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Inställningen till partnering En jämförelse mellan byggmarknaderna i Stockholm och Göteborg
This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.
Bromodellering genom bromodulen i Revit Structure - Anpassning av programvara för skapande av ändskärmsbroar
This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.
VDC i produktionsfasen Implementering av virtuellt byggande för Veidekke Bygg Väst
This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.
Utvärdering av VAV i nybyggt kontorshus
VAV (Variable Air Volume) system has been studied in a newly constructed office-building. The goal for the study has been to evaluate how the ventilations system work in practice, if adjustments can be made to achieve an more energy efficient system and to evaluate if other alternative ventilation systems is to be preferred in the further.The degree project has been executed at Helenius Engineering Firm who is working with the environment, media systems, HVAC and energy in buildings. The building that has been studied is owned and operated by Akademiska hus.Literature studies, visits at site, inventory, review of system documentation, energy analyses, interviews, key figures, LCC, sand energy- and indoor climate simulations has been made to study the building. Where appropriate some tools from Six Sigma have also been used.How to achieve an energy efficient system and a pleasant indoor climate is studied with human health and well-being as base for the indoor climate requirements. Technical support systems such as ventilation systems have to be designed so that an acceptable indoor climate can be achieved.
Hållbar utveckling genom miljöbaserad offentlig upphandling? Miljökriterier i utvärdering av det ekonomiskt mest fördelaktiga anbudet
SummaryEurope?s public authorities are influential consumers. If they spend their money on greener products and services they can make an important contribution to the work towards a sustainable development. Green public procurement can thereby significantly improve the take-up of new environmental technologies. Through the effects of economies of scale, production costs be lowered and better equip us to fight environmental problems.
Evaluation of the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and a proposal on how to establish an enhanced animal welfare assurance program for the Swedish Trotting Association
According to the basic values of the Swedish Trotting Association the horse and its welfare should always be held in highest consideration. One part of the animal welfare work in the organization is to ensure good horse management practices by controlling all active trainers through the local licensing committees situated at the Swedish racetracks. The Swedish Board of Agriculture stated that high quality animal welfare assurance programs used by the industry organizations can be used in the risk assessment of the official animal welfare control to make the official control work more effective and the ambition of the Swedish Trotting Association is to establish an animal welfare assurance program which may be approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Racehorses are exposed to welfare hazards both in their management as well as during training and racing and factors like handling, training, feedstuff, stable environment, medication and the possibility to express natural behavior all affect the welfare of the horses.
The aim of the project is to investigate and evaluate the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and to give advice on how to improve the industry?s animal welfare control.
Does vaccination against Feline Parvovirus protect hospitalized raccoon kits from clinical outbreaks of parvoviral disease?
The Northern Raccoon (Procyon lotor) belongs to the Carnivore-family and is a species endemic to North America. Every year hundreds of orphaned raccoon cubs are admitted into the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota (WRCM), a non-profit organization where all injured or orphaned wild animals are admitted and receive quality health care with the goal of being released out into the wild.
The WRCM routinely vaccinate all of the admitted raccoon cubs with a killed feline panleucopenia vaccine, but despite this there are outbreaks of parvovirus infection every year where up to 50% of the admitted cubs have been euthanized or died. The objective of this study was to determine whether vaccinating the admitted raccoon kits has any significant protective effect to developing clinical parvoviral disease.
A single-blinded cohort study was designed with two parallel, independent groups. One group was given a dose of killed feline parvovirus vaccine at admission, and the other group was not given any vaccination at all. Assignment to the vaccinated or unvaccinated group was on a per-litter basis and done randomly by drawing lots out of a box.
Planering och projektering för individuell mätning och debitering i flerbostadshus
The study aims to reduce energy consumption in apartment buildings where individual metering and charging of heat is applied. The aim is to develop planning and design for individual metering and charging in apartment buildings.The study is based on literature review, interviews and case study that include analysis of existing documents. Interviews were carried out with the property developer and the involved consultants who planned the apartment building Yasuragi. To investigate the differences the condominium association has noted in heat consumption between flats, the debit values of the heat were used to discern which houses that were furthest from the average consumption. On these flats there were temperature measurements and thermal photo shoots made for discriminating behavior and possible construction techniques which could be the explanation for the heat spread.Boverket shows that the consumption of heat can be reduced by 10-20% after insertion of individual metering and charging in an apartment block.
Göra plats - Om trängbodda barns vardagspraktiker
The essay examines through semi-structured interviews the experiences of overcrowded housing, as they are portrayed through the eyes of children aged 8 ? 14. Overcrowded housing has an effect on children?s school performance, general health and is often linked to less capacity for normal social consumption. Yet there seems to be little done in terms of interrogating children about how they perceive their situation here and now.
