

419 Uppsatser om Safe sex - Sida 1 av 28

Att känna trygghet i förskoleklassen : Hur några pedagoger arbetar med att skapa trygghet för barnen i förskoleklassen

My purpose with this study was to research how a few teachers work with the children in preschool class to achieve a group that the children feel safe and comfortable with. Every human being has got the need to feel safe and with this study I want to illustrate the importance about working to achieve safety for children in preschool class, and environment that is new to them. In order to try to get answers to my research questions I have interviewed five preschool class teachers. The results showed that the teachers work in a way that makes the children feel safe by helping them establish the daily routines and common rules for the preschool class. They also let the children in the preschool class get to know each other and other children in the school by play and shared activities.

Livräddning i kommunikation - en retorisk analys av Safe at Seas externa kommunikation

Titel: Livräddning i kommunikationFörfattare: Maja Davidsson Kurs: Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation, Göteborg universitet Uppdragsgivare: Safe at SeaHandledare: Marie GrusellSidantal: 35 sidor exklusive bilagor Antal ord: 12 533 ordSyfte: Syftet är att analysera Safe at Seas externa kommunikation.Metod: Kvantitativ innehållsanalys och retorisk analysMaterial: Safe at Seas hemsida, Rescuerunnerns hemsida, informationsbroschyrer och pressmeddelanden.Huvudresultat: Resultatet visar att Safe at Sea har en tydlig informativ stil i innehållet i sina kommunikationskanaler. Ur en retorisk synvinkel använder företaget främst det retoriska perspektivet logos vilket innebär att författaren använder sakliga argument och konkret fakta i sina texter om produkten Rescuerunner för att nå läsaren. Innehållet i kommunikationskanalerna förmedlar en stark bild av vad Rescuerunnern är och vilka användningsområden den kan användas inom medan företaget som står bakom produkten Rescuerunner hamnar lite i skym undan då Rescuerunnern har ett starkt och mer etablerat varumärke än företaget Safe at Sea som producerar varan. Ordet trovärdighet är också återkommande för Safe at Seas då de arbetar mycket med expertutlåtande för att skapa en tilltro hos mottagaren. Detta enligt retorikens ethos som representerar just trovärdighet som författaren tillskriver sig själv.

Utvärdering av den information och utbildning patienter som nyligen genomgått en stomioperation får från stomiterapeut

The study aimed to evaluate the information and training the stoma therapist at Uppsala University Hospital has given to patients who have recently undergone stoma surgery. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study using qualitative and quantitative design. A total of 22 patients who completely or partially took care of their stomas and recently had undergone stoma surgery participated by answering a questionnaire. At discharge most of them experienced they were relatively well-informed but they wanted more information. Before the revisit they weren?t especially safe or comfortable.

Färdvägsmiljöer vid cykling för transport : En studie av en modell om uppfattningar av färdvägsmiljön hos cyklister

SummaryAimThe study examines a theoretical model developed to capture cyclist´s perceptions of the route environment. The survey focuses on if level two and three in the theoretical model captures what it´s intended to do. More specific we ask ourselves how the three appraisals (unsafe/safe by traffic reasons, stimulating/inhibiting route environment, unsafe/safe by other reasons) in the model´s second level relates among themselves and if these three appraisals can capture the degree of environmental well-being/unwell-being in the model´s third level. The questions were: Do the three appraisals differ among themselves? What is the difference/-s in such cases? And, is there a correlation between any of the three appraisals and environmental unwell-being/well-being? What is the correlation in such case? MethodThe gathering of data was done through questionnaires.

Tusen bilder, tusen ord. Ett socialt kreativitetsprojekt med unga hbtq-personer.

The aim of the essay is to explore how so called ?safe spaces? are built, and the part that creativity can play in this construction. The essay also explores the duality of idea-based social work that at the same time strives to support vulnerable groups and strives to make social and political changes. The essay has its empirical base in the RFSL Ungdom project ?Tusen bilder, tusen ord? (A thousand pictures, a thousand words).

?För avsaknad av fara är ju inte nödvändigtvis tryggt.?

This thesis aim to shed a light on how to communicate the individual and subjective feeling of safety in the arena of public events such as music- and cultural festivals with the safety-project on Peace & Love festival in Borlänge, Sweden as a practical example. Earlier research has mainly been focusing on the objective side of safety on these kind of events. Peace & Love decided to put a larger focus on the safety for the festival in 2012, and Trygghetsprojektet was started. By looking at how the project is formed this study wants to show how organisations can communicate a feeling of being safe to the audience to enable them to fully enjoy an event.The main questions asked in this study is: How can a feeling of being safe be communicated to a large number of people by focused acts of communication at a festival? How does the head of safety and the safety coordinator work with communicating a feeling of being safe to the audience? How does these communication acts relate to earlier research on mass communication? The results shows that communication within the organisation and with its partners is of great importance for the outcomes of the project and that communication of the feeling of being safe is much greater then the hands-on communication of words.

Trygghetens dilemma : trygghetsskapande arbete i det offentliga rummet

This graduate thesis is engaged with perceived safety and "safe making" design in public places. Despite the fact that we have never been as safe, questions of safety get more attention than ever in today?s society. Public demands for safer and more secure environments and low levels of experienced feelings of safety indicate problems in society that can shrink people's usage of public places as well as their quality of life. Through methodical exaggeration of danger and legislation of laws, the state creates a situation that in different respect work to overprotect the citizens, who are not unlikely to experience feelings of being unsafe at the same time that the actual safety is to big. An expansion of protection against fear can unlike what was first intended decrease the experience of safety.

