

599 Uppsatser om Risks. - Sida 36 av 40

Påverkan på yttre miljö ? Identifiering av miljöaspekter och riskkällor

The increased interest in a sustainable environment puts pressure on companies in the manufacturing industry. Rexcell Tissue & Airlaid AB (Rexcell) in Skåpafors produces paper to be converted into tabletop and hygiene products. Rexcell is certified according to the environmental management system ISO 14001, gaining competitive advantages by showing that the company works toward a sustainable environment and that they follow current legislation. The activities at the company are classified as hazardous to the environment according to the Environmental code. Every year, the activities are inspected by an independent inspector.

Steget från tanke till handling : En studie om viktiga faktorer för nyföretagande bland kvinnliga studenter

Women who support themselves through self-employment are relatively low compared to men, in Sweden. Women make up around 30 percent of newly started enterprises. The Swedish government considers that the Swedish economical growth would increase if there were more companies. Through encouraging women to start enterprises to the same extent as men, Sweden can increase growth rate and create more employment. Despite all efforts being made, advances are not really reached.

Avsättningsmöjligheter för slaggrus från avfallsförbränning vid Åmotfors Energi

The incineration of waste is steadily increasing in Sweden and so is the production of ashes. The bottom ash has for many years been used as construction material in landfills. Now many of the nation's landfills are closed and there is a great need to find another beneficial use for the ash. Bottom ash is a gravel-like material and with its material properties it can replace natural gravel in parts of roads and surface constructions. Today this use is only approved within landfill areas where leachate is collected and checked.

Potentiella virala zoonoser hos apor på svenska djurparker år 2008

This paper is a compilation of some of the important viral zoonosis that can be passed from apes and simians (simian and prosimian) to man. Viral zoonoses are viral diseases that can be passed from animals to humans. The paper will also provide a better insight of the risks workers and visitors to the zoo can be exposed to. The viruses that this paper is focused on is herpes Bvirus, simian T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (STLV), simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), Ebola virus, Marburg virus, yellowfever virus, monkeypoxvirus and hepatitis B virus. The choice of viruses is based on how infectious they are and how pathogenic they are.

Pilotstudie för att utvärdera effekten av L-Mesitran : honungsbaserad sårsalva : vid behandling av yt-pyodermi hos hund.

Green manuring is a way of creating an organic fertilizer by growing a crop that is mowed down. Besides the fertilizing effect this method has been shown to have a positive influ-ence on soil organic matter as well as weed flora, and green manure is an important me-thod of weed control in organic farming in parts of Sweden. However, the release of nu-trients from the green manure varies and can therefore be difficult to control. Risks for losses of nutrients are also present. Although the area of organic farmland is increasing in Sweden, the use of green manure is decreasing.This report contains a literature study which compiles research on the functions of green manure in a cropping system and also how the crop can be used if harvested, for example to produce biogas.

Variationer- En intervjustudie om sexualitet och uppfattningen av det normala

Can the need for inclusion result in certain social norms remain unchallenged, and over time become hard to identify? To ?fit in? and be accepted in different social contexts we have to behave according to the dominating rules and conventions. We accept characteristics and make use of attributes specific for the group we want to be a part of. When we accept these attributes we contribute to keep the concept of them alive. Further on these attributes will be picked up by the next person who wants to become a part of that specific context.

Risker och osa?kerheter med solcellsinvesteringar : Risks and uncertainties with photovoltaic investments

Syftet med rapporten a?r att beskriva hur fastighetsbolaget, Varbergs Fastighets AB och energibolaget, Halmstad Energi och Miljo? hanterar de risk-, och osa?kerhetsfaktorer som fo?rekommer vid solcellsinvesteringar.Fo?r att energisamha?llet skall na? en ha?llbar framtid kra?vs att elproduktionen kommer ifra?n fo?rnybara energika?llor. Sedan a?r 2008 har installationstakten fo?r solceller i Sverige o?kat. A?r 2012 installerades 8,3 MW solceller och a?r 2013 mer a?n fo?rdubblades den installerade effekten till 19 MW (Lindahl, 2014).

Narrativ i visuell media

Denna undersökning omfattar kamerans inverkan på narrativet i visuella medium. Syftet är att få en insikt i hur kunskap om kameratekniker och ?vinklar påverkar hur åskådaren uppfattar vad regissören vill förmedla, och undvika att fokus sätts på element i filmscener som riskerar att förvirra åskådaren. För att undersöka detta problemområde har litteratur om filmhistoria och kamerateknik använts för att sammanfatta kunskap om hur kameran skall användas, för att förmedla relevant information och bygga upp den effekt som regissören strävar efter. Informationen utifrån detta har därefter tjänat som utgångspunkt för att skapa en kort animerad film med rymdtema där kameran eftersträvar att leverera en konkret visuell upplevelse där vinklar används för att understryka vad varje scen vill förmedla.

Think global, act local!? : Hur ett svenskt företag går till väga för att skapa ett enhetligt budskap i olika kulturer

An uncountable number of companies are present in foreign markets as a result of what we commonly choose to call globalization. This is especially true for Swedish companies traditionally operating on small markets. A company that is about to establish on a new market is faced not only with possibilities but also with challenges and Risks. Researchers have found that companies that establish on foreign markets will have to deal with competitors on the national as well as on the global market, and therefore need consider how they globalize their brands. In addition to this, a brand can only reach international success if its message is coherent within and across every single market.