"Han är inte mer än människa" : En studie av hur pressen framställer kungens offentliga och privata roll när "skandalbiografin" utkommer 2010
The aim of this paper is to examine how the press describes the public and private role of the Swedish monarch in texts that report about the biography Carl XVI Gustaf ? den motvillige monarken (Sjöberg et al. 2010) when it is published in November 2010. The examined period ranges between the days just before the release and a fortnight after. The analysis is limited to standard Swedish papers: a daily, Svenska Dagbladet, and an evening paper, Expressen.Questions asked in the study are: In what ways do the analysed texts raise a discussion about the monarchy?s importance or function in the society of today, that is a public debate on the monarchy? To what extension are status symbols used in the constructing of royalty, that is what Jürgen Habermas (2003) describes as representative publicity? What similarities and differences are found when comparing the news articles in the daily and in the evening paper?The method used to answer the aim and questions is the critical discourse analysis, as Norman Fairclough (1995) describes it, and the theoretical perspective of the essay is Jürgen Habermas? (2003) theory about the bourgeois public sphere.The result shows that the news articles in the daily unsurprisingly construct only a public who wants to debate on the monarchy.
Den nya tidens idrottsundervisning : En kvalitativ studie om fakta- och förståelsebaserad undervisning i träningslära
Aim: The purpose of this study is to, referring to Shulman?s pedagogical content knowledge theory (PCK), examine how selected Physical Education teachers, educated in GIH and with a maximum of two years' work in upper secondary school, pursue their education in training theory. Moreover, another purpose is to examine how their education at GIH has prepared them for teaching in this subsection. Questions to be answered:? What are teachers' attitudes to training methods as part of physical education and health in upper secondary school?? In what way, referring to PCK-theory, are teachers working with training theory??In what way do the teachers think that their education at GIH has contributed to their teaching in training theory, referring to the pedagogical content knowledge theory?Method: The study has a qualitative approach and study design consisting of five semi-structured interviews with teachers working with Physical Education in upper secondary school. The selection was made considering that all teachers have been educated at GIH and had a maximum of two years working experience.
Glödljus vs. LED-ljus : En rumslig analys av ljuskvalitén i hemmiljö
Det finns fortfarande för många hushåll i Sverige som använder mest glödljus för belysning, i form av glödlampor eller halogenlampor. Detta orsakar en väsentlig del av det onödiga överskott av koldioxidutsläpp som är en av orsakerna till den globala uppvärmningen. Därför avser detta examensarbete att försöka skapa en grönare miljö genom att studera och uppmärksamma faktorer som påverkar val av ljuskällor i belysningssammanhang.Syftet med examensarbetet är att få en ökad förståelse för hur LED-ljuset upplevs i hemmiljö. Arbetet ska visa hur LED-ljuskällans nuvarande kvalité bedöms utifrån individuella rumsupplevelser samt om ytterligare kvalitetsförbättringar behövs. Detta görs för att kunna vända allmänhetens inställning i en mer positiv riktning gentemot LED, vilket kan bidra till en mer ekologiskt hållbar miljö.För att undersöka hur LED fungerar i hemmiljö genomfördes en experimentell studie med syfte att besvara följande frågor: hur upplevs LED-ljusets kvalité jämfört med halogenljusets, hur tror man att det egna välmåendet påverkas av halogenljus respektive LED-ljus, hur påverkas rumsupplevelsen och rumskaraktären om halogenljus ersätts med LED-ljus och finns det några skillnader mellan ljusdesigners och icke ljusdesigners upplevelse av halogenljus och LED-ljus i hemmiljö?Det byggdes upp två likadana försöksrum som hade samma förutsättningar både storleksmässigt, inredningsmässigt och belysningsmässigt.
Dynamiken mellan sändare och mottagare- en studie av Acne Jeans, Filippa K och konsumenten i Stockholm och Göteborg
The consumer today is affected by a considerably larger number of world surrounding factors than she used to be, borders between different cultures and other consumer differences are being erased to a growing extent. The consumer can easily get its inspiration from many different directions which become clear in the common life. We eat sushi for lunch, we?re driving German cars and we?re having dinner with international business partners. The community also exposes the consumer for a more intense noise from offers, impact and marketing.
Köpcentrum som upplevelserum : Hur påverkas konsumenter av miljöattribut?
Att shoppa har blivit en utav våra allra vanligaste ledighetssysslor. Konsumenter rör sig obehindrat mellan butiker och dess olika miljöer, ofta på ett slumpmässigt sätt. Frågan är hur mycket slump det faktiskt är hur miljöerna får konsumeter att må och att röra sig. Vi har valt att observera konsumenter för att se hur miljön påverkar till både aktiva beslut och kognitiva beslut. Miljön ska skapa rätt känslor hos konsumenter för att de ska trivas i miljön samt återvända till den.Tjänstemiljö är ett allt mer centralt begrepp för företag, eftersom det ses som en funktion att skapa avsedda känslor genom att avbilda en annan verklighet.
Webbutiker ? Hur hanteras frånvaron av det fysiska rummet för kommunikation?
Online shopping is growing and its turnover increases each year. Internet hastherefore become an important retail location for companies. Web shops lack thephysical room for marketing as well as face-to-face interaction between customer andsalesperson. Therefore there is a need to develop marketing and customercommunication methods for this way of shopping. In physical shops the customer hasthe ability to try on the garments and be pampered by the staff.