another reason to the problems appeared in connection with 13 § LVM..
Moral över lag : beslutsfattande dilemman
The purpose of this paper has been to reach a greater understanding in how moral inflicts social workers way of handling everyday situations. In what way, if in any way, moral comes to play a part in the making of decisions. In order to reach this understanding we have interviewed two different groups of social workers which we also later on came to compare . One of the groups contained six interviewees and the other group contained five interviewees. Both of these groups were in the ages between 27 ? 52.To shed some light over this phenomenon did we use two theoretical perspectives, first Kant?s morale theory and second, consequentialistic utilitarism theory.As a result from the interviews we?ve made, we came to an understanding that the meaning of morale and in what way it can be applied in the everyday work differs between these two professional groups.
"Vem kan segla förutan vind?" - en kvalitativ studie om gatubarns livssituation i Delhi
This paper is about street children in Delhi and how they get through the day. The content is based on interviews with staff in different Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) in Delhi. The facts from the interviews are complemented with different researches about street children in general and not only about street children in Delhi. Our main question is "How is it possible for a child to deal with the street life in Delhi?".
Hästens, Equus caballus, termiska komfort - hur kan djurskyddskontrollanter bedöma hästens välfärd?
This review paper summaries scientific research about horse thermoregulation and the consequences of using a blanket. Horse owners put blankets on their horses to protect them when they are clipped, to protect them from bugs, to keep them clean and so on. This can have consequences for the horse which their owners might be unaware of. I have tried to answer following questions by searching the available scientific literature;
? How can the horse maintain thermoregulation?
? Is there a risk of suffering when horses wear a blanket?
? Is there a risk of suffering when horses do not wear a blanket?
? How can animal inspectors estimate the welfare of horses when they wear or do not wear a blanket?
My result shows that horses who wear a blanket have an increased risk of becoming overheated, develop a chafing, have an increased exposure hazard and have a restrained natural behaviour.
Japan & Sverige: En komparation av pensionssystemen
The purpose of this essay was to compare the Swedish and the Japanese pension system and see if there were any big differences or similarities. I was looking for answers to such questions as if the systems were modelled with the problematic demographic situation in mind and also how these two countries had tried to manage the problems. Path dependency was also a central conception when I studied the reforms of the two pension systems. I mainly used literature and Internet sources in my study. There were many books on the Swedish pension system and the debates that had been going on since the 80's.
Dimensionering av curlinghall, En jämförande studie av BKR och Eurocode
The purpose of this report was to investigate what characterizes a good psychosocialwork environment, and whether it may have impact on a vessel's safe voyage. Thisreport is proposed to increase the understanding of what creates a good psychosocialwork environment and its potential effect on safety at sea. In order to find out thesuccess factors for a good work environment group interviews were conducted in socalledunstructured focus groups. During these conversations, the participants discussedfreely by the question "what is a good psychosocial work environment for you?? Thesuccess factors were thereafter applied on selected accident reports, to investigate theextent to which they were represented and taken into account.The results of the study show three categories of factors: colleagues, communicationand competence, where colleagues are the main contribution to a good psychosocialwork environment.
Vägen till och igenom grundsärskolan : En studie om föräldrars upplevelse av hur skolgången sett ut för deras barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning.
Students who do not achieve the different credentials that Elementary schools demand because of their mental disability, have the alternative to go to special school. Special school has a reduced course of studies, which correspond to the students' different conditions and qualifications. The students who go to special school have done assessments to establish their need of extra help and support in their education. This paper want to show how the schooling of the children can be experienced from a parental point of view. Parents with children with special needs constantly have to make different choices to promote their children's development. In this study the parents of disabled children have been interviewed about their children's participation and intergration in ordinary schools and later in special schools.
Socialsekreterares arbetsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie
Det övergripande syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att arbeta inom sektionen för myndighetsutövning inom barn- och ungdomsverksamheten för att få en inblick i hur de själva upplever och påverkas av eventuella hinder respektive möjligheter i arbetsmiljön. Studien bygger på kvalitativ metod och består av enskilda forskningsintervjuer. Samtliga socialsekreterare i studien beskriver sin arbetssituation som väldigt tuff med ett högt ärendeinflöde som är svårt att påverka. Många menar att det är svårt att hinna med arbetsuppgifterna inom de tidsramar som finns reglerade i socialtjänstlagen. Av resultaten i studien framgår det att socialsekreterarnas arbetsmiljö präglas av olika kulturer som inverkar på varandra, begränsar socialsekreterarnas handlingsutrymme och genererar stress.
