

419 Uppsatser om Safe sex - Sida 19 av 28

Motvindens moderskap : en studie om moderskap och intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

The study seeks to from professionals perspectives describe and analyze the beliefs they have about women with intellectual disabilities and their pregnancy and motherhood. We will also discuss and reflect on the possible support that professionals find important for women to handle pregnancy and motherhood. The information has been gathered through interviews with five different professions that have come in contact with the audience in their work. In our material we found three distinctive perspectives: a child´s perspective, a parent´s perspective and a community perspective. From these perspectives, we could find many similarities in the informants´ perceptions, which resulted in different themes.

En ödmjukt auktoritär rådgivning : Ethos och etik hos föräldrarådgivaren Petra Krantz Lindgren

Wermland was affected by the Spanish flu like the Swedish national average, about a half percentage of Wermlands population would lose their lives to the flu during the autumn 1918. The flu has for many fallen into oblivion. This oblivion is so wide spread that it´s possible to talk about a "collective forgetfulness". The society have selected to remember 1918 for "when the guns went quiet on the western front" and not for the millions who died from the treacherous Spanish flu. The world had already suffered enough from the four years of war that had been fought, thus the victims of the flu would be honored but would soon fade in to oblivion.  When you investigate deeper you get the picture that the national average don´t do Wermland and its cities or rural areas any justice when a large variations seems to occur within regional areas.

Kommunikation mellan hem och förskola : En studie om samarbete mellan pedagoger och föräldrar i två förskolor belägna i ett mångkulturellt område

The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers and parents are communicating with each other in a foreign area. In case of obstacles in the communication, this study will examine how the preschools create opportunities to solve the problem. This study will also look closely at this relationship from an intercultural communication.This study is based on interviews. My informants are four teachers and four parents, one of the parents is Swedish and the other three have different ethnic and culture backgrounds.This study has reached to several results. The interviews with the teachers have shown that they are unsatisfied with their relationship with the parents because there are two factors that result to their communication difficulties.

Vatten som väcker sinnena : - förslag för införande av vatten i Alnarps rehabiliteringsträdgård utifrån några miljöpsykologiska teorier

Alnarp?s Healing Garden is a place for rehabilitation as well as an ongoing multidisciplinary scientific research experiment. The garden is built on research results from the disciplines of Landscape architecture, Environmental Psychology and Garden Therapy. In the garden, people diagnosed with burnout syndromes are being rehabilitated. The participants need safe and calm environments which activate their bodies self healing systems. Theories show that water as an element, per se, increases the observer?s preference for an environment.

Distriktssköterskans upplevelser av att nattetid möta närstående till cancersjuka patienter som vårdas i hemmet.

AbstractThe aim of the study was to describe district nurses experiences meeting intimate of cancer patients in home care. The study had a qualitative approach with a descriptive design. The sample consisted of ten district nurses employed in primary health care, working in emergency duty in a district in the Middle of Sweden. The results are presented from the two categories; to communicate and being competent, which was formulated to one theme. The theme ?Being safe in one´s professional role, being aware of possibilities and difficulties when encountering intimates in home care?.

Arbetssätt kring värdeflödesanalys för tillverkning av marina båtmotorer på Volvo Penta

Volvo Penta has been producing boat engines since 1907 and are world leading in this seg­ment. They have today an extended range and also sell industrial power stations. Quality, safe­ty and environmental care are three core values for Volvo and together they strive to give their customers the right product with the right quality.Volvo has developed a production system named Volvo Production System, VPS, and one of the pillars is continuous improvements. Within this pillar you can find value stream map­ping, which is used to analyze the value stream through the process. This tool gives a wide perspective and helps to keep focus on the entire process instead of just parts of it.Volvo Penta in Vara has earlier done value stream mapping but without good results since they didn?t take set-up times and imbalances in account.

Hållbar vattenplanering : en diskussion med utgångspunkt ur fyra bristområden

Billions of children, women and men lack access to safe water supplies, whichputs the affected in both social as well as economic despair. This paper willpresent some of the conclusions leading Non Governmental Organisations suchas the UN has presented recently concerning the terms of sustainability. Much ofit is true and important, but nothing can be done without extended cooperationbetween nations worldwide to find arguments that prevent short-term thinkingand economic wealth on the behalf of future sustainability.With a growing population and an increased competition for fresh water, theworld will soon face a severe shortage of good quality water for irrigation. This isbecause the distributions rarely match the demand, neither in Australia nor inAfrica. Important to notice is the major factor that the degradation of theenvironment is not one country?s problem to solve.

En studie i "situationsanpassat följarskap" : att välja att följa en ledare baserat på frivilligt engagemang

Title:A study of ?Situational followership?.Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Lykke SilfwerbrandSupervisor:Jonas KågströmDate:2011 ? JanuaryAim:This study looks at the new concept: ?situational followership?. It discusses howfollowership and leadership are connected and takes the approach of the follower. The studymainly looks into the following questions:·How can situational followership can be described?·What is the most important parameter for a follower?·Does the choice of leader differ according to the situation?·How is situational leadership and situational followership connected?Method:This is a qualitative study with ten respondents.

