

4780 Uppsatser om Safe care and nursing - Sida 35 av 319

Egenvård vid hjärtsvikt- en enkätstudie om vilka egenvårds åtgärder personer med hjärtsvikt säger sig använda i det dagliga livet

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Problematiska beteenden vid demens

Sveriges befolkning blir allt äldre och i takt med detta ökar andelen personer med demens och deras behov av vård. Svårigheter med att hantera beteendestörningar såsom aggression och agitation hos personer med demens har visat sig vara ett problem för vårdpersonal. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie har varit att samman-ställa aktuell vetenskaplig litteratur avseende vad som är viktigt i omvårdnaden av personer med demenssjukdom som uppvisar problematiska beteenden samt att undersöka vilket stöd vårdpersonalen behöver för att på ett professionellt sätt kun-na bemöta dessa personer. En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes utefter Goodmans sju forskningssteg (SBU, 1993), där vetenskapliga artiklar hittades efter sökningar i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultatet redovisar vikten av att som vårdpersonal försöka finna eventuella bakomliggande orsaker till de prob-lematiska beteendena samt att utforma omvårdnad som anpassas till individen.

Orden "dagis" och "förskola" i 1968 års Barnstugeutredning : En textanalytisk studie om balanserandet mellan omsorg och pedagogik

The aim of this study is to examine the language, used in parts of The day care report of 1968 (?1968 års Barnstugeutredning?). The day care report of 1968 was a public investigation appointed by the cabinet intended to prepare new policies on the part of the Swedish state.  I focus on the change, which can be assumed to have occurred, when replacing the names ?day care? (?dagis/daghem?) and ?kindergarten? (?lekskola?) with the name ?preschool? (?förskola?).


Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka patienternas psykosociala omvårdnads behov vid cancersjukdom. Metoden är en litteraturstudie, där tio vetenskapliga artiklar ligger till grund. Den teoretiska referensramen är Antonovskys syn på hälsa. Resultatet av denna studie visar på att cancerpatienter behöver Emotionellt stöd, Stärka känslan av hopp och Bibehålla sin livskvalitet. Genom dessa tre teman har det visat sig att patientens KASAM kan stärkas..

Kulturellt inlärda och överförda värderingar, normer och synsätt relaterat till fysisk smärta

Pain and pain treatment constitute a huge part of the general nurses work. For that reason the nurse is required to have great knowledge about this area. The fact that our society is getting more multicultural increase the nurses demands even more, to understand and treat pain in patients of foreign cultural background. The aim of this literature review is to examine which culturally learned and trans-ferred valuations, norms and approaches that appear related to physical pain. The aim is also to examine the most appropriate ways for the nurse to show respect and to get more information about this cultural experience in the encounter with the patient.

Sjuksköterskan och döden

Döden är ett kontroversiellt ämne som väcker starka känslor hos många människor. Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelser i samband med omvårdnaden av den döende patienten och hur sjuksköterskan hanterar sina upplevelser. Litteratursökning gjordes i sex databaser. 12 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och resultatet visade att sjuksköterskors upplevelser är av både positiv, styrkande art och av negativ, energikrävande art. Resultat uppkom även om sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt till yrkesrollen och hantering av upplevelser.

Upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande vid självskadebeteende : En studie av självbiografier

Background: Since the end of the 1990`s the self-harm among adolescents have increased. Research is needed on how to improve the ability to care for these patients. That is why it is important to investigate how patients who self-harm and the next of kin are encountered by the caregivers.Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate the experiences of encounters with caregivers at self-harm.Method: The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of autobiographies. Five autobiographies were analyzed in accordance with a description by Dahlborg-Lyckhage. Four of these were written by self-harmers and one by a next of kin.Results: Three themes and twelve subthemes emerged which describe both negative and positive experiences of encounters with caregivers.