Hur skulle hemlösa och bostadslösa människor vilja bo? : 10 intervjuer i storstadsmiljö
The purpose of the essay was to discover how homeless persons want to live. Does it matter what it looks like? The method used was a qualitative study including literature and 10 interviews with ten homeless persons, of which seven lived outdoors and three in temporarily residences. The central questions were the following:How do homeless people want to live?In what sort of houses do they want to live and where?How do they look upon their situation and their future?What obstacles can occur if they for example got an apartment to live in?Are there any proposals to solve the problems?Most of them had been living outdoors for five to ten years, perhaps more, and they were worried and sad about their future.
Riktlinjer för yttre hot - En inblick i riktlinjer angående yttre hot för Karlskrona kommun
Målet med detta arbete är att bättre förstå hur riktlinjer ska skapas och
användas. Utgångspunkten har varit att media uppmärksammat ett flertal
incidenter där främmande människor tog oönskad kontakt med olika förskolor i
Karlskronaområdet. Författarna ville då se över hur kommunen arbetade med
frågor om yttre hot vilket medförde att arbetet utmynnade i ett försök om att
bättre försöka få förståelse för riktlinjer och dess användning då kommunen vid
arbetets start saknade riktlinjer för yttre hot av denna typ. Metoden som
använts är av kvalitativ art i form av intervjuer med några säkerhetsansvariga
för förskolor i andra svenska kommuner. Resultatet av dessa intervjuer
tillsammans med kompletterande material från generella tillvägagångssätt för
identifikation och analys av säkerhetsproblem resulterade i ett förslag på
arbetsmetoden vid skapandet av riktlinjer samt en påminnelse om att se över
befintliga riktlinjer för yttre hot..
Vägen till beröring i det palliativa skedet
In the palliative care there are many close encounters between the care-taker and the care-giver. To be touched is foundational to every human being and the care-giver shows his presence to the care-taker, when he touch the care-taker. Touch is an important tool for the care-giver in the care for the care-taker. It becomes a natural way of communicating. The aim of this literature study was to describe which factors that are important, for the care-taker in the palliative care, to receive touch in the purpose of feeling well-being.
Hästhållningen i Ängelholms kommun - ur hästens välfärdsperspektiv
An interview study of horsemanship has been conducted in the community of Ängelholm. The study is part of a larger project, where a further four students who are writing their thesis? have conducted interviews in Lerum, Hässleholm, Nyköping and Enköping, a total of 52 horse holders in 5 different communities. The collective results are summarised in "Hur hålls hästarna i Sverige och vilka är motiven" by Catharina Svala. The purpose of this larger report has been to examine why Swedish horsemanship is the way it is today through communication with the various horse holders.
Optimering av tippram : tillhörande lastväxlarvagn Parator LX10-20
Norrborns Industri AB in Bollnäs manufactures truck trailers with the brand Parator. One of their trailers is Parator LX 10-20. The trailer is designed to transport hooklift containers with the option to tip loose goods such as gravel, asphalt and seed. The container is mounted on a frame which is placed on the chassis. To reduce weight a redesign of the trailer is needed.
Ungdomar och sexualitet : Attityder hos anställda på ungdomsmottagningar i Gävleborgs län
AbstractBruzelius, E. (2010). Adolescents and sexuality ? Attitudes among employees at Juvenile receptions in Gävleborgs län. Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv.The aim of the current study was to examine and describe what perceptions and values of em-ployees at Juvenile receptions in the county of Gävleborg have about adolescents? sexual and general health.
Stress och alkoholbruk : En studie om manliga och kvinnliga chefer på en socialförvaltning i Skåne
Occupational stress and the use of alcohol to reduce stress are both separately common in our society. A few researchers have combined the two factors.The aim of this essay was to obtain an increased understanding of how male and female managers estimate their alcohol habits in relation to their occupational stress.We have interviewed nine managers who work at a social services department in Scania. Our main theories were the theory of psychosocial work environment of Lazarus, Karaseks demand/control model, epidemiology- and cultural perspective.Our results were;· Psychosocial work environment contributes to if the interviewed people experienced stress at work.· The grade of control has great influence if the interviewed people experience stress.· There weren't any correlation between stress and increased consumption of alcohol..