Livsmedelstillsatser i Fazer Food Services inköpsprodukter : kartläggning och analys

This thesis was performed as assignment from Fazer Food Services. The aim was to survey which food additives that were present in the products in the quotation list of one of their suppliers to the Education and Nursing segment. The aim also was to perform a theoretical analysis of these food additives and to make recommendations which food additives are acceptable and which should be excluded from the products in the future. The recommendations are not published in this report, for more information Fazer Food Services can be contacted. Food additives which have already been approved are regarded as safe according to the safety evaluation methods available at the time of approval.

Utvärdering av utbildningen Kommunbaserat säkerhetsarbete : Evaluation of the course in municipal risk management, Safe Community

Nyckelord:Riskhantering, samhällssäkerhetLag om skydd mot olyckorSäker och trygg kommunUtvärderingIntervjumetodHälsofrämjande vs skadepreventionStyrkor hos utbildningen Kommunbaserat säkerhetsarbeteVi kan ändå vara säkra på vår sak när vi drar slutsatsen att i det stora hela har det uppfattats som en bra utbildning med stora kvalitéer. Med en blick framåt tror vi att den här typen av utbildning kommer att ges fortsättningsvis och att den kommer att utvecklas i takt med nya erfarenheter och ändringar i lagstiftning och samhällsstruktur. Om man ska lyfta fram den främsta styrkan i utbildningen, är det möjligheten att kunna påverka innehållet när det gäller valet av studieobjekt i projektarbetet. Även enkelheten och den basala nivån i metoderna har framträtt som ett ?vinnande koncept? av den anledningen att det har gått att direkt implementera och anpassa metodiken ute i verksamheterna.Förväntningarna på utbildningens användbarhet motsvarades för att man fick metoder och systematiska verktyg att börja jobba med.

Djurens olika roller i behandlingsarbete med unga brukare vid HVB-hem : En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study is to understand which roles institutional personnel in HVB-homes (homes for care or living), that include animals ascribe the animals for the young clients in treatment. Using the termsrole, role-taking, primary socialisation and secondary socialisation within the perspective of symbolic interactionism, we intend to analyse the expericences from the institutional personnel of what roles the animals are ascribed in treatment of young clients. We also wanted to find out if the institutional personnel have certain expectations on the animals as tools in the treatment and whether the institutional personnel believes that the animals have important roles in the treatment of the young clients.To find the answers of our aim and approach to our problems, we have used a qualitative study where we have interviewed six institutional personnel distributed in three different HVB-homes that uses animals in treatment of young clients. Our empirical material shows that the institutional personnel ascribe the animals a variety of roles, which among others are: friendly and familiar, meaningful, safe, comforting and soothing. Other roles that the institutional personnel ascribe the animals for the young clients are: teaching in order to develop empathy and responsibility; helping in therapy situation and having an activating role.

Unga sexuella förövare : En studie om den professionella rollen i behandling

The purpose of this study is to examine what professionals tell about stress, rewards, impact and treatment in the professional treatment with young sexual offenders. Eleven qualitative interviews of half-structured design brought up results about the professional role in the treatment process. During the interviews the professionals described which methods of treatment they work with. We examined the methods through literature research, which was added to the study whit the purpose of strengthening the interview data. The professionals consider their work important and meaningful and they feel safe in their working role.

Anpassning av data för gemensam karta över kommuner i Dalarnas län

Detta arbete har utförts under 10 veckor och har resulterat i en gemensam digital karta över Falun, Borlänge och Säters kommun. För att lyckas komma fram till resultatet har jag utfört en rad analyser av ingående data, och likriktat data så att framställandet av en gemensam karta blivit möjligt. Arbetet har varit indelat i två delar, insamling och likriktning av data samt kartografisk anpassning av data. Den första delen av examensarbetet har tagit upp den största delen av tiden, medan betydligt mindre tid lagts på den kartografiska anpassningen. Data som använts har samlats in från kommunernas primärkartor, Lantmäteriets fastighetskarta samt Vägverkets Nationella vägdatabas (NVDB).

Att öka livskvalitet genom mobile assistive technologies. En studie om hur rehabilitering- och habiliteringsverksamheter bör förhålla sig till mobile assistive technologies i syfte att öka livskvalitet för personer med nedsatt synförmåga

As the use of smartphones and other mobile technology in our society is constantly increasing,so too does the possibilities of visually impaired persons increase as they are becoming moreable to enhance their quality of life with the help of mobile assistive technology. The purposeof this study was to explore how rehabilitation and habilitation organizations, which areworking with the visually impaired, should approach new technology. We have researched thisby examining the possibilities, opportunities and barriers of using mobile assistive technology.Based on this, we formulated the following research question: What factors are important forrehabilitation and habilitation organizations to consider in order to support, promote andcreate quality of life through the use of mobile assistive technology in their work with thevisually impaired? To answer the above question an exploratory study was made at an eyeclinic in the Västra Götaland region. The study was done through a series of qualitativeinterviews with both staff and patients at the eye clinic.

Internet som samtalsrum : En studie som undersöker videosamtal över Internet som samtalsarena för stödsamtal

Internet's entry into our home has changed our communication capabilities. As a result more and more services in the digital world are available. Besides e.g. shopping, gaming and general information, different social networks now offer preventive and therapeutic health-oriented services. When being asked by several young people, with whom I have been working in a clinical setting, to offer conversations over the Internet that enables both to see and to hear each other in real time, I decided to conduct a pilot study which is presented in this paper. The aim was to investigate the feasibility of offering supportive therapy using video calls over the Internet.

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