Ett femstjärnigt hotell med full service : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnlig omsorgspersonals vardag och salutogent arbetssätt inom äldreomsorg

This study aims to seek knowledge of the salutogenic model within geriatric care. This is done by problematizing the female geriatric care personnel?s everyday life and conditions. The study?s comparative empirical focus includes interviews with ten women that work within geriatric care, at two different workplaces.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld inom akutsjukvård

Background: An indisputable right for nurses is to have a safe and secure work environment so they can deliver a high quality care. To bring a clear definition of what threat and violence are, is an important part in the work to prevent threat and violence. One part of the problem is that the experience and understanding of threat and violence can be different from one person to another. Aim: The aim of this quality study was to emphasize Nurses experience of threat and violence at workplace. Method: The method used in this study was qualitative interviews in the sense to bring out the nurses experience.

Fördelning av sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsarbete

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsarbete har förändrats genom tiderna. I början av 1900-talet var sjuksköterskeyrket ett kall, vilket huvudsakligen innefattades av att se till att smittosamma sjukdomar inte spreds vidare, samt hålla patienten ren. Idag innefattar sjuksköterskeyrket ett mer komplext arbete där administration, specialistvård, teknik, patientnära omvårdnad samt kontakt med andra yrkeskategorier och instanser ska vävas samman. Syftet med den här pilotstudien var att belysa hur fördelningen av sjuksköterskans arbetsuppgifter ser ut över dygnets 24 timmar. Strukturerad observationsmetod användes för datainsamling.

Anhörigvårdares Upplevelser Av Sitt Vardagliga Arbete

The family and relatives caring of older people in Sweden lies on an old tradition. By legislation the responsibility for the older people has gone through a development from the family to the society. According to the new social service law (2000) it is not that clear that the utmost responsibility lies on the society. According to the social service law ( 5th chapter, 10 §) the municipality should ease things up by giving support and relief for relatives taking care of older people, prolonged ill and function disabled people. The purpose with the study was to examine how the family care givers are finding their everyday work and their experience of the support that the society is giving.

Hemlösa personers upplevelse av mötet med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Homelessness is increasing, and health care is still difficult for many homeless people to achieve. If they get sick, it is both technically challenging to get a clinic they can go to, but also an economic problem because most of the homeless have no gainful employment. The fact that many homeless people experience bad attitudes of health care professionals is one reason why they don?t seek healthcare until an emergency arises. In the profession as a nurse, all people should be given equal treatment regardless of background.

Självskadande kvinnors upplevelse av bemötande i vården

The purpose of the study was to describe how women with deliberate self-harm behaviour experience they have been treated when conducting health care. The study has a qualitative and descriptive approach and data was collected with snowball sampling. Data was analysed with content analysis and ended up in three theme ?Feeling of violation of integrity and autonomy?, ?health care staff don´t have the courage to step in and take responsibility? and ? Personal confirmation and validation of feelings?. The results showed that many women with deliberate self-harm behavior feel that they have been badly treated when they conducting health care.

Vinsten av konkurrens - En analys av Stopplagens konsekvenser för konkurrensen på sjukhusmarknaden

Abstract Title: Benefit from Competition ? An analysis of the consequences of Stopplagen for the Swedish health care market Author: Cecilia Halldelius Tutor: Carl Hampus Lyttkens Date: 2005-09-05 Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine how the new legislation for the health care market, primarily the anti-profit-legislation, will affect the competition in the Swedish health care market. Method: The thesis is based on literary studies. By combining theories and empirics regarding the health care market, competition and profit, a deeper understanding of the aspects important for the chosen subject, is created. Combined with official reports and the new legislation, an analysis is formed.

Patienters upplevelser av prehospital sjukvård : -En litteraturstudie

Introduction: In Sweden the definition of ambulance nursing is the examination and treatment of sick or injured people done by ambulance nurses during transport.  This means not only focus on the illness or injury but also the human being treated. The paramedic service must be based on the presumption that the medical needs of the patients are guaranteed, and that the expectations and demands of the public are satisfied. Competence and availability are basic terms for a well-functional paramedic service. There is a lot of pressure put on the people working with pre-hospital nursing. One mistake can lead to serious consequences for the patient.

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