

418 Uppsatser om Safe sex - Sida 4 av 28

Implementation of a quality management system in food production

The aim of this study was to investigate how the process of implementing a quality management system for food safety was handled in four different food producing companies in Sweden. The aim was also to analyze what difficulties the companies face and the possibilities that arise when certified. Furthermore, the reason for implementation was discussed as well as the main expectations on the certificate. Implementing a quality management system is a good way of ensuring the quality and hygiene of the food production and it also increases the traceability of food products through the whole food chain. A food safety standard provides a method of preventing problems and crisis and it can also help to handle requirements from authorities, the market and others.

En studie i röj

This paper presents a study of the computer game ?Minesweeper?. The aim of the game is to search through a rectangular area of mined squares without hitting any mines. By using a strategy based on making every operation as safe as possible, series of the game have been simulated. The size of the playground is four times four squares.

Upplyst trapphus

The purpose of this thesis was to increase the understanding and discuss safety aspects in two stairwells on Nyforsgatan in Eskilstuna, where the buildings were built during the years 1965-1975. I have presented a proposal for improvement through lighting. I have through different methods, such as surveys, interviews, literature studies and observations, come to a conclusion: that there are opportunities for improvement through better lighting that allows orientation in space and creates a nice atmosphere which will remove the feeling of not being safe, e.g. dark corners and shadows. It has been an exciting process to gather enough of facts to rely on and to develop the lighting design for the environments.

Utemiljöns betydelse för barns utveckling

The outdoor environment is the first thing you notices when you come to a pre-school and it also plays an important part in the development of children, their play and meeting their large motor needs. It is important that the outdoor playground is stimulating and inviting.My goal is to examine if the outdoor environment plays any role in the development of children and their interest in nature. What kind of thoughts do teachers and parents have about outdoor play, and is there a developmental goal for the children as well as what role do the teachers play in reaching these goals. In my work I want to show how an outdoor environment should be formed to help educationally as well as be safe and not least of all fun to be in..


This thesis has been done at the Unversity of Örebro for Örebro University Hospital (USÖ). In our work we have developed a product for hearing tests to determine hearing thresholds of small children. Our product contains software and a control surface for controlling two separate screens. One of the demands was that our software could handle big file libraries. Reliability and simplicity were essential for the user.In our work we have utilized programming of both microcontrollers and Windows software.

Spridning av bekämpningsmedel i banvall : Modellutveckling och känslighetsanalys

The stability of railway embankment is essential for safe transport. In order to ensure safe transport, water should be allowed to freely drain. Furthermore, as the engine driver has to be able to see signs, and people working on the embankment are supposed to easily see flaws on the rails to ensure safety for the passing trains, plants should not be allowed to grow on the embankment. In Sweden there are 12 000 kilometers of railway tracks and 25?30 % of them are treated for weed control every year.

Tystnad och Tillhörighet : berättelser om homosexualitet från 1980-talets Polen

There was a silence surrounding homosexuality in the People's Republic of Poland. One can almost get the impression that same sex love, and same sex relationships, did not even exist there; that the communists had successfully removed homosexuality from society. The roots of this silence can be found in the Communist Party´s disdain for anything deemed individualist and deviant, and also in the conservatism and religiosity of the Polish society.In my thesis I study when and how gays and lesbians found a way out of the silence that surrounded their sexuality. Gay men did so by creating subcultures, which found refuge in parks, public bathrooms and a few bars in larger Polish cities, and offered a sense of belonging for them. Lesbians, on the other hand, lacked this access to semi-public spheres, which made it even harder for them to find each other and create a space for their sexuality.

Attributens påverkan vid val av smartphone : en konsumentbeteendeundersökning av svenska forumanvändare utifrån means-end chain

Building with volume element is relatively new and has started to increase more and more. The regulations that exist to regulate and determine how the transports of volume elements are to be conducted are diffuse and not very well adjusted to address the issues with transporting volume elements. Today there are a number of instances that a company has to turn to in order to get a somewhat different view, what regulations say and interpret it in order to know what applies and not applies regarding the transportation of volume elements. regulations. The rules that are in place make it tough for the volume element producing companies to develop and continue to be active on the market.

Design av motorstyrd lyfthjälp till toalettstol

The objective with this project was to design a new lifting aid connected to toilet chair.A questionnaire distributed at three homes for aged people indicated that there was an interest in a mechatronic lifting device.Since existing products have limited tilting functionality, the new design was chosen to introduce lifting by motorised tilting of the sitting platform. The mechanical construction was analyzed based on a maximum load caused by a person with weight 160 kg. Two linear actuators were used to control the tilting/lifting of the sit ?place, making standing-up easer.Finally, 28 persons tested the new lifting device and gave their impressions. Many appreciated the safe, stable lifting speed.