Hanteringsmetoder av reptiler på djursjukhus med hänsyn till stress och skaderisker

It is popular to keep reptiles as pets in Swedish households. The number of households reporting reptile ownership is more than 15 000 (SCB, 2006). This means that a veterinary practice should consider how to take care of reptiles as patients. The aim of this study was to examine literature and studies concerning safe handling and restraint of reptiles as well as the effects of acute and long term stress response and to suggest a simplified plan for handling reptiles in a veterinary practice. The result of literary studies is that common recommendations for safe handling and restraint of reptiles is based on old techniques and experiences from safe handling of wild animals. The main concern is safety for the veterinary nurse and for the reptile. Stress studies indicate that acute stress response is not harmful for the animal i long term. On the other hand studies of the effect of prolonged stress are not conclusive.

Barnavdelningen på Minabibliotek.se : - en utvärdering utifrån barns perspektiv -

This thesis is a case study that examines what political decisions have been taken and how these policies have been implemented. Further this thesis discusses how legitimacy of local policy makers and implementors is affected. The subject studied have been the social service of Jönköping municipality and the intervention of safe-housing aimed at women who have been, or are subject to violence by person close to them. In our study we have examined local policy within the territory of the intervention and how this policy is implemented. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used in combination with quantitative methods to examine protocols from the social welfare board and an action program named "Skydd och stöd för misshandlade kvinnor och deras barn? [Protection and support for abused women and their children].The purpose of this study has been to highlight how the social services implemented the local policy of safe-house accommodation in Jönköping municipality from the legitimacy and discretion perspectives.

Perioperativ överrapportering-En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: A patient undergoing surgery will meet many caregivers in different settings pre-, intra- and postoperative in the surgical pathway. Lack of communication is a common digression and the handoff is such an occasion. The purpose is to describe current knowledge about the patients´ right to safe care perioperative. The study is a systematic review (pilot). Result: The handoff was informal, unstructured and inconsistent.

Mycket behöver förändras! Barnmorskors uppfattning om postpartumvård när barnet behöver neonatalvård

Aim: To examine how midwives describe good and safe postpartum care of mothers with infants in neonatal care, and which prerequisites and obstacles they see to giving good and safe care while minimizing time of separation. Method: Semi structured qualitative interviews with ten midwives at two maternity wards in Uppsala. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and processed by manifest analysis. Results: Three categories were identified, Good and safe care, Organization as an obstacle and The midwife role. Good and safe postpartum care of mothers with infants in neonatal care required knowledge, appropriate equipment, good guidelines, possibility to see the mother, contact between mother and infant and good collaboration between the maternity and neonatal wards.

Svenska kronan, en potentiell safe haven? : En undersökning om den svenska kronans karaktär efter den finansiella krisen

Tack vare Sveriges bibehållet starka inhemska ekonomi i kölvattnet av finanskrisen 2008-2010 har en diskussion angående svenska kronans eventuella övergång från en procyklisk tillgång till en säker tillgång förts. Samtidigt har det inom populärvetenskap och bland yrkesmän även uttryckts åsikter mot detta påstående. Tidigare studier har gjorts på den amerikanska dollarns roll som safe haven, både genom analys av dess trend före jämfört med efter signifikanta globala händelser men även genom att undersöka dess betingade kovarians gentemot andra valutor. Liknande studier har dock inte genomförts lika grundligt för den svenska kronan efter finanskrisen. Denna uppsats syftar därmed att utröna om någon signifikant förändring i svenska kronans karaktär kan ses före och efter centrala händelser under finanskrisen.

Förändring av rädslans rum : med trygghetsskapande

This project has resulted in an website at www.tinadunker.se, where you also can download the project in it´s written form to get a deeper view of the project. This project aims to explore fear of violence in public places. Fear of violence reminds us that there is a problem in our urban environment that leads to spatial consequences in using public space. Many groups in our society experience fear in their everyday life but this project has focus on women?s fear.

?MÅLET FÖR ALLT ÄR NORMALITETEN? : En studie om politiska beslut, implementering och legitimitet kring insatsen skyddat boende i jourlägenhet i Jönköpings kommun

This thesis is a case study that examines what political decisions have been taken and how these policies have been implemented. Further this thesis discusses how legitimacy of local policy makers and implementors is affected. The subject studied have been the social service of Jönköping municipality and the intervention of safe-housing aimed at women who have been, or are subject to violence by person close to them. In our study we have examined local policy within the territory of the intervention and how this policy is implemented. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used in combination with quantitative methods to examine protocols from the social welfare board and an action program named "Skydd och stöd för misshandlade kvinnor och deras barn? [Protection and support for abused women and their children].The purpose of this study has been to highlight how the social services implemented the local policy of safe-house accommodation in Jönköping municipality from the legitimacy and discretion perspectives.

Safe retrieval of nutrients to improve food security

Safe retrieval of nutrients from human excreta to fertilize crops in order to gain adequate yields will increase food security and sustainability in agriculture areas with nutrient-poor fields. Safe and nutritious food will meet the dietary needs of the individual which promotes public health and the ability of an active life. Human excreta should be considered as a resource instead of being assumed as waste. Human faeces and urine is excellent fertilizers which may close the nutrient loop if utilized properly. However, sanitation of the excreta is required to prevent disease transmission by reducing the content of gastrointestinal pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. The objective of this study was to in small scale evaluate the sanitation in a combined liquid compost and urea treatment by monitor the inactivation of bacteria and viruses at the combination three start temperatures, 45, 40 and 35 °C, and three additions of urea, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 % and reference, 0 % urea addition.

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