

4780 Uppsatser om Safe care and nursing - Sida 63 av 319

Motion mot depression. En litteraturstudie om fysisk aktivitet somhälsofrämjande intervention för personer med depression

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of physical activity for people suffering from depression and which nursing interventions nurses can do to make this patients start to exercise. The method used, is a review of articles from Ci-nahl, Cochrane, Elin, PsycInfo, Pubmed and Science Direct, which were analyzed according to Polit och Hunglers criteria for scientific research. The result from the nine studies shows that physical activity has an antidepressive and anxiety reduc-ing effect. Interventions emerged is supporting, encouraging, activating and teach-ing about physical activity as health-promoting measure. Conclusion: Nurses can as an intervention introduce exercise as complementary treatment for people suffering from depression.

Kommunikation som berör - En observationsstudie om sjuksköterskans kommunikation med närstående inne på patientrummet på IVA

Patients in intensive care are often intubated, and therefore unable to speak, which leads to difficulties in communication. The ICU is a very stressful environment and can be experienced as foreign and frightening by both patients and their close ones. The ICU nurse?s caring responsibilities includes both the care of the critically ill patient and the support of relatives who are often in shock. This balance is not always straightforward, and acting professionally in both instances can lead to problems.

Upplevelse av möten mellan flyktingar och den svenska vården : En litteraturstudie ur både sjuksköterskans och flyktingens perspektiv

Bakgrund: Allt fler personer kommer till Sverige från länder där kulturen skiljer sig från den svenska. Många av dessa personer har genomgått svåra trauman och det är en utmaning för den svenska vården att möta och hjälpa dessa personer. Flyktingar och sjuksköterskor har oftast olika förväntningar på möten i vården. Syftet med studien var att belysa upplevelser av möten mellan flyktingar och sjuksköterskor i den svenska vården. Metod: Innehållsanalys baserad på åtta artiklar med kvalitativ ansats.

Kalkyler i vården: en översikt och ett praktikfall

This thesis investigates management accounting systems in a Swedish health care environment. Through a qualitative case study of an activity-based cost accounting system that was introduced in 1994 at S:t Görans Sjukhus, a large Stockholm hospital, the following questions are addressed: What benefits can an activity-based cost accounting system offer the Swedish health care providers? What are the potential problems impeding the implementation of such a system? Main findings: an activity-based cost accounting system can improve the understanding of where costs are generated in the production processes. Comparisons between alternative production processes are improved, and the data may serve as a basis for internal pricing measures. Concerning the second question, difficulty in reconciliating the principles of economic control with the culture present in a hospital is identified as the main obstacle to a new management accounting system..

Sjuksköterskans bemötande av patienter med muslimsk bakgrund - en litteraturstudie

Till svenska sjukhus, vårdcentraler och äldreboende kommer patienter med en annan kulturell bakgrund. På grund av detta krävs att en sjuksköterska har en bra förståelse, en bred och djup insikt i olika kulturer och levnadssätt för att ge patienten ett gott bemötande. Syftet med studien var att beskriva kunskap om de olika faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskans bemötande av patienter med muslimsk bakgrund. En litteraturstudie har genomförts, som baseras på vetenskapliga artiklar och fokuserar på bemötande av patienter med muslimsk bakgrund. Materialet har bearbetats genom innehållsanalys.

En kartläggning och utvärdering av vårdkvalitet inom den rättspsykiatriska öpenvården i Malmö: utifrån ett patientperspektiv

The aim of this study was to map out the quality of the treatment in the forensic outpatient care unity in Malmoe from a patient point of view. This target group, seriously mentally disordered law-offenders, has been neglected in the scientific research. This investigation will hopefully contribute to a positive change in this subject. To achieve a good understanding of this field a methodological triangulation was conducted which included an observational study, a pilotstudy and semistructured interviews. 14 patients and 10 staff members were interviewed.

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av mrsa bärande patienter

Mulitresistent staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistent against penicillin, this makes it difficulte to treat. MRSA causes woundinfections and other seriouse conditions. If MRSA establishes in an hospital environment it often spreads fast. Common ways of spreading MRSA is through direct or indirect contact. The nurse should work according to guidelines, apply hygienic routines and prevent the spread of infections.

Min kompetens är viktig! : En kvalitativ studie om specialistsjuksköterskans kompetens inom onkologisk vård

Background:An increasing number of patients with an oncology diagnose will be seen in the future. The oncology care is complex and in great need of nurses with a high level of competence. There is a lack of previous research in the specialist oncology nurses competence and therefore knowledge of their skills can reveal an understanding of their competence.Aim:The aim of the study was to describe the competence of the specialist oncology nurse.Method:Four oncology nurses and two directors of oncology care were interviewed. The interview text was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Results:The result showed that the oncology nurses had developed six different competences within different areas. These competence areas were assertiveness, patient-centered care, ethical and moral-, pedagogical-, to lead and develop- and theoretical competence.