Partnerskapet: trygghet eller en illusion? : En intervjustudie med lesbiska kvinnor som ingått partnerskap

I have critically examined heteronormativity as it permeates our society and questioned ?identities? as designed and constructed, leading to certain identities being seen as normal, while others are regarded as abnormal.I have had a discussion with my informants about love, monogamy, amicable and relationships. Every couple has basically isolated themselves after they became a couple and they feel secure with one another. The partnership is very important for my informants, partly because they see the partnership as a legal and economical security. However, these aspects are not crucial to the decision that they chose to marry, for the main reason is love and the desire to take the relationship one step further.

Kvinnors upplevelse av förlossningsvården i Göteborg -en tvärsnittsstudie

Enligt WHO (2012) ska förlossningsvård innebära att kvinnan ska kunna föda sitt barn på ett säkert och tryggt sätt. Hon ska kunna känna att hon får en säker vård och bli omhändertagen. För att den födande kvinnan ska få en positiv förlossningsupplevelse har kontinuerligt stöd visat sig vara av ytterska vikt. Syftet med denna tvärsnittsstudie var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av förlossningsvården i Göteborg och se om det fanns några skillnader i förlossningsvården på Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset/Östra och Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset Mölndal. Mätinstrumentet KUPP (Kvalitet Ur Patientens Perspektiv) som modifierats för att passa förlossningssjukvården användes.

Barn av vår tid : Ett inredningskoncept för ett ungdomscenter

In the project Barn av vår tid (Children of our time), I have worked with Fryshuset in Malmo and created an interior concept which is designed to express Fryshusets identity, support and encourage its activities and to create a functional environment for young people as well as staff. The purpose of this concept is to help teenagers to feel involved, important and safe. Floor plan, materials and furniture is carefully adapted to support the activities of Fryshuset and to give young people a feeling of coming home. They are also of course chosen with care for the environment. I have studied interior branding, how the rooms can give a sense of security and homely atmosphere and how young people can actively participate in the design of the premises..

Digitala julhälsningar : De virala kommunikatörerna, offentligheten och demokratin

Title: Digital christmas greetings - the viral communicators, public sphere and democracy(Digitala julhälsningar - de virala kommuniktörerna, offentligheten och demokratin)Number of pages: 41Author : Anna-Sara TorgnysdotterTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse : Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring, semester 2010University: Devision of Media and Communications, Department of Information Science,Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose of this study is to see if social media could be an arena for the usersto increase democracy and the public sphere. Studying the role and possibilitys of the individual.Is there a space for any one to act and debate?Method: A qualitative analysis based on interviews with ten users of social media - viralcommunicators. They were discussing public and private sphere, democracy, norms andbehavior in social media.Theoretical platform: The theoretical basis has its roots in sociology: Ervin Goffman´sidea on self-presentation and social interaction, Manuel Castels´ theories of the networksociety and Jürgen Habermas idea of the public spehere.Main result: The viral communicators are ambivalent in their use of socialmedia. They are users because they want to be but also because they feel forced to - professionalor private.

räv&hare : Kollektion av ekologiska barnkläder från ett hållbart perspektiv, och med barnets behov i fokus. Strl. 50 - 92 (0 - 2 år).

In the project Barn av vår tid (Children of our time), I have worked with Fryshuset in Malmo and created an interior concept which is designed to express Fryshusets identity, support and encourage its activities and to create a functional environment for young people as well as staff. The purpose of this concept is to help teenagers to feel involved, important and safe. Floor plan, materials and furniture is carefully adapted to support the activities of Fryshuset and to give young people a feeling of coming home. They are also of course chosen with care for the environment. I have studied interior branding, how the rooms can give a sense of security and homely atmosphere and how young people can actively participate in the design of the premises..

Transport av volymelement : Förutsättningar ur ett företags perspektiv

Building with volume element is relatively new and has started to increase more and more. The regulations that exist to regulate and determine how the transports of volume elements are to be conducted are diffuse and not very well adjusted to address the issues with transporting volume elements. Today there are a number of instances that a company has to turn to in order to get a somewhat different view, what regulations say and interpret it in order to know what applies and not applies regarding the transportation of volume elements. regulations. The rules that are in place make it tough for the volume element producing companies to develop and continue to be active on the market.

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