

677 Uppsatser om Room acoustics - Sida 15 av 46

Innovation på Itkonsultföretag. En fallstudie på EVRY

Companies today are exposed to a turbulent market with fierce competition and the ability toinnovate itself becomes increasingly important. But what innovation is and how it is managed is farfrom obvious. In this case study at EVRY the research questions are: ?What is innovation in ITconsultant companies?? and ?how can innovation be managed in IT consultant companies?? ITconsultancy is a complex type of business and their focus is often to innovate the customers businessrather than their own. The study is based on a literature review, field studies, unstructuredinterviews and an interpretive analysis.

Vi måste ge barnen många verktyg! : En undersökning om hur pedagoger väljer läsinlärningsmetoder i första klass

This paper aims to examine how, and if, music is being used integrated in other subjects thanmusic in school. The study is based on qualitative interviews and I haveinterviewed fourteachers, regardless of whether they use music a lot or not.The questions the study is basedon are if there might be a connection between theteachers' own feelings for music andwhether they use music inschool or not, how music is being used and does the use of musicgive any effects?The result of this study shows that there can be a connection between the teachers ownsfeelings for music and the fact if they use music when they teach or not. One of the teachersI?ve interviewed had bad music experiences and didnot use music in her teaching.

Experimentell spelmekanik - Realtidsaction m oter turbaserad strategi

In the gaming industry, it has long been popular to combine genres with the aim ofcreating games that bring together the best of several worlds. However, there are stillmany unexplored combinations with good potential.This report addresses the planning and development of a game prototype that combinestwo game genres, turn-based and real-time strategy. In addition to presenting the results,the report also discusses the di culties that were encountered and how they were handled.The prototype contains a working combat system and a basic AI. The prototype ismodular, which means that it is easy for an end user to extend the game with extra content.Most elements that were considered important from the two genres were implemented, butthere is still room for improvement and further development.The result is evaluated by means of quality assurance, a process that is commonly usedin the gaming industry. The response has been generally positive, which indicates thatthe combination has potential and should be explored further..

Trädens betydelse för gatan :

?The trees importance to the street? discusses just that, the trees importance to the street. The purpose of this paper has been to examine what influence the trees have on streets. By writing about good examples of how trees can add good qualities to a street I wish to inspire to more use of trees in future city-planning. I have examined three streets in Malmö and three streets in Berlin and analyzed the trees influences there through the help of literature by three authors: Great Streets (1993) and The Boulevard Book (2002) by Allan B. Jacobs, Trees in Urban Design (1993) by Henry F.

Varumärkespersonlighetens betydelse i köpprocessen- En studie om hur konsumeter resonerar vid köp

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this essay is to investigate possible questions generated by theperformance/installation Har hon inget vettigare att göra? Du då. Har du inget annat att hitta på än att ståoch glo på henne? by the artist Elin Wikström. The Constructed Situation invites the spectator to be apart of a continuing process of thought.The subjective feeling makes an important insight to the work through methods of the aestheticsand the performative., mainly from Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf.

Inneklimatundersökning : Hur fungerar ventilationssystemen i två större lokaler och hur ser kommunikationen kring detta ut mellan hyresgäster, hyresvärd och projektör?

This examination paper is a study of the indoor climate in a theatre and a practice room for orchestras placed in Sickla in Stockholm. The designer of the ventilation system wondered if he had managed too make a good environment for the users and he also wondered which of the rooms that had the most desirable climate. The project includes polls for visitors, interviews of people connected to the rooms and measurements of the physical environment. The results show a small dissatisfaction about the thermal indoor climate, it?s a little bit to cold and the air draws.

Bibliotekscaféet som place: En användarstudie om bibliotkscaféer på folkbibliotek

The aim of this study is to investigate the meaning of the librarycafé for its visitors as a place. By this study we want to see howimportant the library café is as a place. Our theoretical departurepoint is an adaption of the space and place-theory, by Fisher,Saxton, Edwards & Mai. By adapting the theory to a libraryperspective it helps us to understand how library users look uponthe library café as place.Using a qualitative approach the empirical material has beencollected through observations and interviews. We observed andcarried out interviews with six library café visitors at threedifferent library cafés.Our findings are that the library café is used in many differentways and by many different peoples.

Autonom bil med enkapseldator och ultraljudssensorer : tillämpning av en Arduino mikrokontrollerplattform och HC-SR04 sensorer

 Autonomous cars or robot cars havebeen on the agenda ever sinceHollywood started with their Sci-Figenre, maybe even before that. A lotof things have happened since then andnow the self-driving vehicle is notfar away. In this project, theAutonomous car with microcontrollerand ultrasonic sensors, we are lookingat a way of making a small, regular RCcar autonomous with relatively simplemeans and investigate how the bigcompanies does it to learn more aboutthe development of the autonomous carsand their technology.We used an Arduino Uno R3 supplementedwith an Arduino Motor Shield R3 as ourmicrocontroller board and three HCSR04ultrasonic sensors. By removingalmost all of the old parts of the RCcar,except the two DC motors, andreplacing them with these new parts wemanaged to make a vehicle that drovearound in a room without crashing intoanything. We could have used entirelydifferent sensors, or supplemented theexisting setup with other sensors tomake it even more accurate andobstacle avoiding.