Screening av dysfagi på äldreboenden i Linköpings kommun

Changes in swallowing function are common in elderly and chronically ill individuals. Therefore it is important to be aware of these changes and their prevalence. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of dysphagia in nursing homes in the municipality of Linköping, and to correlate dysphagia with variables that can be a cause or a consequence of dysphagia. These variables were gender, age, MMT-result, dentition, weight loss, medical diagnose or number of medications. The intention was also to examine the additional information regarding dysphagia supplied by pulse oximetry.Sixty nursing home residents aged 74-101 years were chosen to participate in the study.

Barnsjuksköterskans upplevda erfarenheter av att samtala med föräldrar till överviktiga barn.

 Like adult obesity, childhood obesity prevalence is rising, especially in the Western World.As many as 20 ? 25 percent of the ten years old children are overweight in Sweden. It isimportant to early identify overweight, since overweight could lead into diabetes, mentalsuffering, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.The aim of this study was to describe how nurses experience and perceive the conversationwith parents of overweight children. A qualitative method with a content analysis has beenused. Six nurses working in child health centre have been interviewed.The result shows that the conversation between the nurse and the parents of an overweightchild can be very difficult.

Sjuksköterskans dokumentation - Intervjuer av sjuksköterskor om deras uppfattningar av omvårdnadsdokumentation

Bakgrund: Dokumentationssystemet för sjuksköterskor har förändrats sedan sjuk-sköterskor blev skyldiga att dokumentera i patientjournalen. Detta har lett till att omvårdnaden har synliggjorts och därmed kan granskas. System för att kvalitetssäkra patientarbetet har med tiden arbetats fram, bl a VIPS-modellen och Melior. Sjuksköterskans dokumentationssystem är dock fortfarande i behov av utveckling. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka sjuksköterskors skilda uppfattningar om omvårdnadsdokumentation. Metod: På ett sjukhus i södra Sverige genomfördes en fenomenografisk studie genom intervjuer av 11 sjuksköterskor. Resultat: Av 244 uppfattningar från intervjuerna skapades fem huvudkategorier och 12 subkategorier.

Om detta är en psykiskt funktionshindrad. : - Diskurs, makt och subjekt i psykiatrireformen 1995

This study aims to investigate the political reformation of the psychiatric care in Sweden, that took place 1995. The main purpose is to illuminate the transformation of subjectivity for mentally ill people after the reform 1995. The group of people which are present in the study are those who former were subjects of care in psychiatric hospitals, but with regarding to the reform have moved out from the institutions and instead become clients for community care. This new group of mentally ill people became, in connection with the reform, subjects for a new concept psykiskt funktionshinder. This new label and concept, that were attached to the present group, is the main concept for the investigation in the present study. The method, that was used in the study, develops a textual based analysis of the official documents, that were produced in connection with the political decision to reform the care of mentally ill people. With a theoretical conceptuality taken from Michel Foucault, with concepts such as discourse, power, and subjectivity, are the documents analysed in order to illuminate how the new subjectivity, under the concept of psykiskt funktionshinder arise.

Ett vårdinformationssystem i vårdens frontlinje : En fallstudie om Cambio Cosmic på en vårdcentral i Landstinget Kronoberg

In healthcare there is a rapid development towards introducing and implementing a wide range of information technology (IT) to aim for higher quality and more effective care. A common health information system (Cambio Cosmic) has been implemented in Landstinget Kronoberg. Clinical microsystems are the frontline units where staff and pa-tient meet. When the conditions in the microsystems are changed, it is interesting to de-scribe and analyse the consequences.The purpose of this study is to describe how health care staff uses a health information sys-tem and how they experience its functionality in their patient work. Initially, a literature re-view about the use of health information system was undertaken, followed by a qualitative case study based on interviews about how healthcare staff describes their reality.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder för att lindra smärta hos äldre i hemsjukvården : Litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Vår medellivslängd ökar, vi blir allt äldre. I hemsjukvården möter sjuksköterskan äldre personer som lever med smärta. Smärta som utgår från muskler, skelett och leder och som hindrar den äldre från att leva ett bra liv. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder sjuksköterskan i hemsjukvården kan göra för att lindra smärta. Metod: Som metod användes en litteraturöversikt som baseras på fem kvalitativa och tre kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar av föräldrars delaktighet i vården av unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa.

Background: Young adults undergo a phase in life when they try to become independent individuals and are expected to take responsibility. The transition to adult life, cause hardship for all young adults, but with concurrent mental illness this transition can be more complicated. The young adults may need support from their parents in connection with care.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' perceptions of parental participation in the care of young adults with mental illness.Method: To describe the perceptions of a phenomenon, qualitative interviews with a phenomenographic approach were conducted. The interview texts were analyzed into five description categories and 10 perceptions. In the study, eight nurses were interviewed.Results: The result shows that parental participation in the care is based on the young adult's decision.

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