Hur påverkar bävern skogens värden?

The activities of beavers in forested landscapes affect both ecological and economical values. The creation of the dynamic wetland mosaic associated to beaver activities can even improve the quality of water and have been documented as an important landscape engineer affecting the environment for many species. The local office of Sveaskog in Skinnskatteberg is responsible for the management of large areas of the forests in the County of Västmanland. In this area one of several company?s goals are to create ten new wetlands in their own forests as a part of cooperation with the Swedish bird society and Swedish wetland association.

Gröngödslingens roll i odlingssystemet : en jämförelse mellan Mälarregionen och Östergötland

Green manuring is a way of creating an organic fertilizer by growing a crop that is mowed down. Besides the fertilizing effect this method has been shown to have a positive influ-ence on soil organic matter as well as weed flora, and green manure is an important me-thod of weed control in organic farming in parts of Sweden. However, the release of nu-trients from the green manure varies and can therefore be difficult to control. Risks for losses of nutrients are also present. Although the area of organic farmland is increasing in Sweden, the use of green manure is decreasing.This report contains a literature study which compiles research on the functions of green manure in a cropping system and also how the crop can be used if harvested, for example to produce biogas.

Narrativ i visuell media

Denna undersökning omfattar kamerans inverkan på narrativet i visuella medium. Syftet är att få en insikt i hur kunskap om kameratekniker och ?vinklar påverkar hur åskådaren uppfattar vad regissören vill förmedla, och undvika att fokus sätts på element i filmscener som riskerar att förvirra åskådaren. För att undersöka detta problemområde har litteratur om filmhistoria och kamerateknik använts för att sammanfatta kunskap om hur kameran skall användas, för att förmedla relevant information och bygga upp den effekt som regissören strävar efter. Informationen utifrån detta har därefter tjänat som utgångspunkt för att skapa en kort animerad film med rymdtema där kameran eftersträvar att leverera en konkret visuell upplevelse där vinklar används för att understryka vad varje scen vill förmedla.

Kommunikationens roll för långsiktig överlevnad : En studie om små och medelstora företag i den svenska modebranschen

Background: The Swedish fashion industry grows steadily, today it?s populated by many small and medium sized companies. Due to the big clothing chains dominant position small businesses risks to be ousted out of the fashion industry.Smaller companies may find it difficult to reach out to the customer by traditional advertising because their budgets are often smaller. It is therefore important for smaller companies to create loyal customers. If the smaller sized businesses in the fashion industry do not follow the rapid developments in society and focus on building strong brands and relationships, they will have problems with surviving in the long run.Problem definition: Which communicative factors are important in the choice of brand strategy to create a long-term survival for small and medium-sized companies in the fashion industry?Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to analyse and evaluate the brand as a communications tool for building a brand image.Method: The data which is being used in the essay is collected from interviews with companies and survey of each company's existing and potential customers.Theoretical perspective: Relationship Marketing Perspective and Transaction Marketing PerspectiveTheories: Brand Strategies, Total Communication, Brand Equity, Involvement Theory, Service Value Profit Chain.Empiric: The empirical data is primary data gathered from interviews with a representative for each company and from the questionnaires distributed to the customers of each company.Analysis: The analysis is an interpretation of the empirical material collected from interviews with each company and customers survey.

Riskbedömning vid Saltvikens kopparverk

AbstractAt Saltvikens copperindustry, which is located in the municipality of Oskarshamn, copper was refined from sulphiteore some hundred years ago. The ore underwent several steps in the process before the final product was received. These steps all had an influence on the environment through discharge of heavy metals. The area where the copper industry was located is today considered to be of specific national interest due to its valuable nature and cultural values, as well as its value for recreational outdoor activities. Therefore, it is important to determine the present level of contamination and if any transport of contaminants have occurred, and to identify the risks that are associated with the site both at present and in a longer time perspective.Thirtynine soil samples and 16 sediment samples have been analyzed.

Hjälp i tid : En fallstudie av pedagogers tidiga insatser i åk 1 för att förebygga läs- och skrivsvårigheter

Syftet med fallstudien var att studera hur lärare, speciallärare och specialpedagog beskriver sitt förebyggande och stödjande arbete med att tidigt upptäcka och åtgärda läs- och skrivsvårigheter i åk 1. Vi har genom kvalitativa intervjuer med två lärare, en speciallärare och en specialpedagog fått en ingående bild av hur detta arbete ser ut på två olika stockholmsskolor. Utifrån pedagogernas intervjusvar tycker vi oss kunna säga att teori och praktik stämmer bra överens och mycket av det som vi har läst i litteraturen verkar också praktiseras ute på de två skolor som vi har studerat. Studien har visat att pedagogerna inte använder sig av ?vänta-och- se?- pedagogiken för att barnens läsning ska komma igång av sig självt utan de menar att de arbetar medvetet förebyggande och med tidiga insatser när det gäller barn som ligger i riskzonen för läs- och skrivsvårigheter.

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