Lean filosofi ? fem steg till ordning och reda på arbetsplatsen : Lean philosophy ? five steps to get the workplace in order

Part 1 of 2  ? Lean philosophy ? five steps to get the workplace in order?Part one deals with the theory of what Lean and 5S are.Lean is a long-term approach that involves a quest to become the best on the market by increasing employee engagement, eliminate waste and focus on the right things.5S is a method of order in a system. Businesses around the world are using these 5S which stands for sort, straighten, shine, standardize and sustain. Part 2 of 2 ? Lean philosophy ? five steps to get the workplace in order?Part 2 deals with the practical about 5S and a short summery about the company Wibax AB where the degree thesis took place.Wibax has a a project which involves using 5S in practice and create order in the in preparation lab and in the control room.By finding a solution to this mess reduces the time that was previously spent on searching equipment. Instead of search, the workers can do the real work..

The Angel in the House och dess motsats i Virginia Woolfs författarskap : En jämförande och analytisk närläsning av kvinnliga karaktärer i The Voyage Out och To the Lighthouse

This academic essay explores the possibilities to knowledge of God in the thought of Thomas Aquinas. The essay takes its departure from question 12 in the Summa Theologiae, specifically articles 12 and 13 that deal with natural knowledge of God and supernatural knowledge, respectively. It also presents objections made by modern philosophers against these ways of knowledge along with a rebuttal of these objections. Lastly, a conclusion is offered and ends with a reflection on how Aquinas' teaching on human knowledge of God in earthly existence compares with his teaching on the knowledge human beings will have in heaven and what consequences that has for our present knowledge..

Go Down Arts Centre : Nairobi, Kenya

The Go Down Arts Centre is a proposal for a new building to an existing organisation in Nairobi, Kenya. The proposal relates to the scale of the city by making a statement on a future urban path, and by welcoming the city in to the building. The proposal houses both activities affiliated to Go Down, such as studios and rehersal rooms, as well as opportunities for the visitor to meet and interact with the culture produced at Go Down, both in formal and informal settings. The building is closed to its surroundings, apart from a grand entrance towards the urban path. There, the city passes through the building to an inner courtyard, where the communication to all the rooms and activities takes place.

Musik som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel : En undersökning i hur musik används i skolan och vilka effekter användandet ger

This paper aims to examine how, and if, music is being used integrated in other subjects thanmusic in school. The study is based on qualitative interviews and I haveinterviewed fourteachers, regardless of whether they use music a lot or not.The questions the study is basedon are if there might be a connection between theteachers' own feelings for music andwhether they use music inschool or not, how music is being used and does the use of musicgive any effects?The result of this study shows that there can be a connection between the teachers ownsfeelings for music and the fact if they use music when they teach or not. One of the teachersI?ve interviewed had bad music experiences and didnot use music in her teaching.

Styrdokumentskonvertering i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie av fem gymnasielärares förhållningssätt till 2011 års styrdokument i ämnet historia

Policy document conversion in practice ? a qualitative study of five upper grade teachers approach to the 2011 policy documents in history.This essay examines five upper grade teachers approach to the new 2011 policy documents in the history school subject, as well as it?s impact on the teachers class room activities. Also, the study examines what factors have influenced this conversion process. Colleagues, the school management and the Swedish Skolverket (the Swedish school management organisation, controlled by the Swedish government) are in this study the main external influences that are studied. The study is carried out with an organisation theoretical approach, witch states that controlling the schools practical activities is hard, taking in to account a great variety of ?problems? that follow a teachers every day work.

Test och verifiering av en ny inkapslingsmetod för SiC BJT och MOSFET

The use of silicon carbide (SiC) as a base material in power electronics has manyadvantages, including high breakdown voltage and excellent temperature endurance.However, the packaging of such electronics presents major challenges and there is aneed for packaging that can operate in higher temperature. The purpose of this thesishas been to develop a test method and verify the functionality of SiC powertransistors prototypes with a new packaging technique developed by Swerea IVF AB.It includes setting up an electrical test-bed for power and high temperature cyclingand analysis of the results. Even though test confirmed functionality after thepackaging process, (at room temperature) the performance seemed to have been reduced. This could be a result of the measurement setup and the packaging process.In higher temperature the transistors failed to operate longer than a couple ofminutes which showed the weaknesses in the design and the challenges with this typeof packaging..

Twig ceiling. Emotionell design i sjukhusmiljö - ur ett barnperspektiv

To be examined in hospitals can sometimes be perceived aspainful by children. Therefore there is a need for something,which can distract children?s attention from their perceivedpain. During my graduation project, I discovered a designopportunity to work with suspended ceiling systems inexamination rooms, as there is not much to look at whilebeing examined.The result, Twig Ceiling is an interactive nature-inspiredbacklit module with colored LEDs. Twig Ceiling has onelayer of pattern that is visible when the module is not litand the second layer of pattern appears when turning onthe light.

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